House Warming Party Part I

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Evan is waiting on the steps as soon as I park the car in front of the mansion. He opens the door for me.

I step out and look at him. "What's going on, Evan?"

"Did you get a call from Bethany's doctor?"

I nod. "I told him that I wasn't going. What did you tell him?"

"I told him the same. Whatever she has to say isn't important to me." He wraps his arms around me. "The person that's important to me is in my arms and she carrying my baby."

I tilt my head back a bit. "Good answer, Mr Wilson." Looking at the cars still on our driveway I ask. "Are we going to have a house warming party?"

"Yes," he looks back at the house. "I told them while we were putting the stuff into the house that we want them here for dinner. You can invite Xanthe and Yasmin over if you want."

"I did that before I left the office to come here. Is Lauren coming over?"

Knox walks out the door at that moment. "Yes, she is. I'm going to get her and our son. I think it's time that our friends meet our son. We've kept him away from you long enough." He looks at Charlie. "Jasper's inside waiting for you. He told me that he hates it when you go out with him."

She laughs. "He keeps thinking that my water will break if he's not around me." Charlie looks at me. "I hope Evan won't be like that." She walks away leaving us to laugh.

Knox climbs into his car and he pulls out of the driveway.

Evan takes my hand. "Are you ready to see our fully furnished house?"


He opens the door and we step inside.

The floors are wooden and they are shining from them being polished recently.

To the left is a double staircase with wooden railings that lead to the second floor and a chandelier is hanging from the ceiling.

There's a white carpet placed on the stairs

A table is placed between the stairs with a some fake flowers in a vase.

The living room faces the ocean and its going to have a great view of the sunset.

There's a fireplace to the right of the window.

An L shape couch is placed close to the flatscreen tv that's mounted to the wall.

Taking a closer look at the couch I see that there's two reclining chairs and a smile spreads across my face.

Turning towards Evan I say. "I love the couch."

He takes my hand and he opens the door that leads to a deck where we'll be able to watch the sunset. "When you're not pregnant anymore I'm going to get a bottle of champagne and share it with my beautiful girl while we watch the sunset."

I kiss him. "That sounds romantic." I lower my voice. "Maybe you can do a little more on this deck to me."

His mouth drops. "I never thought you'd be into that."

"I'm into anything that has to do with you."

"Good," he deepens the kiss and I feel him become hard.

"Ariana, where are you?" Charlie yells.

I pull away from Evan. "I'm out here."

She walks around the corner with her hand in Jasper's. She looks at our spot. "Damn, this is a great view. It has a setting for a romantic movie."

Evan laughs. "We could always let the film crew use our place for a scene in the new movie."

A smile spreads across my face. "At least they won't have to fake any photos of us being together for the movie. We could also pull out the photos of when we were growing up too."

Mom and Dad enter the living room and they see us on the deck.

A couple minutes later, Shawn walks into the living room on his own.

Brad and Jen are the last ones to enter the living room. Now, my entire family have found our spot.

Looking at Evan I say. "Where are you're parents and Ethan?"

Just as I ask that all four of them walk into the room.

Now, this is starting to feel like a party.

"Tomorrow we'll enjoy the sunset." Evan says. "Tonight we'll enjoy the company of family and friends."

We enter the house and then the door bell rings.

Evan looks at me. "I'll get it. Talk to our parents."

It's been awhile since I've spoken to Evan's parents.

"Hi Mr and Mrs Wilson."

Mrs Wilson pulls me into her arms. "You don't need to worry about what happened at the party. I'm glad that secret came out." She lowers her voice. "Have you told Evan about what happened at the party that lead you getting pregnant?"

I shake my head. "He's not going to like it when he hears it from me. So, I was thinking that I should reveal it during the party."

"No, you can't do that. He's going to be hurt that you didn't tell him before hand. Please, find time before you give the tell all interview."

"I'll think about it."

Evan walks into the room with Lauren and Knox. He whispers something to them before he walks over to me. "I have to go to my office for a couple of minutes to talk to your father."


Evan walks over to Dad and he whispers something.

I watch as they walk out of the room.

Mrs Wilson frowns. "Do you know what my son is up to?"

A smile spreads across my face. "I have a feeling what's going on, but I think it's best that I keep my suspicions to myself just incase I'm wrong."

"I doubt it." She points around the room. "I'll let you talk to your friends. Before I leave you and I will talk alright?"


