Observation and Incineration

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As Y/n approached, the officer couldn't help but become increasingly intimidated. Here was this unknown factor, appointed only due to circumstances outwith the control of the higher ups, and they sent only her to investigate him.

The differences were immediately apparent. Her uniform was a crisp, modern representation of the Eagle Union and Azur Lane as a whole. It was mostly whitewith black and gold adornments here and there. In contrast, his was a pale blue, adorned with golden medals, an emblem of his esteemed rank as Lord High Admiral in the Imperial Navy. Upon his blazer was a bright golden insignia of a two-headed eagle, a symbol that held immense significance in the far-future realm he hailed from, far different from anything she had seen before.

The officer carried herself professionally, but she could not hide her nerves as he stopped in front of her and extended his hand.

Y/n: "I am Lord High Admiral Y/n of the Navis Imperialis. I'm the one your higher ups placed in charge of this base."

The officer was almost too stunned to speak, but she plucked up the courage and opened her mouth in response.

???: "I- I am Rear Admiral A- Alina-"

Y/n: "Enough. Take a breath and try again. If you are a rear admiral, then conduct yourself as such."

The rear admiral took a moment to compose herself before she spoke again.

Alina: "I am Rear Admiral Alina Galíndez, representing the Eagle Union. I am here on behalf of Azur Lane command, who have instructed me to inspect the happenings at this base in light of your recent appointment as commander here."

Y/n nodded to himself.

Y/n: "Much better. Now then, the details of this inspection have not been relayed to me, as such I would request a debrief of what it is you'll specifically be inspecting."

Alina: "I'm afraid that's classified."

Y/n: "I see."

Y/n went silent for a moment before turning to the person who had escorted the rear admiral.

Y/n: "Alpha, drop your active camo so I can speak to you properly."

Alina's eyes widened as her escort smirked and suddenly transformed into the usual form of the Alpha Legion's flagship.

Alina: "Wha-"

Alpha: "Lemme guess, you want a general brief of what's happening?"

Y/n: "You know your job well, Alpha."

With another chuckle, Alpha started.

Alpha: "Basically the big wigs in Azur Lane command are nervous in case the imperium proves to be a greater force than they are, which we are."

Y/n: "They're afraid of being subsidised by the imperium."

Alpha: "Yeah, little do they know that it'd be subjugation rather than subsidisation."

Y/n: "Indeed. Either way, good work. Go rest now."

Alpha smiled before turning about and walking to the dorms.

Alina: "That was..."

Y/n: "One of ours. Flagship of the Alpha Legion, an expert in espionage, assassination, and infiltration. There is nowhere on this planet that you're safe from her if it's decided that you're a target. But unless moves are made against the imperium, then no harm will come to anyone. Though you may find your secrets to be far less safe even with those you trust."

The Lord High Admiral's smirk was enough to say that Alina shouldn't try to pry into anything she didn't need to.

Alina: "Well... Allow me to first ask about your, uh... Imperium?"

Y/n: "It's not my imperium. I serve the imperium of mankind much the same as any serf or space marine."

Alina: "W- Well, the reports that we've recieved about some of the ships in the ranks of the imperium are... concerning. I believe that it was a ship by the name of Divine Right who unleashed an assault upon the Sakura Empire and made it rumble as though it were experiencing an earthquake of magnitude six."

Y/n chuckled as he walked inside the base with Alina.

Y/n: "Divine Right was sent as extraction aid for HMS Sheffield and HMS Edinburgh who were conducting reconnaisance within the Sakura Empire following their attack on this very base."

Alina frowned as the two continued to walk until they reached the office of the Lord High Admiral. Upon entering, Alina saw the office had been decorated according to the style of the Imperium. The floor was a dark laminate wood and the shelves that hung on the walls behind the Lord High Admiral's desk were filled with mementos of the imperium, of Y/n's wartorn home.

