Back For You Movie Premier

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Six months later

Evan and I are standing in Butler Industries wearing the clothes that my friends made us for the premier of our movie.

The months have flown by and Crystal has grown as well. She's starting to hold her head up and she smiles whenever she sees Evan and I enter the room.

Mom and Dad are taking Crystal for the night while we attend our Premier.

It feels weird going to a premier that's for a movie I made with my husband.

Evan keeps telling me that it's going to take some time to get used to. Going to a premier and having the focus on me.

I hope he's right.

My phone starts to ring and I look at it. I see "Richard" pop up on the screen.

I swipe my finger across the screen and answer the call.

Me: Hello, Richard.

Richard: Hi, Ariana. I have a new movie that's about to start production and I was wondering if Evan and you would like to be part of the new movie?

Me: I'll talk to him about it. When do you need an answer by?

Richard: Next week the latest. I'm going through the audition process right now to play the co-stars in the movie. I'm hoping that you two would like to be the leads in an action movie.

Me: Thanks for considering us for the leads for this movie.

Richard: You're welcome. I really enjoy working with the two of you. I know another director that's looking for people to star in a tv show. I told him about Evan and you. I think he's going to call you soon to talk about an audition for the show.

Me: I'll think about that one too. I'll see you tonight Richard.

Richard: Bye,

I hang up and turn towards Evan. "Richard is looking for leads in his action movie and he wants us."

A smile spreads across his face. "I love action movies. Can you tell him I'll do it?"

"I'll tell him."

I look at the picture of Crystal and I on the screensaver on my phone. "I'm not sure if I want to be part of the movie."

Evan takes my hand. "You should do it. We can get a babysitter to look after Crystal and take care of her on set."

I sigh. "I don't want a stranger to look after our daughter. When we're on set I would like one of our Mom's to look after her."

"Okay," he takes a step toward. "Are you going to do the action movie with me? I would love to have my beautiful wife by my side in something as great as this."

"I'm going to think about it, Evan. I will give you an answer over the weekend. Please, don't pressure me into this."

"I won't." He fixes up his suit. "How does my tie look?"

The tie is at the side and the knot needs to be redone.

I take the tie from him and I redo it. I place it over his collar and pull the knot. I pull down the collar. "Much better."

Sprinting around in the red backless dress I ask. "How do I look?"


Ariana's outfit

I place the gold earrings in my ears.

Evan takes the bracelet from me and he puts it on me. He also helps me with the necklace.

"Thanks," I slam my lips down on his and I place my hand on his chest.

Evan deepens the kiss and then his tongue enters my mouth.

Our tongues meet and I rise to the top of my toes.

I moan into his mouth.

Evan eventually pulls away, making me return to my feet. He rests his forehead against mine as we breath heavily. "I hick we should leave for the premier before we don't make it out of Butler Industries."

"I agree with you on that." I take Evan hand and pull him towards the door.

As we stop at the lift I take in Evan's suit and it makes him look even hotter.

I love a man in a suit and Evan surely knows how to pull it off.

He's wearing black pants, a white button up shirt, a black jacket and leather shoes.

Evan's outfit.

He's also wearing the bracelet that I got him for Christmas.

A couple days ago I added a C on the bracelet for our daughter and he loves that he can carry us around when we're not together.


The limo pulls in front of the Chinese Garden in Hollywood.

The driver opens the door for us and I step out first.

I hear the crowd go wild as they see me step out of the car.

A smile spreads across my face and I wave at the crowd that's formed outside the garden.

There's a poster of Evan and I on the wall with the title on it.

Evan steps out of he car and he stops next to me. "That poster is incredible. I love the way you look in it. Red suits you perfectly." He wraps his arm around my waist and we smile at tall the paparazzi that came out for this event.

The one thing I hate about premiers is the red carpet. Just talking to strangers is out of my comfort zone.

Evan lets go of my hand. "I'm going to talk to a few people. You should do the same." He walks away from me and stops next to the woman that we spoke to when we were here for the premier of his movie with Natasha.

I don't stand awkwardly here because someone walks over to me with a microphone.

She introduces herself and Maribel. She's a beautiful woman with long brown hair that been curled and make-up on her face that gives her a natural look. "This is your first main role in a movie. How did feel to be a lead in it?"

A smile spreads across my face. "It was a great experience and I couldn't have done it without my husband, Evan. Or a great director like Richard. The co-stars in Back For You made me feel welcomed as well. They all knew it was my first lead role and they all took me under their wings. I got a number of life long friends from this movie and I hope someday that I get to be in another movie with them."

Vin Diesel starts to walk down the red carpet with his wife. He stops next to me. "Hey, Ariana. You look beautiful tonight."

"You look great too, Vin." I turn my attention to his wife and I greet her.

Maribel starts to interview Vin and then I decide to walk further down the red carpet.

A few paparazzi's take photos of me and I talk to a number of people before I walk through the door of the Chinese Garden.

Evan waits for me close to the door and he takes my hand as soon as I walk in. "How did go out there?"

"Good," I pull him through the crowd toward the door of the theatre.

The door opens and a worker tells everyone that they can go inside.

Evan and I find our seats at the front. I'm sitting next to Evan and Vin.

Stephen Amell is sitting next to Evan and they start talking about their daughters.

A smile spreads across my face as I listen to Evan tell Stephen about her.

Richard walks to the front with a microphone and he looks into the crowd. "Tonight we're here for the premier of Back For You, starring Evan Wilson and his beautiful wife Ariana Wilson as his leading lady. You're all going to be amazed by the acting of this woman. She's accomplished a lot in her life and she seems to be successful at whatever she puts her mind to. The co-stars have made the movie complete. We had Vin Diesel, Stephen Amell, Ian Somerhalder, Damon, Marcus Thomas and Annabelle." He walks over to his seat.

The lights are turned off and the movie begins.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


After the movie there's a round of applause and Evan holds my hand. He looks around the room. "It looks like everyone enjoyed the movie."

I stand up and look around the room as everyone starts to stand up and cheer.

Evan takes my hand and we walks to the front of the room with the cast and crew.

I'm glad that everyone enjoyed the movie.

Richard tells Evan and I about the after party.

Looking at Evan I say. "You can go to the after party. I want to go home to our daughter."

"Me, too." He admits. "My family is my priority right now. Work comes in second when my manager helps me land lead roles."

"You've got a number of roles coming your way after the performance in this movie."


This is the last chapter before the Epilogue.

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