Chapter 27: To war

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(Hiccup's pov)

I had walked toward the mountains since I left the Hooligan and Wolf village, I was still shirtless, grimy and still caked in the blood of the warriors I killed. I had been walking non stop and didn't bother looking back, it was now late evening by the time I was in the deep forests, under normal circumstances. I'd be lost. But that was not the case, I was looking for a secret lodge that served as a hideout for the royals of Arendelle should anyone tried to usurp Arendelle's ruler from power. I sighed joyous as I laid eyes on the lodge, but before I could move, I felt a sword at my neck, before I could turn around, the blade pressed harder into my neck, drawing blood, I hissed as my blood trickled down my neck.

"Who are you?"

I knew that voice very well.


Said man removed his sword and chuckled in disbelief as we laid eyes on each other, we then embraced each other tightly and patted each others backs when we separated. "Lord Haddock! Forgive me, I did not know it was you!" Irwin said with a bow of his head, I waved his apology aside. "Don't worry about it, right now? I wish to see my wives and mother. Are they here?" I asked with hope, Irwin gave me a reassuring smile and nodded. "They are. Follow me." The big Saxon moved towards the lodge and I was right behind him, eager to see my wives and mother once again.

Upon entering the lodge, I saw Valka sleeping at the table, I saw Elsa and Anna's loyal servant Athelwold, Lord Clemenson and many of my wives personal guards. I nodded in acknowledgment to them all and approached my mother, I rubbed her back gently, causing her to stir from her sleep, when she looked up, her eyes widened in shock and pure joy. "Hiccup?" She asked, I nodded at her. "Hi Mom." I said with a smile, Valka laughed and embraced me tightly, I returned her embrace and held her tightly.

"Oh, Hiccup. Believe me when I say we were coming back to save you. I swear we were." She sobbed out, I shushed her and kissed her hair. "There's no need for that now. I'm here." I confirmed, when we broke apart, Valka had tears of happiness streaming down her cheeks and she caressed my cheeks. "You need a bath young man." She stated, causing me and everyone gathered to laugh at my mothers words.

"Valka? Whats going on--"

I turned to see Elsa, my wife was draped in her night gown, she gasped at the sight of me and covered her mouth with her hands, I swallowed thickly and approached her. "Elsa." I whisper to her, the sight of me causes Elsa to break down in tears, she pulls into a deep and passionate kiss, I moan lightly against her lips and kiss her back, I lifted her off the ground and spun her around lightly, never once disconnecting our lips. When we broke apart from each others lips, Elsa caressed my cheeks and laughed in joy. "H-How did you escape?" She asked, I looked away and inhaled sharply. "Edgar and I... we were in Iceland, we were to be sold to King Olaf of the War-Born, I killed Olaf, Edgar and I escaped... but we got caught once more and... Edgar was used as a figurehead for my slave masters ship, Edgar he... he drowned." I choked out, causing Irwin's face to drop with sadness, I knew Edgar was like a son to Irwin, and Elsa's face dropped as well. "Hiccup, I'm so sorry." She said, I kissed her knuckles and nodded to her thanks.

"Where's Anna?" I ask, Elsa took my hand to where my second wife was located, upon reaching Anna's room, she was already asleep, I tucked in a strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead, Elsa squeezed my hand and I looked back to her. "Hans, he... he captured me and Anna days ago, he... brutalized me with flogging and... he raped Anna." She said with disgust and anger, my anger rose to a boiling point, that... animal raped Anna?!! I shook my head and muttered out. "I will spill his guts open and feed them to pigs." Elsa placed a hand on my shoulder. "He'll suffer for what he's done, believe me. But we have more pressing matters." She informed, I cocked my head in curiosity, Elsa then clarified. "Hans has Bloodhair's warriors and the War-Born armies to call upon if he is attacked. No doubt, both Viking tribes are near Arendelle, awaiting Hans command to attack."

