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I pull the black Audi R8 I'm driving into the parking lot of Butler Industries and I find a parking spot next to Xanthe's Black BMW. The spot next to hers is Yasmin's and she also drives a black BMW. They have name plates on the wall, so people know where to park.

The spot next to Xanthe's is free. She told me that when I start driving a car that she wants me to park it next to hers. I used to catch public transport office when I was living on my own. I didn't like getting caught in traffic, besides I lived around the corner from the office and walking was a better mode of transport except when it was raining.

Xanthe walks through the door that leads the parking garage and she looks at the car that I'm stepping out of. She smiles. "Its about time you got a car."

I place my hand on top of the car. "She looks great doesn't she?"

Xanthe laughs. "Please, tell me that the car doesn't have a name?"

It does. Evan thought the car needed a name, so he named it Belle.

I've always wanted an Audi R8. Growing up I used to tell Evan my favourite cars and it's funny how his collection at home are of the ones that I used to tell him that I wanted. Now, I get to drive my favourite car through the streets of LA.

I think he got them with me on his mind and not the woman that he wants to marry.

Xanthe opens the trunk and she pulls a box out. "Can you help me with these?"

"Sure," I walk over to her and take the box from the hands.

She looks at at Evan's car. "What did he name her?"


She throws her head back and laughs. "He knows how to pick them."

Cars, or names?


She stops and looks at me. "Yes?"

"My sister and brothers are coming here for their headshots and I was wondering if you wanted to meet them?"

A smile spreads across her face. "I would love to meet the rest of the Houston siblings. Are they interested in modelling for the company?"


She continues to walk to her office with me following. She pushes the door open to her office and walks in. She places the boxes next to the door. "Put your box next to one I just put down." Xanthe walks over to her desk and sits down. "Ariana, please sit. There's something that I want to talk to you about."

I look around the office that has eight boxes around the room. They are placed against the walls. The wall is painted light purple and there's pictures all over the wall of Xanthe and her sister in Paris, Sydney, London and Berlin.

They look happy in each photo.

I wish that I had someone to do all that stuff with.

Xanthe places her hands on the table. "I want you to model some of our stuff as well. So, I'm going to make a deal with you. I will hire your siblings if you're willing to model alongside them."

"Whose going to take the pictures when I'm in front of the camera?"

The door opens and Rafael walks in. He smiles at me. "I will." He takes the seat next to mine. "I used to be a photographer before I became a fashion designer. That's how Xanthe and I met. I used to work with her before she owned her own building and the clothing line took off."

She looks at me. "Do we have a deal?"

A smile spreads across my face. "Sure," I rise and move over to her. "Thank you so much. Now, my parents don't have to support my siblings anymore since they're going to have a job." I walk over to the door. "I still want to work behind the camera too, Xanthe."

"I can't turn you away from the job I hired you for."

"Thanks, Xanthe." I close the door behind me and I make my way to my office.

Turning the light on in my office I see pictures of my family and I on the wall. On the desk is a picture of Evan and I that Yasmin took when I brought him into the office. She took the photo when we weren't looking.

I start the computer and wait for it to load.

The disc my brothers gave me is in my handbag and I pull it out.

I need to watch it.

Putting the disc into the computer I wait for it to load. The play button comes up on the screen and I press it.

On the screen I see myself walk out of my dorm room. There's no one in the hall as I head towards to the stairs. I see a hand and then the power goes out.

The entire building goes dark and I scream. I pull my phone out of my pocket and turn the flashlight on. Walking to the door I see Xanthe and Rafael walking down the hall.

Where's the back up generator? I thought that it should turn on right after the power outage.

Yasmin walks towards me. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Do you have a back up generator?"

She shakes her head. "I'm going to let everyone go home for the day. You should go out and enjoy the sun." Yasmin looks at me. "You're looking a little pale."

Of course I'm a little pale. I spend most of my time indoors.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket I call Charlie.

Charlie answer the phone after the third ring.

Charlie: Hey, Ari. I'm on my way to the office now. I have Shawn and Bradley with me.

Me: I won't be at the office today. There was a black-out and my bosses sent me home. Do you want to meet at the beach? We can go swimming and shopping?"

Charlie: Sounds good. Which beach should I meet you at?

Me: Venice.

Charlie: See you soon.

She hangs up the phone and I head straight the car. I climb in and call Evan.

Evan answers after the first ring.

Evan: Are you alright, Ari?

I laugh.

He's cute when he worries about me.

Me: I'm fine. I'm calling because there was a blackout at work and I'm heading to the beach. I was wondering if you want to join my siblings and I?"

Evan: That sounds like fun. Do you want me to pack your bikini? I know how you would prefer to save your money then spend it on something you already own.

Me: That would be great. Thank you so much.

Evan: You're welcome. Also, Ethan and his girlfriend are going to join us. They were begging me to go to the beach before you called. Where shall we meet you?

Me: Venice. Bye, Ev.

Evan: Bye.

I hang up the phone and start the engine. I pull out of the parking spot and head to exit.

The security guy smiles. "Have a good day, Miss Houston."

"You too, Alf. I will see you tomorrow." I pull out of the parking garage and head in the direction of the beach.


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