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Seventeen Years Later

The last seventeen years have been busy for Evan and I, with work and raising a family. We starred in twenty movies and three tv shows over the years. I had three more children after I had Crystal.

Kevin is fourteen and he's a football player. He's been getting coached by our friend Jai Marshall.

Then there's Alessandro our trouble making twelve year old. He recently got suspended from school for fighting with Nero's brother.

And our youngest Katrina is five. She just started school in June with her cousin Penelope. (Shawn's daughter.)

I walk into my daughters room and I climb into her bed. "Crystal, sweetie. It's time to wake up."

She opens her eyes. "Mom, go away. I'm still sleeping."

Evan walks into the room with a tray full of her favourite food. "Happy Birthday, Crystal ."

"Go away," she throws a pillow towards us and Evan moves quickly before it could hit the tray.

Crystal's alarm goes off. She hits the off switch. "I'm awake now." She sits up and looks at us. "You made Be breakfast in bed?"

Evan places the tray on the table. "Today is the only day that I'm going to make you breakfast in bed."

A smile spreads across her face. "Thank you. I love you." She hugs Evan and then me. "Do I have to go to school?"

"Yes," looking at the nightstand I see that Nero will be here in fifteen. "Nero, will be here in fifteen minutes to pick you up."

She starts to quickly eat the food on the plate.


Evan and I have put the finishing touches to the house for the surprise party that we're throwing for Crystal's Seventeenth Birthday.

Nero told us that he was going to take Crystal over to his house for a bit so she could see Lauren, Knox, Charlie and Jasper.

She loves going over to his house, but she's been avoiding going over there when Nero's best friend Matteo is there.

I think he was picking on and she couldn't take it anymore that she told me that she didn't want to go there anymore when Nero's friend was there.

Evan and I had to talk to Knox and Lauren about when a good time for us to visit would be.

To this day I don't think that Nero knows what's going on with his Best Friend and Crystal.

I hear a knock on the front door and I open the door to see Crystal's friends at the door.

Matteo is one of the guys to show up.

I walk over to him. "Matteo, can you please be nice to my daughter? I've heard all the things that you've done to her and I don't want her to be upset on her birthday."

He looks at me. "I won't hurt her." He pulls a box out of his pocket. "I got her something for her birthday and I want to apologise for being a stupid kid."

Evan slaps his back. "It's not going to be that easy to win my daughter over. You've got a lot of work to do."

I frown. "What are you talking about?"

Evan laughs. "Matteo, here has liked Crystal since she was a kid and the only way he could show her that was by being an ass. Hopefully, after today we can see our friends without working around avoiding Matteo at the house."

Matteo looks between us. "It's because of me that she doesn't go over to see her Aunt that often?"


The doorbell rings and I walk over to it.

I open the door and see my family and Evan's. I let them in.

Looking at the clock I see that Crystal is on her way home. "Everyone, hide." I yell.

I turn off the lights and move over to Evan who is hiding behind the couch.

The front door opens and we all jump out from our hiding places and we yell "surprise,"

Crystal screams and then clutches the area above her heart. "Shit,"

I walk over to her and hug her. "Happy Birthday, sweetheart."

"Thanks, Mom. I love the surprise party."

She looks around the room and her eyes land on Matteo. "Why did you invite him?"

Evan touches her arm. "You've been avoiding him for years and I think it's time that you face him after all that time."

"Fine," she starts walking toward him. She turns towards Evan and says. "What happens next is your fault." She spins on her heel and heads over to Matteo.

I hold Evan's hand. "This isn't good."

Evan laughs. "I know. The boy deserves everything that she's going to give him."

Crystal slaps Matteo across the face. She yells. "I've wanted to do that for years."

Nero walks over to her and he whispers something in her ear.

Crystal pulls away from him. "He's been picking on me for years, Nero. When you're around he played nice. The moment you left he picked on me and I won't forgive him for the things he did to me." She walks away from the boys.

I'm glad that my daughter can look out for herself. I can't wait until she finds the man of her dreams and starts a family of her own.


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