Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Keep A Secret And Gimme Them Shirts

Jon and I sat on the couch, watching the horror movie, Insidious so far Colby was the only one screaming like a little girl every once and while I'd hide my face or close my eyes and tense.

A creepy face popped up on the screen and I screamed, latching onto Jonathan's arm. He glanced down at me and chuckled. I glared at him. "Shut up, its impressive against Colby's little girl screams every 5 minutes."

Colby looked up at me from the floor next to Joe, looking offended. "Hey!"

"Its true!"

"Shut up!"

"You shut up, you wuss."

He grumbled, turning back to the flat screen TV crossing his arms, pouting. I laughed at him.

After it was over I slowly clapped, breaking the silence. "Movie two."

Colby grabbed the remote. "Lets watch The Notebook!"

"Dear God, not again . . ." Jon groaned.

"Too bad." Colby said, playing the movie.

I sat there shaking my head the whole time.


Joe fell asleep during the movie and Colby was on the verge of falling asleep. He was leaning on Joe's shoulder, his eyes droopy. But Jon and I were wide awake. We kept looking over at them until Colby was asleep.

"Finally." Jon muttered, turning the TV off. It went pitch black all around us. "I hope you don't mind."

"No . . ."I trailed off, hugging my knees as I grew cold.

"Are you shaking?"


"Alright, come here, I'm too damn lazy to get a blanket for you."

"That's so cliché, even for Dean Ambrose." I said, but scooted over to him, his arms found me and pulled me into him. His chest vibrated with a soft laugh.

"I know."

I laid my head on his collarbone, staring off into the pitch blackness. After a long peaceful silence I finally blinked and shifted my head so I was looking up at the face that was above mine, meters away, even though I couldn't see him. "Jonathan?"

"Yeah?" He asked, tiredness lacing his amazing voice, I had caught him dosing off.

"Can I tell you something that no one else really knows about me?"

He shifted, the sound of clothes crinkling was deafening against my ear and the silence, he rested his chin on the top of my head. "Sure."

"My name isn't....Astrid." I admitted quietly and nervously.

His jaw flexed on my head, probably making a weird face like he always does. "What is your name?"

"Parker." I whispered, ashamed, my real name was Parker, I had a boy name, when my parents named me they purposely did that to me so my life would a living hell at home and away from home. They just hated me and I have done nothing other then be born and be their frickin slave I lost my virginity at six! SIX! I was six years old.

"What? Did you say . . ."

"Parker." I repeated, saying it at the same time with him. "Parker, see I told you my family hated me, I was given a frickin guy's name, I started telling people my name was Astrid because it was such a pretty and uncommon name, I love ancient Greek and I love the stars, I used Astrid because it defined my likings and personality, Astrid was a girl I dreamed myself to be, but I'm only Parker, Parker Hunter, a nobody that no one knows."

"Astr- Parker, I know you, and I don't care what your name is, you are my friend and I will always be there for you." He leaned back, getting into his jacket pocket. I heard the sound of chains clinking against each other and felt Jon's warm hand brush my forearm, slowly gliding down to my hand and place a cold medallion in my palm. I tightening my grip on the object, rubbing my thumb over it.

"What is it?" I asked once he was laying down on the couch, me still in his arms, laying upon his hard chest. Had to say, his body was so dreamy to feel against mine, it was so hard toned, lean and he had a body everyone would dream of, it was that amazing.

"Dean Ambrose necklace, tomorrow I'll give you a shirt, one of mine, and maybe even a hoodie."

I snaked my arms slowly around his waist, hugging him, nuzzling his chest, remembering my pact of hugging him when we got out of his truck. "Thank you . . ."

I felt his large hand slid up into my hair and cradle my head to his chest, I smiled.

I have never felt more wanted in my life.

"Your welcome, Parker."

I gripped the pendent tighter, still smiling, as I got a good whiff of his cologne. It was heavenly as I closed my eyes and dosed off to the nice rhythmic movement of Jon's fingers in my hair.


I awoke the next morning on Jon, I felt prickles on my face and opened my eyes. Jon's face was on my cheek and his stubble was poking me.

"You need to shave." I muttered, closing my eyes again.

My response was a grumble and then a soft snore. I tried falling back asleep, but Jon moved in his sleep and I fell off him.


Jon sat up, almost falling himself.
"What happened!"

"You moved and I fell off you." I grumbled, rubbing my hip.

"Sorry." He apologized, holding his hand out and helped me up.

"Apology accepted."



"Oh . . ." he trailed off sadly.

"I'm kidding! Yes I forgive you."

"Shut the hell up you morons. Its like 7 in the morning!" Colby screeched.

"Someone pissed in your Cheerios." I said sitting on the couch.

"I haven't had any yet." Col grumbled.
"Crabby pants." I muttered rolling my eyes.

"What pants? I'm not wearing any." Just then Joe got up from under the blanket with Colby and went to one of the beds.

"REJECTION!" I yelled, laughing, Jon laughed with me, and I have to say his laugh was so amazing.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going back to bed." Colby said, pulling the blanket over his head and turned his back to us.

"You do that, Colby." I said and turned to Jon with a innocent look. "Shirts?"

He laughed, nodding. "C'mon."

"Yay!" I stood up and slipped the Dean Ambrose pendent over my head, following him to what I guess was his room. "Don't give me any sweaty ones though . . ."

He pouted. "Awww."

I smirked softly. "Sorry I don't want a sweaty Dean Ambrose shirt that you probably wore a week ago for a match."

He opened one of his drawers and pulled out a black shirt, throwing it at me. "One thing down. Three more to go."

He closed the drawer and went to his closet, digging through it he found a hoodie and this time handed it to me. "This might fit you more then the shirt, I wore that when I was in my teens, I wasn't as big back then."

I nodded and took the black hoodie I remember he wore a lot into the ring when he was nineteen, maybe twenty. "Thanks."

"Then I'll buy you a women shirt so it'll fit you. And maybe a Unstable necklace."

I smiled. "I'll pay you back if you want."

He shook his head. "Nah, don't bother. I'm rich, I got lots of money."

"Ok . . ." I agreed hesitantly.

Jon looked at me as I sat on the end of his bed and opened his mouth, but nothing came out, he closed it, then opened it again. "Can you do something for me, Parker?"

I nodded. "Sure, what is it?"

He looked at the wall to his right, licking his lips before he bit his bottom lip. "Can you join WWE? Paul and Stephanie are looking for new Divas, and I'd like for you to wrestle because you're great at it, and . . .and well you've become a great friend to me, I don't want to leave LA without you."

I smiled and stood up, setting my new goodies aside, and approached him. I stood really close to him, looking up at him, he stared down at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

"If you want, I'll try." I got up on my toes and pecked him on his cheek. "Now, do me a favor and go shave."

He smiled down at me and seized me into a tight hug, lifting me clear off the ground, spun me once before setting me back down and cupped my face, gently trailing his thumb over my lips, I suppressed the shiver that threatened to crawl down my spine and stared up at him, parting my lips a little. He bent his head down, I stayed completely still, I felt his hot breath on my face and I couldn't move, my heart racing.

Was Dean Ambrose about to kiss me?

He seemed to snap out of his trance and quickly brushed my bangs aside and kissed my forehead instead before walking off to the bathroom.

I stood there shell shocked. Oh my God Dean Ambrose just kissed me, it wasn't on the lips but it was my forehead, to me it was still epic. A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth and I soon found myself grinning like an idiot.

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