"Chapter Seventeen"

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It's been almost a week since Maeve went missing and I've regret ever stepping foot here and giving the bad impression. We were at the station and they're still trying their best to find her. She has her phone turned off since almost a week and it's very hard to track someone with their phone is off.

All they can do is do another search across the state.

I have to admit: maybe I am the person at fault for the wedding with Lorraine even though Maeve said it's risky and it would've also put a strain to our relationship and I didn't listen...

"Guys... what if we're not thinking like Maeve..." Nathalie said.

"We tried, Nathalie. All we can do is let her come back on her own."

I grabbed out my camera and posted on Instagram story.

"Hey guys... I really need your help still if you have seen Maeve in the last week? Please dm me." I begged as I then posted it.

Trish has commented about this and well known people have stood up to the plate to defend me and Maeve through the roughest times.

"Hey ssst." A voice whispered as I looked at him.

"I think I saw your girl... 14th Street at the Homeless shelter. I could be wrong but I can't recognize her well enough with the long hair and clothing.." the man said as he then held out his hand, assuming for cash.

"Mike, he isn't gonna pay you." A woman said as she peered out of the shadows as well.

"excuse mike, he can be... blunt and want cash for littlest things such as drugs."

"I need them man."

"But he's not wrong I saw her too... possibly. Like he said it's hard to tell with her long hair and raggedy clothing and her voice also slightly changed..."

"Intentionally?" Nathalie asked.

"No it's like when you've been down south and you eventually learn how to speak southern."

"Take me to this possible Maeve." I said.


Me and Melanie had just finished performing and went to eat the usual grub.

There was a contest going on that could let you earn money. Melanie was hesitant about it but after some convincing: she joined in the contest with me.

I was gonna use it to take us far from here and move down to Florida and start up a band with her and I: since our voices are a match to duet.

The door chimes as...David and most of the squad was looking for me.

Stay calm stay calm.

"Is there a Maeve Neilson here?" He called out.

Shitshitshitshitshit I thought as he went to look at each table and was close to ours.

Melanie looked at me with I'm sorry..

"She's right here!" Melanie said grabbing my arm and putting it in the air before I jerk my arm.

To think I was having almost an amazing week of forgetting David and not being part of the squad. And I haven't made my decision.

"Maeve?" He said towards me.

I felt like I was butter melting under a hot sun.

"It's you!"

"Don't touch me!" I said angrily before stomping outside and he followed me.

"So.... you've been living here?"

"Don't change the subject, David you know it pisses me off you still went to find me after the shit you done for me."

"Trish was right about one thing but the reason I didn't choose you and chose Lorraine is I didn't want you to put pressure into a wedding and I wanted to wait until the right moment to get married."

I rolled my eyes.

"Plus it was all a joke."

"A joke? You keep saying that and don't think about how hurt I was! I didn't have the courage to tell you because you were so fucking high up in your ass about this whole "oh yeah let's marry Lorraine so I can post it on YouTube for clickbait and views and maybe this'll help me get a green card easier!" Not to mention I was only gone for six fucking hours and you came to New York after we made schedules on how to communicate. I get it that this is the first time we're not together but fuck David I can't have space?!" I screamed at him.

"To think I fell in love with some actual asshole like you." I paused, "Now go back to the life you had before you met me. Because I am done, David Julian Dobrik. DONE." I finished before I turned around.

"So all we had was nothing, isn't it?!" He yelled back.

"The proposal, the sex, the fun times we had together with us and our friends... it all means nothing now?!"

"David..." I said his name, annoyed.

"It means something but it's something made for the past and I'm looking at the future."

"I can't believe this... you're choosing this over the life that you had–"

"Because David I never felt so fucking alive living as a homeless woman with the singing talent while back in California all I ever do is wake up, eat, find out what you want to with your vlogs... you get the routine but it's the same thing everyday. That's why I accepted Liza's movie opportunity so quickly because I was able to socialize and not be isolated."