She noticed that just above the chair in which he sat, there was a large helmet, far too big for any normal man to wear. Inlaid upon its blue cranium was a golden laurel crown.

Y/n noticed her staring at the helmet and addressed her curiosity.

Y/n: "It's a spare helmet that Macragge's Honour had lying around. It belongs to Chapter Master Calgar."

Alina: "I see... and these skulls that are floating around?"

Y/n regarded the three servoskulls that were filling out paperwork as per their function before turning back to the rear admiral.

Y/n: "Servoskulls. They do the daily mundane tasks so that Macragge's Honour and I can focus on more pressing matters."

Alina hummed to herself before taking down some notes on the paper in her clipboard.

Alina: "Can I ask about the number of imperial ships are present at this moment?"

Y/n: "There are several of varying type and class. But to give it a basic rundown from smallest to largest, we have one strike cruiser, one Retribution class battleship, one Emperor class battleship, five Gloriana class battleships. Imperator Somnium and Phalanx have classifications all their own."

Alina scribbled down some notes again before asking the main question.

Alina: "Hypothetically, if Eagle Union were to consider the imperium hostile-"

Y/n interrupted her without hesitation.

Y/n: "They would be wiped out without remorse. The homeland of the Eagle Union would be reduced to a crater in the ocean, and that's if we're feeling generous."

There was such deadly sincerity in his voice that Alina was practically forced into silence as she noted down only a few words.

"Hostility against the Imperium is a Death Sentence."

As Alina was about to speak again, the door swung open and a few submarines ran in and started pestering Y/n.

U-556, I-19, U-47, and Dace were all trying to talk to the Lord High Admiral at the same time, however they were quieted when Vengeance Incandescent walked in and told them off.

Y/n watched amusedly as the strike cruiser scolded the submarines for their impatience.

Y/n: "Vengeance, there's no need to be so hard on them."

Vengeance Incandescent: "I- I'm not trying to, Admiral."

Y/n: "I know. But you have to remember that the methods of discipline used by the imperium are unfit for this world. The cultures are too different... Give 'em a few months, then we can go full Imperial discipline."

The strike cruiser nodded before Y/n placed his hand atop her head.

Y/n: "Don't be so down. Remember, you're a strike cruiser for the crimson fists. And between you and me, I'd much rather have you around than, Emperor forbid, Wraith of Threnna."

Vengeance nodded, wraith was one of the strike cruisers belonging to the Exorcists chapter. If she was in this place too, then she would likely be batshit insane due to Bael Vordhane and the other exorcists influence.

Alina watched the interaction with intrigue. Y/n conducted himself with such authority, yet at the same time he was gentle where he needed to be.

However he mentioned two ships that had not been reported to HQ.

Alina: "Lord High Admiral, would you tell me about this Imperator Somnium and Phalanx?"

Y/n: "Of course. They are two ships that we in the imperium consider the pride of our navy. Somnium is the command carrier of the Emperor himself and Phalanx is the flagship and mobile fortress monastery of the Imperial Fists legion."

Alina paused for a moment as he explained before she frowned.

Alina: "Wait, fortress monastery?"

Y/n: "Did I stutter?"

Alina: "N- No. Just... trying to wrap my head around that one. Anyway, for the record, may I take the names of the imperial vessels currently stationed here?"

Y/n: "Shall I include those that are presently en route as well?"

Alina: "There's more!?"

Y/n: "Yes. There are more."

Alina felt her heart drop but Y/n spoke and cleared her mind, letting it refocus on the task at hand.

Y/n: "You clearly have questions. So ask them."

Alina: "... The imperial ships. I want their names. All of them."

Y/n: "Okay then. The strike cruiser is Vengeance Incandescent. Our retribution class battleship is Imperial Flame. The Emperor class battleship is Divine right."

Alina: "And the... Gloriana class?"

