"Chapter Six"

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Next morning, I got ready and taken Zara to see Addie.

Here's the thing, I didn't tell Addie a thing. Zara wanted it as a surprise.

"Hey, honey," I said to Addie as Mom and Dad were passed out on the two chairs.

"Hey..." she said in a tired voice.

She looked awfully pale and weak...

I have a feeling she doesn't have a lot of time left. And I know David had just helped me pay off the bill and she would start first thing tomorrow.

David came with me because I knew my dad wanted to meet him. That and David wanted to do it traditionally where the parents meet the boyfriend.

"I also brought someone," I said with a smile.

"Is it David?" She excitedly said with a huge smile as Zara came in with David.


"Hey..." Zara said in a weak voice I can also tell she was dying as well but she knew and she was gonna die pretty soon.

With Addie's scream, my parents immediately wake up. The tension was almost thick soon as they saw David with his arm around my hip.

"You must be David," Dad said coldly as David then smiled.

"I am, you must be Mr. and Mrs. Neilson."

"Please call me Pat." Mom said.

"I know this is an uncomfortable question to ask, but are you adopted or something?" David asked in a whisper in my ear.

"Yes." I respond quietly back.

"So, tell me. How did you two meet?"

"You guys remember Natalie?" I asked them.

"Your childhood friend?"

I nod in response.

"She accidentally sent me an invite to his party mistaken for her other friend Mae. And I went instead of drinking alcohol at home depressed as heck. And I bumped into him."

"After that happened and hear her story, I felt terrible and had to help her..."

"Did you had love at first sight on her?"

"No, sir. I don't believe in that."

"Dad, let him have the floor."

"Anyways, once I got to know her and hung out with her.. I got to fall in love with her. You may think I'm crazy that she's my employer, but she's more than that to me she's my girlfriend and my best friend."

"Awwww," Addie said.

"Hung out... eh?"

I immediately blushed.



"Dad, we had not what you think of the definition of "hung out," yet. It's way too early."

"I don't want to push that kind of commitment yet this early in our relationship." David agreed.

Dad crossed his arms.

"Dad, can you at least be happy Maeve isn't dating someone like Aaron? David may be a prankster, but he does know how to treat women with respect. You can ask his ex-girlfriend, Liza!"

He sighed.

"I'll go easy on you only because my dying daughter is telling me to. If you hurt her, I'll kill you, boy."


"No, babe." He said towards me.

"Trust me, Mr. Neilson. I won't hurt your daughter and I will always treat her as my princess."

He smiled as Addie and Zara had huddled up close, catching up.


Zara died peacefully an hour later at the park I took her, she had a feeling that it was her time to gain her wings.

Her death hit me hard... kind of.

Zara was like a little sister to me as well since she was also there for Addie and kept her company. I had got a casket for her and she once told me she wanted me to sing at her funeral. David, the gang, Amber along with Addie came to this last minute funeral.

"If I die young, bury me in satin." I sang while the grave keeper was slowly putting her casket in the ground.

"Lay me down in a bed of roses. Sink me in the river at dawn. Send me away with the words of a love song." I continued while tears rolling down my cheek.

"Uh oh uh oh."

Addie stood beside me weeping and I held her close while singing the song.

"Lord make me a rainbow, I'll shine down on my mother. She'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my colors, oh and–" before I continue singing I saw her furious parents stomping here.

"Figure she would be here..." Her Mom said coldly.

"Can I help you?" I asked as I put Addie behind me protecting her.

"Where is my baby?" Her dad asked me.

"Down there," I respond almost with no emotion as they approached the casket that's almost in the ground.

"Oh my god." Her Mom said with her hand covered her mouth.

"Who are you, people? Shoo!" They said towards my boyfriend and my friends.

"Even though she wasn't around long enough, they were her new friends." I defended them.

"Excuse me? They're strangers in my eyes." Her Mom said.

"I think we should let them grief, big sis," Addie whispered.

"Hang on."

"Well excuse me for looking out for your daughter who came up here to say goodbye to me and Addison. And from what she told me when she was alive, you guys didn't want to pay her treatment again and wanted her to suffer. Now, what did you spend that money on? hmmmmm?" I asked, putting them on the spot.

They pretended to not listen and mourned over their child.

"Exactly. Selfish written all over it."

The father sighed.

"We couldn't afford it."

"Our jobs are struggling so we tried so hard... we do love our child."

"I feel that's complete utter bullshit. Excuse my language."

"No he's not wrong, we loved our Zara. We couldn't afford anything but a round plane ticket. And we were so stressed out and made us act not ourselves."

I crossed my arms and decided to let them mourn over Zara.

"Come on, Addie. Let's leave." I said as Amber followed behind me and I was just filled with everything from the death and them showing up and acting angry then all... nice?

Something is not right.

They gotta had to behind what caused her cancer or something.

"Maeve?" Amber asked as Addie looked at me in concern.

"You okay?"

"Yeah just lost in a train of thought," I said before driving back to the house.

Since I know Addie possibly doesn't have a lot of time, I took her to the vlog squad house which she was gleaming.

"Oh my gosh! This is the house!–" she said excitedly.

David put his arm around me.

"Are you gonna be okay?" He asked me in a whisper.

"I.. don't know," I said unsure.

I felt like I want to mourn but at the same time, I want to ponder.

"Hey, Addison," Vardan said shyly as I chuckled to myself.

Jason comes up with a pat on the back.

"Hey, I hope you're okay."

The others agree along looking concerned for Addie.

"I mean... I'm gonna be sad but once Zara told me if she died is to never cry over her, she didn't want her death to hold me back and make me sad over it." Addie went on.

I smirked a little.

"Sis?" Addie asked as she walked over to me.


"I know it's been awhile but..." My voice trailed off with an embarrassed blush.

"You want my famous hot cocoa?"

She slowly nods as I chuckled and David lets me go and I hugged her.

"You want with whipped cream?"

"Of course."

"Famous hot cocoa? How come I didn't know of this?"

"You don't know a lot about me, David." I said as he laughed.

"I want some!" Vardan said with a huge smile.

"And I'm curious about the new girl's hot cocoa."


"Alright, alright I'll make one for everyone."

They all had huge grins and cheered.

Dorks. I thought with a small chuckle and an eye-roll.

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