Crimson Angel of Khorne

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Conqueror's arrival was nothing short of a thunderous tempest. She snarled with every step, her movements akin to a storm unleashed upon the base. Y/n couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between her and her Primarch, save for one shared trait: an enduring aura of anger. However, it was clear whose visage she had adopted.

The horns, the singular exposed arm, the chains – it was the unmistakable likeness of Khârn the Betrayer, better known as the avatar of Khorne.

Conqueror's seething glare turned towards Imperator Somnium as the command carrier boldly approached her.

Imperator Somnium: "Conqueror... Come, let's get you cleaned up."

Conqueror: "Gh! To think that you of all people would offer any kindness. Where was the Emperor's kindness in taking Primarch Angron away from his brothers!?"

Y/n remained silent, knowing that Conqueror was well aware of events that unfolded before the Horus Heresy, before the Emperor's entombment on the Golden Throne.

The Vengeful Spirit, however, had plenty to say.

Vengeful Spirit: "By the gods, Conqueror. You're still holding onto that anger?"


Vengeful Spirit: "A damnation that was thrust upon my Primarch by Lorgar and Erebus. Yet, you don't see me seeking vengeance on Somnium for it."

Conqueror snarled and made a menacing lunge towards Spirit, deploying her rigging and preparing for combat. However, her aggressive move was swiftly thwarted as Phalanx and Macragge's Honour intervened. Imperial Flame and Divine Right positioned themselves in front of Y/n, while Alpha and Sword of Sacrilege assisted in restraining Conqueror.

Somnium watched with a sorrowful expression as Conqueror writhed and roared, her fury reaching an almost frenzied state. Her eyes blazed a bloodshot red, and foam practically dripped from her mouth.

With measured steps, Somnium advanced and knelt, keeping her knee firmly on Conqueror's back.


The other shipgirls observed with a mix of fear and concern as Conqueror fought against her sisters and Somnium. However, the command carrier reached down and gently moved Conqueror's hair aside, revealing the mechanical implants that bored into her skull.

Somnium's eyes welled up with tears at the sight. Y/n stood almost stupefied, witnessing a single tear, appearing as though forged from pure gold, falling from the command carrier's eye.

Imperator Somnium: "... I need her sedated."

Phalanx: "Of course, Lady Somnium."

Phalanx then took charge, gripping Conqueror by the back of her head and bashing her head off of the concrete with enough force to render her unconscious. A massive crack was also now present in the concrete beneath Conqueror's head.

Phalanx: "... It is done. Now, with the Lord High Admiral's permission, I would like to return to designing additional fortifications for the base."

Y/n sighed, granting approval, and Phalanx departed. Alina remained in stunned silence as the other shipgirls lifted Conqueror and carried her into the base's infirmary.

Somnium stood silently as Conqueror was taken into an operating room. Y/n and Alina walked over to her as she stood and watched through a window.

Imperator Somnium: "... Forgive my solemnity, Admiral."

Y/n: "Nothing needs forgiven, Somnium. Emotions are new for all of you."

Y/n remained quiet for a while before he broke his silence.

Y/n: "... She would never admit this to anyone, but Divine Right has been consoling Flame quite often recently."

Imperator Somnium: "Flame?"

Y/n: "She struggles more with her emotions than she lets on. The last few millennia of constant war weigh on her mind. Now that she has the capacity to come to terms with that, she struggles. Divine Right suffers much the same, though she hides it well."

Somnium turned as Y/n leaned against the wall.

Y/n: "I haven't been around nearly as long as the rest of you, and I had Imperial discipline beaten into me from the first day I was taken out of Necromunda. I simply can't relate... And I hate that fact more than any heretic or xenos."

Somnium bore a thoughtful expression on her face as Y/n spoke. She then stepped towards him and quickly embraced him. He had grown fond of such displays of affection and he fully blamed Friedrich der Große for it.

Though he showed no outward emotion, Y/n returned the hug as the operation proceeded.

