Chapter 13- Not enough

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Marinette cheered loudly as the one announced Adrien Agreste as the winner. The win guaranteed Adrien's spot in the semifinals, and Marinette couldn't be prouder.

Adrien widely smiled as he noticed his beautiful bluenette friend holding a sparkly black sign with the words TEAM ADRIEN in the middle in neon green. It was so Chat Noir-like that the blonde couldn't help but laugh.

The blonde turned and shook his opponent's hand before running towards Marinette, who quickly ran down the bleachers and jumped into his arms, just as she had every night since the start of his tournament.

'Best part of the night,' Adrien thought as he held her tightly.

Adrien blushed crimson red as he felt the bluenette's lips touch his cheek. "You did it! Congrats, Adrien," Marinette happily stated as she released the hug.

"Well, I have the best fan in the world supporting me. Nice sign, by the way," Adrien stated, pointing to the sparkly sign she had dropped as she jumped in his arms.

Marinette blushed. "Thanks."

Adrien smiled. Truth be told, he had seen the sign the last night as he visited his princess under his superhero persona, Chat Noir, but Marinette had not finished it.

Adrien bit his lip as he remembered how concentrated she was as she worked on the once-white cardboard. So much so that she hardly paid the hero much attention throughout the night.

The blonde remembers her exact words when he suggested a brake. "Adrien has worked hard, Chat. He deserves this and much more. I have to finish." Chat Noir would have died of jealousy if the sign wasn't for him. The truth was, part of him still was.

Adrien looked at the sign again. He couldn't help but feel confused. Chat Noir was important to Marinette, he knew that much, but something was still off. While Marinette kept taking over his heart and pushing Ladybug slowly out, Chat Noir still felt her withdrawn.

Chat was now sure he wanted something more than friendship with the bluenette, but it seemed as if Marientte was still confused.

If only he knew who that guy was, he could-

Adrien's thoughts were interrupted by the bluenette; herself.

"Are we going to watch the last match and find out who will be your opponent, or are we going to be leaving?"

Adrien smiled. "No, they'll let me know. Let's go. Movie night at my place?" He asked. His father had finally allowed him to have a friend over, and he wanted to experience it with the bluenette.

Marinette nodded with a smile. "Great, let's go," Adrien said excitedly, and Marinette giggled. "Umm, are you going to leave like that again?" Marinette teased, pointing at his clothes.

Adrien blushed in embarrassment as he looked down at his clothes. He had done the same thing the first night of the tournament.

"I- I'm j-just g-gonna-"

"Just go get changed, dork!" Marinette interrupted with a laugh, and Adrien quickly joined. Marinette was finally comfortable with him, and he loved it.


"Your mother was beautiful," Marinette whispered as she watched the tv screen. The bluenette's head lay on the blonde's shoulder as the teens cuddled on Adrien's couch. They had watched Solitude, per Marinette's wish.

"Yes, she truly was," Adrien responded sadly, and Marinette's heart broke for him.

"I'm sorry. I know how hard it is for you to watch this. You must miss your mom so much."

"Yeah, I do. Sometimes I feel alone. Things would be so much different if she were here," he confessed.

"But you are not alone," Marinette responded. "I am here. I will always be here for you. Adrien, you are not alone."

Adrien smiled as their eyes met. "Thank you, Marinette," he stated, getting lost in her bluebell orbs. "My mother would have loved you," he whispered, gently pushing some hair out of her face and caressing her cheek.

The model's heart pounded as he stared at the girl who owned his heart. She had no idea how much her words meant to him. Adrien was not sure how or when it happened. He knew it wasn't on purpose, but he had accidentally fallen for his classmate.

At that moment, the blonde wanted nothing more than to kiss her again. And Adrien had every intention of doing so.

Marinette's heart pounded as she watched Adrien close his eyes and slowly lean in. Marinette's heart sped up as she felt his breath on her lips. It was as if time had stopped. A dream come true. Adrien was about to kiss her, and she had no intention of stopping it.

Lost in the moment, Adrien forgot who he was at the moment. "Princess, may I kiss you?" he asked, his voice lower than a whisper. And that is when it hit her.


Chat Noir, the only guy Marinette had kissed and had confessed to before, awaited her. For her answer.

She had promised him a chance to get to know each other better.

She had promised him loyalty until being sure of her feelings.

He didn't deserve this. Not Chat Noir. If she was honest, while she still loved Adrien very much, Chat held a big part of her heart. Even more, than she had imagined. Marinette couldn't do this to him. Not right now. Not like this.

