Chapter 28: The mad prince is dead

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(Normal pov)

The dreadful wraith over the castle loomed over Elsa menacingly as she strode towards the one of the entrances of the castle. It seemed to challenge and mock her authority as the rightful Queen, taunting her that she will fail in the end and all will be lost. A hateful seed of doubt sprouted like some sort of weed inside her.

No. fate is on her side now, along with her husband, mother in law and the Ryttere. Casting uncertainty from her soul, Elsa blasted open the entrance.

Home sweet home was not at all the right phrase to describe Elsa's return to her palace and home.

The halls were like a scene straight out of the most frightening of her nightmares. Albeit dim, but she could make out the heavily soiled flooring and vandalized walls. But the worst was the stench. A vile miasma of rot, stale ale, and other foul airs drifted in the air like marsh gas. It made her want to retch from how absolutely repugnant it was.

Elsa's hatred towards Hans raged even stronger. Not only was her sister raped by the bastard, but her own house was treated with as much vile disrespect that Anna has suffered. Hiccup, Anna and herself will have to wait a little while longer before they can sleep together in her bed once more.

A vortex of wind, hail, and snow swirled around her as she stalked the empty halls. Wherever the bastard Prince was hiding, she will soon hunt him down like the filthy vermin he is and slay him.

Elsa stopped in the dining hall, scanning the dark place for any signs of the Prince. She cried out for him with a voice that echoed like thunder. "There's no escape from the storm, Hans!! COME OUT YOU COWARD!!"

Stretching out her arms, Elsa willed her ice tornado to roar, battering the hall with the inclement manifestation of her rage. Her cloak snapped violently in the wind, billowing from the gale force. The little objects that were caught up the tornado's grasp were smashed to smithereens by the hailstones.

The Prince however, did not answer her threat. He's probably cowering like a rat somewhere. Silencing the vortex, Elsa marched off, heading for the ballroom. Her footsteps echoed as her ice boots met the hardwood floors, warning the Prince of his impending judgment.

Flashes of every evil deed that Hans inflicted on her, Hiccup and Anna played out in her brain with explicit detail, from what she had lived out and what she heard from those who suffered his tyranny. A phantom stinging sensation flared in Elsa's back, pulsing in set intervals. For a moment, it felt as if the glass shards, bone fragments and metal studs on the scourge were shredding the skin of her back again. All the while, screams--the ones Anna made as she was violated --echoed in her ears.

Barely controlling her breathing Elsa almost instantaneously conjured a sword of ice in her hands. However, it wasn't the elegant, leaf-shaped design she was used to. The design was demonic in appearance --quite possibly the largest and severe blade she ever manifested. Large, jagged serrations adorned the blade of this hellish version of her ice sword, perfect for rending and splitting flesh from bone.

As Elsa stormed towards the ballroom with her weapon in hand, the hallucinations of their suffering become more uncannily realistic. The pain and the shrieks intensified, but instead of hurting her, they only served to fuel her burning rage. Her hand clutched her weapons grip until it hurts to hold the blade.

Hell awaits you, you monster. Striding in the ballroom, the Ice Queen scoured the large expanse for the Crown Prince. She marched slowly, checking every dark corner for him. "Come out of the shadows, traitor!"

"Oh I'm not the traitor here." A voice suddenly said behind her. She whipped around to face him.

Lo and behold, Hans stood in the entrance of the ballroom, his lean yet lithe body blocking the archway. Glowing orange orbs stared right into her soul-- windows to his soul of hellfire. Blinded by rage, she had not noticed him stalk her while she searched the ballroom.

He pointed at her accusingly, a twisted smile on his face. "You're the traitor here."

Thinking on her feet, she used her free hand to hurl enormous tempests of snow and icicles towards him, utilizing large portions of her energy. However, the ice storms vaporize into steam as Hans extended his hand and summoned a shield of fire. Unfazed, Elsa launched another storm, and another, and another, trying to overwhelm him with frost and ice.

