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     Final selection has finally arrived. People from all over the world have gathered here on this mountain in hopes of becoming a fully fledged Demon Slayer. Unfortunately for them though, they don't know that the mountain has demons trapped on it.

     Blossom has been preparing for this day her entire life, and with the recent training she had gone through in the artic tundra, she was ready to put her skills to the test. She gots a few new moves under her belt, a newly forged blade Sarah had given her as a late birthday gift, her hairpin Bubbles have given her pinning her bangs back out of her face, and a ice pattern haori that was given to her by Master V. She was ready.

     All she had to do was survive seven days up on the mountain and make it to the very top. From what Sarah had told her, it would be very simple...unless she runs into a demon on the way up. Now that would be a problem in the nighttime.

     Blossom rushed up the hill and headed towards the top of the mountain with great speed. Perhaps she would have better luck surviving if she were to get into a clearer area where she could see everything around her. That would be the best case scenario, but first she needs to find a source of food that would sustain her for at least two out of the seven days.

     She had a good few hours before the sun set down upon the mountain. It would be a long, hard journey, but she was determined to do this! Nothing can get in her way now! Nothing at all!
     A few hours have passed since Blossom first arrived onto the mountain. She's had to slay a couple of minor demons, save a few people, and managed to hunt down and cook a bird for her to eat. Thank god she learned how to hunt back in the artic tundra.

     Blossom used Breath of Ice, Second Form: Hail Storm to create a distraction while she cut the neck off of a demon that was in her way. Back when she used to live at the Seaside Mansion, her Breath of Ice only had one form, now she had developed three new forms for her to use, and a final form she and Sarah had worked on that she will use against Uppermoon One or the Demon Queen of given the chance to. Unfortunately she could possibly loose a limb to frostbite with this form, but that's a chance Blossom will take to seek revenge for her loved ones.

     Her Breath of Ice requires her to be slippery, fast, and strong; skills she had lacked previously due to learning moves only for Breath of Water users. Now that she thought of it, Blossom believes that her Sensei could've been holding her back all this time and she hasn't realized it yet. Even though that could be true, it won't stop Blossom from achieving her goals of slaying Uppermoon One and becoming a potential candidate for becoming a Hashira.

     Suddenly, Blossom heard someone scream in the distance. Rushing over towards where she heard the sound come from, she found her sister Bubbles about to get slain by a big....muscular...demon.

     Bubbles' side was gushing out blood, her left hand holding it while her right was holding her sword. She looked over at Blossom for a split second before jumping up and slicing the demon's head off, landing on the ground steadily.

     Blossom rushed over and ripped the left arm of her haori off, using it as a tourniquet to bandage up her sisters wound, "Bubbles, your recklessness is surely going to get you killed here on the mountain. You should be more careful next time."

     "He caught me off guard-holy shit is that a new haori?!? Did you cut your hair?!? The hairpin?!? Holy shit you just ripped the sleeve off your ha-"

     "Bubbles, be quiet for a second. There could be other demons nearby, so we need to get somewheres safe and find a place to rest for the night," Blossom said as she put her sword back into her sheath, "Would you like me to carry you?"

     Bubbles declined, "Oh, I think I'll be fine! Hey, have you ever checked what exactly is inside your hairpin?"

     "No, I haven't, why do you ask?" Blossom said as she and her sister started to walk back up the hill.

     Bubbles giggled a bit, "Oh, I might've added something 'special' to it before I gave it to you. Actually I lied to you when I said I bought it at the market the night you left. How funny is that?"

     Blossom shot her an irritated look, "You experimented with poison again?!?"

     Bubbles nodded, "I stored a vial of poison within all of our hair pins! Don't worry, I can guarantee you there's enough poison in there to take down a demon, after all it was made from wisteria flowers. Shame I didn't grab some off the trees when I arrived here, then again they would've assumed I was cheating if I had done so."

     Blossom sighed, "You ramble on too much for someone who is seriously injured."

     "What can I say, I'm a very talkative person," Bubbles responded cheerfully, "Damn you've built up some muscle mass the past month and a half! You probably did better than Buttercup during her training; must I say Hana did a huge number on her, yet her ego is still as big as her head. She still refuses to wear the hairpin I gave her! The audacity of that-"

     "Shh, look," Blossom pointed up at the giant demon walking past them.

     Bubbles looked at her as if she had pissed her pants, "Holy..."

     "We need to get out of here fast!" Blossom said as she picked up the injured blonde and sprinted through the woods.