I sighed heavily and nodded, I then turn back to Elsa. "My father and his ally, Magnus the Rabid will no doubt join the battle as well. This battle will be an invitation to many Viking tribes to share in glory and spoils. Tell me you have an army besides my mothers clan of dragon riders and dragons?" I ask, Elsa nods and answers. "I do. An army made from my own powers. I shall unleash the wrath of winter upon my enemies and take back what is ours." She said firmly, as I looked back to Anna, Elsa cupped my chin to face her. "Should we survive this battle Hiccup, I... I want you to be King of Arendelle." She says, I look at her with shock, yes, since marrying Elsa and Anna, I was closer to gaining the throne of Arendelle, but that thought never really crossed my mind, only my marriage with the women I loved mattered to me during that time.

"You want me to be king?" I ask, she nods in confirmation. "The people of Arendelle love you Hiccup, they already look up to you as a king, so why not? Should we win the fight ahead of us? I shall name you King of Arendelle." She firmly says, I nod at her and smile. "Very well Milady." I say, we share a warm smile and kiss each other passionately and deeply.

"Go to be Milady. I need to wash away the stench of death, grime and filth off my skin." I say, Elsa nods and pecks my lips before retiring to her bed, I then head to nearest spring with a smile on my face. I was reunited with my people, and I was happy, despite the threat we all faced? I was happy. Happy to be back where I belong with my wives, my mother and my dragon. Valka told me that Toothless was back where the Ryttere's first settled upon arriving in England, she already sent messages to the Ryttere to bring every dragon that could fight with them and prepare for all out war.

Once I had finished bathing, I returned to the lodge and slipped into bed with Elsa, we spooned together, with her back against my chest, I wrapped my arms below her breasts and held her tightly, she purred in delight and whispered out. "I love you Hiccup." I kissed her hair and nuzzled into her neck. "I love you too Elsa. Sleep now, we have a war to fight tomorrow." I say, Elsa nods and soon, we both drift to sleep.

(Normal pov)

Elsa awoke with Hiccup clutching her tightly and with his face buried in her neck, causing the Queen of Arendelle to smile, last nights slumber was the best she'd had in days. Anna had also been sleeping peacefully throughout the night as well, no night terror daring to haunt her. The only light in her room came from the dim, rusty lantern sitting atop a nearby crate. It was still dark, but something in Elsa told her that dawn was approaching soon.

It is time.

Anna was still fast asleep, a faint smile on her beautiful face as she dreamt of good things. As much as Elsa hates it, she has to leave her sister behind until she secures Arendelle for her sake. Anna protested her choice last night vehemently until Elsa reluctantly agreed to take her with her to the battle.

But unbeknownst to her sister, Elsa had lied to her. Although, Elsa had always despised lying to the girl-- especially after what they have been through recently. But for the sake of Anna's safety, and in turn, Elsa's own safety-- she had to do it. The horrors of war were too much for the younger girl's still mending mind.

The ends justify the means.

Exhaling softly, Elsa carefully maneuvered herself out from Hiccup's loving hold, she shook Hiccup awake, when the man awoke, Elsa placed a finger on her lips, telling him to be quiet. "Its time. Lets go." She says, Hiccup nods and gets out of bed, Elsa turns to Anna and gives her sister a final kiss goodbye, before she summoned her upgraded ice armor and waited patiently for Hiccup finish strapping the last strap of his acquired leather armor and placing both his Inferno blades in their scabbards, the two then slipped out the door into the main room. Lord Clemenson and Aiden were already awake and were waiting for Hiccup and Elsa in the living room, gathered around a map of Arendelle lying on the table. A cup of tea and a plate of cold meat and dry bread were awaiting her on the dinner table.

"Good morning Queen Elsa. Lord Hiccup." Clemenson greeted both his superiors, placing his little cup of tea down on a plate. The housecarl acknowledged Elsa and Hiccup with a reverent bow of his head.

Elsa sat down and hastily began her breakfast. "Are you two prepared? Do you remember the plan?" She asked them after quickly finishing the bland food, as did Hiccup. She prayed that the meal will give her enough strength to last the battle until she can get real food.