Yet Hans nonchalantly vaporized each and every one of her attacks with fire, throwing up billowing clouds of water vapor with each successive failure. "Truly you can do better than that, little girl!" Hans taunted with a amused smirk.

Seeing her bombardment of frost fail only served to fuel Elsa's rage. She flung more waves of ice at him, her mind blinded by fury to think straight. With each furious squall, she grew weaker, using up her vital energy.

Hans advanced through the steam, summoning a greatsword of fire. It hissed hungrily for blood, and it was easily more than a match for her blade. He swung it around before lazily resting it over his broad shoulders, unharmed by the sword's blazing touch.

"Don't you know, Elsa? You can't freeze fire." The Prince had the audacity to mock her strong yet futile attempts to kill him. Violent winds whipped up around the platinum blond, but Hans held his ground, unimpressed by her ice tornado.

Growling, Elsa held her demonic longsword with both hands and took a fighting stance. "Then die by my blade and go to hell!"

With a fierce cry that cracked the skies, Elsa lunged forward, hellbent on slaying the devil that usurped her, raped Anna, sold Hiccup into slavery and all but destroyed Arendelle and its people, as well as dealing with the heathens and letting them march their armies right into the heart of England. Hans however didn't even bring his sword to bear, a deranged smile on his face as he walked forward to meet her. Closing the distance, she brings her weapon high in the air to cleave the traitors skull in two.

But she could even think of bringing the blade down at him, Hans parried her sword with a hard horizontal swing. The resulting clash nearly broke Elsa's arms from the force. Stunned by the blow, the Queen of Arendelle recoiled backwards, a pulsing ache in both her arms. Steam emanated from where their blades collided, Frostbite starting to melt from the heat.

Hans chuckled in amusement, his blade hissing as if it was laughing too. "Foolish girl, haven't you already learned by now? Ice melts in the presence of heat?"

Recovering from the stun, Elsa hastily renewed her attack with great fury, using every ounce of her training from Hiccup, Valka and those loyal to her. Their greatswords clashed, hissed, and steamed as Hans easily countered her every move with ease. By putting all her power behind every blow however, it was sapping Elsa's strength. The jagged edges of her weapon were sagging, droplets of water dripping down the blade's ice blade.

"It's much easier to surrender and become my Grim Reaper." He blocks her blade and leans in close to her. "After all, you're already a monster, the world deserves to see just what evil you can conjure up."

She spat in his face. "Fuck you!"

The Prince bared his teeth in a sick grin. Before Elsa could shove him away, Hans was done with halting her attacks and began to unleash attacks of his own. The wind was suddenly knocked from her lungs as a devastating kick sent her flying backwards, her sword flying out her hands as she tumbled head-over-heels on the floor. She skidded to a stop, gritting her teeth as pain raced in her nerves like lightning. The wraith's oppressive presence made itself known, casting a cloak of doubt over her. You won't win, it said to her.

But Elsa refused to listen its voice. She has to win, for the fate of Arendelle, herself, Hiccup and Anna was at stake.

For Arendelle.

For her honor.

For Hiccup.

For Anna.

No matter what's the cost, she has to win.

She pushed off the floor while groaning, glaring daggers at the advancing Prince. Without thinking, Elsa unleashed another wintry storm at him, only to have it vaporize into steam as the Crown Prince deflects it with his claymore.

But that gave her an opening. She launched an ice spike, managing to nick his leg just before it melted, shredding his leather pants and drawing first blood. Hans grimaced as blood seeped out the laceration. "Good try but--" Another sword of ice glittered to life in her hand and she lunged at him.

Hans sidesteps her in time. He mocked her vain effort to kill him. "Such a rebellious and might I say... angry little toy!"

She stiffened, her hands clenched around her ice swords.

Toy. He dared call her toy?!!!

Her rage skyrocketed at the thought of being called such a degrading word. "I'll hack out your tongue!" She shrieked as she spun around to slice him.