    "I'm not a sack of pota-OW!" Bubbles yelped as she looked at her bloodied bandage, "I require medical assistance here!"

     Blossom sighed, "Well I could give you some and all if we could find a safe place to hide for the night."

     Bubbles pointed over towards a nearby cave, "Look!"

     "It's clearly a trap," Blossom deadpanned, "Use your fucking brain."

     "Well I'm spilling blood and dying over here, luckily enough my right hairpin contains some medicine we could use if my wound gets infected," Bubbles smiled as she flipped off of Blossoms back and landed on her feet.

     Blossom thought about it for a second before responding with, "You are by far the craziest person I know."

     "I have my ways with medicine and herbs," Bubbles said as she picked some flowers, "These we can use to make medicine that will help stop the bleeding, now if only I can weave myself a pouch..."

     Blossom sighed before sitting down and resting her head on a nearby rock, "This is going to be one long night..."
     Five days have passed since final selection has begun. Blossom managed to help heal up Bubbles' wound before parting ways with her sister and heading up towards the mountain. Her clothes are mostly torn up due to all of the fighting she had to do, hair strands are loose in her face, and she was starving.

     Only two more days left until she can finally leave this cursed mountain and hopefully never return back here again. Blossom was currently resting on the ground right now looking at the hairpin her sister had given her prior to leaving for the artic tundra.

     "I stored a vial of poison within all of our hair pins! Don't worry, I can guarantee you there's enough poison in there to take down a demon, after all it was made from wisteria flowers."

     Blossom chuckled, "Bubbles you mad genius."

     A secret weapon she could use in case things go south. Her sister was a fucking genius! Then again she does have a vast knowledge of different types of medicine and herbs, it wouldn't surprise Blossom if she managed to create a type of poison that would be strong enough to take down the Demon Queen herself.

    "You probably did better than Buttercup during her training; must I say Hana did a huge number on her, yet her ego is still as big as her head. She still refuses to wear the hairpin I gave her! The audacity of that-"

     "I guess I wasn't the only one who got taken away from the Butterfly Mansion that day. Wait, Buttercup got picked? By them? Oh boy..." Blossom thought as she got up to look for food, "I wonder how she's doing up here on the mountain."
     Buttercup laughed manically as she cut the heads off of a couple of demons coming her way all at once. She could do this all night if her body allows her to do so. This was exactly the life she wanted for live for herself, and not the one her Sensei wanted her to.

     You see, her Sensei had always been up against the idea of her joining the corps. He said that she was 'too aggressive' and 'brutal' when it comes to killing demons. He even tried to stop her from coming here by locking her up in her room, but that didn't stop Buttercup from escaping and making it here to where Final Selection was taking place at.

     It's been five days of slaying demon after demon at nighttime without breaking a sweat. Sure she's covered in mostly dirt and blood, but what she would soon be getting from it is rewarding enough for her; her own official Demon Slayer Nichirn blade and a Kasugaigarasu crow.

     Jumping up into the tree and making it to her resting spot, Buttercup laid her head down and tried to get some sleep. A couple of minutes later, she was woken up by the sounds of trees breaking and people screaming. She looked over to her right and noticed it was a big, muscular demon heading towards her direction. Buttercup grinned from ear to ear madly, "Perfect."

     Gripping on tightly to her sword, Buttercup jumped straight into the air and right above the demons head.

     "Breath of Beast, Third Fang: Devour," Buttercup muttered as she sliced the demon horizontally in the troat, nearly decapitating his head off.

     The demon looked behind him and grabbed Buttercup by the leg, attempting to eat her whole. Buttercup withdrew the extra blade that was given to her and sliced multiple fingers off of three demons hand, allowing her to escape.

     "Oh you want to play, I see? Well then, let's fucking play!" Buttercup said as she landed onto the ground with both swords in her hands, "Breath of Beast, Fifth Fang: Crazy Cutting!"

     Buttercup charged at the demon and started slicing him in all directions at an incredible speed before jumping up and landing directly on his shoulders. She grinned madly as she used both of her dual blades to chop the demons head off, jumping off of his shoulders and landing in a tree.

     Buttercup yawned as she placed her blades  back into their respective sheathes, stretching out her muscles as she laid back to rest on the tree, "That was too fucking easy. Oh well, at least I'm doing way better than those idiotic fools that I live with back home. Hm..I wonder how they're doing anyways? Meh, they're probably dead already."

     But little did she know, she would meet her sisters again here in the upcoming forty-eight hours...

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