Chapter 2

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I totally forgot what the meeting was about. All I remember was that I just sat there and listened to the other princes from the other province bickering. The province I was in was supposedly the most powerful. I thought that too since everyone was one here. The other provinces had definite distinction in classes. Ours definitely had classes as well, but to see a prince or even the emperor having tea with a villager wasn't a 'once in a lifetime' moment. There were a total of four provinces. Bai, Hei, Huo lie, and Hai were the names. Mine, or my pops, was Bai. Hai is the highest in population and is great in trade since they are near the ocean. Huo lie is also a great trad province due to how well they can obtain foreign goods. Hei is... The poorest province due to their lack of relations and reluctance to strengthen any.

I sighed and sat on my little throne. Since we were at my home, I got to sit on my own chair while they sat on pillows. Watching them was boring, but I really didn't care about what they were talking about. Something apparently made one very angry and he began throwing a tantrum, knocking his tea cup onto the ground. Of course it was the prince from Hei Province. Luckily, there was carpet beneath so it didn't break. His servant panicked and tried to pick it up, but they were only hit for being too close. Honestly... How was I supposed to work with people who treat others like this?

"Why don't you do anything," he raged towards me. "This is a meeting where we all discuss! Even last time... Take your job more seriously!"

I saw Sabo take a step forward from besides me, so I held up a hand. He stopped and drew back to his original place. "I do take it seriously. More than you. I can listen and I know this conversation has nothing to do with my province. Complaining about the poor? We don't have that problem," I hissed.

"You- Are you saying you are better?! You greedy noble," the angered one snapped before getting up. "I'll inform my father of your claim of power," he said loudly before storming off.

I wish I didn't have to be the one nominated. Pops was always good at his job. He knew I never liked it, yet here I am. I yawned and got up, "well, one is gone. A meeting needs all to agree, yet one has stormed off. Such a child. We still good? The rest of you."

The other two princes sighed and stood with a nod. We bowed and said some little things before we decided to have something to eat together to talk about the topic between the three of us. These other two were decently close with us. The one from Hei, on the other hand, was probably the one most likely to have a war against us. The topic was about the situation of the 'poor' in their provinces. I honestly had nothing much to tell them but to treat them better.

For us, if someone needed great help, we would help them. Of course we couldn't help with every single thing, so we just helped with the major ones like food and water. We wandered around the garden and halls as we spoke. The three of us ended up talking about other things though.

"Prince," someone called out from behind us. We all turned to look. Sabo lowered his head immediately when he saw us and took a knee. "Your majesties," he said.

"Speak," I told him. "You have permission."

"Yes. I thank you," Sabo replied before standing. "The prince from the Hei Province is in search of your majesties."

"He didn't leave... Boo," the one besides me sighed. "Deming, that idiot. Virtue and bright? Aya... More like... stupid."

"Oh, Bojing~ You shouldn't say that," the other snickered. "You will start a war."

I sighed at the two. "Yan... You two should have come up with something better," I added before we all laughed. "What is he looking for us for, Sabo?"

Sabo jolted at suddenly being called. "It was not stated, Prince. He told me to retrieve you without question," he answered.

"Hm... Did you not ask? Let's go, Bojing, Yan," I huffed as I headed off. "Lead the way, Sabo."

Sabo gave me a nod and rubbed his ankle on his other leg's shin. He then turned to lead us to where Deming was. It wasn't too far. He was yelling so loud that we could hear from the garden. Sabo walked ahead of us and then stepped aside when we arrived, bowing as we passed. Deming, the prince from the Hei Province was wrecking havoc. He was slamming things around angrily shouting at all our maids.

I glared at him before walking over. "Deming. Stop your actions this instant. You may hurt someone," I grumbled. I looked at the nervous maids and motioned for them to go.

"So what? They're just servants! I don't get why you care so much for these things," Deming hissed at me as he trudges up to me.

