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Hi! Before I begin, all this story is gonna be unedited. I'll eventually get around to edit some sentences and stuff but for now, you're sticking with the raw uncut writing. Enjoy the book!

The sounds of the beeps and the depressing setting of a literal hospital, doctors, and nurses doing their job...

It was time to do my regular check up on Addie and to be honest, I feel like coming here effects my depression and anxiety.

I come in and Addie had her laptop out and was probably watching David.

"Maeve!" She said as she immediately paused the video.

Our adopted parents have sat there.

"Hi, hon," Dad said as Mom kept silent, looking depressed over Addie as always.

"Hey, guys," I said before hugging them and kissing them both on the cheek.

"Mom... Dad..?" Addie said as they both left the room.

"..Anything?" She asked as she saw I was wearing professional clothing and just got off an interview.

"Sadly... No." I said as I sat on the hospital bed and she snuggled up.

"There's always David." She said softly.

Addie or Addison her real name, is a fan of David. It's what makes her day is watching his videos.

On her list was to meet him, beat leukemia, buy a pony, see the world... you know typical stuff that a ten-year-old would want.

I kept silent before Addie pokes me on the arm.

"You know.. other than meeting him... I..." her voice trailed off, as she was embarrassed to tell me.

"Oh god, what did you add on your list?"

She made an awkward laugh.

"I... ship you with David."

"You ship me with David?"

"Yeah." She softly chirped.

"Someday, I see you two meet and he has a major crush on you and the vlog squad teases him and–"her enthusiastic voice goes on before the familiar nurse comes in.

"I wouldn't go too far, honey," Amber said.

"Hey, Amber."

Amber is Addison's nurse. She is more like a second sister to us and cares for Addie and always contacts me or my parents to let us know if we couldn't come to our visit.

"Another failed job interview I'm assuming by the look at your face?"

"Yeah..." I confessed.

"Fuc-- Fudge. That's horrible."

I only respond with a depressed look.

"Anyways, I know you always are on the clock but... do you want to grab a drink later?"

"I don't drink. But I would pray for you and raise with some apple juice."


Addie laughed.

"But anyways! Since I was interrupted!" Addie said as she clasped her hands together while Amber was doing the checkup on her.

"I think that you and David would be a cute couple."

"That's wrong for you to ship your sister with some YouTuber you like."

"I know but..."

Just standing here and watching my sister slowly dying and being in this hospital any longer for almost her life is making me want to burst out crying because of it and all the stress of not getting hired and pay for her chemo treatment.

"I have to go, I have woman problems to take care of." I blurted out.

The woman thing was a lie.

"Oh uh... okay! See you soon!" She said as I left.


I ran inside my car and let it out.

Why they can't just hire me and let me go to training.. why? I thought.

I need to pay for the treatment by December 30th or they'll...

Thinking about it makes me cry even more and I just left the parking lot and go to the nearest grocery store.

I needed booze. I know it's only an anti-depressant and it doesn't solve problems but I didn't care.

I. Want. Alcohol.

When the doors chimed, Jim was at the counter looking bored and playing with a fidget spinner in one hand.

"Hey, Maeve," Jim said as I waved and pulled my hoodie up and looked for the alcohol aisle.

When I found it, I saw two boys near the beer.

I walked passed them.

Angry Orchard or Mike's Hard Lemonade? I thought before looking more the aisle from Pina Colada, Captain Morgan... etc, etc.

"Dude this party is gonna be a blast." A voice that sounded oddly familiar that held a camera.

"It's gonna be lit as hell." Another one said.

I went to the back and grabbed a Pina Colada instead.

"Shut up, Matt. No one asked for your opinion." The voice said as I walked past them.

I went to the front and Jim puts down his fidget spinner.

"Going tropical this time, huh?"

"Eh." I only responded.

"You know... you always--"

"Okay and that's none of your business to ask why I always come here when I'm depressed. Now stop your lollygagging and pay my booze and I'll be my way." I snapped.

Every time I come here Jim always tries to flirt with me. And I always try to hint to him I'm not interested in dating...

"Whoooa." I heard the voice from the two and soon as Jim hurriedly pays and I go on my way.


Soon I got home. I began to drink and eat ice cream and watch movies.

I lay out while crying here and there thinking I want to give up and let them.. pull the plug.

This is the sixteenth (and counting) interview I got so far and no one has called me back.

And here's a thing normally after graduating high school (which that was four years ago) kids would go to college.

For me, I couldn't even do it with Addie in the hospital.

It would take up my time and didn't want college to be the reason that I wouldn't see my little sister.

My phone goes off and I grabbed it and only saw this Facebook message request.

Hi! You should come to David Dobrik's party tonight at 10. 🙂

Natalie? Why does that name sound awfully familiar?

I looked down at the movie, then to the 50% finished of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, and then my baggy clothes.

"Yeah, I need to get out and maybe socialize and get everything off my head," I said as I got up, closed the ice cream and basically got ready.

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