"Chapter Eighteen"

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Two days later

The flash lights blinded me until my vision was clear and I felt weak and famished. But I felt like Ariel: I felt like I lost my voice and I cannot speak. And I felt the pain from my head. A nurse noticed and immediately left while I just lay here, motionless and trying to speak but I felt like nothing was coming out.

Eventually, my eyes closed feeling so heavy.

"Maeve, can you hear me?"

Finally, I had the strength to speak.

"Y-Yes..." I replied opening my eyes.

He asked me more questions while I answered then weakly and I still felt exhausted.

"W...Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital, apparently when you tried to escape from your fiancé-"

"Ex fiancé... for now." I clarified.

"Right. You ran into a billboard and you hit your head pretty hard. As well I saw you haven't ate as much you've most likely fainted from the lack of food in your system."

A nurse gave me a glass of water that I drank it all down.

"We have to keep an eye on your brain activity because the nurse said you were almost in a vegetive state."

The movie!


"And your uh... ex-fiancé wants to see you."

"Don't send him in. Only let a girl named Melanie in here."

The nurse nods as the two left and I felt my body sunk into the hospital bed, I had turned on the TV and news channel pops on.

"Maeve..." Melanie's tone was soft and excited. I turned my head and she walks in.


"So I heard you only needed to see me..."

"I need to talk. Since I guess eventually..." my voice paused.

"Eventually I have to go back to my old life and go back to that movie. I know..."

"Yeah you want to move to Florida and start a band and well... your friends hooked me up with your friend's manager and I have to audition later."

"So you're finally getting your life back together."

She chuckled.

"You know... you need to talk to David. You can't avoid him forever."

I only sighed.

"The least I can talk to him when I'm not mentally and physically drained."

"Yeah you don't want any drama to put you under more stress."

The nurse came in with a plate of salad and other healthy meals and my eyes bulge and I felt my stomach rumble.

"I'll leave you to eat..."


I walked out the hospital room and found the waiting room. Her friends and... fiancé I guess..? Was waiting.

"So?" One of them asked.

"As of right now she only wanted to see me she needs to eat and possible rest."

"Why? You–"

"Just because I just started to becoming friends with her doesn't mean I don't get to see her. While I got to know her, she's something special like a friend you don't want to get rid of."

"But you were the one to make her eat less!" Her supposed ex fiancé snapped.

"I'm homeless for Christ's sakes! We barely eat what we get from kind strangers or the shelter! What do you expect?!" I snapped.

"David-" one of them said.

"I...I'm sorry I just thought I almost lost-"

"David, is it?" I said approaching him.

"Uh yeah?"

"Look, I hate to say this but she just told me this she doesn't want to see you because she doesn't want to be put under pressure right now."

"What about us?"

"She didn't say but I imagine her seeing you guys might hurt her emotionally."

I sighed.

"But I love her..."

"Yeah you're lovesick. But coming from me, I don't blame the girl. She loves you but she wants space."

"It's just... we always did stuff together and it's the first..."

"You had separation anxiety. We get it." I said as I went back to my seats and read my magazines.

I hope she does get better soon...

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