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Mom drags Charlie and I into the house. She looks at us and says. "Let's open a bottle of wine."

A smile spreads across Charlie's face. "I never thought that I would enjoy those words coming out of your mouth, Mom."

She throws her head back and laughs. "I want to hear all about the photoshoot." She looks behind us. "Where are your brothers? I though they would be behind you."

"During the photo shoot Bradley got a phone call and he had to go to the hospital with Shawn." I tell her. "Do you know what they're up to?"

She frowns. " No, I don't. I have noticed that Shawn sneaks out in the middle of night to meet a woman in a black car. She looks like a fed."

That what I thought when I saw the woman with my brothers and Evan. They're up to something.

Mom opens a bottle of champagne and she pours three glasses. She puts a glass in front of us. "Did you like the dresses?"

Charlie leans forward. "They were absolutely stunning. It was like the dresses we're made for us, Mom. Xanthe and Yasmin have made us the faces of their company. They even said that they couldn't believe that the new face of the company was with them the entire time, but she was photographer."

Mom raises her glass. "I want to make a toast to my two beautiful girls that deserve to be the face of Butler Inc. I can't wait to see a billboard in Los Angeles of your faces."

I clink my glass with Mom and Charlie's. "Charlie and my face won't be gone only ones on display in ten Los Angeles. Shawn and Bradley are the new faces of Rafael's company. He thought they were a perfect fit for his. Tomorrow they have to wear Xanthe's stuff. It's to make up for them leaving early today."


At 6pm, Shawn, Bradley and Dad walk into the kitchen.

They are greeted by the three of us a little drunk.

Shawn kisses Mom's cheek. "What's for dinner?"

She shrugs. "I didn't have time to make food as I wanted to catch up with my girls." Mom looks at Dad and she says. "Our daughters are the faces of Butler Inc."

A smile spreads across his face. "I'm proud of you girls." He gives us both a kiss. He turns towards the boys. "How did you're photo shoot go?"

"Good," they reply quickly and Dad looks at me.

"They're the new face of Rafael's line. You would have been proud of them, Daddy."

Charlie asks. "How is your friend?"

Bradley and Shawn both look at each other and they communicate via their facial expressions.

I hate it when they do it.

My stomach growls. "I'm going to order pizza." I tell my family and then I make the call.

The local pizza shop knows my families order as we've been going to them for years.

Voice: Hello, this is Cocoa pizzeria. This is Cocoa.

Me: Hey, Cocoa. It's Ariana. Can I get the usual?

Cocoa: Sure, Miss Houston. Are you picking up you're order tonight or do you want us to drop it off?

Me: Can you deliver it for us.

Cocoa: You're order will be delivered in the next forty minutes, miss Houston.

Me: Thanks, Cocoa.

I hang up the phone and walk back into the kitchen where my family are talking about something.

At the end of the conversation I catch Shawn saying. "Please, don't say anything to Ariana."

With slight movement I see Charlie hit Shawn and their heads all turn in my direction.

I am sick of being in the dark. Why does everyone all of a sudden need to protect me? I'm capable of doing that myself.

I look at my family. "One of the drivers from Cocoa pizzeria will be dropping the order off. I'm going for a walk alone." I walk out the back door and start walking around my parents property.

On the side of their property is bush and there's a great walking track that leads to a secluded beach. When I was younger I would go down to the beach.

This one time while I was down their I saw my brothers hooking up with a few girls older then them. They were making out and it made me sick.

The girls caught me before I could make my escape and they asked Bradley and Shawn if they knew who I was.

Shawn nodded. "Thats my annoying kid sister. She doesn't know how to leave Brad and I alone." He glared at me.

The girl that was hanging off Shawn's arm said. "I like her. She reminds me of my sister. Next time we hook up I will bring her and they can hang out while Zoe and I teach you a few things we learnt."

"Sounds good." Shawn looks at me. "Get lost."

I have ok off after that and went back to the house.

As I take a step into the bush I hear behind me. "Where are you going?"

Turning around I see Shawn and Bradley standing next to each other with their arms crossed,

I glare at them. "Why do you care we're I'm going? You're the one keeping secrets from me. Like what were you doing at the hospital with a fed and Evan."

"How," Shawn begins and I hold my hand in the air to stop him.

"Then in the kitchen when you said to everyone "Please, don't say anything to, Ariana." I mimicked his voice.

Shawn sighs. "I'm trying to protect you, Ariana." He takes a step toward me. "I love you." He takes another step toward me. "Please, let us protect you and when the right time comes we will tell you."

I hope what they're keeping secret from me doesn't involve Bethany. I can't stand the thought of everyone I care about being involved in something that has to do with that psychotic turd.

I ignore Shawn and take a step into the bush. I follow the path down to the beach.

Once I reach the beach I pull off my flat shoes and walk on the sand. I run to the water and dip my feet in.

I'm too busy looking at the sea when a wave splashes my clothes, soaking me to the core. My teeth begin to chatter as I start to feel cold.

I wring my clothes out and then head back to the house.

Inside the house I find my duffel bag next to the door and I take it with me to the bathroom. I step into the warm shower and clean myself.

Once I'm done I wrap a towel around my hair and with the other I dry myself begone putting my clothes on.

Downstairs I see my family in the kitchen eating. I join them at the table.

After the dishes are done Shawn, Bradley, Charlie and I set up beds in the living room and turn a movie on.

We spent the rest of the night talking about everything and watching movies.

Halfway through the third movie Shawn complains that he's hungry.

I offer to make popcorn for a snack.

Heading to the kitchen i search the cupboard for the popcorn. I put a bag in the oven and set the timer. I grab a couple cans of coke and take it with me to the living.

The timer for the popcorn goes off.

Charlie looks at me. "I'll get it."


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