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*Gina's POV*

The day finally came. An opportunity to finally meet Simone Brewer. Though it wasn't the best and ideal meeting, it was the best as of now knowing there probably won't be a better opportunity than this.

Two days ago Mrs. Brewer sent an invitation to me inviting me and my parents to her birthday party. Unfortunately, my parents won't be able to attend. Just yesterday they flew to Texas to check up on my brother Gideon, leaving me alone with the decision on whether to attend or not. 

I had decided not to attend, until I got information that Simone will be attending. Now here I am sitting alone at the backseat of my car heading straight to the Brewer's mansion while being a complete nervous wreck.

I felt nervous about what was to come. Nervous due to the unknown. Almost like I was getting ready to sit for an interview.

As the car pulled-up in the driveway I gathered myself for what was to come. 

I sighed hard before stepping out of the car. "Thank you Carl." I said to my driver, who in response smiled, tipping his cap a little.

The car drove by, giving way for more cars to drive through, proving Mrs Brewer's birthday party isn't a small gathering. There was no denying the fact now that the Brewer's are a party, social people. The sort of people I always avoid. But my stupid heart chose otherwise.

It wants Simone Brewer.

My eyes assess the mansion for the first time. I resisted the urge to curse out at how huge the mansion was. For a second I could only say to myself there may be a mistake in calling this a mansion, it was far from a mansion. It's a castle.

Brewer's castle.

For the life of me, I can't begin guessing how many rooms are in there. 

Again, this was living proof of how influential the Brewer's are. And how high on top of the social chain there were.

I came from a family of riches that I know of. But the Brewer's wealth made me feel somehow little.

I slowly let myself into the castle and was being escorted to the area where the party took place after presenting my invite card. The young man led me through a series of halls before stopping in front and knocking on a large mahogany two-way door.

"Come in." Came a response from the other side. Not hesitating, the man in Black suit pushed open the door, gesturing for me to enter.

Uncertain of  what was happening I cautiously walked in the large room, which presented itself to be a bedroom. For a second I became confused on the reason why I was being brought here, rather than to the party ground. Not until a familiar woman's presence became known.

"Regina." Mrs. Brewer exclaimed upon sighting me. Her movements were quick to get to me. She took me off guard with the unexpected hug. Engulfing me in her tight embrace, making it hard to breathe for a second. She pulled back from her tight embrace to gaze at me. "My God, you are so beautiful. Those eyes of yours are as beautiful as he described them." She said in wonder.

"Oh? Thank you? Mrs. Brewer." I responded awkwardly, definitely not used to this sudden closure. Certainly not from someone who happens to be my accidental mother-in-law.

The knowledge of realizing the 'he' she was referring to happened to be Travis. For a moment I had forgotten all about him. My entire thoughts were filled with Simone and how I would approach him with the news of his being the father of my child.

"Oh dear. Don't call me that. I would love for my daughter-in-law not to call me that. Either call me Violet, or mother." She said a huge grin on her ageless face.

I nodded in response while taking a moment to study her well for the first time. Her very black long curly hair was the first to catch my attention, followed by her brown eyes and tanned skin. From her accent I could guess she might either be from Mexico, Brazil, or Colombia.

"Take a seat." She led me to a chair by the vanity stand. "I'm sorry to have called you here without checking with you. I needed to make an entrance of a lifetime. If you don't mind?"

"Of course." I said with a smile on my lips.

"Thank you." Violet said with a huge smile on her lips. Her smile dropped as she stared at me. "When Travis told me he was married. I was shocked to the extent that I was unable to move. Because last time I checked Travis had no girl in his life apart from one girl he has been pinning on since highschool. And imagine my surprise when he broke the news to his father and I. We were short of words, but at the same time glad to know he had finally given up on his long-time crush-" She gasped covering her mouth, giving me a pleading expression. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything about his crush. How gullible of me."

I shook my head in reassurance. "No don't be. Who haven't had a crush before?" The sadness my statement held was so heavy, that I almost choked in tears.

Violet gazed at me skeptically for a moment, before nodding in agreement. "What I'm trying to say about this whole thing is that. I'm happy to have you here in this family." There was a knock in the door  interrupting whatever she was about to say next. "Come in."

A young slender, tall lady dressed in a tight short silver dress, with a deep V neckline confidently walked into the room. Her blond hair shimmering with the help of the chandelier lights.

"Amy!" Violet exclaimed again at the sight of the other lady. "So glad to have you here."

"Same here." Her smooth seductive voice replied back.

"Come. I'd like for you to meet Travis' wife, Regina." Violet pulled Amy towards where I sat. 

I stood on my feet to greet her, not missing the confidence zooming out of her. For a moment I felt little and small in her presence before shaking that emotion away.

"It's a pleasure meeting you. Regina Snow." I introduced myself, offering her a quick hug before pulling back.

