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Evan and I are sitting the living room as the credits roll of the movie we just finished watching. I open my handbag to pull out some gum when I see the disc that my brothers gave me last night. I pull it out and place it into the laptop. As the video is about to play there's a knock on the front door and I look at Evan. "Are you expecting anyone?"

He shakes his head. "No one should have been allowed through those gates without my permission." Evan walks to the door and I follow behind him. He opens the door and I see his brother there with a girl in his arms.

"Are you going to let us in, Ev?" His brother asks.

Ethan? What's he doing here?

"No," he looks at me. "You should have called before showing up at my place." Evan keeps the door mostly closed so us brother doesn't see me.

"Who are you hiding in the house?" Ethan pushes the door open and he smiles when he sees me. "Ari?"

I wave at him. "Hi, Ethan."

He opens his arms to me. "Get over here, girl."

I shut the laptop before I run over to him and hug him. "When did you get back?"

Ethan looks at Evan. "You didn't tell her?"

He shakes his head. "I haven't spent much time with her before Bethany went to Europe."

I step away from Ethan. "Are you going to answer my question?"

Ethan wraps his arms around his girlfriend. "I got back three weeks ago." He looks at the girl. "I want you to meet my fiancé Lisa Hardwood."

Lisa has blonde hair, blue eyes, tanned skin. She looks like she just stepped out of a magazine.

She takes a step forward and holds her hand out to me.

I ignore her outstretched hand and give her a hug instead. "It's about time that Ethan found someone. He used to tell me how unworthy the girls at our school were. I think he was saying that because his brother had dated nearly every girl there."

"Did he ever date you?"

I shake my head. "I didn't date either of them. I was best friends with Evan." I push Evan out of the way and invite them in.

Lisa and I walk to the kitchen with the boys following behind us.

I turn to Lisa. "Do you want tea or coffee?"

"I would like a black coffee with two sugars please."

"I'll have the same." Ethan says.

I fill the jug and turn it on. I get four cups out of the cupboard and put coffee into each cup. "Do you want scones, jam and cream?"

Lisa smiles. "It's been awhile since I've had that."

Ethan sits next to Lisa. "Every week after school Ariana would go home to make some sort of dessert and she would bring it over to our place that night. She spoilt our family."

"You should teach me how to make some of Ethan's favourite desserts."

"I'll teach you how to make them. " I whisper. "That's if you can get away from him. It looks like he doesn't let you out of his sight."

"He doesn't. I think if we become friends he will let me do things with you instead of wanting to keep and eye on me."

Ethan turns his attention to us. "What are you girls whispering about?"

I finish making the coffee and put it in front of everyone. I place the scones, jam and cream on the table.

Ethan and Evan are the first to take the scones off the plate.


At 6pm, Ethan and Lisa hug me before they walk out the door.

Evan turns the TV on and he watches the news.

I walk into the kitchen to see the cooks making us dinner. "What are you cooking?"

Janika turns towards me. "Evan asked us to make steak with Diane sauce and veggies. Do you have preference of veggies?"

"Mixed veggies is fine. I like to have a variety of colour on my plate. I don't like mashed potatoes though. Can you please not add that to my plate, please." I watch as the cooks prepare everything. "Can I help with anything?"

"No, miss. We've got this. You should go out there to Evan. I'm sure he's looking for you now." Just as Janika says that, the door to the kitchen opens.

Evan walks into the room. "I knew I would find you in here." He wraps his arms around me and places a kiss to the top of my head. "I'm sorry if she's bothering you."

"Sir, she wasn't bothering us." Janika starts peeling the potatoes and she places it in the pot. She turns the hotplate on.

I whisper to Evan. "Let them have the day off tomorrow. Since, we're going to my parents place dinner tomorrow, there's no use for them."

He looks at them. "Tomorrow, Ariana and I won't be here. So, I was thinking that you can all have the day off. Go visit your family, friends or spend the day exploring the city."

Janika smiles. "Thank you, Sir."

The rest of the kitchen hands thank him as well.

Evan takes my hand and pulls me out of the kitchen. "They have so much respect for you. You're always thinking of others before yourself. I'm usually a selfish guy, but with you I want to be a better person." He runs his hand through his hair. "What are you doing to me, Ari?"

"I'm showing you the type of person that you are. You've just let Hollywood get to your head. You're not better than anyone else that's famous." I place my hand on his stomach and I feel his abs under my hand. "The guy I grew up with is buried deep inside you. When you find him keep him on the surface. He's the one that I want in my life."

Evan claims my lips and he lifts me up. He carries me to the lounge. "I will look for him."

While on the lounge Evan and I talk like we used to when we were growing up.

I have missed talking like this to my best friend.

Janika walks into the living. "Dinner is ready, Sir."

Evan looks at her. "Thank you." He rises and then helps me to my feet.

We walk into the dining room to see the table set and candles are lit on the table.

A smile spreads across Evan's face. "I love it when they put candles out for us. I never liked the idea of doing it with Bethany. With you I have different feelings than I do with her." He pulls a seat out for me.

Once I'm seated he takes his next to me. He holds my hand and looks into my eyes. "You're going to make me fall for you, Ariana. I just hope you're there to catch me."

"I will always catch you, Evan. Never doubt that." I move over to him and sit in his lap. I lean forward and kiss my fake fiancé.

He wraps his arms around me and deepens the kiss.


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