I held up my hand, knowing that Sabo would try to stop him. "They are not things, Deming. They are human beings who live and breath exactly like us nobles... This is why your province is having the most trouble when it comes to the people of the lower class," I told him, not moving from my spot.

He stepped up to me before grabbing my clothes forcefully, "my province is just fine! Those 'people' are to stay down and work for us, Prince Ace... Understand your class! We are the 'upper' class for a reason!" Suddenly, he gagged and flew back a few feet from me.

"Wha-" I stared with shocked eyes. Deming tumbled off and I saw a knife clatter away from his body. Did he try to...

Sabo pulled me aside before standing in front of me. His weapon was out and held behind him. I heard coughs from the fallen prince as he tried to get up. "Y-you! How dare you hit me! You are merely a servant. How dare you touch me," he barked.

"Oho... Straight from the prince himself... Is the time of peace ending," Yan murmured from behind us.

Deming soon grinned and laughed, "province of Bai... No pure light exists... Only pure darkness does!" I heard footsteps getting closer and we were soon all surrounded. "Hm... This is going to be way, Bai... Province of White-"

Sabo swung his staff back more behind him and waved a hand in front of himself. I saw him glance at the ones surrounding in a second before he sprinted toward Deming. Instantly, I felt worry of if Sabo was going to kill the prince. That would immediately put our provinces at war. Already, I knew war was going to happen, but a death only quickens it.

"Sabo! Don't touch him," I shouted loudly. At this point, he had already broke a bone of each guard that Deming had, making them fall and start yelling in pain. I saw him freeze when he heard me. He held his staff right over the Hei prince's head. I felt relief wash over me when I saw that the prince wasn't dead yet.

Deming shivered as he stared with wide eyes at the end of Sabo's staff right over his head. "P-pull back! We'll go for now- but we'll be back," he stuttered before he inched away from the frozen stiff Sabo.

I watched the ones that surrounded us pull back slowly. "Sabo, come here," I muttered. I could hear our guards coming out as well. The maids must have notified them. I turned to tell them that everything was fine and a brief summary of what happened. The reason I let the prince go was because he can't decide anything. Maybe, even though he complains, the emperor of the Hei Province would decide that it's fine and war is not needed. There was a sudden loud yell. When I turned towards it, my eyes widened. Sabo was standing there and holding Deming's head with a hand. I saw blood dripping down his arm and onto the ground. "S-Sabo! What did you do? Fuck, I didn't tell you to do anything- Guards, hold him down-"

Sabo quickly let go and looked around in confusion before he was pushed against the wall forcefully. His arms were yanked behind his back to make sure he couldn't do anything. I didn't pay attention to anything and just focused on the unconscious prince. My head just hoped that he was just sleeping or something. I called for the maids to bring him the doctor quickly.

"P-Prin-ce," Sabo mumbled softly before his arms were pulled even more back. He yelped and shut his mouth, knowing he wasn't allowed to talk. His eyes shut as he whimpered from the pain.

I got up when the doctor got there and went over to Sabo. He peaked at me but kept his mouth quiet. "Who ordered you to do anything... I had told you to return to my side, yet you attacked him. Do you want to start a war?! What do you have to say about this, hm? Speak," I hissed.

Sabo opened his mouth now. "I- didn't do anything-- Prince," he said before I motioned to the guards who gripped his hands and arms tighter. He gasped and let out a pained yell.

"You... Don't deny that you did nothing..."

Sabo panted and looked at me quietly before he mumbled, "I- sorry... I did this..."

"I had enough... you only made this more stressful. Throw him in the dungeon. Give him punishment for disobeying and harming others," I ordered before walking off to the other princes who were just watching. Today was supposed to boring and only boring. It wasn't supposed to be stressful. I didn't even stay at the scene and just excused myself. This whole thing tired me out. What was with that guy anyways... He first told me he did nothing, but once I told him to not deny doing it, he did so. How he acted really made me feel like I had a servant...

"The Hei Province emperor sent an apology," Haruta informed as he walked into the room we would always hang out in. He opened a envelope and pulled out a letter. "About this afternoon," he added.