The two men nodded their heads, recalling the quick, yet effective battle plan all three of them had brainstormed last night. The plan-- christened Operation Fimbulwinter-- was relatively simple, relying on trickery, rapid troop movement and overwhelming brute force to succeed in reclaiming Arendelle from the traitors grasp. Aiden and Lord Clemenson were to lead the frost golem infantry in a flanking maneuver around Arendelle while waiting for Elsa's charge against the Southern Isle warships, Hiccup, Valka and the Ryyttere would deal with the Viking armies that would be at Hans aid, When the cavalry charge commences and distracts Hans warships and garrison, the vanguard force storms the city while Han's thugs are inattentive. The frozen army will then proceed to retake the city from the Southern Isles, while Elsa takes on the mad Prince and puts an end to his tyranny.

Despite their rather simplistic approach to attacking the city, Elsa was confident Hiccup, Anna and her would be sleeping together in her bed by nighttime.

After breakfast was finished and the two men were clad in winter gear, Elsa led them outside for final preparations. The Army of Arendelle awaited for their Queen and future King, having kept a silent vigil overnight. Elsa inspected her golems meticulously, then she judged their numbers are still insufficient to take on the city. With a simple wave of her hand, she summons forty more mounted knights and an additional fifty ice infantry, now making their numbers a respectable one hundred and seventy strong.

Taking a deep breath, Elsa conjures her war cloak, along with two war steeds for the two men. Thankfully the Ryttere arrived, with Toothless among them, the dragon and his rider exchanged hugs before preparing for battle. Elsa laid eyes on Luna, she summoned her Light Fury, the dragon and her rider touched foreheads before the Queen of Arendelle mounted her beautiful dragon, Clemenson and Arnbjorn following suit mounting their steeds. "Alright, I'm ready to fight." The General said as he took the reins of his frost stallion.

Aiden trotted up behind him, his hand resting on his steel blade. "I'm ready as well, my Queen."

Elsa turned to her husband, Hiccup smiled warmly at her and nodded. "I'm with you my love. To the death." He said, Elsa smiled at him and nodded. "Then it's settled." The Queen urged Luna to trot the front of the army, her ebony ice cloak billowing in the mountain wind. She took a deep breath, feeling her power surge within her. "Commence Operation Fimbulwinter!"

She locked eyes with the three men; even in the dim light she could see the unbreakable determination in their souls. "We will live after the battle. I can feel it. Godspeed gentlemen." Elsa held out her hand, and she summoned a sword made out of pure and solid ice, it hisses to life in her grip.

Pointing the frost blade in Arendelle's direction, the Ice Queen rallied her army of ice and allies of the Ryttere, their dragons and the Bewilderbeast forth. Adrenaline pumped in her veins at the sheer thought of the upcoming battle.

"To war!"

(Thirty minutes later)

Elsa gazed down the snow-covered ridge that overlooked her homeland. Although the city appeared relatively fine from afar, all is not what it seems. There was a foul aura of terror that hung over the kingdom like a malicious wraith, its roots anchored to the palace. Hundreds of Viking warships were anchored in the near the harbor, as well as Hans own warships. They had cornered the city like vicious hounds, foaming rabidly at the mouth as they awaited to devour their prey.

But Elsa refused to let that happen.

Bringing the war horn of ice hanging at her side up to her lips, she blew a powerful note right down into the kingdom, disturbing the wraith's stranglehold on the city. Her knights followed suit, and the chorus of war horns made their presence known to everyone. The evils that occupied her city turned their groggy focus on her and the knights that followed her.

There will be no escape from the storm.

Holding her head high, the Queen-turned-commander trotted to the front of the line and faced her knights. Rising high in her stirrups, she cried in a loud voice towards her cavalry.

"Arise! Arise, my soldiers! An evil enemy holds the knife against the throat of our fair Arendelle! Unopposed, they committed atrocious crimes against her rulers and the people! But that will soon come to an end! Ride forth! Ride forth, and we will break them as the sun breaks the darkness!"

