Moving In With Evan

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When we get to the mansion I see my family and Knox taking in furniture.

Charlie is standing next to the front door looking bored. She looks up and a smile spreads across her face. "Ari," she walks over to me. "Did you find out of it's a boy or girl?"

I shake my head. "I'm sixteen weeks, it's still too early to tell. I'm sure the doctor knew what we were having and she asked if we wanted to know. I wanted to wait and make sure that she's right about the gender of the baby."

Jasper walks out the door and he looks at her. "Did you tell Ariana what we're having?"

She shakes her head. "I haven't gotten to that part yet."

A smile spreads across my face. "What are you having?"

"A boy." She screams.

Mom and Dad put the table down that they're holding and they walk over to us.

Mom hugs her. "I can't wait to see another boy in this house."

Shawn and Brad walk out of the house.

Brad looks at Charlie and I. "What's all the screaming about?"

She turns to our brothers. "I'm having a boy."

Shawn hugs her. "I'm going to be the best Uncle."

"Me too." Brad shoves our brother and he falls on the ground.

They begin to tackle each other.

Evan pulls me away from them. "Can you two cut it out. You have two pregnant sisters standing close to you. You could hurt them."

They looks guiltily at us. "Sorry," they mumble.

"Get back to work." Mom orders them and they run over to the table that my parents were going to carry in.

Evan kisses my cheek. "I should help them with the furniture. I'll check the living and I'll get you when it's safe to enter the house."


He looks at Charlie. "You can keep Ariana company, since you can't do any heavy lifting."

"Charlie and I can put the clothes away."

He shakes his head. "I don't want you to do anything."

"Can I have the keys to the car? I want to go out for a bit." I hold my hand out to him and he drops the keys into my hand. "Thank you."

Charlie kisses Jasper's cheek. "I'm going with my sister. I'm getting bored here while you set the house up." She loops her arm through mine and we walk to the car.

I climb into the driver's seat and I wait for Charlie to put her seatbelt on before I start the car.

Charlie turns on the music and I pull away from the house.

I beep the horn before I leave through the gates.

"Where are we going?" Charlie asks.

"I was thinking that we should visit Xanthe and Yasmin."


Charlie and I begin to sing along to a song on the radio as I drive toward the office.

My phone starts to ring and I look at Charlie. "Can you get the phone?"

"Sure," she pulls the phone out of my bag and she puts it on loudspeaker.

Charlie: Hello, this is Charlie.

Voice: Is Ariana there.

Me: Yes, I am. Who's calling?

Voice: My name is Doctor Collins and I'm a psychologist at Hemings Way Psychiatric Center.

Oh, this is about Bethany.

Me: How did you get my number?

Doctor Collins: I got it from Bethany's father.

Me: I'm not going to see her.

Doctor Collins: Can you give me a minute to talk.

Me: Fine, but you won't be changing my mind about seeing her. She's done enough.

Doctor Collins: I accept how you feel. Now, let me finish what I have to say.

I wait patiently for him to say whatever it is.

Charlie puts her hand over the phone. "You don't need to listen to him. He's a doctor and you're not his patient."

I stop at the red and wait for it to turn green."

Doctor Collins: For my patients to move forward with their lives I ask the people that they hurt to most to come in and listen to what the patient has to say.

Me: There's nothing she can say that will make me forgive her.

Doctor Collins: I have a few more people to call on Bethany's behalf. You might change you're mind when they decide to come along.

Me: Unlikely.

Charlie pushes the end call button. "I don't like him. He's trying to get you to do something that you don't want to do, Ari. It's you're choice if you want to go. Don't let him try to make you go."

I sigh. "He's going to call Evan, Shawn and Brad. What if they all decide to go and face her?"

The light turns green and I pull the car in the parking lot of Butler Industries.

I drive toward my parking spot.

As soon as I park the car I lie my head down on the steering wheel. "I can't do this, Charlie."

She places her hand on my arm. "We need to get you're mind off this. Let's see what new designs the girls have."

"Okay," I step out of the car and I walk hand in hand with my sister into Butler Industries.

A girl behind the desk looks up as we enter the building. "Can I help you?"

I shake my head. "No, I know where I'm going."

"Okay," she looks back at her computer.

I press the button for the lift and I wait for the door to open.

The door opens, Charlie and I step inside and I hit the button for the top floor.

It doesn't take long for us to reach the top floor.

As soon as the door open I see Xanthe and Yasmin in the conference room with a group of people that I recognise.

They're the group that they hire for fashion shows.

When are they going to put on the fashion show?

Xanthe excuses herself and she walks over to Charlie and I. "What are you doing here? I thought I told you to take the day off since you had a doctors appointment."

"I've already been to that. I'm moving in with Evan and he's at the house moving the furniture and he won't let me do anything so I decided to come here to waste time."

She nods. "Alright, well since you're here I want you to meet the people that will be putting the next fashion show together." Xanthe leads Charlie and I into the room and she introduces us to them.

I shake hands with the woman that looks like the boss of the group.

She has a smile on her face. "Will you be in the runway show?"

Yasmin looks at me. "Yes, she will be." She places her hand on her sisters arm. "Xanthe and I will be showcasing our maternity line. Charlie and Ariana will be modelling that line."

Gena looks at me. "You don't look pregnant." She turns to my sister. "You however look like you're about to burst."

That's not a nice thing to say.

"That's rude," Charlie says. She doesn't look too pleased to be in the same room as this woman.

"I have to use the restroom." I grab Charlie's hand and pull her out of the room.

When we get close to the restroom Charlie looks at me. "Why did you pull me out of the room?"

"I didn't want to see you hit another woman. I remember the last time some stranger said something and we went off her."

She laughs. "Well she had it coming. She turned suddenly in the line and she hit my stomach. It's not my fault that my stomach look like a small ball. Plus I was protecting my baby."

A couple minutes later Xanthe and Yasmin round the corner where we're hiding.

"When's the fashion show?" I ask.

"It's in three weeks. We're also going to display some of your clothes too at the end and we were hoping that you could find some people to model them."

I know some people that will be perfect for it.

"I'll talk to a few girls that I met on set of Evan's movie and the girl that I will be working closely with on the next movie I'm in."

A smile spreads across Xanthe's face. "I'm glad that you're expanding the work you do. You seem a lot happy now that you've done things that you could never imagine yourself doing."

Yasmin looks at me. "I told you that you can do whatever you want. It's just taken you a couple of years to do it and a lot of help from Evan."


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