Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Beer For You And A Fine Ass And Laugh For Me.

I laughed at the boys as I drank the Bud Light they were fighting over, shaking my head chuckling. "I'm so mean."

I took another drink, holding the neck of the bottle with my thumb and forefingers close to my mouth, smiling smugly.

What they didn't know, or weren't going to know, was that I had actually brought some beer with me I was hiding it in my bag.

They wrestled for about an hour and a half before Colby was knocked to the ground by Joe, he landed near my feet I smiled at him when he looked at me, he flashed me a grin, inclining his head before he noticed what was in my hand, his jaw dropped. "Dude!"

He snatched the almost empty bottle out of my hands, staring at the bottle in disbelief, then looked up at me. "That was the last one!"

"You snooze you lose." I said grinning, taking the bottle and drinking from it and smiling at him smugly as he watched me finish it off with a look that seemed to be only expressed if the world was ending, buuut I was drinking the last known beer in this house in front of him, he had fought two other guys for it only to find a girl drinking it, so it made sense why, I somewhat ended his little ity bity world.

Jon and Joe came in, their jaws also dropped at the sight of me with the last beer.


I chuckled.

"Astrid! That was my beer!" Jon whined, approaching the counter I was seated at and leaned against it, giving me a sad look.

I looked him right in his blue eyes. "Don't be so whiny there's more."

"No there isn't." He argued, pouting.

I rolled my eyes, bent down and picked up my bag. "Men and their beer . . . hey guys?" I looked passed Joe's shoulder and pointed at nothing, eyes wide, pulling a Marty from Back to the Future. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?"

They all turned and I swiftly and quietly yanked out a Red Bull, Bud Light, Sam Adams, and Heineken. When they looked back at me I smiled at the boy's dumbfounded faces and laughed. "See more beer."

It took awhile for them to choose because most of the beer was a really good brand so they stood there deciding on which to drink. Finally after picking a Bud Light, Sam Adams, and a Heineken I put the rest into the fridge.

After a swig of his Sam Adams Jon smiled at me. "Joe, Colby, this is Astrid Callyx, I meet her last week after my match with Bray."

They smiled, lifting their beer up to me.

"Thanks for the beer. Where'd you get it?" Colby asked, as I studied the blonde side of his head, I transferred my gaze to his face. "I work as a bartender at The Vault so that is an obvious place."

"That would explain it."

I nodded, looking around the trashed living room. "So, uh, you fight for beer often?"

They all turned to stare into the room behind them with sheepish and somewhat embarrassed faces. "No."

"Well then." I muttered, drinking my new bottle of Bud Light.

Panic Room suddenly blasted from my phone, I cursed, I really need to put it on vibrate!

I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID. A stream of curses left my mouth as I answered.


"Astrid Jasmine Callyx! Where are you?"

I sighed at Cassandra's motherly tone, rubbing the side of my face. "Hey Cassandra, what's up?"

"Don't you "what's up" me Missy, where are you?"

I chuckled. "Somewhere."

She made a sound of supreme annoyance. "Be more specific, woman."

"I'm hanging with some boys, mom." I answered with some farther detail, empathizing mom so she knew I was teasing.

"Oooo, are they sexy?"

I laughed, looking up at the three men who were cleaning up their mess, Jon had his back turned, bent over, giving me a great look on his ass. I gave a low wolf whistle. "Oh yeah, all three of them are, but I got my sights on the one who has their ass turned to me, and my my my, its magnificent."

Jon looked over at me over his shoulder with an amused look, knowing I was teasing my friend.

"Three! And ass! Girl where are you!" She exclaimed. "I want ass action!"

I burst out laughing, gripping the edge of the counter to stabilize my balance so I didn't fall from leaning too far back.

The boys looked over at me, I smiled at them, giggling like a little girl, I covered my mouth.

"AJ what's it look like! Tell me I'm dying to know!"

I calmed down a little more and bit my inner cheek. "It looks like a ass, Cassy."



"Is he standing?"

"Yes, he doubled over and since he knows what I'm doing, he's shaking it. Oh now he standing up." I explained, narrating every move Jon was making, a stupid grin plastered on my face.

Colby and Joe just laughed at him.

"See, Jon, I told you you'd make a great male model." Colby clicked his tongue, shaking his head amusedly.

"And I told you, you'd make a great female model, Col." He shot back. I bursted into laughter as Joe raised his hands up in surrender, taking a step back. "I'm not getting into that again."
I slid off my stool and slowly to the floor, laying down on the cold tile, laughing my head off.

Oh god, personal wrestling match is way more hilarious then world wide.

"With your sleek, well toned legs and all." I peeked from behind the counter to find Jon with his right leg extended out in front of him, toe pointed and slowly running his fingertips across his upper thigh.

I laughed harder, barring my face in my arms, my face burning hot. I got up, approaching the men. "God, you guys are hilarious." I looked at Colby. "But he is right, you could be a female model."

They all laughed, I could hear yelling from my phone and put it up to my ear.


"I gotta go help the boys clean up their living room, Cass, I'll talk to you later. Bye."

I hung up and turned it on vibrate. I shoved it in my pocket and clapped my hands and rubbed them together. "Ok boys, who's first?"

Joe and Colby gave me confused looks while Jon had a slowly growing smirk on his face, he patted Colby's shoulder. "I think Colby should be first."

I grinned evilly. "Oh, I've been wanting to do this for a l-o-n-g time."

Jon pulled Joe away from Colby, giving me room, Colby gave him a nervous, puzzled look before he looked down at me.

"Seth Rollins . . . you're mine." I said and ran at him, tackling him before he could ready himself. He shouted at me in surprise.

Jonathan and Joseph laughed at Colby as he was beat up by a 5'7 girl who was four inches shorter then him.

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