Lauren's Water Breaks

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My phone goes off at 8am and I reach over for the phone. I look at it and see Brunch with Charlie on it.

Evan starts to stir next to me. "What's going on?"

I look at him. "We have brunch with Charlie, Lauren and Knox today. I didn't realise my phone was set for this early to give us the reminder."

Evan laughs. "I can't believe everything needs to me set on a reminder for us." He leans over me and he kisses me.

I wrap my arms behind his neck and deepen the kiss.

Eventually I pull away and catch my breath. "I'm going for a walk along the trail behind our house. Do you want to join me?"

"Sure," he climbs out of bed and he quickly changes into a pair of boardshorts and a shirt.

I put on a dress and flip flops.

Evan and I walk out of the house and we head in the direction of the national park.

As we walk through the national park I see some paparazzi following us.

Evan curses and he pulls out his phone. "I'm going to call out bodyguards. I should have brought them with us."

I shake my head. "We're trying to act like normal people, Evan. Give them a call and tell them where we are. If they come close to us the bodyguards can step in."

He puts the phone up to his ear and he speaks to the bodyguard.

I lead the way to the look out that overlooks the Hollywood sign and Los Angeles.

Evan stops behind me and he places his hand on the small of my back. "They're on their way."

"Okay," I wrap my arms around Evan and I lie my head in his chest. I close my eyes and breath in his scent which is a mix of sandalwood and something else.

"I love you, Ariana."

"I love you too, Evan." I mumble into his shirt.

His stomach moves as he laughs and I lift my head up and look his eyes.

"Evan and Ariana are here." Someone yells and a group of people run over to us.

Evan's bodyguards make to us just as people shove each other to get a look at us.

Evan stands in front of me in a protective stance. "We're not doing any signings today, but we will take pictures with you. Please line up and we'll get one of my bodyguards to take the picture for you."

A girl about the age of sixteen with blonde hair, blue eyes and tanned skin is the first to get her picture taken with us.

Walking over to the bodyguard I ask. "Can I see the photo?"

He shows me the photo and she looks photogenic.

She walks over to me. "Can I have my phone back please?"

I give her back the phone. "What's you're name?"

"Jayme Kade,"

I pull out a card that has my number on it. "If you want to model for the Houston Clothing line give me a call. I would like to work with you some time."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, I am. I'm a photographer and I'm best friends with Xanthe and Yasmin Butler."

A smile spreads across her face. "Can I meet them too?"

"Sure, I don't see why you can't. Give me a call during the week and I'll set a photo shoot up for you."

Jayne hugs me. "Thank you." She walks over to her friends and she tells them about the opportunity that I'm giving her.

A girl has a jealous look on her face and she pulls away from the group. She send a glare my way before she walks away.

Evan and I spend the next hour getting photos taken with our fans.

I look at my phone. "We're running late for brunch."

Evan and I quickly make our way out of the national park and back to the house where a limo is waiting for us.

We don't have time to get changed or have a shower.

At this time I don't really care about being presentable to a brunch.

The brunch is at Knox's place and they hardly dress up for it, unlike Evan's family.


The limo pulls in front of Knox's place and Charlie steps out of the house.

She opens the door and pulls me in for a hug. "I thought something happened to you when you didn't get here on time. I've been calling you for the last fifteen minutes."

I pull my phone out of my bag and see that Charlie called me 23 times. "You called me 23 times?"

She shrugs. "I thought you got into an accident." She looks at Evan. "What took you so long? There's a visitor here that Knox wants you to meet."

I look at Charlie and she looks abit scared. I throw my arm around her shoulder. "Who's gotten my little sister all rattled up?"

She looks back at the house. "Knox and Jasper's cousin is here with her boyfriend. If you think Knox is deadly you should see this couple they would make you shit yourself."

I don't think so.

Charlie leads the way to where everyone is seated at the table.

I see a beautiful woman with brown hair, blue/green eyes and she stands at 5 ft 11 in.

She doesn't smile when she looks at me. "I'm Amalia and the guy next to me is Adrian De Luca.

Next to her is a handsome man. He has dark brown hair, dark brown eyes and he stands at 6 ft 1 in.

Amalia and Adrian don't say anything else as they eat the food in front of them.

During lunch Lauren tells us she needs to go the bathroom. She stands up and she heads to the door.

She scream and grabs her stomach.

On the ground I see water. "Her water broke." I tell Knox.

He picks Lauren up. "Can you get her bag? It's by the front door." Knox walks out of the house to the car and he puts Lauren inside.

I walk out with the bag and place it in the car.

Knox climbs into the car. "I'll call you when I get to the hospital." He looks back at the house. "Can you keep my cousin and her friend out of trouble?"

"I'll try my best."

Knox pulls away as Lauren screams again.

I'm not going to look forward to that when it's my time.

I head back into the house and I see Amalia standing over a guy with a gun in her hand.

She cocks the gun and stares him down. "I dare you to say that again."

He tips his head to the side and he looks at her. "You're a who..."

She pulls the trigger before he could get the rest of the word out of his mouth.

This is what Knox told me about.

I look at her as she stands up.

She looks at me. "What?"

Evan steps in front of me and he looks at Amalia. "I don't like the way you're looking at my fiancé."

Amalia puts the safety back on her gun. She turns away from us and heads into the house.


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