The Wedding Planner

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I pull my phone off the iPod dock and I check it for missed calls or texts. I see a missed call from Lauren and I dial the message bank.

Lauren: Hey, its Lauren. We have an appointment available for you today at 11:30. If you can make it give me a call and I'll give you the address to my business. My business partner isn't here today, so it will be the two of us going through things for your wedding. I'll talk to you see.

I end the call with the message bank and I call Lauren.

She picks up on the third ring.

Lauren: It's about time you called me back.

Me: Sorry, I just woke up.

Lauren: How's the pregnancy going?

Me: It's a pain. I'm glad that the morning sickness is gone.

Lauren: You're not going to look forward to what I'm going through. It feels like I have to pee every five minutes. This bloody baby is sitting on my bladder.

I laugh.

Me: Aren't you close to giving birth now?

Lauren: Yes, in a couple of weeks we'll have a new addition to the family and not long after my baby is here you're sister will have hers. My place will have to crying babies and a house full of angry people.

I laugh.

Me: I'm glad that it's only Evan and I here. We won't have to worry about having anyone else get crappy.

Lauren: You're pregnancy will be all over the movie that you're filming and there's going to be times when you're tired from all the work you're doing.

Me: I'll talk to the director when the time comes and I start to feel tired. I'm not going to work myself to the point of bed rest.

Lauren: Good. Now, do you have a pen?

Me: Yes,

Lauren: Write this address down.

She rattles off an address and I write it on the piece of paper.

Lauren: 11:30 is you're appointment. You have three hours to get here.

Me: Thanks Lauren.

Lauren: Bye,

She disconnects the call.

I place my phone on the counter as Evan walks into the kitchen.

He looks at me. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes, Lauren had a client cancel their appointment and she put me in for the wedding planning."

A smile spreads across his face. "I'm looking forward to marrying you in November. I can't believe the director would give us time off to get married and have a honeymoon."

I place my hand around his waist and hug him. "The director likes me. That's why we're taking time off the set. It's because of him that I get to act alongside my fiancé in an upcoming blockbuster."

He kisses the top of my head. "I'll drop you off at Lauren's office. I need to see Knox and from what I heard he doesn't live too far from the office."

I walk over to the fridge and pull out a the buttermilk. "Do you want buttermilk pancakes?"

"Sure," he walks over to the cupboard. "I'll make them. You can relax in the living room if you want."

I shake my head. "I think I'll stay in the kitchen and watch you cook."

My phone goes off with a text from Charlie.

Charlie: Lauren told me you were going to see her today?

Me: I am. Someone cancelled at the last minute and Lauren told me that I could have the spot.

Charlie: Do you and me to meet you there?

Me: No, I'll need you for the fitting though. We'll need to do that in the upcoming weeks.

Charlie: Ok, call if you need anything.

Me: I will. Thanks.

Evan looks at me. "Who was that?"

"It was Charlie. She told me that she found out I was going to see Lauren at the office and she wanted to know if I needed her."

Evan puts the pancakes on the table in front of me and I start to eat it.

A couple minutes later, evannjoind me at the table

We eat in comfortable silence until all our food is off our plates.

I offer to wash up, but Evan won't have that.

He tells me to get ready and that he'll join me upstairs shortly.

I walk up the stairs to our room and I look through the closet for something decent to wear.

I've been staring at all my stuff for the last five minutes.

Evan walks into the room. "I thought you'd be ready?"

I shake my head. "I'm too fat for my clothes."

Evan walks over to me and places his hand on my stomach. "You're not fat. You're beautiful and you're carrying my child inside you." He pulls something out a box that was hidden on the top shelf. "I brought you this a couple weeks ago." He gives it to me.

I take the I box from him.

Opening it I see a beautiful red sundress in it. "It's beautiful, Evan."

He kisses me on the forehead. "I'm glad you like. Put it on and then we can get going to Lauren's office. You don't want to be late do you?"

No, I don't want to be late.


Evan pulls in front of Lauren's company. He climbs out of the car and opens my door for me. "Give me a call when you're ready to leave."

"Okay," I step out of the car and o head to the door of the building.

When I enter the building I see a woman sitting behind the counter. She looks up as I approach the desk. A smile spreads across her face. "Hey, welcome to Prestige. Do you have an appointment?"

"Yes, I do. My name is Ariana Houston."

She takes a double look at me. She squeals. "You're the woman from the billboards that's plastered throughout Los Angeles. You're also getting married to that hottie actor..." she clicks her fingers and she tries to remember his name.

I'm not going to offer her any help.

She laughs. "Evan Wilson," her face turns abit red from embarrassment.

A smile spreads across my face. "It was amusing watching you try to remember my fiancés name."

Lauren walks out a side door. She looks over at us. "Sasha, I see you've been entertaining my guest."

She looks at her boss. "Yes, I have. I can't believe that you're new client is Ariana Houston."

Lauren nods. "Yes, she is. I have a lot of work to do on her wedding and I was wondering if you'd like to sit in with us?"

"I would like that."

The door opens and a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes walks into the room. She's wearing a dress that hugs her curves nicely.

Lauren turns her attention to the new girl. "It's nice of you to show up Tory."

She puts her coffee on the table. "I got caught in traffic and then an idiot decides to cut me off before I could pull into the parking lot. The asshole nearly hit my car."

Lauren leads the way to her office.

There's a long corridor with white tiles on the floor. Along the walls are pictures of parties and wedding that prestige has thrown.

I see one with Lauren and her first husband.

She stops in front of the photo. "I don't have it in me to get rid of that photo."

"Does Knox know?"

She nods. "He comes to the office at times and he told me that he understands why I keep the picture in the office."

"Do you still love him?"

"Everyday for the rest of my life I will love and miss him. Before he died we made a pact that if one of us died that we'd try to live a full life and fall in love with someone else." She touches the picture. "I followed through with the promise and I'm happy to have had a chance at finding love for a second time. Not everyone is lucky to find someone twice in their lifetime."

A tear rolls down her face. She quickly wipes it away. "You're wedding will be put on our wall. I have a special place to put."

Of course she would.

She opens the door to her office and we take a seat.

I pull a book out of my bag and I show her everything that I want.

She likes the ideas that I've provided and she promises to make things the way that I want."

I hope she can pull it off.


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