"Chapter Eight"

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I woke up earlier than I normally would and I heard David softly snoring. I then grabbed my phone and must've forgotten to turn it off. I then pull up Alex's number.

Hey, Al. If you need a prank on David, go use an air horn.

Alex then sees it.


But the condition is you taking the idea I don't want any double pranks from David.

Didn't he already prank you once?

I then remember... the fear test.

He found out my worse fear is rats and put a rat on me.

I screamed and actually cried and he got it on video.

Oh shit yeah - well you get what I mean.

He didn't read it and I assumed he's probably getting the air horn from someone and I rolled over towards him.

God, he looks so adorable sleeping.

Waking up to seeing him... I don't wanna move.

The door slowly opens and Alex had the air horn in one hand and the camera in the other.  Then, the air horn goes off and it scared David awake.

David charges at Alex and I was laughing at him.

Alex almost was about to say I was a genius but bites his lip in the process. I plop right back in the bed and David and Alex just finished roughhousing and Alex left.

"Good morning," I said softly with a giggle.

"Wait I know that giggle... did you give him ideas?"

"Maybe," I said teasingly before giving a small peck on the lips.

"I'll let this slide because that was something new."

"David Julian Dobrik, you're letting a prank slide for me?" I said, shocked.

He awkwardly smiled.

"Well, I didn't want you to end up like Alex and I'm afraid of hurting you." He confessed before I laughed.

"That's sweet," I said before he blushed.

"But just because I'm your girlfriend, doesn't mean I can be held back on the fun." 


I sat up.

"Well, I gotta go get ready to see Addie," I said.

"Nooo." He said as he was frowning.


"Stay with me for an hour..."

"I can't," I said.


"My sister-" I said as he got up and had his arm around my waist.

"Please?" He said with the puppy eyes.

I had got a text come in and it was Amber.

Maeve. You need to get here NOW.

I began to panic and hurriedly get ready and left.


I had made it in time and I can tell she was ready to die.

"Sis..." she said in a weak, hoarse voice.

"Addie..." I said in a low whisper.

She was reaching out for me and I sat next to her on the hospital bed.


She leaves soon as she knew the tone of voice.

"What happened?"

"I... I think leaving the hospital made things worse."

"Hey don't blame it on yourself. It was not your fault." I said.

"IT WAS MY FAULT!" She screamed.

"Mom... Dad.."

"Honey, we aren't gonna leave
your side."

"Can I just have one final time with my adopted older sister..?" She begged.

My dad, holding back tears and my mom was crying a little.

"It won't be for long." She reassured as the two left.

"They already know this... but I feel the chemo isn't the best solution for me. I thought I would win this battle, finally, get out of here, and actually be a kid.. but I was destined to die... all 'cause I was the unwanted child." She went on through tears.

"Addie..." I said her name, shocked.

She never really opened up about her story she always avoids and tries to change the subject.

"I was like you and a little bit of Zara... I too had been through the abuse and had taken whatever my parents forced me to take to kill me. But I ran while they slept in their beds. I was caught but I didn't want to go back to them because then I wouldn't be here so they put me in an orphanage and.. you already know the other half." She went on.

I was crying even harder now. Her parents were more cruel to do that to a CHILD. A CHILD.

"Hey..." she whispered as our parents came in.

"When the light is running low and the shadows start to grow. And the places that you know seem like a fantasy." She paused, singing, "There's a light in your soul that still shining in the cold. With the truth, the promise in our hearts."

"Don't forget, I'm with you in the dark." She finished singing as she then took her final breath...

...And died peacefully in my arms.


I left and I didn't want to go back looking like a mess. I went to someone else's place that I knew from high school.

The door opens and Kelsea eyed me.


"Kelsea," I said her name as she saw I was fighting to cry.

"Come in." She said as I ran inside, crying.

"I haven't seen you since..."

"High School I know I haven't talked to you but..."my voice trailed off.

"Why are you here?"

"Do you remember Addison?"

Then, she immediately knew why I'm here and crying.

"Oh my gosh! She dead?!"

"Died peacefully in my arms an hour ago..."

"Shit." She said, shocked.

She gets up.

"Ice cream and movies?"

"Please," I begged as she smiled a little and got up.

My phone goes off and it was David.

I ignored it and she came back with two spoons and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.

"You know... I feel bad to never contact you much." I confessed.

"Yeah we were close in middle school and high school and everyone thought our friendship would last forever."

"But I guess our lives separated."

"Let's catch up."


I eventually told Kelsea everything and she listened to everything while we ate the ice cream and watched The Notebook.

"So... you found a boyfriend eh?"

"Yeah," I responded.

And speak of the devil, my phone goes off and it was David.

When you're coming back? I miss you 😞

I didn't respond.

"Except I don't want to go back right now... Because he hired me to help me pay off her chemo but since he played it off for everything and she's dead now.. why bother going back and work if she's dead now?"

"Yeah... and I can tell you need some girl time.. are you the only girl?"

"Other than Natalie, no."

Then Natalie texts me.

Hey, are you okay? David's starting to get worried.

I then only get on to text Natalie.

Nat, she uh... died.

OMG! I'm so sorry 😢 you still at the hospital?


Where are you?

I only ignored her and went back to socializing with Kelsea.


"Well, David. I think I know why she isn't here..."


"Addison just passed."

His eyebrows furrowed up in shock.

"Shit, really?"

"Yeah. And she didn't say where she is?"

"Should I call the police?"

"David, can I be honest?"

He looked at me.

"I think she needs some space.. she just lost someone dear to her. I know you love her and want to comfort her through this, but she needs some time to grief on her own first." I honestly respond.