Elsa's sword was stopped cold, Hans having merely raised his blade up slightly to block it. "You're getting slower." He taunted in a sing song voice.

Weariness caught up to her. The grinding ache in her arms had propagated up to her shoulders and down into her legs, threatening to divide her attention from fighting. She started to hyperventilate, sweat glistening on her skin. With each successive swing she got more fatigued, her body not used to such vigorous exertion.

It's only a matter of time before she collapses from exhaustion.

The Prince sensed this, jeering her. "You seem quite tired already. Odd, how you can go on for hours having your filthy heathen of a husband fucking--"

Something in Elsa snapped like matchwood as the Crown Prince dared to insult her husband.

Screaming bloody murder, she renewed her onslaught with unbridled anger, the burst of adrenaline in her blood rejuvenating her. The Prince was taken by surprise at first, but he rapidly began blocking her strikes. Elsa slashed and thrusts her frostbite blades with amazing strength, backed up by the raw vigor of her anger.

It wasn't long until she had Hans backed up against the wall. The Prince was exhausted, weakened by the effort of constantly blocking her blades. Confidence filled her. She was going to prevail! Hans momentarily lowered his sword to catch his breath, giving her a wide opening to kill him.

Elsa lifted her frostbite blades high above her head. "Die you bastard!" She seethed out, using all the force she can muster, she brought her icy killing instruments right down on his head.

But her blades never hit its intended mark. Quicker than lightning, Hans deflected her greatsword with a last second parry, and her blades shattered in her hands. His sword burned bright red-orange - the colors of Hellfire. Elsa stood there stunned, paralyzed by shock.

He's been toying with her the whole time.

"Do you honestly think I'm going to die so easily?"

Caught unprepared, she was kicked backwards ten feet, the wind in Elsa's lungs were once again knocked out. There was a sharp sound as her ice armor cracked from the force. Struggling to rise, the blonde coughed up a few droplets of blood. The dull ache in her arms and legs were giving way to cramping, torn and worn out from her foolish overexertion.

Her birthright, one she had wielded with the precision of a goddess, faded like a dying ember as pain started overwhelming her. She tried to blast him with ice, but the only power that came out as a weak puff of cold wind.

No, please no! Staring at her palm, a horrid realization crept into her mind.

Was fate and... her powers abandoning her?

"Oh God..." She whimpered, the simple task of getting up a tremendous effort in itself. Han's footsteps echoed through the ballroom as he approached her.

"Now it's my turn to attack."

(Hiccup's pov)

As I entered the palace, my heart broke at the sight of how badly Hans and the traitors treated the home that has sheltered me for three years. And there was a rotten stench in the air that made me cringe in disgust, I had to focus and find Elsa. But before I could take another step, I heard a voice that I've despised the moment I came here. 

"You're certainly hard to get rid of Haddock." 

I turned around to see Chadwick the boy and his lapdogs, all armed and looked battle worn, I drew out both my Inferno blades and ignited them, I twirled the weapons expertly and seethed out. "I'm going to enjoy killing you Chadwick. You're a traitor that will meet the same fate as Hans." Chadwick smirked and pulled out a crossbow, loaded it and aimed it at me, I slowly backed away as Chadwick's smirk turned into a grin. "Agnarr should never have allowed you to live. It doesn't matter if you saved the commander of the royal guard, the general of Arendelle's army and your dirty blond haired friend... Edgar was it?" He asked in a taunting tone, I inhaled sharply and growled at him, he knew his name because he helped Hans sell Edgar into slave along side me. "Never mind that. The sisters should've married Saxon men! Not a heathen shit like you...!"

As Chadwick was continuing to insult me, I noticed the ugly boys lapdogs circle me, I smirked inwardly, because I'd release Zippleback gas and blow his cronies away, I was going to take my time with Chadwick.