"Amy walker." She said with a soft smile. Her left brow twitched for a few seconds, a sign I could guess as her being nervous. I'll give it to her on how good she was covering her nervousness, though I had no idea why she should be in that state knowing fully well I should be the one in such a state.

"She is Simone's fiancee." 

For a moment I missed the keyword of her sentence. The smile slowly left my face as the word began sinking into my head.

Simone is engaged?

Instantly, I felt the sudden urge to throw up. My already miserable life became more miserable. If my life couldn't get any worse than this, then I don't know anymore. The thought of having slept with an taken man, made me feel even more dirty than I already was. I felt like a slut.

This was all my fault. If I hadn't naively slept with him. If I hadn't stupidly traveled to Vegas to see him, then none of this would have happened.

I felt like maybe after all I didn't know who Simone Brewer really is. My already lost respect for him, became even more lost at the realization that he had sex with me while already engaged to another.

"Regina, are you okay? You look so pale." Violet asked in concern, giving me the look of worry.

I knew now wasn't the time to fall apart, so I slowly gathered myself together. "I'm alright. Just felt sick for a moment."

Violet frowned in concern. "Would you like to sit this one out and take a rest?"

Feeling guilty, I shook my head. "No. I'm okay enough to give you that entrance you called me for." I reassured her, forcing a smile on my face. The look of worry remained on her face as she gave me the skeptical expression. "I promise you I'm okay."

She sighs deeply before returning that giddy look on her face. "Okay then. Let's go since we are complete already." 

Violet Brewer is a jovial woman I quickly realized from this short while I spent with her. Something Simone definitely took from her. But Travis? I'm not so sure about that.

Within a twinkle of an eye. I found myself standing at the top of the stairs, with Violet and Amy by my left side. Slow music coming from the live band began playing as we three began walking down the stairs.

My eyes couldn't help but locate Simone immediately in the crowd of people present in the large ballroom. His figure is so hard to miss and overlook. He was still as handsome as I remembered him to be. The thought of someone like him doing such a thing to a lady like Amy, disgust me greatly.

I felt sorry for Amy for how stupid I had been in the past.

The need to cry was so great that I blinked my eyes continually to prevent any tears from dropping.

Simone's eyes were on her. His eyes were shining with emotion I was too familiar with. He loved her. Making me more confused as to why he would cheat on her. There is no way he would have dated and engaged her after having slept with me. It just not possible.

I quickly took back my word when I realized how absurd I sounded. My sudden marriage life is a testament that everything is possible.

The guests clapped as we walked down the last few stairs. Immediately Mr. Brewer took his wife for a dance. And I didn't fail to notice Simone pulling Amy for a dance also.

My heart clenched at the sight. I hated myself and my heart for stupidly not letting go of a man such as him. But it was hard to forget a man I have always loved since high school.

The possibility of me telling him about his child was zero. The last thing I'd want is becoming a homewrecker. I couldn't do this. I couldn't do anything.

I don't even know where to start. I'm trapped. Trapped on what to do. Trapped on how I would approach Travis, his family, my family. 

But I do know one thing. In order to prevent destroying a lot of people's lives. I've to end my marriage with Travis. I can't continue with this pretense. The probability of him being the father of my child was less. Simone has a high chance.

Suddenly, the room felt tight and suffocating. I couldn't look at the lovebirds any longer.

Quickly, I searched for a way out. Fortunate to find an empty corridor leading to a large study room, giving me the privacy I sort out for. I slump back on the large couching, letting out a loud sigh. 

Immediately, the emotions began slamming down at me. Making me more weak and frustrated, I felt depressed and restless. I feared I might be hurting my baby with the sudden emotions I was feeling.

I couldn't help my helplessness. The loneliness is eating me up.

I quickly burst into tears, sobbing my eyes out. I cry at my naive self, my naive heart. I cried for the baby in my womb who would never get to know his or her father. I cried till I was unable to shed anymore tears.

All those while I was bawling my eyes out, I wasn't aware I had an audience till I saw the tall figure leaning on the wall near the fireplace. His arms folded to his chest. A serious expression on his face as he stared at me with his blank eyes. Dressed in a black suit and pants, a white tee-shirt, and loosed necktie over his shoulders.

His curly hair looked tattered like he had raked his fingers through it. His eyeglass is not present on his face. He looked like a mess.

"Travis?" I called out to him, while he still remained in that position. I could have sworn I saw hurt flashed through his eyes, like I did something to him.

I paid less attention to him, when my head told me now was the time to end all this. 

I was unable to hold my mouth as I spoke to words that would put an end to this whole thing. "You're not the father of my child." Then foolishly and loosely added the word I wasn't supposed to say. "It's Simone's baby."


Thank you for reading Accidental Mrs!!!

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Lots of love,

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