Ultrasound 2

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Evan and I are at Butler Industries doing the photo shoot we promised Xanthe and Yasmin.

They understand that our schedules are busy and they try to make things work for us.

I spend every Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the office and the other days I do whatever I want.

Xanthe and Yasmin have found other people to take my spot as a photographer.

The however still want me to work for them as a model only and as a business partner for when Charlie and my line comes out.

Charlie spends a lot of time at Butler Industries and they live her enthusiasm when it comes to clothes.

They gave her a promotion for wardrobe.

She picks out clothes for the models to wear.

Xanthe believes that Charlie has an eye for detail when it comes to dressing the models.

Apparently Charlie told someone how to do their job when it came to choosing clothes for the model and she went nuts.

She told Xanthe that she quit and wished Butler Industries would fall.

When I heard that I laughed.

Butler Industries isn't going anywhere and if it did fail I would help the girls that made my life better for being in it.

"Ariana," someone yells.

I turn in the direction of my sister and I see her holding up a red dress.

"This has your name written all over it." She throws the dress at me and I catch it.

"Thanks," I walk to the changeroom and put it on.

A couple minutes later, I walk out and ask Charlie to zip me up.

She zips the dress up. "Rafael and Evan are waiting for you in the next room."

"Okay," I walk to the next room and see Evan in a suit.

He walks over to me when I enter the room. "You look beautiful."

My face starts to heat up and I look at the ground. "Thanks,"

I see Yasmin and Xanthe standing next to each other talking.

Xanthe walks over to me. "Charlie told us you were talking with the wedding planner yesterday. Is that true? When do you plan to get married?"

I look at Evan. "We're getting married in November and I want you to be my Bridesmaids."

A smile spreads across Xanthe's face. "I would love to be your bridesmaid."

Charlie enters the room. "What are you talking about?"

I look at my sister. "I just asked Yasmin and Xanthe to be my bridesmaids." I put my arms around her. "We're talking about my wedding."

She smiles. "Who's making your wedding dress and Bridesmaids dresses?"

I look at the twins. "They're making my wedding dress." Then I look at Charlie. "I want you to design the maid of honour and Bridesmaids dresses, please."

"Alright," she looks at the twins. "We have a month to get it done."

"We can do it." Xanthe says.

Rafael looks over and he yells. "Ariana, we need you now."

I walk over to Evan and we start to pose in front of the camera.

Evan dips me and he looks into my eyes.

In the next one he kisses me.

The camera keeps flashing as we do different things in front of the camera.

A clock in the room tells Evan and I that we have an hour until the ultrasound appointment.

Evan and I put on three more outfits before we left for the appointment and Rafael didn't seem that happy about it.

Xanthe however calmed him down and told him that he'll have to leave work for ultrasounds as well when she becomes pregnant and that put a huge smile on his face.


At the doctors I pick up a magazine and flip through it.

I see so many things for baby's and it makes me want to buy more things for my unborn child.

Evan looks at me. "Do you want to know the gender of our baby? Or do you want to wait for it to be born."

Looking at him I say. "I really want to know, but I would also love to be surprised when I give birth."

He laughs. "So you're at a crossroads?"

"Yes," I pick up my phone. "I'm going to call Charlie for advise."

He laughs. "I doubt she'd be any help. Lauren would be more helpful."

I punch his arm. "Hush, she's my sister. Besides, she feels left out on a lot of things that's going on in my life lately and I feel bad that I'm pulling away from her."

Evan touches my face. "You're growing up, Ariana. You can't have her around all the time." He moves one hand tinny stomach. "The both of you are becoming mothers and soon enough you won't have time to see each other when you're busy taking care of the little one."

"Ariana Houston," the doctor calls my name.

I didn't get time to call Charlie.

Evan takes my hand. "You don't need to talk to Charlie. You'll find out what you want when we're in that room."

"Okay," we follow the doctor to the room.

When we get to the room I climb on the bed and lift my shirt up.

The doctor puts the gel on my stomach and she pulls the wand from the machine. She places the wand on my stomach and she moves it around.

Evan holds my hand as the baby comes onto the screen.

She looks at me. "Do you want to know what you're having? I have a clear image for you."

I look at Evan.

He looks at me. "It's up to you. I can't make the decision for you."

"Yes, you can."

The doctor laughs. "If one of you want to know I will be able to tell you."

"I want to know." Evan tells her.

She nods. "I'll tell you outside." She points at different things on the image and she tells us what she's seeing.

Taking the wand off me she grabs a wipe and gives it me. She prints off the photos before she walks outside with Evan.

A couple minutes later, Evan walks back into the room and his face is pale.

"Evan," I ask worriedly.

I've never seen him like that.

He takes a seat next to me. He grabs my hand. "This is real now." Before he can say anything else he blacks out.

The doctor walks back into the rooms and she looks at Evan. "Did he pass out?"

"Yes, what did you tell him?"

She laughs. "I told him what you were having. I don't think the pregnancy really hit him until the moment he was told what the baby is going to be."

"Can you tell me?"

Evan mutters. "A girl. What am I going to do with a daughter."

I look at the doctor and she nods.

I'm having a daughter.


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