"Chapter Nine"

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I stayed out there for an hour, with my brain remembering that night, and thinking about Quinton and Hayes. I haven't seen both of them since graduation either.

Hayes probably forgot about me and probably found a girl or wife who would like him back. Quinton? Probably a football athlete or a PE teacher since he loves kids.

"Hey," David said behind me as I sniffled.

"You okay?"

"Well, I lost my sister and I feel terrible that damned cancer took the one thing that made me alive away, and my friend from high school reminded me of that night where you got almost raped by your ex? Yeah, I'm not okay." I said.

He listened to me and pulled me into a hug.

He didn't say a word for a minute as if he was thinking but also hummed softly to try to calm me down.

"Let's make a video on Instagram and have no vlog tomorrow to tribute Addison."

"No, David. She wouldn't want that."

"Then what should we do?"

"Make a YouTube video or something or–"

Then it hit me. I just remembered one of her favorite songs!

I then sat on the couch and David sat next to me with his arm around me and Kelsea looked at me with concern.


"No. I needed that."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I was acting like a jerk..." I confessed as I had shed a tear.

David moved me close to him.

"I...I'm sorry of your loss," Don said awkwardly trying to break the ice.

I looked at Jonah.

"Does Vardan know...?"

"Well, not yet." He confessed.

I know it's gonna hurt Vardan as well, he has a crush on my sister and now she's gone.

It's gonna break his heart.

"Hey," Vardan said as he came inside came with roses.

"Oh... Vardan," I said, as I looked at David.

He too looks afraid to break the news.

"Vardan.," I said.

"What? What happened?" He asked, concerned.

"Addison is... dead," I confessed.

"No.," he said as tears rolled down his face.

"Yeah, I'm shocked too, buddy," I said as David was too shedding tears.


"Actually... she's serious," David said in a sad voice before he falls to his knees. I jumped over the couch and hugged Vardan.

I remember that song she sung to me before she died...

That song.. from that game she played and beat in a sitting and she chose that song...

"She was the girl of my dreams."

"Aren't you little too young to be dating?" Scotty asked.

"Shut up, Scotty." Me and David said in synch.

Vardan ignored him and continues to cry on my shoulder.

Eventually, David comes and hugs us both.

"You want something, Vardan?"

"I rather hang with the guys," Vardan confessed with a low voice.

"Trisha, Natalie, Kelsea?" I asked as she knew what I want and we left the guys to do their thing.

While the guys went off to do their own thing, me and the girls went to the mall. Trisha chose to go to Victoria's Secret.

"You know, you would look gorgeous in this," Trisha said as she showed me the lingerie outfit.

"What? Are you trying to get me laid with David?"

"Maaaaaaybe." She said jokingly.

"How are you holding up?" Natalie asked.

"To be honest, I still feel miserable."

Kelsea looked at me with concern.

"Trisha, I think we need to leave here... she isn't happy to shop for bra and underwear."

"No...Nat. Screw it." I said before I grabbed the lingering from Trish before going to the back.

I had changed and put on the lingerie outfit and came out.

"You look one sexy mami." Trisha compliments.

"Are you sure about this, Maeve?"

"What? Can't a girl break out of her comfort zone?" I apathetically responded.

"This isn't the Maeve me and Natalie know." Kelsea finally spoke up.

"Well deal with it, bitches," I said before going in the back and changing in the back.

"Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go to Spencer's or the food court," I said as Kelsea grabs me by my wrist.

"Look, I get that you lost your sister but you need to –"

"Shut the hell up Kelsea Jenna Schell!" I screamed before breaking her grasp and leaving.

I went to on my motorbike I use on rare occasions. I needed time alone. If people won't let me bleed alone, then fuck them.

"Maeve!" Their voices shouted before I drove off.

I just drove and drove at high speeds. I didn't have a single care in the world.


I saw a Doe and her babies walking on the road and I swerved...

..And blacked out.


I was hanging out with the guys in the backyard, trying to help with Vardan. And the girls came running.

"Have you guys seen Maeve?"

"No, I thought she was with you guys?" I asked.

"She left in a hurry, and was acting really funny," Kelsea explained.

"I feel it's my fault.." Trisha said as she held the bag that had Victoria's Secret on it.

"Don't blame it on yourself, babe. She's going through a rough time." Jason said.

"Guys, I think I found Maeve," Dom said as he showed the phone of a recent news article.

MAJOR ACCIDENT ON 1-64. ONE CRITICALLY INJURED. CAUSED BY AVOIDING DEER. The title reads with the picture of the motorcycle looking destroyed and ran into a tree.

"Gimme your phone," I said as Dom tossed his phone to me.

I read the whole thing and it mentioned "Maeve Neilson." In the article.

"Yep, that's her," I said as my eyes tear up and I saw more photos of the accident.

"Should we go see her?" Kelsea asked.

"Can't since they probably would only let her adoptive parents and other family see her and not us."

"I want to see Maeve! I wanna thank her for earlier since thinking of what she did...she's like an older sister to me."

"We can't," Marine said.

"David aren't you worried that your girlfriend is in the hospital?"

"Yes... but if I go there they wouldn't let me in that easily as they did with Addison."

I sighed as I went to my bedroom and just wanted to be alone. I'm feeling terrible or not letting her stay with me and comfort her... And let her have her times to herself to mourn...

"Maeve..." I whispered her name as memories flood of the first day we met, to the day I first asked her to be my girlfriend...

Even though she was shy at first... but she's different from what she was now. And I understood why and it made sense... her ex pushing the sex in the relationship.

"Hey, mind if I come in?" A feminine voice asked as I open the door.

It was her friend from middle school.

"Look... I won't keep you long but...the reason I went out there earlier and shaken Maeve up more was..." she paused before scratching her arm nervously, "I reminded her that you were nothing like Aaron. Her ex. And reminded her of the night she was almost raped by him." She confessed.

Maeve was... WHAT?!

"I assumed she didn't mention this to you because she was afraid of you freaking out..." She also adds.

"Was she okay?"

"Yeah she was okay, she left during a storm and Hayes, one of the football team members who also had a crush on her, had stuck by her and took her his car and borrowed his jersey... she knew he liked her but she didn't like him back because she stayed loyal to that bastard." Kelsea went on.

"That explains why she was shy."

"Yeah, she was afraid of going through the same thing or something did actually happen."

"Well, I'll leave you be... I gotta get to bed." She said with a friendly smile.

I made a half smile before closing the door.

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