"...Once you're out of the way? Our lives will be better!" Chadwick finishes saying, I scoff and shake my head at the ugly boys words. "You do a lot of talking, not sure if you can back it up." I challenge, Chadwick nods at his cronies, they charge me from all angles, I unleash Zippleback gas, and the sight of the gas causes the young group of boys to stop in their tracks, I then strike the gas with my flaming swords, the gas ignites and explodes; sending the traitors flying back in all directions and force of the explosion rendered them all unconscious.  

Chadwick yelled in outrage and fired his crossbow, I slashed the arrow in half and heard it clink on the marble floor beneath us. My opponent then drew out his sword and twirled it in his hand before approaching me, he then let out a war cry and tried decapitating me, I halted his attack with my own blade, I tried stabbing Chadwick with my second Inferno blade, he got nicked by the flaming hot metal and he cried out at the extreme heat. I then head butt him, causing the boy to back off and groan in pain, he then clutches his bleeding nose and I cringe at the sight of his very broken nose. "And I thought you were ugly before." I say in a taunting tone, causing Chadwick to hurl and handful of his blood in my face, I groan and yell out in disgust and pain as I feel my enemies blood stain my eyes. 

I then feel a blade pierce my abdomen, I cry out in agony and once my vision is cleared, I look down to see Chadwick grinning at me while his blade was sticking through my lower torso. "Now... die." The ugly Saxon snarled out, with his grin removed form his face, he is about to bring his sword up and slice straight up my torso, before he had the chance to deliver the killing blow, I slashed his gut open with my second Inferno blade. He screamed in agony and pulled his sword out of my lower abdomen, causing me to yell out in pain, I look to Chadwick to see his intestines and spilling out. I quickly slap my first Inferno blade on my wound from in front and behind and groan loudly as the flames seal my wound and prevent me from losing anymore blood. 

My enemy however, was frantically trying to stop the blood spilling out of his fatal wound, his face vanished of color and was quickly turning pale, I approached him and sneered at him, before Chadwick can even beg for mercy, I decapitate him and watch as his head rolls on the floor and watch as his blood spreads across the marble floor. I then hear groaning, I look around to see Chadwicks friends and men slowly get back up from being knocked out by the Zippleback gas, when they see Chadwick's mangled and decapitated corpse, they speed walk toward me and lung at me. I met the first traitors sword with flaming hot steel, this was meant to slow me down, I had no idea where Elsa was in the palace, but all I knew was that I needed to wrap this battle up quickly and aid my wife. 

(Normal pov)

By the time Anna had arrived in the city of Arendelle, the heavens were ominously black, and it was snowing and hailing at the same time. And worse still, it was brutally cold. She still shivered under the three layers of fur she had put on.

The stench of death was everywhere, so strong that Anna had to resist gagging. Snow-covered bodies of Southern Isle soldiers stretched down the streets in droves as well as Viking corpses floating in the waters. Large chunks of ice-- the remains of dead golems and ice knights-- were also scattered, but there wasn't as much as compared to the corpses of soldiers and thugs of the Southern Isles. Since there were no civilians to be found at all, Anna guessed that the city was still on lockdown.

As Anna and Jitters made their way through Arendelle, they ran across a squad of ice golems patrolling the city. Anna was sure they were going to be caught, but the golems ignored them, acting as if they never existed. However, Anna and Jitters gave them a wide berth and detoured towards the promenades for fear of running into Valka, the Ryttere, General Clemenson and Aiden.

The two trotted down one of the city's multiple esplanades so they can have a view of Arendelle palace. Anna gasped as she saw the state the palace was in. The gatehouse had been demolished completely, as if some big brute stampeded right through it. While the palace was still intact, she can't help but feel despair as she stared at her home. Evil sins have been committed there, hanging in the air around like a ghost.

"C-c-come on, we have to get t-t-to my sist-t-ter a-an-nd H-Hi-ic-cup!!" She said through chattering teeth as she spared a glance at the fjord.

Anna hugged herself desperately as she struggled to keep warm, while Jitters ignited her maw so that the heat wave of her fire could warm her freezing rider, Anna patted her dragon in thanks.