With that, Elsa seized the horn once more, and blew such a triumphant blast that it briefly rend the wraith of terror over Arendelle asunder. And promptly the host of cavalry joined in her deafening call, the blowing of the horns of the Queen's army a tempest of sound upon the kingdom.

"Bring the wrath of winter upon them!! ATTACK!!!"

The Queen cried and urged Luna to charge, the Light Fury gave a mighty roar and charged away down the ridge with such ferocity, Elsa had to hold on tight until her knuckles were white. Her knights followed her, thundering down the white snow as the morning rays of the sun broke behind them. Their wake was followed by a massive cloud of snow as the host charged furiously towards the fjord, making their numbers seem even larger.

Hiccup, Valka and the Ryttere gave battle cries as they urged their dragons and Bewilderbeast to charge at the hundreds of Viking warships, with them out of the picture? Hans will be without support and it would make reclaiming Arendelle all the more easier.

Hans warships sailed slowly to meet Elsa and her forces, the captains of the Southern Isle ships were amused that the three-deep line of cavalry even dared to think a charge would be effective against such mighty engines of destruction. They themselves formed a row, seemingly to mock Elsa's hopeless charge.

Snow explodes high into the air as the charging cavalry met the foot of the ridge, the avalanche that was chasing them having caught up to them. Although at first blinded by the thick cloud of snow, Elsa was counting on this to occur. Her command over frost made it possible to bypass being buried by the avalanche and using the cloud it stirred as a screen. They thundered towards the freezing waves, cloaked by the avalanche's wake.

It took only four seconds for them to break through the cloud wall as one, stunning the captains. Now at ground level and still storming to the shore, the platinum blonde was able to get a true scale of how small they were compared to even the smallest of Hans modified warships.

But Elsa did not falter, leading the ice knights towards the shore. Closer and closer, they thunder towards the fjord. Right before they crash into the waves, Elsa releases a fraction of her power. It was more than enough however, for the waters of the fjord froze into thick sheets of ice, forming a path for the cavalry. The charge was not at all slowed as they stormed onto the frozen surface.

Thunderous hooves stampede across the ice sheet as they come closer to the warships. The captain of Hans main dreadnaught-- the Hellfire, ignored the threat of the ice and sailed forward alone, intent on crushing the cavalry charge beneath the unforgiving prow of his ship. The advancing ice sheet cracked and groaned as wood met ice.

The demonic figurehead on the dreadnaughts bow with its maw wide open, seemed to be swooping in to devour Elsa as they head on a collision course. She closed her eyes, remembering her father's words to her from her vision last night. Your powers are the greatest the world has ever seen.

Power surged in her veins, and Elsa's now glowing eyes shot open. She unleashes the fury of her birthright with a fierce war cry, a cry so terrifying it struck fear through the crew of the warships.

Suddenly, an enormous iceberg rocketed from the depths of the fjord, halting the warship in its path. Like a knife, it cut through the heart of the monster of a warship, cold and clear. She had impaled the ship with so much force, the Hellfire had been hoisted thirty feet into the air before splitting in half and crashed with a deep wail. The cavalry circumvented the dying ship as debris and bodies rained down back to the earth. Those that were unfortunate enough to survive the fall were trampled underfoot by Elsa and her knights ice steeds.

One down.

A deafening sounds of catapults suddenly approaches them with murderous intentions, the flanking warships firing in a panic. Their shots missed completely though as they were not able to train their catapults low enough to fire at the passing cavalry. They only managed to land shots on each other.

Without even sparing a glance towards them, Elsa lets loose a devastating explosion of ice against the traitors warships. Numerous icebergs erupted on both sides, disemboweling the warships violently. The cries of the sailors were silenced as the once fearsome frigates swiftly sank beneath the unforgiving waters of the fjord. Ice crept and sealed the polynyas.

Three down.