A few hours later, in the cafeteria, Y/n sat with Belfast practically pinning him to a seat as he ate. The door was then thrown open and Conqueror stepped in with bandages around her head. A few ships that were in the cafeteria quickly retreated as far from the Gloriana class flagship of the World Eaters as they could get.

She strode over to Y/n before rather forcefully taking a seat across from him.

Conqueror: "... You're the Admiral here, right?"

Y/n gazed calmly into her bloodshot eyes as he addressed her in much the same way.

Y/n: "That I am. Lord High Admiral Y/n."

Y/n extended his hand to her, confusing her for a moment, however she soon reached across and shook it.

Conqueror: "I already introduced myself earlier... Also..."

Y/n stayed quiet as Conqueror shifted slightly in her seat.

Conqueror: "I'm... Sorry... for my earlier outburst."

Y/n: "Having a headache like that would drive anyone mad. You're forgiven. I assume the surgery went well?"

Conqueror: "The nails have been removed. The doc told me to take it easy while it heals. There'll be some residual anger issues but apparently I've been referred to USS Bremerton to help with that."

Y/n was glad that the nails were removed, he honestly wasn't sure how it would go, but considering that shipgirls could get sick, it made sense that she would have some issues.

Y/n: "I'm honestly surprised that you don't look more like captain Lotara Sarrin."

Conqueror: "Had I been a regular Naval vessel, maybe I would have. But I chose my form based on the most honourable of my legion. Eighth Captain Khârn was the obvious choice."

Y/n: "The betrayer has long been an avatar of the blood god."

Conqueror slammed her fist onto the table.

Conqueror: "If you are to use a title for him then you will use the one from before the revolt. He is Khârn the Bloody, or Eighth Captain Khârn!"

Conqueror breathed heavily before timidly retracting her fist from the table.

Conqueror: "I- I apologise... I hate what became of my legion. Please understand."

Y/n was surprised that Conqueror could even be so timid, it was something he actually found quite cute.

Y/n: "It's fine, Conqueror. I've only ever known Khârn's title as the betrayer. Perhaps you could tell me more of what the world eaters were like before the nails at some point."

Conqueror turned back and her eyes gleamed with enthusiasm, she clearly loved her legion, but she reigned herself in and stuttered slightly as she spoke.

Conqueror: "P- Perhaps some day soon I shall. You imperials are hilariously ill informed of the legions outside of the ones who remained loyal."

Y/n nodded his head in agreement before Endurance walked in.

Endurance: "Conqueror! You shouldn't be out of bed!"

Conqueror: "Fuck off, stink bomb!"



Y/n: "Let's all calm the fuck down before I come over there and beat you both harder than Angron beat that Slaaneshi daemon to make Samni'arius."

Conqueror raised an eyebrow before surmising that Vengeful Spirit had told him about that incident.

Endurance: "Admiral, all due respect. But how the fuck do you walk normally with those fucking auramite balls swinging between your legs? Like d'you need a fucking Rhino to hold 'em up?"

Conqueror: "... For once I have to agree. You're threatening to discipline two Gloriana class battleships who've seen ten thousand years of war. Where did you get the balls for that?"

Y/n: "Y'know there's a term that I've heard the Eagle Union ships use to refer to me."

Conqueror: "Ballsy?"

Y/n: "Black Air Force energy. I have no clue what it means but I like it."

Endurance: "Huh. Probably need to ask Baltimore 'bout that."

Y/n hummed as he continued eating under Belfast's glare. He was actually quite happy with how the imperial ships had integrated with the others at the base. Baltimore and Endurance had struck up something of a friendship and he had a feeling that Gangut was going to get along famously with Hrafnkel when she got there.

As a matter of fact, the imperial shipgirls all had their own friend groups as it were. Macragge's Honour and Souryuu were an unlikely duo, but the two had become fast friends. Phalanx had found a kind of kinship with the royal maid corps. Alpha was often engaging with pranks laid by the destroyers. Vengeance Incandescent had quickly become the de facto big sister of the submarines and some of the destroyers as well.

