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"So, Ramona-Elizabeth has finally been taken down."

"Indeed she has, darling," a female voice echoed, a smirk on her thick lips. "And do you know what that means?"

"It means the Corps is ours for the taking. Our pathetic fusion is finally dead," a black-haired male with glowing grey eyes laughed.

His wife, a grey-haired female with brown eyes, smirked in response, "We agree on that."

"We agree about everything," he teased. "Lila, you're always right~"

"Ehh, but Dello, you were the one who suggested this entire charade~"

"We are both amazing then!" He got up from his seat and embraced her. "With the biggest obstacle in our way gone, we can finally make the Corps ours, and lead them to end the world. Our destiny awaits us!"

"I doubt they would take this lying down, though," Lila hummed. "So what should we do?"

"Hm... Rip it apart from the bottom to the top," Dello offered.

"Good idea. Where do we start? I am SOOO excited!"

Dello let his wife go slightly, grinning as he said, "We start from the edges. In other words... we start from the greenhorns. And I have just the right one."

"Which of them?" Lila excitedly asked him, sauntering over to the nearby table. Pictures of all the members (well, surviving members throughout the months after the attack on Infinity Castle) were strewn all over it, covering every inch.

Dello Cipher hummed as he scanned the pictures, before he picked up a certain picture and laughed, "This one should do, don't you think, darling?"

"Hm... Nightmares should do for him, sweetheart. After all, he HAD lost a lot."

"Alright~ Target number one is set!"

"Oh Pilseung, get ready for the Ciphers' wrath upon you!"
"I'm glad you've been good," Master V smiled at Blossom as the two trained themselves in the Arctic Tundra.

"Same to you. I heard you slaughtered some Lower Moons and helped save some lives," the half-demon waved it off while slicing off the head of another training dummy.

"I mean, Tenma and Shinsuke were going to survive either way," he kicked the final training dummy down before he backed off and sat down on the ground. "It isn't anything noteworthy. It's something Taeyang would have wanted me to do."

"I'm glad you're trying to live up to it," she stopped and took a seat beside him, smiling as she said that. "How are Pilseung and Jinpei, though?"

"Jinpei went back to Hokkaido with his mom cause he needed his blade reinforced. Something about a battle with the Lower Moons destroying a blade. As for Pilseung... He's finally taking the time to mourn. He's been in the Tsukiyomi Mansion for months now. I think he's trying to work to take Taeyang's place."

"That can't be healthy," Blossom frowned.

"He loved Taeyang a lot. Can you blame him?" He asked her.

"I know... But I have my doubts. He's going to be fine right?"

"Pilseung will be fine."

Blossom chose not to mention how unsure he sounded.

The dreams started a week ago. And they only grew worse.

"You're useless."


"You can never do the right thing."

"You could have saved me that day."

"If only you had been more perceptive."

"If only you had noticed."

"I hate you."
And everyday, he got up at the scariest hours and curled up into the futon, crying everyday, wanting to just die already.

Oh Pilseung hated himself, and it showed as his eyes grew dimmer and dimmer.

"Please..." he sobbed. "Please... let me die already...Anyone..."

From the shadows, a hand reached out and grabbed his shoulder.

When he turned around, the hand covered his mouth and dragged him in.

A few days later, when Lee Jihae, Park Gyeongpo and Lee Jiuk came in to check on him, they would find an empty room, and no Pilseung.

It was only the beginning of a new fight. One that would cost like no other.

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