They were well behind the remaining trapped brigs. Elsa signals for the charge to halt to inspect the damage to her host and Ulfric's flotilla. Miraculously, no knights were lost while the enemy had suffered a tremendous loss in only a few minutes. The panicked sailors from the four paralyzed brigs were already abandoning ship and fleeing across the ice. She seized her horn, ready to commence a devastating charge at the routed enemy when the sound of furious cannon salvos abruptly echoed from the port.

Screams resonated around Arendelle as the cobblestone streets became a battleground. The vanguard of a hundred ice infantry stormed the city as soon as the first ship was demolished by Elsa. They had briefly took the Southern Isles garrison by suprise, but the soldiers quickly mounted a furious defense, momentarily stalling the assault.

But they were only holding off their inevitable deaths.

A phalanx of ice golems advanced through a street, ice shields locked as a squad of crossbowmen desperately attempted to halt them. The barrage of bolts dealt only superficial damage, merely succeeding in turning the golems to cold, walking pincushions.

"Retreat!" Cried one of the Hans guards. They were about to turn tail and run, but lo and behold, another shield wall of golems had flanked them cut off their exit. Their deaths came quick, the bloodstained ice swords making quick work of the men. Having cleared the street, the frost automatons marched off to find more soldiers to slaughter.

Down in the city square, a skirmish raged between hulking ice golems and the "defenders." Lord Clemenson shouted orders on top of his mount, occasionally galloping into the frey to join the battle. The soldiers of the Southern Isles had managed to take down a small number of the automatons, but their own losses were building up.

The survivors of the square retreated into further into the city, and the golems hounded them.

Meanwhile as the frozen army systematically eradicated the garrison, Aiden galloped down an alleyway, yelling to the people to stay inside and lock their doors. With nothing they can do, the people did as they were told. A few brave citizens had tried to offer help to the vanguard, but the housecarl warned them they might be mistaken for enemies.

He was about to charge down another street but something interrupted him.

The distant boom of broadside fire echoed somewhere from the fjord, then the sharp sound of ice breaking. Galloping to one of the city's esplanades get a view, Aiden was treated to the glorious sight of the frigates skewered with colossal spikes of ice. The housecarl couldn't help but cry out with glee as the ships sunk beneath the frozen fjord.

Another round of catapult fire was fired and the massive stones were hurled up in the air, but this time, it didn't originate from the fjord. They were coming from the heart of the port.

The warships-- whether by Han's orders or their captain's-- were firing blindly into the city, murdering indiscriminately as boulders ripped through houses, streets, and bodies.

"Oh shit!" Aiden cursed, reining his horse, the housecarl prepared to run off to join with the main force, but he paled when he turned around. He found himself surrounded by five soldiers from the Southern Isles. Leading them was none other than Chadwick the boy and handfuls of his own lackeys. The ugly young man took a crossbow out that was strapped to his horses saddle and loaded the weapon.

"Well so that's what you've been up to Aiden." Chadwick chastised. "Helping the enemy." He smiled coldly. "Do you not know treason is punishable by death in our homeland?"

Aiden unsheathed his blade and pointed it at Chadwick. "I no longer pledge my allegiance to the Southern Isles, for Queen Elsa and Lord Hiccup are my new masters. And unlike you and the rest of Han's men, I have honor." His horse reared high into the air and he prepared to run them down.

Chadwick however sneered at Aiden and spat out. "There is no honor in war." Before Aiden could react, Chadwick shot him square in his stomach.

A sharp pain flared where the bolt slammed into him. Losing his grip, the housecarl fell of his horse, the wind in his lungs knocked out by the fall. The steed charged at the soldiers, but one of them, out of blind luck, swung his greatsword and decapitated the stallion. The housecarl tried to get up but Chadwick shot his thigh. Injured and without a mount, Aiden was helpless as his former countrymen and allies stalked towards him.

Chadwick took Aiden's fallen blade and pressed the tip against his throat. "Be happy that you'll die by my hand instead having the disgrace of being executed by your former master."