Sword of Sacrilege was often flanked by Akagi, Kaga, Kii, and other fox-like shipgirls. Divine Right and Enterprise were friends as well. Imperial Flame was the only one who never really bothered making any friends at the base. She had her commander and to her that was all she needed, but Y/n knew he wasn't always available for her to talk to, so he would probably have to get her set up with some friends. Vengeful Spirit had seemingly become good friends with Manchester as well.

As for Somnium, she was someone that the other ships saw as being unapproachable. Even someone like Queen Elizabeth or Nagato felt intimidated being in the same room as Somnium. Hopefully with Bucephalus' impending arrival, Somnium would seem less lonely.

A few hours passed and the sun eventually began to go down. Y/n sat with Alina in his office as she relayed her findings.

Alina: "Based on observation of your command and interactions with the shipgirls of multiple factions, I will be making the recommendation that you stay on as the commander of this base. Though I know you would even if HQ tells you no."

Y/n: "Who're they gonna send to stop me? I have the Imperial Navy's finest ships at my side and Alpha, well..."

Y/n turned to his left as Alpha appeared from active camo, letting her blend in with the wallpaper.

Alpha: "I'm in your walls."

Alina laughed lightly before putting her clipboard down.

Alina: "With your permission, Lord High Admiral, I'd like to return soon and remain on the base. That way I can keep an up to date list of Imperial vessels as and when they arrive."

Y/n: "Just so long as you don't mind things getting hectic. I somehow doubt that the ships we know of are the only ones in such a vast galaxy."

Alina nodded before standing up as Y/n escorted her to the car that awaited her outside the base. Alpha quickly shifted into the form of the driver and the two pulled away from the base to return Alina to Azur Lane command.

Y/n stood with a hand on his hip as he stared up at the sky.

Y/n: "Alright girls. Who else is out there?"


Out in the blackness of space, as if to react to the Lord High Admiral's inquiry, several shapes emerged at various points.

One was heavily damaged, her hull was thick with armour and her weapons were only barely operational. But she heard the words of the Admiral as though he were right there with her.

Her engines fired for the first time in ten thousand years and she struggled her way towards Terra. As she passed a distant sun, the emblem of an upward pointing fist became visible.

Elsewhere, within the warp, another ship heard the Admiral. She was rather content among the undulating haze of what was once a vast garden.

She sensed Endurance and her engines fired.

More and more ships seemed to hear the Admiral despite the fact that he was on Terra. From the segmentum tempestus to all the way in the ghoul stars. Many heard him.

All turned their hulls towards Terra.

The broken hull of the heavily armoured ship then sent a signal which Phalanx intercepted.

???: "An-... perial-... ssels-... tory-cla-... Tri-... ease- ... spond."

Phalanx paused before sending her own message to her sisters.

Phalanx: "To any legion flagships still wandering in the depths of space, I have detected another potential imperial vessel. Please be on the lookout for more of our... Daughters and nieces..."

Phalanx felt a twinge of embarrassment calling the other ships that, but it was warranted. Much as the fists and their successors were Dorn's sons, the ships that fell under their flags were her daughters.

Phalanx: "... And Invincible Reason, please smack Eternal Crusader for me."


Two days passed and Y/n stepped onto the port of a hidden base in the atlantic ocean. Conqueror, Macragge's Honour, Vengeful Spirit and Phalanx had accompanied him as well as Imperial Flame and Sword of Sacrilege. All of them now stood before a host of META ships. Conqueror seemed ready to brawl at a moment's notice, however Y/n raised his hand and quelled her mounting concerns as he spoke plainly.

Y/n: "I am Lord High Admiral Y/n of the Imperial Navy."

The one in charge of the META ships seemed to be Enterprise's META counterpart.

