"Chapter Nineteen"

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It was middle of the night and I'm still at the hospital, I felt restless. Cafeteria is probably closed so I can't get a snack.

"Maeve?" A voice called out my name as I looked towards where I heard it.

David. The least person I want to see this late.

He walked towards my hospital bed with a bouquet of roses and a bear.

Who the hell allowed him in here? I thought.

"I'm beary sorry." He said trying to lighten the mood.

I was still silent, eyeing him like a hawk. He then frowned.

"Look, if you want me to leave I'll go."

The guilt was eating me alive. My body was aching me to apologize but I'm trying to fight it before spitting out, "David."

He turned his head as he turned his head. Apologizing never felt this hard.

"I..." I began but he immediately sat next to me as I began to nervously fiddle with my fingers.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault for this mess. I should've–"

"No, it's my fault. I didn't give you space and came off super toxic."

"... I guess we're both at fault then."

"How are you feeling?"

Even though it felt like all the pressure has been released, I looked away.

"Maeve, the reason I acted like this because I was afraid of losing you again. I already lost you once when we went to different schools and completely forgot each other. Not to mention the wedding with Lorraine..." His voice trailed off as he was shedding some tears.

So that explains why.... I see...

"David, we have each other's numbers and such, why would you think that?"

"Anything could happen."

I sighed as the doctor walked in the room.

"Mr. Dobrik, your short visit is up."

David nods as he sets down the flowers on the counter and the bear next to me before putting something else on the table in front of me. He left and I took a look...The ring. I forgot I had given him the ring at the airport before I went MIA and went homeless with Melanie.

My eyes just stare at the ring. It's like having another tough choice: Go back to David, or remain friends with him and move to Florida with Melanie. Though: I don't want to risk the ring getting stolen since it was expensive ring. Maybe....

I slid the ring back on only to keep the ring safe. Though I haven't made my decision yet but I just want to not this ring stolen. The doctor did a vital check.

"So far, everything is stable... do you want to..."

"Can I stay here a little longer? Everyone's asleep."

"But what about that gentleman that just left?"

Man fate is really wanting me to see more David. Does Fate really hate me right now?

"Uh... it's um. Complicated to put it."

"Very well, in the morning contact your friends or family members to come get you."

The doctor then leaves as I grabbed my phone and I looked through my contact list.  The vlog squad's numbers were on the list and Marianne's as well.

Screw it. I clicked on Jason's number.

Hey, Jason. Doc is gonna release me in the morning. Can you pick me up?

I hit send and grabbed the bear that held a heart saying "I'm beary sorry."

Still corny. I thought.

I felt the soft texture before eventually falling asleep with it.

Next morning....

My phone goes off to Jason's reply.

Sorry, can't make it. Boarding back to LA 😔 Hope you get better!

I sighed as most are probably heading back except Marianne and Liza. I texted her and she immediately

Sure! Omw!

The nurses had unhooked me and walked me out with the flowers and bear and Marianne had just pulled up. I got in the passenger seat as she put the flowers and bear in the backseat.

"How are you feeling?"

"Exhausted and hungry."

"Let's stop by McDonald's to pick up something."

Even though I really don't like having McDonald's, it was last resort since I need my appetite back. I nod as I put the seat back.

"I see you're back with David again." She said as she took a glance at the ring.

"Not really... I put it on so no one would steal it or take it..."

"I mean are you gonna take him back or?"

"I haven't decided. Though we did talk a tiny bit in the middle of the night."

"Oh? What did you talk about?"

"How it's both of our faults and he just left the ring there for me to decide..."

"Ah... well since you're exhausted, get some rest. By the way what do you want at McDonald's?"

"Anything that is food."

Marianne nods as that was the last thing I remembered.


After having food in my stomach I felt still super tired and Marianne took me to my hotel room where I lay there trying to sleep but my mind wants to concentrate on the ring.

Am I really gonna throw all of it away to be a full singer with Melanie in Miami? I thought as I slid the ring off putting it on my nightstand.

But... I hate having to break his heart and leave him again. First time it was because the school was a bit closer to where I live, this time... I continue to think.

Ugh why does it have to be so complicated?

I sighed. My phone goes off and it was David texting me.

Heard you got discharged? You okay?

I wasn't ready to exactly talk to him even though I have to.

I'm fine...

I typed and hit send before putting my phone on do not disturb and stare at the ring once more. Since Liza knows I need about a day or two to get back to my old self, she let me have some me time and told me if I need anything is to call or text her.

It's ironic: usually ex girlfriends and current girlfriends don't get along and cause so many drama. Liza and I are completely the opposite. She's happy for both David and I and she's happy with her career.

But back to the matter: I know this is gonna be the hardest decision ever and I hope I do make the right choice... eventually. I took a deep breath before passing out in a deep sleep.

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