She touches my hand. "It's nothing bad. I promise."

Lauren walks over to me and she hugs me. "It's good to see living with Evan again. You look so much happier when you're with him. You were barely living when Evan and you were apart."

I felt that way too. At least I had work to keep me occupied during that time.

I managed to finish off a line of stuff Charlie and my line.

Our line will be debuting during the fashion that my friends are holding.

Shawn and Brad walk over to me. "Have you seen the babies room yet?"

I shake my head. "I haven't had a chance. This room took all my attention. Don't you think it's a great room?"

"It's romantic for when a guy wants to get into his girls pants."

I slap Shawn. "That's not nice. It's the truth. I see why Evan got this place."

I glare at him. "It's Mom's fault. She was the one that gave Evan the sellers number and he came out here to look at it."

He laughs. "I'm sure Mom looked at the house too as she lives up the road from you. She doesn't have to drive here to see you. She could come over and say. 'I was in the neighbourhood.'

I laugh. "She would. Mom will be a babysitter when I need one. She's been telling me that she's been getting bored lately."

"Why don't you ask you're director friend if Mom could play yours in the movie. At least she'll be out of the house and in front of the camera. Do you remember when she used to tell us stories about being on film sets?"

"She never told me about that."

Mom steps out of the babies room and she looks at me. "There's a reason why I didn't tell my daughter about being an actress. I didn't want her to know about the movie I starred in."

Looking at her I say. "Was that you in Behind Closed Doors?"

Mom's mouth drops open. "How do you know about that movie?"

"Evan and I watched it. He told me that the woman looked like you and I acted oblivious to it, but deep down I knew that was you."

Shawn starts to whistle the theme song of Behind Closed Doors and her face turns red.

She slaps the back of his head. "Show your sister the room." She looks at me. "Please don't tell your sister."

Charlie walks around the corner. "Tell me what?"

Brad is the one to the reveal the news to Charlie. "Mom was in a movie called Behind Closed Doors."

Charlie frowns and then she looks at Jasper. "Isn't that a porno?"

Jasper looks at Mom. "I told her it was a porno because I didn't think it was okay for her to know that her mother was in a movie that the main character has sex with multiple people."

"Mom," Charlie yells. "Why didn't you tell me you were in a movie?" She pulls her phone out of her pocket and she types something into her phone.

What is Charlie up to?

A smirk comes across her face. "I'm paying you back for all the time you've humiliated me, Mom." She blows Mom a kiss before she hits print on her phone.

The Bluetooth connection is hooked up on our printer and I hear the printer.

Charlie moves quickly down the hall and Mom runs after her.

Shawn opens the door and we laugh as we enter the room.

I'm lost for words as I look around the room.

There's a wooden white cot in the room next to the wall, two window with that are open.

A matching white change table that has nappies and baby powder on it.

A few stuffed animals are around the room. My favourite animal that's in the room is the huge giraffe that one of my brothers got.

A chandelier is hanging from the ceiling.

Above the cot is an animal musical mobile.

Between the windows is a small book shelf with books on it.

The wall is a cream colour which I will be painting when I find out the gender of the baby.

"This room is beautiful." I tell them.

Shawn smiles. "I'm glad you like like it. It took Brad and I awhile to get it the way we wanted." He points at the closet. "We brought a few clothes for a girl or boy and the same with bibs."

"We got a bit excited when we went shopping."

Looking at them I say. "Did you get Charlie anything? She you're sister as well and you seem to be spending a lot on making it up to me and I told you I forgive you. Now, stop spending money on me." I open the closet and see a few things that they can give to Charlie and I put it in a bag. "Give this to Charlie. She needs to know that our brothers are excited about being Uncles to her child too. She's going to be a mother before me and I feel like everyone cares more about me. It's unfair for our younger sister to be left out. I have included her in everything since we were kids and you two have left her out. It's time that you Man up and show her she's important too."

Jen walks over to me and she crosses her arms. "I agree with Ariana." She looks at Brad. "All you ever talk about is Ariana and sometimes it gets annoying." She gives me an apologetic look as she continues. "It wasn't Ariana that found out our daughter died. It was Charlie. She did research that you were too stupid to do yourself. You had resources to do it yourself and you were just lazy to do it. Believing a psycho was one way to show that you wanted to be reunited with our child."

Brad looks at the ground in shame. "I'm sorry, Jen."

She shakes her head. "You shock apologise to your sister."


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