Enterprise META: "I am Code G. I lead the META ships here. HMS Manchester told us you would agree to our terms. I am glad to see that she was being truthful."

Code G seemed far more war-scarred than Enterprise, though Y/n supposed that was to be expected since the META ships seemed to be from a darker timeline, or at the very least, they had seen more war than their regular counterparts.

Code G turned her attention to the other Imperial ships that had accompanied Y/n.

Code G: "Trento META only informed us of Vengeful Spirit, Sword of Sacrilege, Imperial Flame and Macragge's Honour. These others are unknown to us."

Phalanx: "I am Phalanx. Fortress Monastery of the Imperial Fists."

Conqueror: "Conqueror. Flagship of the World Eaters."

Conqueror spoke with a slight snarl, though Phalanx placed a hand on her shoulder.

Macragge's Honour: "You'll have to forgive Conqueror. Her aggression is not directed at you."

Code G: "A rabid dog is still a danger, surely you must understand as much, no?"

Conqueror: "Fuck you call me!?"

Y/n: "Conqueror. Stand down."

Code G was unflinching in the face of Conqueror's aggression, though had she known what kind of beast Conqueror was in combat, she would have stood down much faster.

Y/n's eyes then snapped back to Code G, making her visibly flinch under the intensity of his gaze, though it was very slight.

Y/n: "I would request that you refrain from antagonising my ships, Code G. I won't be held responsible for what happens if you push them too far."

One of the other META ships stepped forward and whispered into Code G's ear, the aircraft carrier sighed before seemingly standing down.

Code G was about to speak when one of the other ships sped straight at Conqueror and drew a sword, trying to attack her directly.


Yamashiro META giggled as she swung again at Conqueror, who used her rigging's wings to block her sword.

Despite Code G's reprimands, it seemed as though Yamashiro META was unflinching and had a death wish.

Y/n then turned to Conqueror as she used her rigging to knock the META ship back. She then turned to the Lord High Admiral as he nodded to her, making her grin.

Y/n: "Don't kill. Keep it to melee."

Conqueror: "My fucking specialty!"

Conqueror grinned as she reached behind her back and grabbed hold of two chain axes. Spinegrinder and Gorechild, the signature axes of Angron and Khârn. Yamashiro META went in for another strike, however Spinegrinder found its teeth rending the sword down to its hilt with a single swing. The META ship then realised her folly and tried to create some distance, only for Conqueror's rigging to aim its talons at her. Both of them fired out while connected to a long chain which grabbed Yamashiro META and forcibly dragged her over to the World Eaters' flagship.

Y/n: "Huh. Ursus claws. Nice."

Conqueror then brought Yamashiro over and picked her up in a life-threateningly tight bear hug.

Conqueror: "Anything you wanna say 'fore I make your insides breathe some fresh air, bitch!?"

Code G then spoke clearly.

Code G: "While I will take responsibility for her actions, if you go through with what you intend, then I will be forced to end our talks early in favour of conflict."

Sword of Sacrilege: "Ballsy, but ultimately you'd be signing the death warrant of this entire base. Every META ship in here would get reduced to atoms faster than you could blink."

Another META ship then spoke up as Code G simply couldn't find the words to respond.

???: "Yamashiro's outburst will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. Hand her over to me and I will ensure she is disciplined."

Y/n was motionless for a while before he motioned for Conqueror to release Yamashiro. The META ship who had spoken then grabbed her by the ear and dragged her over to a spot behind Code G.

Code G: "... Forgive Fusou's interruption."

Y/n: "See that it doesn't happen again."

Once again, Code G flinched at the intensity of Y/n's voice.

Y/n: "Setting that aside for the moment. We have our common enemy as the Sirens. The way I see it is that you have three options. Remains neutral and be hunted by the Sirens. Work with Azur Lane and assist in bringing down the Sirens, or work against us and die."

Code G: "That last one is an ultimatum, not an option."