Glancing up, she made out something metallic shining in the snow. It was a cruciform sword, embedded in the street not far from a decapitated carcass of an ice horse. Dismounting Jitters, she approached the blade and attempted to yank it out the ground, but to no avail. The reindeer conveniently helped her by kicking the blade, and it clattered away as it was freed.

Carefully picking it up, Anna inspected the blade. Intricate patterns decorated the fuller of the arming sword, and there was a wolf's head design on the pommel. Engraved in the grip was a name. Aiden.

Is the housecarl dead? Anna had only known him personally for a few hours, but Aiden and her became fast friends due to -- not surprisingly-- their common hatred for Hans.

The howling wind suddenly stopped blowing, halting altogether. All around them, every single hailstone and snowflake was suspended in midair, as if time itself had ceased all together.

It only meant one thing. Something had went wrong. Terribly wrong.

Jitters trotted around nervously and warbled in concern at her rider, the dragon then began looking at the palace with a worried look, sensing the same trouble as Anna. The anger that the princess bore towards her sister quickly evaporated, replaced by anxiety. Fastening the sword to her sash, Anna patted Jitters gently. "St-st-stay here Jitters, o-o-okay? I won't t-t-take long..." She gave her dragon a brief hug before pulling away.

::Very well Anna, I shall remain out here and look for Toothless and Luna::

Anna nodded at Jitters and watched as her dragon flew off in search of the Furies, now bracing herself against the freezing cold, Anna madly dashed towards the palace. It felt like she was running underwater, like something was deliberately trying to force her back.

But nothing will ever keep Anna away from Elsa ever again.

'I'm coming for you, Elsa. Hang on,' Anna thought as she sprinted toward the palace as fast as her legs could carry her.

(Elsa's pov)

"Do you honestly think you even had a chance against me?" Hans chuckled as he towered over my kneeling form. Defiant as ever, I haphazardly threw a weak punch at him, only to wrench my arm back as a vicious cramp paralyzed my limb.

My suffering filled the sadistic Prince's dark heart with glee. "I've had decades of training, for both my sword AND powers. What do you have? Years of isolation from your powers and no form at all in fighting. You'll never defeat a god such as I, no matter how good you think you are!"

Still holding my arm, I looked up at him, pure hate in my eyes. "Damn you..."

He shoved me back on my stomach with a rough push of his foot. "Look at you... so weak and pathetic. A good pet knows when to please her master and when to submit. But you've done nothing but disappoint me!" He sneered at me. "And so, I must punish you once more."

Han's mad laughter echoed through the hallways of the castle as he inflicted a brutal beatdown upon me.


The Crown Prince's heavy boot smashes against my ribs. A strained gasp tore from my throat, pain exploding from the point of impact. Had it not been for my cuirass, my ribs surely would have been smashed in. Without giving me any time to recover, Hans delivered another brutal kick, this time, to my gut.

Bile crawled up my throat, doing all I could to suppress it. Following my instincts, I threw up my hand in a last-ditch attempt to kill him. But my strength was just... sapped dry, using most of it during my relentless but unsuccessful assault on him. I only succeeded in littering the floor in front of his feet with tiny flakes of snow.

Hans chuckled and simply said. "Weakling." He then seized me by my wrists with one hand, lifting me up to face-level effortlessly in a bone-crushing grip. I gritted my teeth in agony and trying to fight the torment of the shooting pain in my arms and legs. The heat convecting from his grip started melting parts of my armor.

"Your suffering hasn't even truly begun." Hans snarled, he propped me up on my feet a few feet away. Before I collapsed, the Crown Prince suddenly spun around and slammed my chest with the flat of his greatsword. Brutal agony erupted in my chest, my ribs cracking from the sheer force as I flew backwards.