Y/n: "There's nineteen of them so bear with me. Invincible Reason, Heaven's Thunder, Pride of the Emperor, Iron Blood, Swordstorm, Hrafnkel, Nightfall, Blood Tear, Fist of Iron, Vigilance, Conqueror, Macragge's Honour, Endurance, Photep, Vengeful Spirit, Fidelitas Lex, Flamewrought, Shadow of the Emperor, and Alpha."

Alina was stunned. Nineteen of these ships were either here or en route to this base.

Y/n: "I skipped the Imperial Fists flagship because she's the Phalanx and Eternal Crusader isn't present as far as I know."

Alina: "And there's also Somnium."

Y/n: "Yes."

Alina was about to speak again when the door opened and Somnium herself walked in, immediately silencing the rear admiral with her mere presence.

Imperator Somnium: "Admiral, do you have a moment?"

Y/n: "Depends, what's up?"

Imperator Somnium: "It's Gangut."

Y/n: "Fucking-... Inform Kronshtadt and Sovetskaya Belorussiya. Anything else?"

Imperator Somnium: "Yes, we've intercepted deep space transmissions between two imperial ships. One of the signals is similar to mine."

Y/n: "Hm... What about the other one?"

Imperator Somnium: "We've confirmed that it's got a similar signal to Vengeance Incandescent and Phalanx, but it's much... louder."

Y/n: "Got it. If any of the other legion flagships are near them then ask them to check it out for me."

Somnium nodded before noticing Alina.

Imperator Somnium: "Oh, my apologies. I didn't see you there. I am Imperator Somnium."

Alina was still stunned. Somnium's words seemed to ring with different meanings in her head.

Somnium then turned back to Y/n and addressed another issue.

Imperator Somnium: "I should also mention that I have contacted Nightfall and she has agreed to assist in the interrogation of the siren we captured."

Y/n: "Good. Ensure she takes it easy with the flaying. How's Spirit doing?"

Imperator Somnium: "Vengeful Spirit, Manchester, and Edinburgh are all still on mission. Finding those META ships is certainly time consuming, but I'd imagine they'll be home by evening."

Y/n: "Good."

Alina couldn't help but stay silent. Somnium was unlike anything she had ever seen before, however she was broken out of her stupor as Y/n stood up.

Alina: "W- Where are you going?"

Y/n: "To oversee training exercises. Imperial Flame and Divine Right are working with other ships to ensure cohesion between the different factions."

Alina quickly stood up and followed Y/n as he exited the office and headed to the training ground.

The two soon found themselves watching as ships from Sakura Empire, Vichya Dominion, Eagle Union, and the Royal Navy tried to gang up on both Imperial battleships. Alina was amazed by how elegantly destructive the two were, they were holding back by a significant amount obviously, but it was an exercise in faction cohesion. Divine Right occasionally sent out thunderhawks to intercept aircraft sent by Hornet.

Alina: "... They're only using their secondaries?"

Y/n: "A lance battery is far too much. We want this to be a training exercise, not an execution by firing squad."

The two continued to watch as the Imperial ships made the others look like child's play. Alina could hardly take her eyes off of the two battleships, and when the training came to an end, she found herself sitting at the same table as them in the mess hall.

Hilariously, she was between Macragge's Honour and Flamewrought.

The two tallest shipgirls there aside from Somnium.

Y/n himself was on the opposite side of the table, quite happily tucking into his lunch while the imperial shipgirls chatted amongst themselves. Phalanx then perked up unexpectedly.

Phalanx: "Lord High Admiral, I'm receiving word from Invincible Reason that a further two imperial ships have been found. As well as two xenos ships."

Y/n raised an eyebrow before leaning his elbow on the table.

Y/n: "Xenos? Hm... It matters little. Who are the Imperials?"

Phalanx: "... Eternal Crusader is one of them."

Everyone: "Oh fuck, the Templars..."

Alina: "What's wrong with Eternal Crusader?"

Y/n: "It's nothing wrong with her per se... Rather the chapter she serves with."