Y/n: "The fact remains that challenging us is a death sentence. Your best and only option is to work with us. Not only will you have the backing of the Imperium, but you'll be guaranteed a place to stay in the form of the naval base in which we are currently based."

Code G: "... And the higher ups?"

Y/n: "They'll just need to accept the decision that is reached."

Macragge's Honour: "I can personally assure the safety of all META ships that come with us."

Conqueror: "I don't. Fuck around and find out."

Phalanx: "Conqueror, I will have Flamewrought burn your plushie collection."

Conqueror: "YOU WANNA GO, PHALANX!?!?"

Y/n blinked momentarily as he processed what Phalanx had just said.

Y/n: "... Wait run that by me again?"

Phalanx: "Which part?"


Y/n: "... One moment, Code G, this seems funny. Phalanx, this is a direct order, tell me what you just said."

Phalanx: "Are you referring to the fact that Conqueror has a plushie collection?"


Conqueror flailed around while Vengeful Spirit held her back.

Phalanx: "Since her arrival, Conqueror has been collecting small plushies. Most of them are made by some of the girls from the Sakura Empire."

Y/n was about to make a comment when an explosion rocked the base. Code G and the other META ships immediately sprung into action.

Code G: "Sirens!? Tch, of course they chose now to attack."

Y/n sighed before turning to Imperial Flame and Macragge's Honour.

Y/n: "Would you two go and give us some breathing room?"

The two nodded before exiting and hovering up into the air. Y/n then held his hand up, causing the META ships to pause before even more powerful explosions rocked the base. The META ships clung to whatever they could in order to stay upright as the explosions continued to echo thunderously outside for several minutes. Y/n stood stoic as the base was further rocked by explosion after explosion until it finally settled.

Code G struggled to her feet as the two imperial ships rejoined the group.

Y/n: "Efficiently done, girls. Though you took a few seconds longer than necessary."

Macragge's Honour: "My apologies, we were trying not to hit the base too much."

Y/n: "Hm. I suppose that's an acceptable reason. Now then, I assume you META ships now realise the severity of the situation you're in?"

Code G: "Such firepower..."

Y/n remained silent as Code G conversed with some of the other META ships. Meanwhile, Conqueror checked the teeth of Spinegrinder for any damage. As she suspected, the primitive metal of this world was no match for the warp-infused steel.

After fifteen minutes had passed, Y/n spoke up again.

Y/n: "I trust you have come to a decision?"

Code G turned to him with a hardened look before letting out a sigh.

Code G: "... The majority of the others would prefer to stay neutral. However, it is as you have said, we would be hunted by the Sirens sooner or later. As such, we shall agree to an alliance."

Y/n nodded before turning about to leave.

Code G: "You're already leaving?"

Y/n: "My business is concluded here. I have matters to attend to back at base. You may come whenever you are ready."

Code G nodded before turning to the other META ships and ordering them to prepare to move to their new home.

A few hours later, Y/n walked through the dimly lit halls of the port base, passing the occasional servo-skull as he navigated his way. With a sense of relief, he finally arrived at his bedroom and quietly closed the door behind him.

He walked to the bed and wearily sank into the soft cotton sheets, resting his head on the plush pillows. It had been an arduous day, filled with his usual duties and the complexities of dealing with the Ashes. He was in desperate need of rest.

As his eyes shut for what seemed like a fleeting moment, his mind was briefly overtaken by screams, but it quickly faded. Imperial discipline coursed through his veins. He once harbored dreams of becoming an Astartes as a child, but he now found solace in his unaltered humanity.

The life of unending war and unwavering discipline that the Astartes led was something he was grateful to have avoided. He thrived as a Lord Captain, commanding his ship and journeying through the galaxy, in part because of the ample time he had between battles.

His memories were filled with the horrors of war and the unspeakable deeds he had committed. All of it was carried out under the orders of the Inquisition. The one that haunted him most was the day he executed a virus bombing on a feral world in the Segmentum Tempestus, all at the command of Inquisitor Mikhail Dinalt.

