"Chapter One"

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When I arrived, it was packed and loud music was playing. And I had my phone with me to find whoever this person was. I went through the crowd and because it's crammed. I had one the clichést moment in my life.

I ran into someone and fell.

"Whoa! Sorry! Didn't see you there!" He said as I then made eye contact...

..With David fucking Dobrik.

If Addie was here she'll fucking flip! I thought as he held out his hand and I took it.

"Who are you?"

"I..I'm Maeve. Natalie invited me?" I said with an unsure voice.

"...Come with me." He said as I nod and followed behind him and found her...

"Wait a damn minute," I said as Natalie was talking with someone else before she made eye contact.

Her eyes bulge and jaw dropped.

"Maeve Neilson?"

"Natalie Noel?"

David looks both at me and Natalie.

"Wait. You two know each other?"

"We were friends from elementary school."


~..After the party..~

"So let me get this straight. You met Natalie when you threw a milk bottle at her bully at lunch?"

"Basically yeah~" I said with a hiccup.

David and the boys laugh.

"I like this girl," Dom said.

"Yeah, she's soft but tough." Alex agrees.

"Jesus, do you boys need water?" Jason said annoyed as Trisha sat close to him.

"Yeah, they're thirstayyyy~"

They all laughed even more. And I looked at the time and it was 11 pm.

"So, I guess I'll go hom–"

"No, you have to stay." David paused.

"Normally, I let the guys sleep here but I'll make an exception for Natalie's childhood friend."

"That and you're drunk."

"I'm fineeeeee~ I did this–" I said before hiccuping.

David fake laughs.

"You're staying."

"I'll help her in the room." Natalie offered.

"No— I..."

I got up and almost lost my balance.

"Screw it, I'll help as well," Trisha said as she got up and both Natalie and Trisha helped me up to the stairs to the guest bedroom.

"Thanks... Trisha is it?"

"Yes. And ignore David he's an asshole sometimes."

"And he's looking out for you because you're my childhood friend and didn't want you to get DUI."

"I'll leave you two alone."

Soon as Trisha left, I tried to look back at Natalie.

"So I know you probably don't remember much since you're drunk."

"Just because I'm drunk, *hic* doesn't mean I don't remember the look on Olga's face when I threw the milk bottle at her," I said somehow with perfect diction.

Natalie chuckled as David comes in with water.

"So, how long were you suspended for that?" Natalie asked.

"A few days of ISS. But once I told them WHY I did it and they had a *hic* talk with her and told her parents and *hic* they were pissed and gave her ass whooping and ISS as well."

David smiled as he listened.

"Good, that the little bitch got what she deserved."

I smiled back as Natalie got up.

"Maybe I should head to bed. Night, Maeve."

"Night, Natalie."

...Then, it was me and him.

"Out of curiosity, why did you do this to yourself?"

I kept silent and I controlled my drunk side from not blurting out to the guy who's only not a mere acquaintance, but also Addie's idol.

"What was your name again?"


"Why did you get yourself in this state?"

I hate having to try avoiding it but I took a deep breath and tears were already rolling down my eyes.

"My little sister Addison has cancer. And I had the stupid idea to pay for the treatment out of pocket to get her cancer-free and live like a regular 10-year-old who isn't cooped up in a hospital almost all her life." I paused.

This made David immediately frown and rest his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry."

"I'm not done, *hic* dufus."

He goes silent again.

"And here I am trying to get a job that *hic* no one will hire a girl who has no college degree nor experience and has until December 30th *hic* until they... kill her." I went on.

"Shit." He said with sad eyes.

"And you know... she's a fan and one of her things on her bucket list is to meet you," I said before reaching the water and taking a sip.

"Well, I can arrange to meet her."

"You would seriously do that?"

"I love my fans, so yeah."

I know Addie is gonna have her week brightened.

"Hey... *hic*," I said as he got up.



He smiled in response as he left and I finally passed out

~..Next morning..~

I first woke up and already have a pounding headache.

My first question is where the hell am I?

But then, I just remembered where I am.

I already heard sizzling noise and got up and felt weak and my eyes were still half shut from the light sensitivity from the lights.

I hung myself next to the wall and tried to walk downstairs.

Note to self: I need to stop drinking.

"Morning," Natalie said.

"The guys still asleep?"

"Pretty much."

"You got any meds?"

"Just eat some breakfast, drink a lot of water, and get a lot of sleep." She said as she had decided to make more pancakes.

"After I eat, can you take me back to my place?"

She smiled in reply as she politely gave me her plate with syrup.

Once I slowly ate, I still felt the dizziness and my eyes were still killing me.

"Anyways so David told me about your little sister..."

"Yeah, and I'm sorry to over drink and caused... This."

"Actually I understand why you did it. You just were so depressed and I would be too if I couldn't get a job and my sister is slowly dying and have a deadline to pay before they pull her off life support."

I weakly smiled.

"Anyways... so what happened to the Maeve I once remembered? I know we grew apart since we went to different middle schools and forgotten about each other."

"Well, I was still that Maeve and all the middle schoolers wanted to date me because of my body or my bubbly personality. I just focused on school and high school... meh. Same thing and went into volleyball."


"For... Nana." I awkwardly said.

"Yeah, I do remember your Nana would tell us stories when she was a volleyball player."

I made a weak laugh as she finished her pancakes.

"Anyways my fame and popularity rose until... Addison came into the picture. She was like a little ball of joy. She was normal and happy and always came to my games. Until... one day..."

My memories flash of what all happened and I flinched.

"Cancer appeared." I put it briefly.


I woke up and when I was heading the stairs I hear someone crying.

When I came down, I see Maeve crying.

"Cancer sucks," Natalie said as she had her arm around her.

"Whoa, what happened?" I asked in concern.

"We're catching up," Natalie responded as Maeve had tried to look at me but I can tell she's having a bad hangover.

"And I was just... telling her of how I first found out Addison had cancer." Maeve weakly said.

I still feel bad for her. She's jobless and stressing and getting depressed over her little sister...

And last night. I made a choice.

I would hire her to work with me as a video editor and help me and the squad's videos.

"Anyways... I remember clearly and it all happened down my senior year." She paused.

"It was the third round and it was 15-5. I was about to spike the ball and then I quickly looked and saw my six-year-old sister fainted and made a loud thud. I wasn't paying attention and I was knocked by the volleyball and it hit me right here." She paused as she rubbed around her upper nose and I do see some scars when I looked up closer.

"I was knocked out of cold and I don't remember anything until I woke up a few later to find out my sister had cancer... And then there was my downfall... I focused on senior year... graduation and four years later it's like slowly falling down to a deep abyss." She went on.

"Holy shit that's deep," Jason said behind us as it startled Maeve and Natalie.

"Yeah, that is deep."

"And now here I am four years later, an emotional mess and trying to get a job."

"Well, you do have a job now."

Maeve's eyes widen and close as she mumbled "ow" in the process.

"I had thought about your story and hearing it now makes me want to help you more."

"And I came to a conclusion. You're hired."

"For what?"

"Video editor."

"I mean, my dad has taught me a thing or two about video editing so... I guess?" She said in a groggy voice.

"Hey, if you need some clothes I'll let you borrow mine for today and get your stuff until when you're feeling better."

She was crying some and I opened my arms and she hugged me.

"Thank you thank you." She repeats as I warmly smiled.

"Actually if you want before Trisha comes over, I'll let her go you some clothes."

"Please... I love you, Natalie. But I don't want to wear your clothes."

Jason then pulls out his phone and begins to text his girlfriend while Maeve went up the stairs to go jump in the shower.

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