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"Bethany was never pregnant. She stole the test from Ariana after she pushed her down the stairs." I wipe my face. "Everything that's gone wrong in my life is because of that girl."

Mom comforts me after I tell her that. "I'm so sorry, Evan. I wish I could all this pain from you."

A small smile spreads across my face. "In some way I'm glad that she was never going to have my child. Then I wouldn't be able to have a chance with Ariana."

She cups my face. "If Ariana's baby survived would you have been a father to that child?"


I would have helped her out anyway I could and I actually mean that.

A doctor walks out of the double doors and he stops to talk to Mom.

After a couple minutes, the doctor and Mom walk away from me.

I am sitting in the sitting room when Whitney approaches me.

She's wearing a pants suit and I can see the lining where her gun is hidden.

Whitney is an FBI agent that's been friends with Shawn since he was in University.

They kept in touch after they graduated, but after he found his sister at the bottom of the stairs he called her and she decided to look into what was happening.

A couple weeks before I met with Ariana again I was approached by Whitney and a group of FBI Agents and they told me about Bethany hiring an assassin to kill Ariana.

At that moment I knew that I had to protect the woman that I always loved me the only way that I could do that was to propose to her.

Shawn and Bradley are leaning against the wall.

Whitney places her hand on top of mine. "You can't do anything rash, Evan. Like flying to Paris and confront her about what you saw. If you do you will be putting her life in further danger." Her eyes soften when she looks at Shawn. "Her brothers have put a lot of work into bringing that woman to justice for the crimes she committed against their sister. If you're still willing to do everything it takes to keep her safe. You will go home and forget about what you saw." She whispers something in my ear. "You will have to continue making Ariana think that your in love with Bethany. I know that it will continue to hurt her thinking that you love the woman that hurt her, but it will keep Ariana safer a little longer until I can bring that woman back to the States. Right now my team and I can't fly out of the country and arrest her as there's someone else working closely wit my her and I need to find that person."

I know she's right. I just wish there was something that I could do, but it looks like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I turn towards Whitney. "I won't do anything rash, but I'm not going home tonight. I can't be around her right now knowing that it's all my fault this stuff has happened to her."

Shawn walks over to me. "It's not your fault, man. If there's one person that responsible for their actions that's Bethany."

Whitney nods. "He's right."

Bradley moves over to us. "You don't have to worry about Ari tonight. She will be staying at Mom's with us. We will keep her destracted while you sort yourself out."

He's right. I do need to sort myself out before I see Ari tomorrow. I also need to go to the office for the photo shoot.

I don't want to continue to let down Ariana.

She deserves better than what I did today.

It just hurt to see her like that and I feel bad that I didn't help her when she was sprawled on the ground.

I just let Bethany pull me away while her brothers had to wait for the paramedics to come.

The world be so much better of Bethany wasn't in it anymore.

Then I could live with the woman that's always held my heart completely.

I just too blinded by the hotness of Bethany to know what she was truely like and now that I'm not blinded I realise that I have a lot to make up for when it comes to Ariana.

She was there all the times that I needed her and I wasn't their when she needed me.

Whitney shakes my shoulder. "Ariana and her sister was here earlier." She looks away from me. "I didn't want her to know that I saw her. She knows something is going on. She's a smart girl and she will let this slide. When the time comes you will have to tell her everything."

I sigh. "Whitney, she's going to know everything in a month and half at my parents place. Every year they hold a massive party. Bethany returns home for it every year and this year she thinks that I'm going to propose to her."

Whitney pulls her phone out and she types away on it. "Give me the date of the party and I will have some people pose as caters. That way when she comes to the party we'll always have eyes on her."

I give her all the information that she needs. "If there's anything else I will let Shawn know and he can contact you."

Whitney walks away with Shawn, leaving Bradley and I together.

He takes a seat next to me. "How bad is your brother?"

"He's got a concussion." I turn towards him. "I saw the video of Ariana being pushed down the stairs and it made me see red. I didn't mean to hurt my brother." I tell him truthfully.

Bradley's phone goes off and he looks at it. "I have to go. Charlie just told me that Ariana has locked herself in the bathroom. The only person that's ever successful at getting her out is Shawn." He walks in the direction his brother went with Whitney.

A couple weeks after I saw Ariana on the ground bleeding she was a changed person.

I heard rumours that she turned to drugs to help her through the pain of the fall.

One afternoon I was in the dorm that Ariana lived in and people were lining up to use the bathroom, but someone locked the door.

I picked the locks to the bathroom and when the doors opened I found Ariana with her hair cut and dyed black.

She had blood shot eyes like she took something.

I took her to her room and put her to bed.

After a couple of minutes, Bethany showed up and she pulled me out of the room. "What are you doing with her?" She yelled at me.

"I was helping out a friend. She needs me."

Bethany shook her head. "She's trying to take you from me and I won't let that happen." She crushed her lips on mine and pulls me towards the bathroom.

When we got to the shower she started pulling her clothes off.

In that moment I forgot about my best friend that was sleeping in her room not too far from us.


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