"Chapter Five"

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The next morning I got up early. I don't know why but I had the gut feeling telling me to make a Channel.

Fuck it. I thought as I went on YouTube and created a channel.

For the new two hours, I lay in bed and try to think of a first video.

...Then it hit me.

I went to Natalie's room.

"Natalie," I said her name. She didn't move.

"Natalieeeeee," I said her name again as she woke up.

"You wanna prank David?"

Natalie didn't have to think twice and was smirking.

"Yeah." She said in a half-tired voice.

I explained to her the plan and she carried her makeup bag and we slowly went to David's room.
I opened the door slowly and saw David in a peaceful sleep. We sneaked in and Natalie passed her makeup bag and was starting to do the eyeliner while I did his eyebrows. Natalie was snickering and I shushed her in the process.

Five minutes later and we were done.

"Babe~," I said half flirtatiously.

He smiled and didn't move.

"Wake up, babe~" I continued before he tried to open his eyes.

"What the hell?"

Natalie burst out laughing and I was laughing so hard in the process.

"I can't feel my eyes!"

"You should go look," I said as David went to the closest bathroom.

Natalie was at this point into tears.

"Well, I guess one of you guys made me look fabulous this morning." He said sarcastically.

"Oooh shit this better be in the vlog." She said.

"Sure hell it will."

"You did this?" David asked as I tried to contain my laughter.


He turned towards me, trying not to laugh even though he looks pissed.

"God I can't even be mad at you."

I chuckled before helping him remove the makeup all over his face.

"You know I'm gonna get you back for this."

I heartily laughed before I leaned in.

"Oh, you will~," I said flirtatiously before leaning in to kiss him.

I pull back and was at the doorway.

"After I make breakfast."

"You bitch!" He said.

I laughed and went downstairs and the gang made themselves breakfast and since I want to be a good girlfriend, I made me and David breakfast.

While I was, David comes up from behind me and hugs me from behind.

I laughed.

"Is that what I get?"

"Nope, you don't know what I'm going to you just yet." He whispered in my ear before kissing me on the cheek.

"Come on! Get a room!" Jason said disgustedly.

David and I laughed.

"And you know... I'll be honest." I said, changing the subject.

"What?" Most of the guys replied once I finished making eggs and bacon.

"I...I've never been to Olive Garden before." I awkwardly confessed before all the guy's jaw dropped to the floor.

"Seriously?" Jason asked.

"Well guys, this is going in the vlog," David said as he had already grabbed his camera and did his usual before I sat with Todd.

"Babe, what did you said?"

"I have never been to Olive Garden."

"Seriously?" Jason asked.

"Jason, if she was your kid what would you do?"

"Disown her. I'm not gonna have a child that has never been to Olive Garden."

David and others laughed.

"Fuck you, Jason," I said jokingly while eating my breakfast.

"Fuck you, too!" Jason said back.

"No, fuck you!"

"Hey hey, enough with the kidding around you two," Todd said.

Alex opened his mouth before I looked at him.

I shook my hand at David to turn off his Camera knowing that this is something that Alex wanted to ask off camera.

"Uhh, should we invite your little sister to Olive Garden?" Alex awkwardly asked.

It's sweet the guys are thinking about my sister.

"Yeah! She should come!" Heath agreed.

Vardan slightly blushed and scratched his hair.

"Guys! We shouldn't risk Addison leaving what if she gets sick?!" Vardan squeaked.

He covered his mouth before everyone in the room looked at each other before eyeing right back at Vardan.

"Babe, I know what your title of the video will be," I said as he nods.

"Vardan has a crush!" David said excitedly.

"SHUT UP!" Vardan yelled.

"Vardan has a crush Vardan has a crush!" Other chanted while Vardan was getting frustrated.

"Alright! I have a crush and it's Addison!!!" He admits.

"When if you might ask?"

"When me and the squad came to the hospital room and I got to know her," Vardon explained while everyone was listening.

It's cute he has a crush on Addison but...

What if she dies?

What if he breaks her heart?

Oh god, snap out of it, Maeve! They're just kids.

"Anyways! Let's go on with the stupid shit!" Jason screamed.


After we did our "stupid shit," as Jason called it, we went to Olive Garden. Tony, the waiter who recognizes the gang except me looked at David.