He sighs.

"She's right man, she would need some time to grieve." Alex agreed.

"Yeah, I feel bad for the poor girl but if she needs to be alone. She needs time alone..."

I only sighed as I went to eat with the gang... and wait for her patiently.


I had gone with her to the house and had carried her in my arms.

A guy whom I assumed her boyfriend charges at her.

"She hurt? She's okay?"

"She's okay..." I responded.

"Who are you?"

"Kelsea. I'm a friend of hers from high school." I responded as one of the cute guys eyes me up and down.

"I knew she was too depressed to even drive and focus so I drove here after finding the address," I explained as he was able to grab her from my arms.

"Thank you, I was afraid at this state she'd-" his voice trailed off.

"Yes... Can I stick around? May sure she's okay?"

He smiled and nods before carrying her up the stairs.

"I'm David."

"Yeah I know, she told me everything. When we graduated high school, we grew apart and she somehow knew my address and shown up out of the blue."

We went to her bedroom and he set her down and I followed behind him down as I sat with the others.

"Guys, this is Kelsea." David introduced.




"I'm Trisha."


And everyone introduced themselves.

"So, tell us about yourself," Dom asked with an admiring look.

Alex gave a jealous look as I laughed.

"Well comparing to Maeve's, my life is boring. All I do is work at some Thrift Store stacking shelves."

"We always start from somewhere," Jason said as I heard footsteps.

I looked at David.  I noticed he still looks upset...  but then my phone goes off and it's Maeve.

"Excuse me guys," I respond as we went outside.


"What the hell you were thinking?"

"I care about you, Maeve. I know you were planning to do."

"Oh and tell me? A friend from high school?" I said sarcastically.

"You were gonna stay at my place and get a job working with me and forget about your boyfriend who actually loves you. He isn't like–"

"Don't you dare mention his name in vain!" I snapped.

"Listen to me! I can tell the way he just looked at you and talked about you! He doesn't treat you like Aaron did back in high school! Do you even remember what happened that one night at all?!"

When she said that, it hit me like a bullet went through my brain.

I bite my lower lip and looked at the ground.

I felt almost defeated when she brought up that one night... That DAMNED night.


I had left Aaron's house and it was in the pouring down rain. I felt so... violated.

He almost tried to rape me all 'cause I refused to sleep with him.

I had texted Quinton, Kelsea's boyfriend.

Hey, Q. You @ Kel's house?

He didn't respond until 5 minutes later.

Just got off practice, what's up?

Call me.

Once he called me, I explained to him about everything

"I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch!!!" He screamed on the top of his lungs.

"I know this is much to ask but can me, you, and Kel hang out?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm not sure, it's pouring hard," I said.

"Are you nearby Kelsea's house?"

"MAEVE!" A voice called out to me.

"Hang on," I told him.

"MAEVE!" The voice called out to me again and once the shadow got closer.

It was from Hayes.

"I must be nearby the stadium since I found one of your guys."

"I'll call you back." He said before hanging up.

Hayes... One of the football players that treats me differently.

Quinton and the other football players treat me like a little sister... Hayes? No...

He always had a crush on me.

"Come with me!" He said before he put his arm around me and guides me to his fancy yellow mustang.

"Let's stay in here before it dies down." He said as Quinton called him.


"Yeah she's in my car with me...." he responds.

"Dude, I think Aaron took it too far, she looks spooked and her t-shirt is badly torn up."

I only listened and shivered being cold from the cold rain.

He had his phone pressed into his ear before he reaches something in the back.

"Wear this," he said as it was his extra jersey.

I immediately put it on and I can tell immediately it smelled liked him... it was almost... comforting.

"Yeah, that bastard should get what he deserves." He paused, "Look, I gotta call you back and I'll call you when the rain dies down."

"Where's Kelsea?" I asked Hayes seeking my best friend right now.

He hangs up.

"She's inside with Quinton she was gonna look for you, but the storm is pretty bad." He said as I didn't make eye contact.

"Look at me." He said concerned as he saw I was still cold and scared.

"Come here." He said as he opened his arms.

I moved seats and let him hug me and keep me warm even though he had his car going.

"That asshole should never do that to you, Maeve."

"NO guy should ever lay a finger to harm you."

I didn't say anything still.

"If anything me and the football can use all of strength and adrenaline from practice to kick his ass for you."

"That would be flattering, but violence isn't always the answer." I paused, "You guys would risk getting expelled from beating him up."

"Well, I would do it for you."

I blushed some...

...No, Maeve. This is too soon.

"Maeve?" He said my name.

"Sorry, lost in a train of thought."

"Quick question though. How did you know it was me?"

"Usually you come to watch and cheer on Quinton at practice with or without your bastard for a boyfriend and I thought it was cute you came to support the team captain."

"I mean, he is like an older brother to me. And so is the team."

He smiled some.

Then I heard a knock on the door and it was Kelsea.

"Kel?" I said her name before Hayes unlocks the back doors.

"Figured you would be with Hayes."

"Is that a bad thing?" Hayes asked in concerned.

"No no! Just..." Kelsea said as I can tell she looked worried.

The rain finally stopped.

"Hayes, Quin and I want to thank you for helping her."

"Oh, it's my pleasure anything for her."

I blushed again and scratched my arm.

"Anyways, thanks, Hayes." I paused before giving him a kiss on the cheek and leave with Kelsea.

Flashback ends

"You remember now?" Kelsea asked if she knew I was in a daydream.

"Uh yeah.." I responded awkwardly.

"I'll give you some time alone... Sorry." She said before I stood in front, with my arms crossed and watched the sunset.

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