Chapter 14- Semifinals

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Adrien's eyes remained fixed on the door as time passed. It was now towards the end of the first period, and Marinette had yet to show up at school. But he didn't blame her. She probably wanted nothing whatsoever to do with him. Not in his civilian form or his hero.

Adrien felt completely and utterly screwed.

The blonde couldn't understand why every time he was with Ladybug: he managed to say all the dumb things.

He didn't even know why he had said them to her. He didn't mean them. Chat Noir had been so worried about Ladybug's safety and the safety of Paris that he said whatever it took to get her to stop placing herself in danger. Paris needed Ladybug. His princess lived in Paris.

Did he love Ladybug? Yes, part of him still did. Was it enough to pick her over his princess? No, not anymore.

Adrien loved Marinette. And last night, hearing her asking him to get out and never come back reassured him of it. Adrien had never felt as much pain as he did last night. The thought of losing Marinette was even more painful than when he lost his mother.

As a result, Adrien didn't sleep a wink. He tried contacting the bluenette as both Adrien and Chat, but he had not gotten a response.

How was he supposed to know that his princess had gotten an episode last night? That the entire situation overwhelmed her to the point of causing an extreme-level panic attack. How did he know her parents had to take her to the hospital? Or that Marinette would feel forced into telling them of her past situation.

Adrien didn't know. No one knew!


Marinette played with her lucky charm as she sat in bed. She was home now. The doctors told her to take it easy and to get a lot of rest.

Last night had been one of the worst nights of her life. It only took minutes after locking herself in the bathroom that Marinette faced the panic attack. She couldn't explain what had happened. One second she was sobbing on the floor, and the next, she couldn't breathe.

It didn't help that hearing Chat's words was the start of the images in her head. Then there he was again, touching her, kissing her, Chat Noir telling her she was not good enough, her rejecting Adrien, the feeling of being worthless. It hit her all at once.

Marinette sighed as she remembered the look on her parent's faces as she told him of the attack. While it put them at ease that Chat Noir had saved her and dealt with the criminal, they still set a new curfew for her, stating she would no longer be allowed to go out after sundown. Things for her as Ladybug would only get difficult now that her parents were watching.

Tikki watched as her holder played with the charm bracelet Adrien once gave her. She knew Marinette was wondering if she could fix things with Adrien, but the bluenette was not speaking.

She waited for her parents to give her the okay to go to school. The doctors said she could return once she felt better, and Marinette wasted no time, begging her parents to allow her to. The Dupain Cheng's finally agreed with the condition that it would be after lunch, and she had to get some rest before then. It was not like they knew the only time she could sleep well was when she was in Chat's arms.

Chat! Chat Noir was dead to her. Marinette didn't want to have any relationship with the hero. She could never trust him with her heart again. He was the reason for her tragedies. Marinette knew she had most likely ruined her friendship with Adrien for nothing!

Adrien. Adrien had called her multiple times while in the hospital, but Marinette didn't respond. She didn't know what, if anything, she could say after running from him the way that she did.

Marinette only hoped she could still salvage her friendship with the blonde.


Adrien's leg bounced up and down as he sat at the lunch table. No one had heard from Marinette, and he was to lose his cool. He needed to know if she was okay.

"You sure you okay, man?" Nino asked as he noticed his best friend's state.

"Yeah, I'm just-" At that precise moment, his eyes landed on a beautiful bluenette walking towards them, and he couldn't help but jump up and run to her side, hugging her.

"Marinette, I was worried about you. I tried calling you all night. I'm sorry about last night. I-"

Marinette felt her heart pound. How was it that even after she had messed up, he was the one apologizing? Adrien was indeed astounding. Marinette couldn't believe she had rejected him for Chat.

"No, I'm sorry. I was just confused, and you don't deserve to have anything less than perfect, and at this moment, it's not me. Not yet. I am very sorry, Adrien, but all I can offer you is my friendship," Marinette confessed. She would not hurt Adrien as Chat had hurt her. She would not toy with his feelings. Not as long as Chat Noir still held a part of her heart.

Adrien nodded understandingly. He knew that was the answer he would get, but it made him feel better knowing she didn't completely hate him.

"Where were you? I was worried," Adrien asked, genuinely wondering.

The blonde gasped as Marinette lifted her arm, showing him her hospital bracelet.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened?"

"Relax, Adrien. It was just a small panic attack. I'm fine," she lied. Adrien nodded but still felt guilty. He had caused that. He was the reason his princess was hurt.

"Girl! Where have you been? Did you say my video? I can't believe I got all that!" Alya squealed as Marinette took her seat at the table.

Marinette looked away, blinking some tears away.

Adrien gulped and made a fist as he remembered what he had said to Ladybug and just how much his princess hated him.

Marinette then faked a smile. "Yes, I did. It was great, Alya. The Ladyblog will be number one after that video," she faked happiness for her friend, but Adrien saw right through that.

Of course, she hated the video. Hell, Adrien despised the video, too! That video single handly ruined both of their lives.

"Mari, can I talk to you for a second," he asked, interrupting the conversation, and Marinette was quick to nod and follow him outside.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Adrien proceeded to talk once they were alone.

"I-" Marinette hesitated. Before she knew it, she shook her head, signaling no. "N-no, but I will be. Don't worry about me, Adrien. I will be fine."

"Mari, you know I can't do that. I can just not worry."

"I'm fine, Adrien. Please don't worry about me. Instead, worry about your semi-finals tonight. I heard who you are facing. Kagami will be a tough opponent," Marinette stated, changing the conversation.

Adrien shook his head. "I am not worried about that. All I am worried about is if you will show up tonight," Adrien replied, looking into her eyes.

Marientte smiled. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."