I sat up from the couch and looked over to him, "what?"

"Ah, Ace. You left the scene, didn't you? The prince was perfectly fine," Vista added with a laugh as he drank some tea.

"Wait. Wait. Wait," I repeated. I looked at Vista, then Haruta. These two were other princes out of the 16. Vista, the 5th prince and Haruta the 12th.

"The prince apparently attacked Sabo," Izo said from the table. He poured himself some tea and drank some.

Haruta nodded before asking, "wait, who's Sabo?"

"Ace's personal guard. Oh, where is he," Izo questioned.

"Oh... Well anyways! The letter says, 'sorry for my prince I sent. He does not understand how to keep himself calm. Blood makes him faint.' Eh... that's dumb," Haruta read.

"T-Then who's blood was that," I asked loudly, startling Izo. "Ah- sorry, Izo."

"Sabo's," Marco said as he stepped inside. "He was only defending himself. Didn't you say you told him to do nothing? He's not one to disobey, no matter what you tell him to do," he told me.

My mouth dropped open. "I-I have to go," I said loudly before I rolled off of the couch and stumbled out. I sprinted across the halls before skidding to a stop and grabbing a maid over. "W-where are the dungeons! Sabo- Where is he? Is he still there?!"

"P-Prince! Calm down. He's still there, Prince. Shall I call him up for you," she asked worriedly.

I nodded frantically, "please do- and hurry! Please- um... my room. My room. Send him to my room, okay? Hurry, please- thank you." The maid nodded and hurried off. I headed to my room and held my head. "What have I done? Ah- I sent an innocent to be punished..."

Shaking my head, I returned to my room and paced around. I waited impatiently and constantly looked out my door. When I heard the door open and it wasn't me, I quickly looked over, "Sabo-"

Sabo stood there and looked at me quietly. He didn't say anything. I glanced at the guards behind him and motioned for them to leave. I then hurried over and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him close against me. Sabo's body tensed and shook slightly. "P-Prince," he finally said out.

"I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry," I muttered. "I should have listened to you or just- I'm an idiot! Oh, why am i the one nominated... I'm supposed to surpass Pops, but... but- I sent an innocent to get punished."

Sabo was quiet for a long while. He then carefully wrapped his arms around me. "It's okay... His majesty told me that... you only have recently been the heir so... It's okay to mess up," he murmured.

"Why did you listen that time and tell me that you did it," I asked him, still holding him firmly. He was warm and comfortable to hold... I shut my eyes and rested my face on his shoulder.

"That was... because Prince told me to," Sabo replied.

"Are you an idiot," I huffed.

"My apologies, Prince... I-if Prince thinks I am, then I must be-"

I finally pulled away a little and looked at him. "Why do you listen to every word I say... Are you telling me that if I told you to die, you would? If I told you to hurt yourself, you would? Why would you do that... You have a life to cherish. It's your own life, Sabo. You need to listen to me mostly, but don't just-"

"B-but I want to... do everything," Sabo replied as he looked at me.

"Hm... Are you sure," I asked. What was I thinking of doing... I let go of him and stepped back to my bed and sat down. When I saw Sabo nod, I gulped nervously. My head was going insane at what I was thinking about. He wouldn't do it though, right? "Then... close those doors and take... um... all that off."

Sabo blinked before he turned and shut the doors. He then looked back at me. I heard rubbing of fabrics as he carefully unclipped the clear fabric he had attached to his hip and wrapped around his waist. He was seriously doing it. I knew my mouth was open at least a bit as I watched. My mind was trying to get myself to tell him to stop, but I guess the other part of me was stronger. So, my eyes just watched this man undress himself.

He let the golden clips drop onto the ground and just hang from the back before he ran his fingers under his pants to pull it down. I just stared silently and could feel my face heating up. Why was a guy making me feel like this? I shut my eyes tightly when I saw his pants going down before peaking. A sigh escaped my lips when I saw that he was still covered there.