Colliding with one of the columns in the ballroom back-first, another sickening crack tore through the air. Pain ripped through me with hurricane force as my ribs fractured on both sides. Breathing became excruciating, rivaling the pain of the scourging. I coughed blood violently, intensifying the hell in my chest. My ice armor steamed, the area where the blade struck melting off and revealing my bruised flesh.

Hans extinguished his fire sword and picked me up by my hands once more. I resisted screaming, bright lights bursting in my eyes. Pure agony coursed through my body, each labored breath more hellish than the last.

Scourging was a walk in the park compared to the physical pain she suffered now.

The Demon Prince caressed my face tenderly, running his calloused fingers all over my cheeks. Revolted by his touch, I spat blood in his face, but I ended up falling into a violent fit. Hans slowly wiped his face clean, "First you fuck you marry a heathen, allow heathens a chance to live among us and now this?" He shook his head in disgust. "We are the superior people here!! Not those vile heathen dogs! I'm sure you'll learn that soon enough. But first... you need a lesson in proper manners."


Intense pain overwhelmed me, and I did all I could from crying out. The Crown Prince had broken my forearms against the column. In doing so, he had severed my ability to summon my birthright. Hell does not even begin to describe the level of suffering I faced now.

It would take a miracle to save her now.

He held up his free hand, a little ball of hellfire blazing to life. Its intense heat made whatever cracked remains of my ice armor melt, exposing even more windows of my bruised flesh.

Suddenly, Hans fashioned the fireball into a crude dagger. Shadows danced in my face as he brought it close to the exposed skin of my stomach. "You'll be begging for death by the time I'm done with you..."

A shrill, blood-curdling scream escaped my lips and pierced the air as he plunged the knife into my stomach.

(Normal pov)

Anna almost doubled over and retched on the floor when she entered the palace. The stench-- one she would never have the luxury of forgetting-- was everywhere. Pulling up her scarf alleviated the smell, but her eyes stung from the stench. Anna's eyes then widened as she saw the head of Chadwick the boy and his mangled corpse, she also saw limbs, spilled guts and blood spatter everywhere, and standing above one of the corpses was--


Said man turned around and gasped at the sight of Anna, the two rushed to each other and embraced each other tightly, Hiccup then pulled Anna into a deep and passionate kiss, Anna's eyes closed immediately and she returned his kiss with just as much passion and love, their kiss was giving the freezing princess some heat and as much as they wanted to keep their fiery kiss going, their lungs demanded air. When they disconnected their lips, Hiccup and Anna cupped each others cheeks loving. "Anna. What're doing here?" He asked, the strawberry blond gave her husband a disbelieving look. "If you and Elsa thought I was going to sit this battle out? You're both dead wrong! That... bastard raped me! And I want to see him beg for what he did to you, Elsa and me!" She said in a tone that actually caused a chill to crawl down Hiccup's spine, none the less, Hiccup nodded at his second wife's words and together the two went in search of Elsa.

Anna was about to call out for Elsa when suddenly, a bone-chilling sound pierced the air. She paled and Hiccup inhaled sharply, for it was unmistakably Elsa's scream. Anna and Hiccup took off running immediately towards the source of the scream, multiple scenarios playing out in their heads.

None of them were in Elsa's favor.

When they arrived at the ballroom, both Hiccup and Anna's hearts crawled to their throats. There was no trace of Hans anywhere, but Elsa was lying naked on the floor, her ice armor having been melted. Although it was small, Anna could see a dark spot in the platinum blonds stomach, as if someone had painted a little circle of black paint on her skin.

Ignoring her brain's screaming to be cautious, Anna ran up to her fallen sister, while Hiccup looked around the room for Elsa's attacker. The dark spot became more recognizable as Anna got closer, and to her horror she realized that it was a burn. There was blood all over Elsa's mouth, her forearms were twisted in an unnatural angle, and she was breathing shallowly. 

Oh God.

Anna fell on her knees right beside her sister, placing a tuft of platinum blond hair away from her sisters face. Elsa's eyes were open but slightly unfocused from pain. If Elsa had won against Hans, it had come with an immense cost.