War horns suddenly bellow from the port, interrupting Aiden's impending execution. The temperature dropped nearly thirty degrees as a massive ice formation vaguely resembling a clawed hand erupted from the port.

Suddenly losing all interest in Aiden, Chadwick flung the sword away and yelled out. "Fuck! Follow me! We must stop the witch!!" The kill squad ran off towards the harbor, leaving Aiden bloodied in the street.

Th housecarl attempted to stand, but only managed to limp ten paces before collapsing on the street. Before he passed out, he felt something cold gently grab his collar, and dragged him off.

Riding her Light Fury, Elsa felt powerful and nigh unstoppable as she thundered atop the ice into Arendelle's port. The warships Hans had arrived with were firing their catapults with indiscriminately. Fury erupted in her as she thought of the innocents that have died or gotten hurt because of her.

Her eyes glowed even brighter and she blew the war horn. Her knights joined her call, heralding the impending doom for the galleons.

Utilizing the raw power of her birthright, Elsa outstretched her hands towards the ships. On cue, two claw-like icebergs surged from the harbor's depths and seized the warships, swiftly dragging them underwater and halting their onslaught. All of Han's ships were now out of commission by her hand.

The "fingers" of one of the icebergs formed a ramp for her charging knights to scale. They charged up the ramp and into the docks, before they fan out into the city. Elsa did not join them to finish clean up. She had peeled off from the formation, urging Luna to trot alone in the wrecked docks. Bodies of the Southern Isles warship sailors were strewn sporadically, having been flung off the deck.

Elsa dismounted her Luna and patted her dragons head gently, her eyes burning with hate as she turned to glare at the palace. The wraith of fear had shriveled until it only had influence over the castle. One she planned to weed out soon.

Hans hadn't joined the battle yet, but he was probably awaiting for her inside her own house. Whatever defense he was planning -- if he had any at all-- had backfired on him.

"There will be no escape from me, Hans!!" She snarled in a voice that did not belong to her, she felt a dropping sensation in her stomach as the power of her birthright reached towards the heavens.

Dark clouds rolled in ominously from the west, blotting out the sun's rays. Hail and snow began to pour from the heavens. Howling gales roared, buffeting everything with their fury and plunging the temperatures. She slowly stalked down the docks, heading to the bridge that led to the castle, her black cloak snapping in the wind.

She was almost at the bridge when a voice shrieked from somewhere nearby, "There she is! Kill her!" Five of Han's soldiers sprung out from piles of debris, swords raised to strike. Elsa glared at them and they immediately halted, turned around, and fled in terror. The only one stupid enough to challenge her brought up his crossbow, aiming right between her eyes despite the inclement weather.

"Fine! I'll do it myself!" He snarled, the soldier pulled the trigger, but Elsa was more than prepared. A vortex roared around her, deflecting the bolt.


Flicking her wrist, she hurls three, thin crystalline spears downrange towards him. They found their mark easily, impaling the soldier's right wrist, thigh, and heart. His dismembered hand, severed by the force of the spear, was flung ten feet away. It still clutched on to the crossbow.

The soldier fell on the ground dead. Something in Elsa reveled in this, but she passed it off as battle-fury, and she continued her lone march towards the closed gates. The city of Arendelle still raged behind her in battle, but it won't be long before Ulfric's men are dead.

It all ends before tomorrow. The sealed gates were now fifty yards from her.

Cupping her hands, Elsa concentrated a tight ball of frost and wind. She took deep breaths as she built up power behind the ball, the raging gale picking up with each exhale. The violation of her sister briefly flashed in her head as she finished the ice bomb and the news of Hans selling her husband into slavery further fueled her rage toward Hans.

For Hiccup and for Anna.

She yelled as she hurled the ice bomb towards the gates of the palace. An explosion of cold, ice, and snow blanketed the area as it exploded. While they were built to withstand battering rams, the gates were rend asunder under the fury of winter.

Albeit somewhat winded from her effort, Elsa advanced towards the frosted ruins of the gatehouse. There was a multitude of frozen, dismembered limbs and mutilated bodies littering the wreckage, but Han's body was nowhere to be found.

