Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Surprise Me Lunatic

I walked out of Jon's hotel building, its been four days since Jon almost kissed me, I never asked about it but I knew he felt a little awkward and nervous when he left the bathroom with a freshly shaved face I had reassured him with a bright smile that had made him smile.

This was my third visit to the Ambrolleigns castle. Its what they called their room.

I had came knocking on their door to have Jon swing it open excitedly, grinning his signature insane smile. I had taken a step back, a little creped out by it, he had laughed at me and had dragged me down twelve flights of stairs back to the parking lot. He was so excited to show me something and I couldn't help but laugh and smile at his happiness.

Now he was covering my eyes, guiding me aimlessly around, after a while he stopped me.

"Ok close your eyes, Parker."

I did and I felt him slide his hands slowly from my eyes, and felt his warm breath delicately brush my left cheek as he checked to see if they were closed.

"Ok open your eyes, Park."

I chuckled at the nickname and opened my eyes, I gasped, my hands flying up to cover my mouth.

A blue Silverado 1500 Chevy sat in front of me, the sun glistening off the dark paint and it was huge. I looked at Jon.

"You bought this for me!"

He nodded. I felt tears come to my eyes and I typically jumped on Jon as I went to hug him, crying hard. I felt his arms wrap themselves around my waist and hold me as I thanked him repeatedly.

"Oh my god thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much! This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me! Thank you, Jon, I'm so happy, thank you."

He laughed, rubbing my back, probably thinking it was the emotions talking, saying this was the nicest thing anyone has done for me, but it wasn't, it was true, this was the nicest thing that has ever happened to me in my crappy life.

"Jonathan, I'm serious, no one has ever been this nice to me before." He pulled me away to arms length and stared straight into my watery eyes.

Jonathan's P.O.V

The look on Parker's face was amazing when she had seen the truck, she looked like a little girl finding out she was going to Disney world. It put a smile on my face to see how happy she was, and I was surprised when she had jumped on me, hugging the day lights outta me, I'm not gonna sugar code it, the woman was strong. She was crying and thanking me for the gift, I couldn't help but laugh.

She choked on a sob and muttered. "Jonathan, I'm serious, no one has ever been this nice to me before."

My excitement slowly died at her words, as they slowly sunk in, I released her and held her by her shoulders at arms length, staring into her teary blue eyes that were almost gray as a stormy day. The sincerity in her voice and eyes caught me off guard, no one, no one had ever gave her anything nice like this.

I felt my blood pressure rise in anger at the thought and realization. What was everyone's deal with hating this girl? She might be physically and mentally scarred from her abusive past but she was nice and as innocent as a child, she was also beautiful, she was talented, many people was taking Parker Hunter for granted.

Parker Hunter . . . I suddenly wondered what her middle name was, weird and as random as it was I was curious.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Parker, not to be rude but, what's your middle name?"

"Jx. Parker Jx Hunter, a lot of people call me PJ, my family did anyway, now, they call me AJ for Astrid Jasmine. Astrid Jasmine Callyx is a different girl then Parker Jx Hunter. Even though they are the same person."

"How are they different?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Ones real, ones fake." She answered, looking at the Silverado.

I looked at her, bringing her eyes back to me by gently gripping her chin and pulling it back towards me, forcing her to look at me. Once she met my gaze I opened my mouth, "Which ones real?"

She shrugged effortlessly, sagging her shoulders, looking ashamed. "I don't know. Who's real to you, Jon? Parker or Astrid?"

I stared at her, she was seriously asking me this, she wanted too know which I liked more, the girl I met backstage, or the girl who was scarred and tortured for none other then being born.

I couldn't decide, I liked both of these girls, but for some reason Parker made me feel more alive and I got what people called butterflies in my stomach when I hear my name leave her lips, or when she talks about herself, the pain that dulled her misty blue eyes made me ache, made me wish I had been there and knew her at the time, to help her. Parker was the girl that made my heart race when she kissed my cheek, made it race when she was happy and knowing that I had succeed in doing that. Made the butterflies flutter around my stomach when she laughs, when she hugs me, and definitely when she smiles, the butterflies were more like dragons in my stomach when she smiles.

I got eagles flapping around in there when she laid on me, hugging me tightly around the waist, falling asleep on me.

Made me laugh at the most ridiculous things that shouldn't even be funny.

Parker was the one who beat Colby's ass, she was the one who knew how to wrestle, she was the one who drank the last beer and yelled 'WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?' So she could pull out more booze from her bag and surprise us.

She was the one who treated me as a normal person.

She was the girl that makes me happy. She's the one that I dream about at night, the one that puts a smile on face even in the most fool moods.

Parker Jx Hunter was the one that I had quickly growing feelings for.

The realization of my feelings hit me like a brick, I liked Parker, probably more then I should for only knowing her for less then a month.


I snapped out of my thoughts to the apprehensive voice of the girl that changed my world. I looked down at her. I was in love with an angel.

God Cupid was bitch, he so screwed me over.

"Parker." I murmur before I could think twice about it, I bent down taking her around the waist and capturing her soft lips in mine, holding her against my body gently but firmly, I held her in one arm as the other ventured up through her long chocolate locks, gripping a fist full of it

She moaned and fell limp against my chest, wrapping her arms around my neck and started playing with my hair, combing her fingers through it, and to my delight kissed back after recovering from her astonishment.

My heart raced and pounded in a way only Parker knew how to turn on, only her made me feel this way.

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