"Elsa, what happened? Please tell me you killed Hans!" Anna said, almost breaking into tears. She took her hand in hers and immediately regretted in doing so when Elsa moaned weakly in agony. Elsa tilted her head slightly, trying to lock with eyes with her, Hiccup soon approached Anna and looked down at his battered and wounded wife, his rage at a boiling point, he knelt down to Elsa and gently asked. "Elsa? Where's Hans?"

It took a second for Anna to realize that Elsa was warning them.

A hand suddenly seized Anna and flung her backwards. Anna gritted her teeth, slightly dazed. She glanced up and paled when she saw him. Hans was still alive and well, the only injury he had suffered was a minor cut in his leg.

Hiccup unleashed a flurry of attacks on the Hans with Inferno, Hans however, stopped the attacks with a shield of pure flame, he then back handed Hiccup, while in doing so, sent a wave of heat to throw Hiccup across the room, the former Viking made contact against the wall with a loud smack and he fell on the cold marble floor with a thud, and his Inferno blades extinguished. 

Hans crossed his arms as he stared both Anna and Hiccup down. "Your pathetic sister and wife put up quite a fight. Unfortunately for her, she's no match at all for a god like me."

Anna stood up and drew out her sword. She had only a few years of sword training with Hiccup, Elsa and many days with Valka, but she will fight to the death to protect her older sister and husband from this... devil. "You're going to pay for what you've done to my loved ones." Her voice was eerily steady.

Hans laughed at Anna's threat. "Oooh, I'm terrified." He taunted her, causing Anna to growl out in anger, Hans then raised an eyebrow at her. "Tell you what! Let's play a game. I'm not going to use any weapons or even fight back at all during this. You have ten minutes to try and kill me with your sword, little girl. If you fail..." Hans sneered at her cruelly. "...well, I hope you don't pass out on me this time."

Her vision turned crimson, and Anna rushed him with a enraged cry, bringing her blade to bear. She failed to hit her mark however, Hans merely stepping out of the way. Undeterred, Anna swung around to strike him again, Hans stepped back just in time.

She kept coming at him, a white-knuckle grip on her sword. "Swinging your sword like a battle-axe is no way to kill me, girl!" Hans jeered as she missed him completely.

Adrenaline pumped in Anna's veins as she increased the fury of her turbulent assault. The Crown Prince seemed to be enjoying himself, laughing and giggling with each miss of her blade. Anna was putting all her force behind each swing and thrust. If she could just get one hit on the bastard...

Seven minutes already passed, but Anna failed to land a blow. Breathing heavily and muscles starting to become sore, she spared a glance at her sister and Hiccup. Elsa was watching intently and Hiccup was slowly getting back up while groaning in pain, but Anna sensed that Elsa's injuries were too severe for her to do anything at all but watch.

Elsa's life, Hiccup's life, her own life, and Arendelle's future depended on her to win. Rejuvenated by the fear of losing, Anna renewed her assault with a rage she never knew she was capable of. Sword swings came unbearably close with each miss, and stabs just missed by a centimeter. Even Hans was genuinely taken aback by her sudden show of ferocity.

"Now to think about it, you actually have potential in you. Perhaps there's something more to you than just a sad, weak, pathetic little girl I pictured you to be."

Blinded by rage, Anna lashed out with a rage filled scream. Her blade connected with something solid. Ulfric screamed loudly, pulling back from her, clutching the bloody stump where his left hand used to be. Anna gawked at the dismembered hand, stunned by the sheer luck she even struck him. Hans glared daggers of hatred at her, his eyes glowing fiery red. "You... you little shit!!"

Anna's victory was short lived. A granite fist struck her square in the stomach, knocking all of the wind in her lungs as she was launched backwards. The bloody sword in her hands flew out of her grasp. Before she could even recover from the blow, Anna was lifted nearly five feet into the air by her throat. She could see Elsa and Hiccup struggling tremendously to get back up, desperate to do anything to help her.