However, Elsa saw that as a good thing. The crimes he had committed against Arendelle, its fair people, herself, Hiccup and Anna are too extreme to deserve a kind death such as these men were given.

"I'm coming for you devil." Elsa said with a murderous tone as he entered the palace and more than eager to slay her usurper.

(Hiccup's pov)


I recognized the Viking warships that began firing volley after volley of flaming arrows belonged to the War-Born, I urged Toothless to evade the flaming arrows, Toothless then unleashed a superheated plasma bolt from his maw and the bolt ripped the nearest Viking ship in half. I turned to my right to see Valka urging Cloudjumper to rain fire down on the nearest ship, soon enough all the Ryttere and their dragons returned the War-Borns fire and were more successful in sending many of these animals to hell.

I noticed, that the Bewilderbeast unleashed a massive torrent of ice toward the warships belonging to Hallbjorn and Eskil Bloodhair. The force of the Bewilderbeast's ice caused Bloodhair's ships to slam against each other and shatter like glass; sending supplies and Vikings hurling into the sky and then being impaled by the teal ice below them. I looked toward Arendelle to see many of Han's warships being hurled into the air by the raw fury of Elsa's powers and her ice knights made quick work of the traitors that survived being hurled out of their ships.

Quickly regaining focus, I turned to see a bola coming at me with alarming speed, I quickly unleash one of my Inferno blades and cut the bola in half, I then see one of the War-Born warships aiming their catapults at Arendelle.

"Toothless! Take them out bud!!"

::Gladly my friend!::

My dragon fired a plasma bolt that ripped the ship in half and sent the ships crew flying in every direction, I then turned to my mother. "Mom!! I'm going to help Elsa! Do you and the Ryttere have this handled?" I ask, Valka ducks under an incoming bola and nods at me. "Go Hiccup! We have dragons and the Bewilderbeast with us! We'll make quick work of those who attack our home." She then urged me to go, I nod at her and fly off to help Elsa kill Hans. Besides, I wanted to aid my wife in killing the animal that dared rape Anna.

This ends now.

(Normal pov--forty five minutes after Hiccup and Elsa left for war)

Anna slowly opened her eyes as she awoke from the first restful night she had. Today's the day. Excitement filled her veins as she thought of fighting by her sister's side to retake their home. However, it took only a few moments for her to realize that Elsa wasn't in the room.

It only meant one thing. Elsa had lied last night and left her without taking her to the battle.

She darted out of the bed and bursts into the living quarters, her face flushed with anger. There she found Irwin and Althelwold playing cards together in the table. When they spotted her, the servant bolted into his feet and bowed to her.

"Princess Anna! What may I get you? Tea? Some bread? Or do you want to join us in cards?"

Anna seized Athelwold's collar in a display of strength that belied her size. Her voice was dangerous, scary almost. "Where. Is. Elsa?"

"She went off to Arendelle! W-With Hiccup!" Sebastian squeaked, Anna gasped in shock and surprise at the mentioning of her husband, Athelwold continued speaking. "But they ordered us to watch over you until the battle's over!"

She pushed him backwards into Irwin and began putting the outdoor gear Irwin lended to her. "Princess Anna, your sister and husband said to not let you go after her!" Irwin said respectfully.

"It's too dangerous!" Athelwold added.

The princess narrowed her eyes at them. The two men flinched in fear. "Not as dangerous as lying to me." Putting on her fur cap and sheathing her sword in her scabbard, she clipped it around her waist and made her way for the door, Anna stormed out the lodge and headed for the lodges stable. The two men dared not to stop her however, too frightened of what the punishment was going to be if they did try.

It was still somewhat dark, but there was a soft light to the east. She could just make out a massive trail of footprints heading towards Arendelle's direction. They were fresh, so Elsa had just left recently.

There's still a chance I can get to her sister and husband.

