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At 10:30, Charlie and I walk into the office.

Xanthe and Yasmin are sitting next to each other.

Charlie places both our folders on the table. She looks at both of them. "I'm sure you're wondering why I called a meeting with you?"

Xanthe looks at me first and then at Charlie. "Yes,"

A smile spreads across Charlie's face. "I heard about the new line you have created and I was wondering if there was a chance you'd like to add other things to it."

Yasmin leans forward. "I would love to hear your ideas about the new line."

Charlie looks at me and I nod. She opens the folder on top, which happens to be mine. "Ariana and I have been sketching things for awhile and I was thinking that maybe I could show you some designs that could make the launch." She pushes the folder to Xanthe and Yasmin.

They flick through the folder.

At the bottom of the page is where I sign my signature, so people can't take my things without permission.

Xanthe looks at me. "These are really, Ariana. Why didn't you tell me that you could sketch."

"It's a hobby of mine." I look at her handbag that I designed. "They're not great."

Yasmin turns her attention to me. "They're perfect. It's what we need for the new line. Bags and dresses. Do you think you can design shoes?"

"I can't design shoes, but I think Charlie can. You should check her stuff out as well. They're incredible."

Charlie slides the folder over to them.

They pick it up and a smile spreads across their faces.

Yasmin looks at us. "These are great. I think we've found our second collection to launch."

Xanthe smiles. "The collection will be called Houston and it will have all you're designs."

"Really?" Charlie asks.

"Yes," Yasmin holds her hand out to us. "Welcome to Butler Industries as our new collection designers."

"If you need to fix anything do that today and have the entire collection on our table by five this afternoon." Xanthe says.

"I don't need to change anything on mine." I tell them.

Charlie takes her folder from them. "I have a few things to edit with mine. I'll have it on the table by five. Do you mind if Ari and I have lunch at the same time? I want her to meet my boyfriend."

At that moment there's a knock on the door and I see Rafael there.

Xanthe stands up and she walks over to the door. "That's fine. Have fun." She hugs Rafael. "I'll see you later." She walks out of the room with him.

Yasmin smiles. "She's getting soft because of that teddy bear."

I've noticed that too.

Yasmin and I used to talk a lot, but now Xanthe seems to be the one that wants to talk to me about things.

It's good to see her happy as well.


At 1pm, Charlie and I walk through the door of Colter Cafe.

I look around the room and I see four guys in suits with coffee in their hands.

They are sitting alone and their back are straight. They look around the room, not letting there eyes linger for long.

They're with Jasper Moretti.

Charlie walks over to a guy sitting in the middle of the cafe in a suit.

I see a holster in his jacket pocket and the 9mm that's in it.

She kisses the guy. "Hey, Jas."

He smiles at her. "Hey, baby. Where's your sister."

Charlie points at me. "She's coming over now."

I walk over to the table. "Hey, I'm Ariana." I hold my hand out to him.

He takes my hand and shakes it. He has a firm grip on my hand. "Don't cause a scene." He lets go of my hand.

Why would I want to cause a scene with a guy that's in the Mafia? That carries a 9mm in a holster inside his jacket pocket, while he has four different men with him.

I'd be bloody suicidal to do that and I'm not.

A smile spreads across his face and he says nicely. "It's nice to meet you Ariana. I'm Jasper."

Looking around the room at the men I ask. "Is your brother here?"

His eyes open widely. "You know about us?"

"Of course I do. My sister wouldn't let me walk in here blindly." I point at each of his men. "All of them don't belong here, so I know that they're here with you and you're packing."

Charlie looks at me and she mouths. "Shut up."

"Are you trying to threaten me or are you trying to protect yourself in a public place?"

He laughs. "I like her Charlie. She's honest which is something I enjoy seeing especially when I'm supposed to be the one intimidating the other."

"Oh, is that what you're trying to do? I thought that you want to make a good impression. So, I could give my sister the blessing she's asking for?"

One of the guys in a suit walks over and he whispers in Jasper's ear.

He nods. "Alright, we'll leave in a moment." Looking at me he says. "You should come over tonight for dinner. I would like to get to know and I promise I won't be packing at this dinner."

"Good, cause you need to prove a lot to me. I want to make sure that you'll protect my sister of something bad happens in you're line of work."

He kisses Charlie's head. "I would take a bullet for her. Bring you're fiancé if it makes you feel comfortable. My brother will be there with his wife and son."

The guys walk out of the cafe and I look at Charlie. "He didn't tell me where he lives."

She laughs. "That's because he doesn't want you to know. He will send a car to your place to pick you up. It's a good thing that I will be with you."

"What do you mean by 'you'll be with me?"

"I'm going to your place to get ready. I knew he was going to invite you to dinner. I just didn't want to tell you as I was afraid of how you'd react."

I would love to beat the shit out of her for putting me in this situation.

Pulling my phone out of my bag I call Evan.

Evan: Hey, Ari.

Me: Tonight we are invited to have dinner with Charlie's boyfriend.

Evan: Charlie has a boyfriend?

Me: Yes, she kept it a secret from the rest of the family.

Evan: What happened to the guy she raced home to see that day we went to the beach.

I forgot about him. I'll have to wake her about him.

Me: I don't know.

Evan: What time is the dinner?

I look at Charlie and I ask. "What time is dinner?"

"Seven, but the limo will pick us up at six."

Me: A limo will be picking us up and it will be at the house at six.

Evan: Alright, I'll see you when I get home.

Me: How's the table reading going?

Evan: Great. I met the girl that will be playing my love interest and she's an exceptional actress. You'll love her.

I'm sure I will.

Me: I'll see you later.

Evan: I love you, Ari.

Me: I love you too, Ev.

I hang up the phone and follow my sister back to the office.


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