Opening her eyes, Marinette pulled back subtly. "I- I'm sorry, Adrien, but I can't do this," she stated with tears, quickly standing and picking her things up before running out of his room, leaving Adrien hurt and confused.

"I'm so sorry, Chat," the bluenette thought as she ran home.


Adrien looked at the door, feeling hurt. He couldn't understand what had happened. That was until it dawned on him.

He was not Chat Noir.

He had tried to kiss Marinette, as Adrien!

What was he thinking? He had to fix this.

Not waiting for another second, Adrien called on to his transformation and jumped out of his window. He had to get to Marinette's place before she did.


Marinette sat on the park bench thinking.

Adrien had tried to kiss her.

She had rejected her crush.

For Chat Noir!

What was happening to her?


Chat Noir sighed as he awaited the bluenette's arrival. Marinette had rejected him. He hoped with all his heart he could be the guy she loved, but it wasn't him.

Chat bit his lip as he attempted not to cry. He knew he had messed up. Marinette would not likely want to have anything to do with him anymore.

Why did the world hate him so much? First, he fell in love with Ladybug, and she wanted nothing to do with him, and now, he has fallen for Marinette, who apparently did not either.

Adrien cursed his luck. He couldn't help but wonder who was the guy who kept coming in between him and his princess. Chat Noir was no longer confused. He knew he wanted more than a friendship with Marinette, but he couldn't have that as long as that guy was around. If only he-

"I thought I heard a stray," A voice he recognized called out from behind him. Chat Noir placed his best fake smile and turned around. "I was waiting for my princess to let down her hair," he tried to flirt, but Marinette saw right through him. Chat Noir had also had a bad day.

"Chat, are you okay?" Marinette asked worriedly.

Chat Noir smiled. Even when his princess was down, she worried more for him. "I can't lie. I have had a bad night, but don't worry, princess. I feel better now that you are here. Can we watch a movie?" He stated, changing the conversation quickly.


Marinette lay in Chat Noir's arms as they watched The Notebook, not that either of them paid much attention to the movie. Marinette was distracted by the secret feeling of guilt for almost kissing Adrien, and Chat Noir kept thinking of his rejection and who the other guy could be.

Not being able to handle the unknown, Chat Noir decided to ask. "Princess?" he called out, pausing the movie. "Hmm," Marinette hummed. "Who is he?" He asked, not beating around the bush.

"Who is who?" Marinette asked, feeling confused.

"The guy you love," he responded, looking straight into her eyes. Marinette froze and pulled away. "W-what?"

"Princess, you already know who it is I loved, but I don't know yours. Don't you think I deserve to know who the guy keeping me away from my princess's heart is?" He asked in all seriousness.


"Please, Marinette. I- I need to know."

Marinette sighed.

Chat Noir was right.

He deserves to know.

"Adrien. Adrien Agreste," She confessed.

Chat Noir gasped as he heard his civilian name come out of her lips. At that moment, he let out a laugh. Him? His competition was himself. Well, no wonder she was confused. He had done all that himself.

Marinette frowned as Chat Noir laughed. It felt as if he was mocking her.

"What's so funny?"

Chat Noir stopped as he realized what he had done. It wasn't like Marinette knew he was Adrien.

"I am sorry, princess. It's just that I was worried but not now that I know my competition is that model, the rich daddy's boy," he lied, attempting to cover his identity.

But his answer only made her blood boil.

"Excuse me? Daddy's boy?" She questioned, standing up from her bed.

"How dare you speak of Adrien that way. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe he is with his dad because he had no one else? That he didn't choose to be a model? That he does what he does to make his only family proud. Yes, he is rich, but that doesn't change the fact that he is an amazing person. He is one of the strongest boys I know. He has faced more than any other boy his age has, but he is still standing. He has many reasons to cry, yet he still smiles. He is smart and nice and caring. Adrien is much more than meets the eye Chat. He is special. At least he is to me."

Chat bit his lip. He never imagined he could mean so much to someone. He definately hadn't seen in himself what Marinette saw in him. Chat smiled. Hearing her speak of his civilian self in a such way made him proud to be Adrien. He hadn't wanted to be himself in a while.

"Wow, you really do love him, don't you?" Chat asked quietly. "I don't stand a chance, do I?" he asked again, and Marinette sighed.

"Actually, Chat, I-"

Marinette was interrupted by the sound of his alarm.