As a guy, he is quite... slender. "W-Wait, Sabo," I said suddenly. Sabo stopped as he was moving his pants to the side and looked up at me. "Come here... Are you still hurt," I asked him, remembering why I thought he did wrong.

Sabo stepped over to me and took off his gloves. He set those aside and showed me his hands. They had scars all over them. Those were all closed though, except one on the hand I saw him holding the Hei Prince with. "I am fine, though," he told me.

"No you aren't... Doesn't it hurt," I murmured before taking his hand and looking at the cut. "And... why are you actually taking off your clothes just cause I told you to... I didn't think you would actually do it."

"Mn... Shall I put them back on-"

I grabbed his wrist and pulled him down onto my bed before flipping over on top of him. "Do you know what I could have asked you to do," I grumbled. I didn't like it... How he was willing to do everything. "I'm telling you... Stop doing that. What if I was some creepy pervert?!"

"But... Prince is not," Sabo replied simply.

"So if I decided to have sex with you, you would let me," I questioned as I ran a hand up his body. Sabo jolted and looked down at my hand. "Would you not care that much to let me do that," I continued asking before I leaned down to run my tongue up the side of his neck.

Sabo tensed and turned his head to the side quickly, "P-Prince- I..."

"Come on. Tell me," I whispered to his ear. I only planned to scare him to teach him to not always listen to every word I tell him to. My hand ran down his chest now. I felt the silky fabric he wore, to the soft skin of his thighs. Sabo flinched when I licked at his ear. He seemed sensitive there...

I smiled, feeling like he had learned by now. Sabo gripped my clothed tightly and mumbled my title again. I slipped my tongue over his piercing, then heard something that wasn't what I had thought I was going to hear. Sabo gasped out a moan.

I pulled away and stared down at him, shocked at what I heard. W-why was that so sexual sounding?! I gulped and looked at him panting softly on my bed. Quick- I had to do something. "You- Why aren't you pushing me away? Are you really okay with this," I asked quickly.

Sabo looked up at me with his eyes before he turned his head to me. He brought up his legs, then moved his hand to cover his mouth. "T-this sort of thing... If I do this, Prince can feel good... Someone told me," he said. He then looked away with his reddening face. This was the most I have seen any sort of expression on his face. It may have been what broke me too, or... what he said after. Sabo glanced up at me and said very softly, "I want to... make Prince feel good so..."

"... If you were assigned to someone else, would you do this too," I asked. Somehow that instantly came to mind.

Sabo looked up at me and shook his head. "I- only you... Only my prince," he told me. He then covered his mouth fully.

"Did you just say... 'my?'"

"I- did... mn," he nodded, then shut his eyes tightly.

I looked down at him for a bit before leaning down to him. "How long have you known me, Sabo," I asked before biting his ear gently. Sabo let out a small squeak, but did not reply. "It's an order. Answer me," I said before biting down harder.

Sabo whimpered and panted softly, "s-some years, Prince."

"Years? From what," I asked, pulling away again to look at him.

"Um... I'm from... Hei Province and... I was a guard for a while and- I saw you once and," Sabo answered.

I chuckled softly before sliding a hand right under his leg and pushing it up. "So, I am your crush? Did you run away from their grasps just to become my personal guard? When you got assigned, did you feel like you went to heaven," I joked. "Then... what I am doing to you right now. Is this something you want?" I did plan to only scare him, but... that really didn't work. I guess it would never work though since he obviously didn't hate it. This guy... was cute. I just hoped that no one was wanting to visit me tonight.


A/N: So this chapter is a mess, kinda. I guess that is why you should plan it first... Anyhow, I just wanted to introduce the provinces and their relations as well as a little... um... yeah. It's a mess, but the next chapters won't be! Hopefully >.> And my gosh, this is the longest chapter ever? I was going to add more. Ya know the... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) stuff, but it's too dang long. I'll put the rest of the ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) stuff next chapter.

I'll maybe explain the names that are Chinese later? Idk. It's not too important for now, I think?

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