Table Reading

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Evan and I walk into Universal Studios for the table reading of the movie that Director Robert Henderson is heading.

When we walk into the room I see Annabelle and she's sitting next to a guy that I don't recognise.

He looks up as the door closes behind Evan and I.

Evan has his hand on the small of my back. He whispers. "That's Damon Charles. He's new to acting as well. Robert sent me a message letting me know who we were going to work with and I hid it from you as I want to see your expression when the next three walk into the room.

The door opens and three men walk into the room and my mouth drops open when I see Ian Somerhalder, Stephen Amell and Vin Diesel walks into the room.

I think I'm going to pass out.

Evan wraps his arms around me. "Don't pass out sweetie. I don't want you to get embarrassed in front of them."

I hit his arm. "Why didn't you tell me the three hottest men in Hollywood would be in the same room as me?"

He laughs. "So, I'm not on your hot list anymore?"

I turn in his arms and wrap my arms behind his neck. "You're not the in the same category as them. I would say you're in the sexiest category where no guys can get you."

A smile spreads across his face. "That's much better." He walks over to the three men and shakes their hands.

Annabelle walks over to me. "Damm, this movie just got extra sexiness. Stephen Amell is mine."

I turn towards her. "I'd say you could have him, but he's married. The only guy in this room that you'll have a chance with is..." I point to the guy she was sitting with."

She stomps her foot like a child. "That's not fair. Why are all the sexy ones taken?"

I look at her. "Annabelle, you will find someone. You're a beautiful woman. I know that you don't need to be told that, but you are and there is a guy out there looking for someone like you."

The door opens and another guy walks into the room that I don't recognise.

Annabelle whispers. "That's Marcus Thomas and he's single from what I heard."

His eyes land on us.

I push her forward. "Go and introduce yourself to your future boyfriend."

She mouths. "Thanks," before she walks over to him.

I walk over to Evan and he introduces me to Stephen and Vin.

Ian kisses my cheek. "It's good to see you again, Ariana."

"You, too."

Vin holds his hand out to me. "It looks like you'll be playing my daughter in this movie, Ariana." He puts his arm around Stephen. "And this guy will be playing your brother."

Robert walks into the room. "Good morning. Take a seat and we can get started on the table reading."

I walk over to the table and I see my name on a tag next to Evan and Vin.

Next to Vin is Stephen, Ian, a few seats are no one is sitting at and then there's Damon, Annabelle and Marcus. Beside Marcus is Richard and a few other females that I don't know.

"Today we're going to introduce ourselves to the group and then we'll do a quick table read. In front of you is the script with the character that you'll be playing. Who wants to start off?"

Evan stands up. "Hi, Everyone. I am Evan Wilson and sitting next to me is my beautiful fiancé Ariana Houston." He looks at the group. "She pregnant. So, I expect you all to treat her well."

Thanks for telling everyone everything about me.

I stand up and cover his mouth. "Hey, I'm Ariana Houston. As you all know the dummy standing beside me is my fiancé."

The group chuckle.

I continue. "As he thought it was appropriate to announce that I'm pregnant. I want to say that it is true I am pregnant and we'll be married before the movie finishes filming."

Everyone around the table says there names and says something about themselves.

The door opens and two guys and two girls walk into the room.

As they look at the group they apologise for being late.

Richard looks at them. "You will introduce yourself to the group. Over the time of filming you'll get to know everyone here."

The first guys name is Henderson Smith, then Johnny Smith, Santana Cole and then Cassidy Samuels.

Cassidy tells everyone that she prefers to be called Cassie and that she hates it that her Mom named her Cassidy.

Richard tells us to open the script.

I look at the front page and it tells me the title of the movie.

It's called "Back For You."

Evan looks at the script and then he looks at me. He points at it. "We're going back to high school for this scene."

"Oh, boy. It's bad enough that we already went through that."

Richard looks at Evan and I. "Evan and Ariana we have hired Cassidy and Johnny to play the younger version of yourselves. On page three that's where the two of you come into the script."

That's good. I'd feel too old to have go back to school even if it's for a scene.

Cassidy begins the scene. She flips her hair. "Come on, Jesse. You promised that we'd go to the lake after school."

Johnny crosses his arms and looks her. "I promised the guys that I'd play football with them. The season is about to start again."

"You won't have time for me then. Please, Jesse. Let's go to the lake. Invite the boys if you have too."

He sighs. "Fine, I'll go with you to lake."

The guy next to Johnny reads his part and they decide to go to the lake.

More people show up at the lake and it becomes a party.

On page three we find out that Jesse is now a professional football player that has been traded to a team close to where he grew up.

He's driving through the town he grew up in a 1967 Chevy Impala.

Eventually, he pulls into the driveway of his parents place where a car he doesn't recognise is parked.

Jesse walks into the house and he sees a beautiful blonde wheeling his father to the couch.

She helps him out of the wheelchair and places him on the couch.

Jesse walks towards her. "Ariana?"

My eyes widen as I see they named my character after me.

Well this is going to be an interesting journey.

Evan and I take turns saying our lines until I exit the house and the next scene begins. Which is in my family home with Vin and Stephen.

Vin is playing my Dad and Stephen is playing my brother Alexander.

Ariana opens the door. "Dad, I'm home."

"In the kitchen, sweetie."

Ariana walks into the kitchen and she sees her Dad baking.

There's flour all over the kitchen floor and him.

She laughs. "Dad, you shouldn't be baking. You always leave a mess and get me to clean up after you."

"No, I don't."

Alexander walks into the room. "Who burnt cookies?"

Dad turns around and opens the oven to see that it's not burnt.

Alexander and I start laughing at him.

He shakes his head. "I'm going to pay you two back for this."

It ends in a group hug.

After the reading I say goodbye to everyone and leave hand in hand with Evan."

I can't wait until we film the movie.


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