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     "Man I'm so pumped for this mission!" Buttercup said as she clutched her fist, "I haven't been on one in a long time."

     "Because you literally lost your fucking arm," Bubbles folded her laundry and putted it in a small bag.

     Buttercup scoffed, "Well it wasn't my fault a knife struck me in the nerves and paralyzed my arm permanently."

     "Well you did slice it off and bandage it using your socks," Bubbles pretended to gag, "Gross."

     Buttercup shrugged, "Eh, not the worst thing I've done throughout my life. I was raised by wolves after all!"

     "Until Sensei found and adopted you," Bubbles said as she finished packing her bag.

     "Good times those were," Buttercup sighed as she put on a new haori she got.

     Bubbles raised an eyebrow, "New haori?"

     Buttercup nodded, "Nothing drastic, just a simple green one."

     "It's a damn shame you can't use your Breath of the Beast breathing anymore," Bubbles said as she looked at herself in the mirror.

     "Oh but that won't stop me from trying!" Buttercup grinned as she pointed at herself, "Like hell am I retiring this early in life! I still got so much to do."

     Bubbles heavily sighed, "Like becoming a Hashira?"

     "Yup! I'll retire after I outrank you and Blossom," Buttercup responded, "Didn't you hear, Sarah's going to become a Grand Master?"

     "A literal fucking eleven year old?" Bubbles sighed yet again, "Why am I not even surprised..."

     "Yeah, and since Blossom is her Tsukugo, she'll replace Sarah as the new Ice Hashira. I mean she did put an end to Ramona-Elizabeth's reign before it actually fully started..."

     "By freezing her in a block of ice," Bubbles interjected.

     Buttercup shrugged, "Eh, last time I checked she was still frozen, so I guess it worked out for the best."

     Bubbles sighed, "It would've been better if her head was cut off, but I guess it was Blossom's decision to make, not ours. After all those two were destined to be rivals."

     "And you were destined to loose your damn eye," Buttercup chuckled as she pointed at Bubbles' blind eye.

     "It was either death or my vision, which do you prefer?" Bubbles asked her.

     "Well you got to become a shiny new Hashira in the end, so I guess your vision will do? I don't know why you're even asking me these questions...this whole conversation is just pointless," Buttercup responded before looking over at a familiar looking box, "So who's carrying Blossom?"

     Bubbles sighed, "I guess I will, since she's so hellbent on coming along."

     "She's our best bet at rescuing Philsung, you can't deny that," Buttercup said as she patted the box, "Don't worry though, I'm sure everything will be fine in the end."

     "If you say so..." Bubbles mumbled as she exited the room.

     Sarah held an old picture of her and her dad with sadness in her eyes. It's been almost a year since he died by her hands, and Sarah is still trying to process why he did what he did...Why did he go out of his way to betray the Corps? Betray her?

     It was the same situation with Taeyang, her childhood best friend since the day she was adopted. Despite the fact that everyone, including herself, told him that using his Breath of the Moon would end up killing him in the end, he still did it anyways..

     She had lost two people she cared about that day, and she had lost even more during the Infinity Castle Raid. Hell, she even witnessed (well without actually seeing it) Ken Utonium die right in front of her. To say she wasn't traumatized is a complete understatement....she was notified.

     But therapy is going to have to wait, her friend was missing and she needed to find him....fast before it's too late..Placing down the photo and grabbing her sword, Sarah headed down the hallway in search of the prison ward. If anyone would know where Black Dog was, it would be her mother. After all, she was once the queen of demons...

     Opening up the entrance, Sarah stepped in and looked around for her mother. Looking over at a nearby block of ice, Sarah opened up and entered the cell she was located in, closing the door behind her.

     Using her Blood Demon Art, Sarah managed to unfreeze half of her mother's body....or well her neck and head. What she was doing right now is against the rules, but Philseung is in trouble, and Sarah wasn't about to have another one of her friends die on her. Rules be damned!

     Ramona-Elizabeth smirked as she looked at her daughter, "Happy birthday, Sarah, or did I get the date wrong on accident? I don't exactly have a calendar in here."

     "Regardless of rather or not today is my birthday I didn't come down here to chit chat," Sarah said in a cold tone as she held out a wanted poster, "You're going to tell me where Black Dog is at right now or else I'm going to chop your head clean off your shoulders."

     "Even if I did know where former Uppermoon Six was, why are you asking me instead of Bill Cipher?" Ramona-Elizabeth tilted her head sideways.

     "Nobody here asides from you would know," Sarah responded as she tightly gripped onto the hilt of her blade.

     "I take it as those old cranky bats kidnapped someone again," Ramona-Elizabeth groaned, "Great...just fucking great."

     Sarah raised an eyebrow, "Who are these 'old cranky bats' and how did you know that they kidnapped someone?"

     Ramona-Elizabeth scowled, "I'm surprised the Ciphers didn't tell you about their bat shit crazy parents Lila and Dello? It's common knowledge amongst us demons to never fuck with them, ever. They're notoriously known for causing trouble and mayhem wherever they can. Hell they even contributed to the creation of the demon race by making Ben Ciphed go insane! Ugh, I hate them so much!"

     Sarah blinked, "Why did I even bother asking?"

     "Well you could always go away and leave me the hell alone," Ramona-Elizabeth suggested.

      "I need you to tell me where Black Dog is, then I can leave you the hell alone and never come back here again," Sarah said in an exasperated tone, "Happy?"

     "Well I would at least like occasional visits from the Ciphers so I can taunt them, but I'll take what I can get," Ramona-Elizabeth responded before attempting to point at the poster, "Black Dog is located somewheres on the western side of Nagasaki. I don't exactly know where his base of operations is at, but I do know it's somewheres in Western Nagasaki."

     Sarah nodded before rolling up the poster, "Thanks."

     "Also I would really like some fucking food right now, I'm starving," Ramona-Elizabeth said as Sarah exited her cell.

     "I'll go ask someone to bring you some food, enjoy your stay for the time being."

     Ramona-Elizabeth rolled her eyes, "As if I had a choice to begin with."

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