When she entered the stable, she found Jitters, once she mounted her dragon, the reptile trotted out the stables, while Irwin and Athelwold followed them outside. A unnaturally cold wind blew from Arendelle's direction. The skies started to lighten even further, the darkness slowly retreating. "Fly Jitters! The battle's going to initiate soon!" Anna barked.

::As you wish::

Jitters then took flight and Anna steered her dragon to her home and aid her sister and husband in retaking her home.

(Hiccup's pov)

As I flew Toothless towards Arendelle, I was so busy focussing on heading towards the palace that I failed to notice a bola flying towards us and wrapping around Toothless. My dragons roar of panic caused me to quickly pull out Inferno and star cutting the ropes that entangled us, unfortunately, I couldn't cut the ropes fast enough and we crash landed on the pavement beneath us, I was hurled off of Toothless and tucked and rolled, I then slammed into a wall and then fell face first on the stone cold ground.

Groaning in pain, I slowly got back up and saw Toothless struggling to break free with the bola still wrapped around him. Out of the mist, came Hallbjorn and Eskil Bloodhair, as well as handfuls of their warriors and War-Born warriors. 

"Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. I see you have defied slavery! You have define the gods themselves! You have shamed every warrior that has touched these lands!" Eskil boomed out, I however drew both Inferno blades and twirled them expertly, I then charged, as I ran to meet my enemies, I sliced the ropes off of Toothless, once free, my dragon fired a super heated plasma blast towards the Bloodhair's warriors and allies; sending the group of Vikings flying in all directions and charred to a crisp. 

"When we kill you, we will take your Night Fury and force it to submit to us!" Hallbjorn seethed out, Toothless crouched on all fours and snarled menacingly, I however held Toothless off and snarled out. "If you want my dragon, you'll have to kill me." 

"Done." Eskil said, he then drew his sword and charged, as did Hallbjorn, both brothers blades met my own and we all exchanged powerful and bone rattling blows, I evaded Hallbjorn's attempt to spill my guts open and I side stepped Eskil's attempt cut me clean in half. I backed away from my enemies and growled at them, I then twirled my blades until I was holding both weapons by the base, I released Zippleback gas, and once Hallbjorn and Eskil recognized my intentions, they ran, but I quickly struck the gas with the flames dancing across my blades, an explosion sent the brother flying and rolling around the pavement. 

Both of them groaned in pain and they were covered in second degree burns from my attack, I then approached both brothers and drove my flaming sword into Eskil's gut, causing the man to scream in agony, I seized him by the throat and snarled out. "You and your brother killed my people. My friends. And you aided Hans in delivering me into slavery! I avenge my friends deaths by killing you..." I turn to Hallbjorn and bare my teeth at him. "...and your godless brother." I then drive my second Inferno blade into Hallbjorn's heart, killing him instantly. Turning back to Eskil, the man chuckled darkly and spat out blood. "Child... Hans has called... e-every Viking army... within Arendelle's boarders to aid him. E-Even your father and Magnus the Rabid's new village." He revealed, I nodded at him and twisted my Inferno in his gut, causing the man to roar out in agony. "Then I shall be ready for them." I simply say, I then pull my sword out of Eskil's gut and stab him through the heart, he then fell back, dead. 

I turn to Toothless and see Luna approach him, the two Furies nuzzled each other lovingly and bounded over to me, I petted both of them and pointed toward the city. "Toothless. Luna. Help the Elsa's ice soldiers to protect the people should anymore Viking armies come." I then look out toward the horizon to see the last Viking warship sink below the waters, I smile at the sight. "It appears the Ryttere and the Bewilderbeast have finished off the Bloodhair and War-Born warships. Their remaining warriors as well as any other Viking army that wishes to attack Arendelle could do so any moment. Aid Valka, the Ryttere and the ice army." 

::Of course Hiccup::

::It shall be done::

Both Toothless and Luna said in unison, they then bounded off in the light mist in search of any enemy stranglers to finish off, I then turned toward the palace and sighed heavily. Now, it was time to make Hans beg for his pathetic life. 

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