"Chapter Seven"

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It was an hour later and Addie went back to the hospital. Meanwhile, I'm drinking more of the hot cocoa I made, pondering.

The first question that pops into mind is, Are they bipolar or?

Nah. Bipolar people aren't crazy.

I heard a knock.

"It's open," I said while looking down to the hot cocoa.

"Just checking up on you," David said as he saw I haven't left the room since most of the gang went with their girlfriends, or just out.

"I'm fine, David. Just... I found it strange the way Zara's parents were acting. At first, they were hostile, but then they went nice...? I guess I could be overthinking things and watched waaaaaaay too much shows on Oxygen and Investigation Discovery."

I stopped myself from rambling and my cheeks started to slowly fluster.

"I'll shut up,"

"Nah, I like hearing you talk, beautiful."

"But yeah you could be overthinking things." He said before I let out a sigh.

"Other than that, do you miss her?"

"To be honest? Yes. She was like a little sister to me and Addie. I don't even remember the day she came but I do know when she came, it was the day that Addie and Zara's friendship started." I went on again before I stopped and taking huge sips of the hot cocoa.

"You don't have to stop yourself. I would love hearing you talk and listen to you."

"Sorry, it's just–"

"Don't be sorry." He said before having his hands on my cheeks.

"I..." my voice trailed off.

My insecurities were rushing in, but I flinched and ignored it. I couldn't find the right words in mind to put it.

"It's just... I don't know if I'm doing this whole relationship right, Dave. It's been so long and I've..." before he can continue he shushes me.

"I know. You went through a rough relationship." He paused before moving his one hand to my hair, playing with it, "But I would never hurt you. As what I'm currently doing to you now, I'm giving you love."

Hah, ironically my mind chuckled at the last part since it reminds me to Ed Sheeran, "Give me Love."

"Like I told your father I won't hurt you, I'll treat you like my princess - Wait no, my QUEEN I meant."

"I'll show you with love and affection and be the best goddamn boyfriend you'll ever get."

My heart melted at the last part.

"David, I..." my voice trailed off.


He eyed me, waiting for my response.

"I fucking love you, David Dobrik," I confessed as he got a little excited.

"I fucking love you too, Maeve Neilson." He responds before our lips crashed.

The kiss was fiery and passionate and it turns out to a makeout session before he moved on top.

I immediately pulled away as if something felt wrong...

"Wait... are we?" I asked.

David immediately blushed a lot.

"Uh I- um..." He spat out.

"Yeah, I think it's way too soon it's already almost a week into our relationship."

"Man it feels longer."

I giggled.

"Cuddle with me in my bed?" He asked with the same look like last time.

"David regardless which room I'm gonna be in, everyone's gonna think we made love."

His face immediately went red.

"I would kill them if they're outside right now if they think we're gonna fuck." He said as I thought about it.

I went to my door and here they are.

Alex, Dom, Jason, and Todd sitting outside my bedroom.

"Did you guys fuck?"

"No, we didn't fuck, perverts."

"Get out!" I said.


They all left and went to their bedrooms.

"Anyways, fine only one night." I contend as David got excited.

I followed beside him and he had his arm around my waist.

Once he let me in his room, it actually looked fancier than mine.

"I hope you don't mind if I sleep without a shirt."

"Are you serious?" I said shocked.

I'm shocked he does that especially with Natalie living around the house.

Then again, she sees him as a friend so she probably looks away.

He pulled off his shirt and I couldn't resist.

"Holy shit." I blurt out before covering my mouth.

"You like what you see?" He flirtatiously asked as I kept biting my lower lip.

"Yes.." I finally confessed before he let out a small laugh. I lay down and he puts his arm around me.

"So... I hope you don't mind me asking but..."

I knew what he was going to ask.

"...We need to sit up for this," I told him as I sit up and snuggled up to him.

"My biological parents were monsters to put it. I was the unwanted child of two brothers. They wanted another boy because apparently, feminism doesn't exist but when they found out they were having me they wanted to abort me but they couldn't afford it... so here I am, and became a burden." I paused.

David moved his arm around me as his eyes were glassy as if he was tearing up.

"And they hit me, tried to poison me, everything you think of, you name it that they did to me. Once the neighbors aka the heroes of this story, found out and overheard me screaming and crying for the usual beating and called the cops. They saw a malnourished, pale, girl covered with bruises, welts, and scars."

"What about your two brothers?"

"They weren't assholes they actually hated my parents and had every chance to get me food, water, and kept me safe. When my parents were around, they had to pretend to be the assholes. And when my parents got caught the state got us three and since no one didn't want to care for us, the state put us up for adoptions." I went on as David sniffs.

"That's why I have depression and anxiety it's because of them."

"What happened to your parents?"

"They got a lifetime in prison. As for my brothers, they got adopted together and live in New York and I was once again unwanted."

David was trying to hold back tears listening to my story.

"Until my adopted parents heard the news and immediately adopted me. And my mom can't get pregnant so she and my dad's only option is adoption."

"Jesus, I didn't think you went through such a tough past.."

"That's what everyone tells me."

"Do you talk to your brothers?"

"Nope, last I did is when I had spent the final week with them before the state put us up for adoption after that I haven't found them at all."

I then lay back down as if I felt like I used all of my energy explaining my story.

"Who else knows?"

"Only Natalie, Addie, Amber, Zara, and now you."


I sighed and I had seen David put his arm around me.

"Hey... anyways... since I know I met your parents, my parents are now dying to meet you and maybe your parents as well."

"Well, my parents are busy with work and paying the bill for Addie's stay... so it'll be for long awhile."

David nods understanding.

"You know... you remind me of a boy I also knew from elementary school. He was another one I hung out with at Natalie."

"Yeah.. you remind me of a girl I hung out with and had a crush on in elementary school."

"Awwwww someone had a crush in elementary school?" I teased.

He blushed.

"Hey, just because I was young doesn't mean I couldn't have a crush!" He whined.

"How did you meet her?"

"Well I hadn't officially started to go to school but what caught my eye is her and Natalie talking with a handicapped kid who got dirty looks at. But I didn't officially talk with her until recess and I was picked on because I was new and it was dodgeball and they targeted me until she caught the red ball in front of me."

"And she and the other special needs children along with Natalie ganged up and beat the bullies in dodgeball."

"Was she...?"

"No. She wasn't. She looked like a nice kid who befriended anyone and can make anyone smile and laugh."

"I fell in love with her after a few days... but then she went to a different middle school and I never saw her again."

Why does he sound familiar?

I then smiled some.

"Aww, you still looking for her?"

"I do, but I think she probably has a boyfriend now."

"Plus, I already settled with the girl in the room." He said before kissing me on the cheek.

I giggled.

"Anyways, we should get some sleep... even though I love this..." I confessed.

"I know though this is not me to say this, but I don't want to fall asleep."

"We have to.," I said as before I fell asleep, I heard the loud air horn that scared me half to death.

David, having his natural reaction to get his camera to find out who did this.

Me? I was about to open a can of whoop ass.

I opened the door to Jonah laughing with the air horn in hand.

"That was for the Pennywise!"

I laughed a little along with David before then crossing my arms and kept a serious look.

"It's literally almost 1 am. And yeah you got a laugh from me and David and scared me but I wouldn't call it a good prank. And you're lucky my natural reaction was not to kick you where no man doesn't want to be kicked because I would've done it."

"Jesus, Maeve."

"Sorry typical sleepy person I am," I said before closing the door on Jonah and stretched.

"Anyways good night, Davey."

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