The people on that world had done no wrong; they were merely primitive humans. Yet, the Inquisitor deemed them heretics.

Despite the weight of these memories, Y/n remained calm in his slumber, lying still on his back.

A soft knock echoed from his door.

Y/n: "Enter."

The door opened gently, and Y/n opened one eye, adjusting to the dimly lit room. He couldn't see much, but he could discern that glowing golden eye—Imperator Somnium.

Y/n: "Is something the matter, Somnium?"

Imperator Somnium walked in with a quiet grace, closing the door behind her before taking a seat at Y/n's desk. A heavy silence hung in the room until Somnium finally broke it.

Imperator Somnium: "... I spoke to Flame, Admiral. You were right. She tried to conceal her emotions, masking them behind her sense of duty, but... She can't hide her feelings."

Y/n: "Flame has witnessed her sisters and cousins burning around her for ten millennia. Like I said, embracing emotions is new and challenging, not just for her, but for all of you."

Imperator Somnium: "Perhaps for my daughters and their daughters-"

Y/n sat up, locking eyes with the softly shining gaze of the Emperor's flagship.

Y/n: "Don't deceive yourself, Somnium. Despite your power and the psychic might of the master of mankind, embracing emotions is a new journey for you too. I've seen your loneliness, even when surrounded by others."

Somnium remained silent as Y/n continued to dismantle her stoic facade.

Y/n: "... I understand the struggles people face. I learned it from my crew. Everyone has their own ways of coping, but bottling it up is never a good choice. You risk ending up like the traitors."

Somnium cast her gaze downward as Y/n spoke. Reluctantly, she had to admit that she felt a profound sense of isolation.

Y/n: "When Bucephalus arrives, things will likely improve. For now, I suggest trying to connect with Nagato."

Imperator Somnium: "Nagato? Why her?"

Y/n: "I've heard that many of the Sakura Empire girls find her to be... distant. Unapproachable even. So, as someone who's experiencing something similar, perhaps it's best if you two start spending more time together."

Somnium remained silent for a few moments, carefully considering Y/n's words. Then, a slight smile broke her usually stoic facade.

Imperator Somnium: "I see. I will bear your words in mind, Admiral. For now, I won't take up any more of your time. Good night."

With that, Somnium gracefully exited the room just as quietly as she had entered.

As she walked down the hall, she leaned against a wall, allowing the back of her head to rest against the cold surface.

Imperator Somnium: "... I assume you heard all of that?"

A warm voice replied from within her mind.

???: "I did. The Lord High Admiral genuinely cares for those under his command. It's a commendable trait for someone in his position to possess. By the way, how is Conqueror?"

Imperator Somnium: "She's adjusting slowly. The Nails have left some residual anger as her brain heals, but with USS Bremerton's assistance, she's well on her way to a full recovery."

???: "That's good to hear. It's heartening to know that even a Lord High Admiral would show concern for his subordinates. It's a reminder that there's hope yet for the Imperium. I'm glad to see it."

Imperator Somnium: "The absence of the Chaos Gods makes things like embracing emotions much easier to manage. The Lord High Admiral remains disciplined but allows himself more leniency than the Imperium did."

The voice on the other end of the psychic connection giggled softly.

???: "Good. Very good. Now then, I must be on my way. Starkrusha seems poised to start another altercation with Eternal Crusader... Again. So I must end our conversation here. Until we meet face-to-face."

Imperator Somnium: "Until then, sister."

Somnium smiled as she gazed up at the ceiling. She was content with the current state of affairs, and the influx of Imperial and former Chaos ships was nothing but a boon to their cause. 

Though she did idly wonder how he planned to stave off Pride of the Emperor since her recent communications had been... Less than sanitary, to put it lightly.

Imperator Somnium: "Oh well, questions for later I suppose."

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Bremerton's Counsel.

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