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I pull my car into a parking spot at Venice Beach. As I'm stepping out of the car my phone rings and I look at the caller ID.

Charlie flashes across the screen and I answer my phone.

Me: Hello, Charlie.

Charlie: We're sitting on he stairs close to the life saver shed. Evan is here with his brother and the girlfriend. Why didn't you tell me that they were going to be here?

Me: I called them after I got off the phone with you. I didn't want Evan to think I was avoiding him by not going home after work. He would have found out about the black-out and then he would worry about me.

Charlie: We all know how protective that boy is of you.

I laugh.

She's right though. Evan is protective of me, but only of the things that he knows about.

I pick up my handbag from the passenger seat and I put it over my shoulder. Locking the car I head in the direction of the Life Saving shed where everyone is waiting for me.

Evan is the first person I see. He turns around and a smile graces his perfect face.

I run over to him and hug him. "I'm glad your here."

Evan laughs. "Thank you for inviting me." He looks at Ethan and his girlfriend. "I thought I was going to be stuck with those two all day. They look so in love. Ethan can't keeps his eyes off her."

I noticed that when they were at Evan's the other day. It sweet though.

Evan pulls away. "I brought your bikini. It's in the bag if you want to change."

I walk over to the bag. "I'm going to get changed."

Charlie walks over to me. "I'm coming with you."

We walk over to the change rooms and I put on my white bikini. I put on a pair of board shorts before I walk out of the changerooms.

A few wolf whistles are heard as Charlie and I walk out.

Evan looks at the guys. "Shut up. They're taken." He walks over to Charlie and I. He wraps his arms around me and he kisses the top of my head.

Someone's jelous with the attention I received by some strangers.

Charlie looks at the guys. "They're cute. I'm going over to say hi." She licks her lips and flips her hair a few times before she walks over to them.

I look at Shawn and Bradley. "You two better keep an eye on her. She's your responsibility."

"Yes, Madame." Shawn salutes me.

Smart ass.

I pull Evan with me to the Beach. I put my towel on the ground. Pulling out the sun lotion I hold it out to Evan. "Can you please put this on my back?"

"Sure." He takes he bottle from me. He squirts some lotion onto my back and he massages it into my skin.

I feel relaxed as he applies the sun lotion.

A moan comes out of my mouth.

"Baby, you need to stop that."

I can't help it as it feels so good. He's good at doing this. Another moan slips out.

"I'm done." Evan says.

I turn around and see his boner through the boardshorts he's wearing. My eyes widen.

Evan looks down. "Shit,"

Ethan starts laughing. "Brother, you need to control yourself around, Ari."

"Shut up." He runs over to the water and I watch him walk further into the sea before he dives under a wave. He surfaces a few seconds later.

I finish putting sun lotion on before I run over to the water.

The water is freezing and I begin to shiver. I see a wave come closer to me and dive underneath it.

Evan is a few metres in front of me and I swim over to him. He looks at me. "At least now I don't need a cold shower. I have the ocean for that."

I laugh. "That's not my fault."

Ethan and his girlfriend swim over to us.

I look back on the shore and I see Charlie walk over to the water with a group of guys.

Three of the five guys have surfboards with them.

I think they're going to try to impress her with their surfing talent. What heh don't know is that Charlie hates surfers.

She used to tell me that she doesn't see the point of it being a sport. All it is, is a competition between men proving who is better than the other. It's such a turn off, she said.

Right now I think she's eating her words and she watches on of the guys from the group stand up on his board as it takes him to the shore.

"Ariana?" Evan asks.

Turning towards him I say. "Hmmm,"

"What are you thinking about?"

A smile spreads across my face. "I was thinking about all the times that Charlie told me she hated surfing." I point towards her. "Now, she's watching three of the five guys she's with surf. I wonder which one she's interested in?"

Evan laughs. "Who knows with your sister. She never could make her mind up when it came to boys at school. I don't think she's changed that much."

He probably right.

Growing up Charlie used to have three guys around our place every month. When she got bored of the guy she would move onto the next one.

You're probably thinking that she's a slut, but that was never Charlie's style. She told me that she wanted to save herself for the guy that would be the father of her children, but she never met the guy. So, she's still playing the field. For all she knows she did meet the one, but she didn't see it.

There has been one guy that's been seen around a lot over the years with her. She keeps telling us that there friends. If you ask me there's a spark between them, but Charlie is too blind to see it.

I just hope that she wakes up before the guy moves on for good.

"Ariana," Evan yells.

I turn towards him and see a wave coming my way. I dive under the wave and I'm tossed and turned around by the current. It feels like I'm in a washing machine. I swim to the surface and see another huge wave crashing and I dive back under the water.

It happens three more times, before I can surface without getting slammed by the waves. I start coughing from the water getting into my mouth. I wipe the water away from my eyes.

Evan swims over to me. "We should head in."

Yeah, we should. I have sand, where sand shouldn't be and it feels uncomfortable.

We swim to the shore.

Charlie runs over to me. "Are you okay, Ari? I saw you get slammed by the waves."

"I'm fine. I think it's time for me to get changed. Do you want to come or are going to entertain those boys longer?"

She shakes her head. "I'm coming with you."

Charlie and I walk over to the change room. "What's the time?"

I pull my phone out of my bag. "3:30."

"Damn it. I'm going to be late for dinner with Hayden. He's not going to be happy." She runs into the shower and quickly washes the sand off. "Can you take Shawn and Bradley home?"

"I can't. The car I drove fits only two people."

"Can you drive me home and the boys can take my car home?'



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