"I... I didn't know you feel this way."

"Well too late now. Because now I made up my mind: I want to stay in New York with Melanie and become a singer."


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Before I can go inside and say goodbyes and tell Liza that she has to find a new lead role: David began to sing these words... these fucking words. "You know I want you..."

"It's not a secret I try to hide." He continued.

I know what he's doing: he's singing one of the songs we had loved because it matches with our opposite chemistry (as for our actual song is I mean was "Thousand Years" by Christina Perri)

"I know you want me." He continued as my hand grips on the door handle.

"So don't keep saying our hands are tied."

My mind is screaming wanting to tell him to give up and accept and forget me. But half of me just was frozen as if he broke me.

"You claim it's not in the cards but fate is pulling you miles away and out of reach from me. But you're here in my heart so who can stop me if I decide that you're my destiny?" He sung.

While trying to walk away, all I heard was running into something and my hearing became a blur and the vision was so... woozy. My grips on the handle loosen before I fell.

Everything was pitch black.


"Hello?" I called out into the darkness.

"Eden?" I called out once again.

"I'm sorry this happened again! I'm so so sorry!"



"I know it's not your fault, dearest. The lack of sleep is what knocked you out and is slowly killing you."

"And the drama has taken your toll mentally... what you were doing was the right thing... almost."


"You see: David does love you but shows it in the wrong way. And I get it that you want space since you live the same thing everyday and you want a break from it all. But are you really sure you wanna throw away the love, friendship, the job that helped your sister... everything behind?"

"Here's the problem Eden: my sister's been dead for months now even if David payed off her treatment when she was alive... She was suppose to get better only she still died. Why bother working with a goal I will not achieve because she's dead?"

"You don't work and achieve your goal and backfire... look at Amber for an example." Eden paused.

An image of Amber standing professionally with Addie's charts in her arms as she had a warm smile.

"Now, did Amber quit when she became a nurse?"

"No... she kept working and doing what she loves doing."

I looked down and only saw the emptiness.

"Eden... I never did tell you this."


"The reason I also don't want to go back is... I wanna find my biological parents. Before I was adopted: all I can recall is my biological parents live in New York."

"I see... you're curious about your biological parents."

"I have a good feeling about them."

"Hey... I also have a request..."


"... Can I see Addie?"

"Though I can get Addie here: but this isn't exactly the Addie you know and love.. only the pigment of your head."

I sighed.

"I need to see my little sister... it's time to tell her what she missed."


Maeve was rushed to the hospital and they only had her on feeding tube and she was already in a coma and they found out it's because of the lack of sleep is what caused her to faint and only they said to let her wake up on her own.

I only held her hand while she was in a comatose state. Mariah and Heath were the first one to come in. Mariah was already into tears and Heath's eyes were watery. More and more of the squad came and some were crying... some were depressed.

Eventually, a doctor comes in.

"How is she, Doctor?"

"From what I can tell, other than the lack of sleep... and she was starving herself."

Some gasped.

"How long?"

"Well when did she... go missing?"

"A week."

"A week." He replied.

She did started to look thinner around the chin and waist area. A woman comes in and it was the same one from earlier.

"Oh god..." she said.

"Who are you?" Liza asked.

"I'm a friend of hers... Melanie." She said before grabbing Maeve's other hand.

"Aren't you..."

"No. I'm not the reason she abandoned you. She chose to stay with little ol' me." She said defensively.

"May I?" She asked my friends before it was only me and her.

"Actually... I can tell she was about to choose being homeless over you... but..."


"Well... she still loves you but she's still mad at you."

Isn't it obvious? I know she hates me.

"It's just..."

"I know, it's your first time being alone without her. You were getting separation anxiety."

"Look, this is just me but... it's best to give her space after she wakes up."

I only sighed before I looked at her and hope she'll wake up soon.

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