"Chapter Twenty"

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Nngh. I opened my eyes to Marianne, sitting next to me.

"It's time for the next dosage." She softly reminded before I rubbed my eyes.


"Liza is doing interviews, vouching for the movie and for you."

I nod a bit, still in a fog. All I remember was being discharged, and Marianne getting me McDonald's.

"You know..." Marianne begins, as she was passing me the medicine to take for my head and such. Even if I may feel tired and my vitals are healthy... all I know I probably have a huge bruise across my face.

And from the lack of sleep, I've felt like I had slept for centuries and waking up from it.

"Your uh... friend. Has been worried sick."

"Mm." I said.

Not gonna lie, my head is pounding from all of this. It's like I can't escape this madness.

"He's a keeper." She said awkwardly.

I looked at the ring once more. I know I can't make a decision... even though I eventually have to. But knowing David, he doesn't want me to worry about this and worry me getting better.

"That's what everyone says..." I said groggily.

"As your costar... and as your friend. Are you sure you don't want to throw this out and run away from your problems?" She straightforwardly asked.

I was silent. She was right. I am a coward, aren't I? People usually never run away from their problems. And yet: here I am. I was planning to escape and go live with Melanie and start all over again....


"Sorry, it's just... The way he looks at you and talks about you when I met him once... it's like in those romance movies I watched with my younger sister."

"And before it happened and Liza told me you were costar, I've looked at your Instagram and saw photos of you two... you two looked so happy."

I was listening to her, but I grabbed my phone. Despite my adopted sister not being here to help. I miss her every day... She's the reason I know and remember David Dobrik.

"I... ship you with David."

"You ship me with David?"

"Yeah." She softly chirped.

Addison... you sweet innocent child...


"Sorry... missing my little sister." I said as I found a photo of her and I. A photo taken couple days before finding out she had cancer.

"Addison, yeah?"


"She looked so cute..."

"That's my Addie... cute and innocent."

I know it's bad I haven't mentioned nor thought about Addie ever since her death and slipping into depression. But after moving on... it's just like that piece of me went away.

"Is she the reason how you met David?"

"Well... not really. I'll have to tell you more when I can..."

"Yeah, I understand." Addison says as her phone goes off.

"Oh and... the actor who plays as your ex boyfriend wants to meet you. I know with this going on and all..." Marianne's voice trailed off.

"What's his name?"

"Hayes Bronson."

Holy. Shit. Hayes... someone I used to have a celeb crush on. Addie moreso had a crush on his younger brother: James. This is gonna be extremely awkward meeting my old celeb crush...

"Oh my..." I said trying to sound surprised, but more tired.

She had a piece of two pieces of mail with her and sets it on my lap.

"But since I told him I'm not letting anyone visit you except Liza. And this one is well... someone handed it to me."

"I gotta go, I got some stuff to do. One of the crew is gonna make sure to remind you for your pills and to eat while I'm gone."

Marianne gently hugs me before leaving me to myself. I opened what was on top.

Dear Maeve,

I know we haven't met. But only way I can do is do an old fashioned letter to do while Marianne plays the sister role and kick everyone but Liza and herself out. I've heard what happened. And it's surprising since you only know me as "Luca Bronson: the handsome guy with heart of gold in movies." But the fans don't know I had went through what you went though, too.

I too, was thinking of running away from my problems and changed my identity. I've questioned of continuing to acting or to retire to get away from the tabloids. So, I know how you feel what you're going through. Minus the head thing, though.... Ah bad joke sorry. Anyways, hope you recover and get well soon.

Hayes Bronson

P.S. I know I could've gave you my number instead of writing this, but Marianne says you've been hibernating a lot so... in case you need to text me here's my number.

My heart fluttered a bit... I felt like I was sixteen again, melting over Hayes when he was on TV. I was tiny bit excited Hayes gave me his number but I'll add it later... if I get to.

The next mail I was hesitant to whether open or now. I don't know who it's from and I'm afraid to open it.

Dear Maeve,

I know I'm not the kind guy to write letters but this is the only way I can communicate. But I'm so sorry. Everyone was right: I was so used to you close by and seeing you leave made me go insane. I was so scared of losing you again. I lost you once and didn't want to lose you again. Jason suggested to leave with him yesterday and give you space to heal and think about it.

And by the time you're already read this too: I had already went back to Cali with the others. I feel so angry and hurt at myself to pull something so stupid that made you scared of me. You have every right to be mad at me and scared of me. I am known to pull off ridiculous stunts but never to someone I love to death.

Ugh, I fucking suck at letters and expressing my feelings at this point. Maeve, just know that I still love you from the bottom of my heart and I'll still help from a distance. You have my number and everyone's number. I still want to have a future and a family with you. But the choice is up to you and I'll still support whatever you pick.

David Julien Dobrik

David... I almost was bawling at this point. Marianne was right about one thing: he is a keeper. But... this choice is so important and hard but my top priority is to recover and this movie. I just hope I have enough time to think and make my final decision. But for now: I need to hibernate again...

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