Chapter 1

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A/N: The pics in this fic probably won't relate to the chapter... I just wanted one... so... >.> don't judge me.

Writing again cause- I AM NOT some historian on olden China so don't expect everything to be fact. Things like the class system, provinces, how things work, don't expect it to be right. If it is wrong, hey... it's wrong because I dunno. I could have searched it up but I don't want to study so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I speak Mandarin and that is about it. So, there is that.

And, in case some didn't see, this fic will have mature content.



 "Ah, shut up! I don't wanna go," I complained as I flipped over onto my stomach and threw my blanket over myself. Today was some meeting that I always had to attend. I really did not want to go since it was so dang boring. All that happened were that some people, what were they called, from the other provinces would come discuss things with me. Usually they would talk to pops, but this time, I was put up since I had to learn how to deal with these people.

"Prince, please do act like a prince," someone said before grabbing my blanket and pulling it right off of me. I panicked and grabbed my clothes that I took off to cover myself.

"Fuck- Marco! Why don't you treat me like a prince then! Don't call me 'Prince,'" I complained loudly.

"You totally just contradicted yourself, Ace," the older one said to be before he started folding my blankets. "Come on. Just get this over with, then you can do whatever you want. Your studies have been cancelled for today."

I looked at him with widened eyes, "really?! No teachers today?" This is what got my attention. I hummed in content before crossing my legs and thinking. I was wondering if it was worth it even though I didn't exactly have a choice.

Marco sighed and set my blanket down before heading to the wooden doors. He opened it a bit and said some things before coming back and chucking clothes at me. "Wear your pants," he ordered.

I pouted and reluctantly did what he told me to do. I was a prince, like he called me. My pops was the emperor. I wasn't like his blood-related son, but he chose me to take his place when he wants to take it back. Why he chose me, I had no idea. He chose a few other people. There were like several princes, but I was like the main guy. I should probably know this stuff, but I really did not care at all.

Marco was one of the sixteen. He is the first prince and I am the second. I was picked up last, yet I was the second. "You done? The girls will help you dress in your formal wear," Marco said before he opened the door and walked out. There were some girls who bowed to him before walking in.

"Prince, we will be dressing you today," one told me. They never really looked at me and would keep their heads down. I sighed and stood up. They bowed before carefully dressing me. I would always try to converse with them. They would speak back to me and sometimes we would talk more. I heard that in other provinces, the nobles and all that would sometimes kill their servants- no... they aren't servants. Maids? Well, to others they were just 'servants.'

I found that completely absurd. When we would get some new maids, they would always be terrified to talk to us higher ups. I watched the girls getting me ready and smiled. They all eventually get comfortable though and live good lives. That made me happy to be in this family. They always acted like all maids did with bowing and all that, but that was fine, When the two finished, they gave me a smile with their bow before backing out of my room and shutting the door.

I waved to them and thanked them for their work. Marco didn't come to attack me about the meeting, so I stayed in my room for a while. Eventually, I did get up to out though. I made my way out with a yawn and was soon greeted by some other maids. They told me to follow them to where I was to meet up with some people.

"Prince, you will be getting a personal servant today," one said as we walked.

"What? Ah- and I said not to call yourselves servants," I complained.

The girls giggled before thinking. "Oh... then we will call him a personal guard? That should be it. Calling him a maid won't work," they discussed.

"He? A guard? I don't need a guard," I huffed.

"Last time someone tried to hurt you. We can't allow that to happen anymore. The other province's people can never truly be trusted, Prince," they told me. It was true. Last time at one of the meetings, someone tried to assassinate one of us. Luckily, we all take lessons of self defense so we managed to take the person down. The attacker slit his own throat before we could question which province he was from though...

People are such violent creatures... "What's this person's name? Is he strong enough? I'm pretty strong by myself," I told them. They laughed and kept walking. Soon, we arrived at the open area in the palace. There, I saw Marco and Izo talking to some of our guards and another person. Izo was the 16th prince. Sometimes people would call him a princess, but whoever says that would get beat. I got beat a few times...

We made our way down and the girls bowed their goodbyes before backing away to leave. I made my way to Izo and looked at the guards. They stood in attention and greeted me clearly. I gave them a nod, then looked passed them to the stranger.

"Prince Ace, we will introduce your new personal guard," one stated before they stepped aside to allow the new one through.

"Well, I never really had one, so is 'new' the right word," I asked. The guards sighed with a smile when they heard me. I loved making my people smile and laugh.

Light footsteps were heard as the stranger stepped in between the guards. Izo and Marco stepped aside, so I was now in the middle, facing my personal guard. My eyes went from his feet up to the tips of his wavy blond hair. "Prince," I heard him say. His voice was unexpectedly beautiful. It was calm and soothing to the ear. He knelt down and kept his head lowered. "My name is Sabo, but you may call me whatever pleases you. I am now your personal guard. Prince, I will risk my life to make sure no one even bruises you," he said to me.

I watched him quietly before sighing, "Sabo. I will call you by your name. Raise your head and take a stand. Let me look at you."

Sabo flinched slightly, probably shocked at my request. He did get up though and look at me. My eyes widened at his appearance as I took a more careful look at him. He wasn't as built as me, which made him more slender. There was scars scattered around his arms and his left side. His left eye also had a distinct scar across it. He was probably blind in that eye, seeing that it was discolored to a grey that was tinted a light purple. His other eye was a deep blue that was beautifully striking. It looked like he had several piercings. His ears looked like they had all the piercings you could possibly have. There were some one his left eyes scar where he would have had his eyebrow. His appearance was quite... alluring.

His outfit highlighted his body even more. It looked all skin tight. His top was a bright red, which was a common color. It wrapped around his neck and down his chest. I couldn't see the back, but it looked like it would have a pretty open back. Thinking about how his back side would look was a bit... It wasn't just that. His top wasn't just possibly open back. Even without that, there were cuts in places where it really didn't need it. It was sleeveless and showed his arms, which was okay. The other cuts were one diamond shape at his stomach that showed his soft ab muscles and his belly button. The last two were cut to show his hip bones. I wondered why he had to wear such a sexual outfit, but I wondered more on why I didn't complain.

His pants were luckily more tame. It was still pretty skin tight-looking, but it was just plain black all the way down to his ankles. He was some kind of clear cloth hanging from his side and wrapping around him. I wondered how he would fight with that, but... Either way, it looked nice. Other than all that sex-appeal he had, he wore black gloves that were probably for his weapon.

"Prince," Sabo suddenly said.

I flinched and blinked, "wha-"

"You had not said anything in awhile. Is something the matter? Prince Marco and Prince Izo had already left," he told me as he motioned to the side with his eyes.

I looked over to the side and saw that indeed they left. Was I staring for that long? I felt my face heat up. "Y-you! It's all because you look like that! Your outfit and all that," I stuttered in embarrassment.

Sabo looked at me before looking at what he was wearing. "I understand. I will find another outfit to wear," he said to me.

"Ah- no. you don't have to... Just... Never mind! Let's go," I poke loudly before turning to go to the place where the meetings are mostly held. Sabo bowed and followed after me quietly. Out of all the people they could have picked for me to be a personal guard, they had to pick this one that had bursting sex-appeal... At the same time, I could always tell him to wear something else, but I actually told him to continue wearing all that. What was I doing...

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