"Who's the pretty girl?"

"1. This is Maeve and 2. Back off, she's my girlfriend." He said jokingly.

"Happy Birthday Maeve." He said as I was confused.

"It's not my birthday?" I said confused as he smiled.

"The usual," David said before I ordered the lasagna.

While I was talking and laughing, I felt as someone hugged behind me. I thought it was David but then they hugged tighter.

My instant reaction was to fight but then I turned my head to see... Zara.

"Zara?!" I said shocked.

"Bout time you recognized me!" She said with her southern accent I always remember.

Zara was Addison's BFF and cancer survivor after beating heart cancer. Soon as she did the treatment and battled it, she went back home with her parents.

"Oh my god, it's been three years since I last saw you!" I said before hugging her.

She laughed a little.

"I know, but.." her voice trailed off before David looked at me then Zara.

"Who's this, babe?"

"This is Zara, Addison's best friend that is a cancer survivor." I introduced.

"Zara, this is David. My boyfriend."

"Ooh, you settled well, hon." She said as I laughed.

"Why don't you and your parents join us?"

"Welllllll," Zara said as I red her eyes.

"Excuse me, guys," I said as we went to the bathroom.

"What happened?"

"I... ran away. I'm dying Maeve."

My heart almost stopped.

"Why? Is it cancer?"

"Yes... it's back..." she said with her head low.

"How long do you think you'll have?"

"Few days.. I need your help... I want to see Addison... One last time before I die. And I can't just waltz right in especially while I'm probably on the news as a missing child."

"How did you get yourself in here anyway?"

"I snuck in here..."

"My other question is why did you run away?"

"My parents found out and believed they cannot live another day here and I wanted to go back but they wanted me to die back in Virginia so I bought bus tickets and cleared my name. And since I can't go in the hospital because then they'll know it's me and turn me in, I figured God's gonna get me as his angel." She went on in a low voice for only me to hear.

My phone vibrates twice and I decided to check it real quick.


Hey, you okay? Just checking up on you.

Hey, girl. I got an idea for you to do for my vlog. You in?

"Okay, I'll help you. What's your bucket list?"

"Not really big but to see Addison, eat here, have Dairy Queen, and go on a hike with you and Amber."

"I'll see if I can contact Amber but I need to do one thing first..."

I respond to Alex's text.

Shoot, my dude.

He immediately sees it.

Sing the most sexual song you can think of.

..Are you making a porno or a vlog? Because I am NOT taking part of a porno.

Maybe. 😉

You're nasty, Alex Ernest. I'm telling David.

I immediately go to David and text him.

I'm fine. But Alex is wanting to make a porno of us though...


"What's going on?" Vardan asked as he saw I was laughing.

"Grownup stuff," I replied.

Why did you tell him? 😡 I wasn't gonna make a porno. I was gonna prank, David!

Ha, and I just saved my boyfriend then so he won't prank me. 😉

"Let's go," I said as Zara nods as we walked back outside and Tony pulled an extra chair for Zara.

"You guys fell into a toilet?" Jonah jokingly asked me.

"No, we went to Narnia and back, dumbass." I sarcastically replied back.

"Wait there's a portal to Narnia in the girl's bathroom?" Matt asked.

"No, Matt. We had a little talk..."

"And I'm not comfortable to talk about it. I'm Zara by the way."

They all said their names and I went to eat and continue the lunch with my friends and my mom texts me.

Honey, we need to talk.

My heart sunk. Please don't tell me that Addison did NOT make it.

Oh my god is she?

Heavens no! Just wanna give you a lecture about a job.

Whoops. Forgot to spread the news to my parents.

Wellllll this may sound crazy and Dad will not like the sound of this butttttt... I have a job now with David Dobrik who's my boss and I'm now dating him..??????

My mom didn't respond and David saw I was shaking a little and scoots his seat over and puts his arm around me.

Uh yeah, your dad is preeeeeeettty pissed about you dating your boss.

Yeah well, he has to suck it up because I love him. I know it's wrong to mix business with pleasure I had even tried to run away from it and hoped he'd find another girl and move on. But, he didn't give up on me and still mysteriously show up that day at the hospital.

My mom took not only a minute to respond.

Well, I'm happy you're with someone who didn't give up on you. 🙂

I then went to back to having dinner with my friends.

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