Chat Noir sighed. He had almost forgotten patrol with Ladybug. "I am sorry, princess, but duty calls. I'll see you after patrol," he stated. Chat then placed a gentle kiss on her head and jumped out of the window.


Chat awaited Ladybug's arrival. Of course, she was late. If only he knew that beforehand, he could have had a few more minutes with his princess.

"Hey, Chat, sorry I'm late."

"It's fine. Shall we get started, Chat Noir stated, looking at the time."

"Are you in a hurry or something?" Ladybug smirk.

"Actually, yeah. I have a princess to see," Chat Noir smiled.

"Oh," Ladybug responded, faking cluelessness.

"Does that mean the Chat got over the bug?" She asked almost teasingly but genuinely wondering.

"Don't," Chat responded, crossing his arms.

"Don't what?"

"Don't do that. Don't try to confuse me. You already know how I feel."

Ladybug furrowed her brows. Did that mean what she thought it meant?

Before she could speak again, an explosion was heard, and Chat Noir quickly leaped into action. Ladybug followed quickly.


Chat groaned as the paper boy used his power to slam him into the building. The hit took the air out of his lungs. Attempting to catch his breath, Chat failed to notice the Akuma coming at him. Luckily Ladybug pushed Chat Noir out of the way, taking the hit for him.

"Ladybug!" Chat yelled, worryingly. Pissed off, Chat Noir charged at the Akuma victim, allowing Ladybug enough time to get back up and come up with a plan to get the Akuma. Leaping right into the action, Ladybug wrapped her yo-yo in the bag on his side, throwing it to Chat Noir, who used his cataclysm to destroy it.

It only took a second for Ladybug to purify her Akuma and Chat Noir to react. Chat reached for Ladybug and jumped away from civilians.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Chat yelled at his partner.

"You could have been killed. Why would you try to save me? Paris needs Ladybug!"

"Chat, relax. I am fine," Ladybug defended.

"But next time, you could not be! Damn it, Ladybug, you can't do that!" Chat let out upset, and Ladybug felt her blood boil. Did he think she was weak? Did this mean what she thought it did?

"Why not? Why do you care?"

"You know why!"

"No, I don't! So, explain it to me because I don't get it."

"Because I love you. Damn it, Ladybug. How do you think I would feel if I had to watch you die? Did you want to know the answer to your question? Well, there it is! No, I am not over you, and I never will. And you know that. As amazing as she is, she is not you!" Chat said, attempting for Ladybug to understand his situation.

Ladybug stood in silence. She didn't know what to say or do. Chat Noir just made it painfully clear that he would always love her hero persona and that Marinette would always come in second place.

Ladybug felt her eyes water. That hurt. It hurt like hell. She had just rejected the boy she loved for years for Chat Noir, who just confessed that he could never love her real self. She felt like a fool. She played and toyed with. Only minutes ago, he made it sound like he wanted to be with Marinette to now openly confess that he could never love her right after.

"I have to go," Ladybug whispered, quickly swinging away.

Chat sighed as he watched Ladybug swing away. Realizing what he had just said, he groaned. 'No, no, no. Had he just told her he loved her? What the hell had he just done?'

The brunette gasped as she managed to record the entire argument. This so had to go on the Ladyblog.


Marinette let out another tear as she replayed the video on her phone. Alya had just posted the unedited copy of the Akuma fight, including the argument, and it hurt.

"She is not you!" She replayed again, allowing another tear to fall. He used her. He came to her at her worst and used her with fake feelings only to admit to the world she would never be good enough.


Marinette jumped as she heard his voice. How dare he come back!

"Princess, what are y-" Chat froze as he heard his voice. Marinette played the video again.

Chat Noir cursed his luck. Of course, Alya would record him.

"Princess, I can explain," he stated, walking closer to her, and Marinette chuckled sadly, her finger tapping on the play button again.

"Because I love you. Damn it, Ladybug. How do you think I would feel if I had to watch you die? Did you want to know the answer to your question? Well, there it is! No, I am not over you, and I never will. And you know that. As amazing as she is, she is not you!"

"Better than this?" She asked sarcastically. "Oh, I understood clearly."

"Princess, please, that's not-"

"Get out," Marinette interrupted.

"What? N-no, princess, please let me explain," Chat Noir begged.

"I said, get out," she repeated in anger.

"I rejected Adrien for you! FOR YOU! And all for what? For this?" She said, lifting her phone.

"Go! I never want to see you again," Marinette stated one last time before walking to her bathroom and closing the door, leaving a broken Chat Noir not knowing what to do, but to take his leave.

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