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*Travis POV*

"And shouldn't you be careful with your words?" She threw my words back at me while subconsciously moving away from where I sat.

The urge to smile was so overwhelming, but somehow I held myself from doing so. Gina's own idea of acting fierce made appear cute and adorable. 

"No red lips today, Red?" I pointed out, abandoning the idea of my early suggestion. 

The last thing I want is to irritate her. I need to win her over first. And I know it won't be easy for me. Her mind and heart still wants my brother Simone, but that didn't change anything before in the past, and it won't change anything now.

"I'd suggest next time you come visiting, you should buy tons of red lipsticks since you like red." She replied back giving me a pointed look of accusation.

"I'm happy to know you want a next time." I responded unable to keep the huge smile from plastering my face.

Gina looked taken back by her very own comment, like a cornered mouse. She opened her mouth to speak, then closed it back multiple times. Her cornflower blue eyes twinkled in a way I haven't seen before. I could only guess it might be curiosity. If so, then I'm definitely getting somewhere.

"What?" I asked her the moment a frown appeared on her face, causing a shrink in-between the bridge of her eyes. The smile on my face still remained as I gazed at her in amazement.

"S-stop with your flirtatious words. I still find you very uncomfortable to be with." She said in an accusing tone.  

Quickly she stood up from the bed where she laid on some minutes ago, putting some distance between us and, as she created an invisible wall between us.

Her frown deepens the moment her eyes locked on my face again.

"And stop smiling." Gina ordered while fidgeting on her feet.

My left brow crocked up in a questioning way. "Why? It also makes you uncomfortable?" She said nothing to my question, prompting me to add. "From what I understand. Uncomfortable is a good thing. It means I'm getting somewhere, Red."

"Then you need to take back the money you spend on learning such things." She countered scoffing in disbelief, rolling her eyes at me, then folded her arms around her chest making me pay short attention to her choice of clothing.

It's as simple as it should be. A large gray tee-shirt reaching the top of her knee with 'my past is still a part of me' written at the front.



"Have you ever wondered why I called you red in the first place?" I asked her, wanting to know how much more she still remembers from the past.

"I wasn't aware you have such short memories." She said in a mockery tone. "Vegas? Hello?"

For a moment I had a little ray of hope. Just a little. And that little hope vanished at the mention of the wrong word. I could only let out a small smile.

Slowly I stood up from the bed I sat on, and stepped towards her direction. I saw her move back a little bit before standing her ground. Maybe to show she wasn't affected by my presence.

I placed my right hand at the back of her head, taking her by surprise with the way her eyes widened in shock. Not paying attention to her expression, I placed a light kiss on her forehead. "If only you know." I whispered to her head, before stepping back, putting some space between us. 

Her mouth opened in shock. "What was the meaning of that?" 

Putting my hands deep in my trouser pocket. "Meaning of what?"

"Seriously? Are you really going to make me say the word?"

I shrugged my shoulders innocently. "I still don't get you."

After some few seconds of glaring at me she groans, pushing her head backwards with eyes gazing up at the ceiling, giving way for her bare neck to show opening for a few seconds. "I'm done with you. You need to leave, nothing seems to be getting into that curly hair of yours."

I sigh, returning to my serious self, for where our conversation is heading to. "I'd like to have your number. To be able to reach you when it's time to discuss our future."

She said nothing for a while, probably contemplating the situation. Deep down she knows it's an inevitable discussion. We are married and expecting a child, and that alone isn't something to talk about.

I couldn't help but notice how her mood had suddenly changed. With the way she kept chewing on her bottom lip and the way her hands kept caressing her arms, she showed signs of anxiety.

"What's wrong?" I asked in concern, stepping to move towards her but stopped when I noticed her sudden withdrawal.

She shook her head. "Nothing. Your phone." Was her response as she stretched her hand for the phone.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked again as the dark aura around hadn't disappeared.

"And why wouldn't I be okay?" She bit back in anger, her own demeanor changed to irritation.

Somehow I felt the wall between us going higher and tougher. It's like the little connection we felt had just disappeared into thin air.

I have zero idea of what could have caused her sudden mood change. Could it be her pregnancy hormones? Or something else?

I choose to believe it might be due to her pregnancy. It's probably high time I began thinking about getting those pregnancy books my father suggested I should purchase.

I reached for my phone in my pocket, unlocking it before handing it over to her. 

Quickly she typed down her number. I heard a phone ringing behind me for a short while.

"Now you have my number, and now I have your. Can you leave now?" Gina said tiredly as she headed back to the bed. Her resigning tone and cold attitude made me worried and concerned. I wanted to ask more, but I know it would only make her angry. 

"I will call you tomorrow morning on whe-" 

"No, don't call me. I'll call you when I'm sure about something. Don't call because I won't pick up. Just wait for my call." She interrupted me, her beautiful cornflower eyes staring deep into my soul. I opened my mouth to say more but kept shut when I noticed her pleading eyes.

"Okay. I'll be expecting your call. But please don't make me wait for too long."

"From the way you look. I thought you're a man of patience." She whispered while comfortably laying down on her queen size bed.

"Patience has always been something I have with people I care about. And some people at times misinterpret the whole thing. I might seem patient, but me being patient is me being understanding." 

She took a moment to absorb my words. "Does it hurt at times?"

I nodded. "It hurts when misinterpreted but those really close to me." I felt how conversation was no longer about a phone call anymore, but something else. I noticed how worried she looked and immediately wanted to give her the space she needed. "I'll take my leave now." 

Gina sniffed before turning her gaze back to the ceiling while nodding her head.

I turned to leave and couldn't help but hear the last whispered words that came from her mouth, while the door shut behind me.

"I'm sorry."


Thank you for reading Accidental Mrs.

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Lots of Love,

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