Anna was no doubt in pain, but the man ignored it, he glowered at her. "I'm going to make wish for death!" A sharp pain flared in the back of Anna's head as she was tossed onto the marble floor. Her vision turned blurry. "Oh God..." She moaned in agony, while clutching her head; an attempt to sooth her pounding head.

Through unfocused eyes, she saw Hans leering down at her. The Prince turned his head in Elsa and Hiccup's direction and gave the two a sinister grin. "Elsa... you're going to watch as I take her again right in front of you! And Hiccup? You too will watch how I took her days ago." He then loomed over Anna and grinned wickedly at her, pressing his weight down onto her to pin her.

Panicking, Anna started haphazardly fighting back to get Hans off. The sharp crack of Ulfric's hand smacking her cheek stunned her. "I'll show you once again, how a real cock feels like." Hans purred in Anna's ear, Hiccup was desperately trying to get up, but the impact of Han's heat wave reopened his wound from earlier and he couldn't get up.

The temperature suddenly dropped and a powerful yet bone chilling voice boomed out. "NOOOO!!!"

What happened next was a blur. Hans was suddenly no longer on top of Anna. Warm liquid splattered all over Anna, momentarily blinding her. She knew instantly that it was blood. When she managed to clean her eyes, she was staring right at Han's body, with a bloody ice spike sticking out diagonally from the ground. She followed its blood-stained length until she found Hans.

The Prince had been impaled clean through his gut and pinned against a column, but he was still alive. "How the hell...?" the Prince groaned, blood coming out of his mouth.

Whipping her head towards Elsa, she found her sister up on her feet again. The Queen of Arendelle's eyes glowed with a disturbing vermilion light. "You won't touch her ever again..." She snarled with an inhuman, almost demonic voice.

Without even utilizing her hands, Elsa summoned another spike of ice to skewer Hans mercilessly. And then another. And another. And another. The Prince, viciously crucified against the column, still refused to die. But Elsa wasn't finished with him. With a grin that can only be described as ruthless, she slowly closed her hand, and spikes of ice suddenly erupted from within the Han's body in response. As the final, bloody ice spike forced its way out through the mad princes's heart, Hans slumped over, his body slowly turning into ice.

The demon that usurped her kingdom and tormented herself, Anna and Hiccup, Crown Prince Hans of the Southern Isles, was dead.

Anna wrenched her gaze away from the Crown Prince's frozen corpse in time to see her sister collapse on her knees. Rushing up to her as fast as her feet can carry her, Anna managed to catch her in time before Elsa fell face first against the floor.

She turned her over and cradled her, careful to not aggravate Elsa's grave injuries. Anna turned around to see Hiccup slap his Inferno blade once more on his wound and swallowed down bile that threatened to exit her mouth as she saw Hiccup's flesh sizzle and blood bubble as her husband sealed the wound once more. Anna turned back to Elsa and also noticed that her sister's eyes were azure once more albeit very unfocused. Elsa's breathing was shallow, raspy almost. "Elsa? Elsa, can you hear me?" Anna choked out, Hiccup finally knelt beside Anna and caressed Elsa's hair gently. "Elsa?" Hiccup asked with fear in his tone.

She did not respond to Anna or Hiccup.

"Elsa? Please, don't leave us like this!" The younger girl sobbed, tears falling down her cheeks, Hiccup too had tears forming in his eyes, he kissed Elsa's forehead and shook his head, refusing to believe that the Queen of Arendelle was dead.

In a barely audible whisper, Elsa responded to her sister and husbands cries. "It is finished..."

And then, Elsa closed her eyes.

A/N: Bam! Next chapter is Hiccup, Elsa, Anna, Valka, the Ryttere and Elsa's frozen army against Stoick and Magnus's combined tribe, as well as whats left of the War-Born and Bloodhair warriors. Only that chapter and one more left, hope y'all are ready for an explosive finale. 

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