Adrien looked around the gym in search of his princess.

Where was she?

She had promised to be there.

He needed her there.

Marinette was his lucky charm.

"Adrien, are you ready?" Armand D'Argencourt, his couch asked.

Adrien sighed. She wasn't coming.


"Adrien!" He heard her call out.

He wasted no time turning to face her, and he was breathless. Marinette looked beautiful. She wore a pink dress sundress, and her hair was down, was she wearing makeup?

"Wow," Adrien whispered.

Marinette quickly ran to hug the blonde.

"I am sorry I am late. After what happened, my parents almost didn't allow me to come. She stated nervously. So, sorry in advance," she stated, looking behind her.

Adrien's eyes followed hers. He laughed as he noticed Marinette's parents holding the signs with his name on them. Adrien laughed again. He had no doubt the signs had been created by his princess.

"Adrien, my boy. Hope you don't mind us here supporting you," Tom said as he came closer.

"Not at all, sir. It means a lot."

"Sorry. It was the only way I could come," Marinette whispered.

"It's really alright, Marinette. All that I care about is that you are here. I was starting to worry that I'd lose. I'm nothing without my lucky charm," Adrien stated as he winked, and Marinette blushed.

"Good luck," she whispered after placing a kiss on his cheek.

"This one is for you," Adrien responded, sending her another wink as he placed his mask on.

Kagami watched as Marinette kissed her ex-boyfriend on the cheek and smiled. They really are meant to be.


"WINNER AND MOVING ON TO THE FINALS, ADRIEN AGRESTE!" The man yelled at the speakers as the crowd cheered.

"Nice match, Kagami. I thought you'd beat me for a second," Adrien laughed as he shook her hand.

"I tried my best, but I had no doubt you'd win. You seem to be at your best when she is around," Kagami replied, her eyes finding Marinette in the crowd. "She is my friend. Make her happy, you hear me?" Kagami continued.

"Till my last breath."


Chat Noir sat in Marinette's bed as he waited for her arrival. The Dupain Chengs had taken Adrien to dinner to celebrate his victory and had parted ways just minutes ago. Of course, Adrien chose not to go home. He had something to fix with Marinette, and Chat would do just that.

Chat Noir sighed as he remembered the lock on her trap door. Marinette hated him so much that she had decided to lock his entrance so that he couldn't come in. Not that it stopped him. He instantly cataclysm the lock out of existence. Nothing was going to keep him from Marinette. NOTHING AND NO ONE!

Marinette entered her room with a smile, not noticing Chat Noir in her bed.

'The night had been wonderful, and nothing could ruin it,' she thought, but soon realized how wrong she was.

"Do you hate me so much you decided to push me out of your life without allowing me to explain?" A voice called out from behind her, making her freeze.

Marinette's eyes quickly looked for the lock, only finding dust on the floor.

Chat Noir followed her sight. "Did you really think that would stop me? Did you think I'd give you up so easily? That lock is gone now, princess, and I am not leaving till we talk."

Marinette felt her heart pound as she felt him take a step closer.

"Go away, Chat," She whispered sadly.

"No!" He stated firmly. "I need to say this," he continued.

"I am not going to lie and say that I didn't say those things because we both know I did, but I can tell you that I didn't mean them." Marinette chuckled sadly, still refusing to turn and face him.

"Right!" She said sarcastically.

"Marinette, please allow me to explain," Chat Noir begged, reaching for her arms.

"Don't touch me, p-please," Marinette whispered as she held back tears.


"I am not your princess. I am not anything. There is nothing to explain Chat. It was all understood. You love Ladybug, you always will, and that's okay, but don't keep coming back to me, faking feelings that are only destroying me. Be happy with her, and leave me alone," Marinette confessed, allowing tears to fall.

"Please leave, Chat. Don't keep doing this to me."

Marinette proceeded to walk towards her door, attempting to leave her room, and Chat panicked. He knew he had to do something before Marinette could find a way to get rid of him.

"Princess, I don't love her. I love you!" He confessed as he held onto her arm, stopping her from leaving.

Marinette chuckled in disbelief. She was wrong about Chat Noir. He was by far not the nice guy she believed him to be. He was a jerk, a heartless prick who continued his attempt to break her heart.

"Marinette, you have to believe me. I am in love with you. I know what I said to her. To be honest, I don't even understand why I said them. But I do know that I was scared. I was scared that she would get herself killed, leaving Paris unprotected. Princess, you are here, in Paris. Without her, you are in danger. I can't allow that to happen."

"I know what I said hurt you, but I swear I didn't mean it. I thought it was the only thing that would stop Ladybug from doing it again, and when I realized what I had said, it had been too late. Princess, I can't lie to you and say I am fully over Ladybug, but I can say that I honestly love you. I can say that last night I realized that you were the only one I wanted to be with and that I would do anything for you to be mine. Please, forgive me. Princess, I am in love with you," Chat Noir confessed.

Marinette sobbed silently. Chat Noir had no idea how much she wished for his words to be true, but she could no longer trust him. His words had managed to destroy every ounce of trust she had in him. It was over. Her story with Chat was over.

For the first time since he arrived, Marinette turned to look him in the eyes. She took a shaky breath as she noticed Chat's eyes mirrored her own, but his tears and words were no longer enough.

"I'm sorry, Chat. I wish I could believe you, I really do, but I can't," She whispered, taking a step away from the hero.

"Move on, Chat. I know it won't take you long."

Chat Noir shook his head.

"You don't want to believe me, fine, I deserve it, but don't you dare ask me to move on because I won't. I love you, Marinette, I truly do, and I understand why you can't believe me, but hear me when I say I will prove it to you. I will prove how much I love you." 

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