Phalanx: "The Black Templars are like Primarch Dorn's hyper-autistic nephews."

Macragge's Honour: "They really are a massive headache..."

Y/n sighed before turning back to Phalanx.

Y/n: "Who's the other imperial ship?"

Phalanx listened to what Invincible Reason said and went dead silent.

Phalanx: "... Her name is Bucephalus."

All at once, everyone at the table went silent. However a nostalgic smile appeared on Somnium's face. Bucephalus was the name of the Emperor's other flagship. She was Somnium's sister in that sense.

Y/n: "Ah, so Bucephalus is going to be coming here... How much you guys wanna bet that she's going to be aggressively gold?"

Flamewrought: "Knowing what the Emperor was like, I'd probably have to agree."

Imperator Somnium: "Yes, sister will likely be rather... regal in appearance."

Y/n chuckled before turning to the other issue they faced.

Y/n: "So who're the Xenos ships?"

Phalanx relayed the question to Invincible Reason and went silent for a few seconds before answering.

Phalanx: "... The first one is warboss Godstompa's battleship, Starkrusha."

Y/n: "Oooooh! Orks!"

Somnium burst into a fit of giggling at Y/n's very apparent excitement. She knew he loved Orks for the pure fact that they were always a joy to fight. A heretical view in the eyes of the ecclesiarchs perhaps, but one she couldn't help but agree with.

Phalanx: "The other is a Shadow class cruiser. Her name is Black Star."

Y/n: "Eldar, eh? That'll be... odd."

Everyone flashed a glance at Macragge's Honour, causing her to sigh. Just as everyone was about to engage with the conversation however, Vengeful Spirit walked in with Manchester and Edinburgh."

Manchester: "We're back!"

Y/n: "Welcome back, Spirit. How was your mission?"

Vengeful Spirit: "Targets have been located. They have their own little outpost of META ships. Manchester talked to 'em and they said they'd only talk to ya if it was on their terms."

Y/n: "Meaning I have to go to their outpost personally. Very well. I'll head out there in two days."

Vengeful Spirit: "Anything interesting happen round here while I was gone?"

Y/n: "We got a visit from Azur Lane high command. This is Rear Admiral Alina Galíndez by the way."

Y/n motioned to Alina, who was still sandwiched between the slender and elegant form of Macragge's Honour and the muscular bulk of Flamewrought.

Vengeful Spirit: "Ah, so the big wigs decided to stop by. Lazy bastards couldn't even be bothered to come here themselves and just sent a rear admiral?"

Y/n: "Not that different from the imperial navy to be honest."

Flamewrought: "Unfortunately true. High command only ever sent envoys of lower ranks when it came to this sort of thing."

Y/n nodded before the air began to rumble, signaling the arrival of a new ship.

Alina: "What is that!?"

Y/n: "Another Imperial ship has arrived. Let's go greet her, girls."

The other Imperial ships nodded as they stood and walked out with the Lord High Admiral. A few regular shipgirls followed out of curiosity to see who it was. Immediately, a few shipgirls ran back into the base. Y/n's eyes narrowed, and Alina raised her hands to cover her mouth.

This new shipgirl was wearing dirty white armor, and two oddly shaped horns sprouted from her head of crimson hair. Her one pauldron was blue and bore a circular, crimson insignia upon it. Chains were present around her muscular form, and there was blood splattered on her arms and abdomen. Though Y/n recognized the symbol tattooed on her exposed bicep.

Alina: "Wh- What is-"

Y/n:"Careful. She's arguably one of the more...volatile ships here."

Imperator Somnium: "Indeed."

Alina: "Who is she?"

Y/n: "You wanna tell her yourself?"

Y/n's words were directed at the shipgirl herself, and her bright red eyes locked onto him before she proudly stood tall, albeit with a slight snarl present on her face.

???: "Flagship of the XIIth legion of the Legiones Astartes...

... My name is Conqueror."

End of Chapter.

Next TIme: The Crimson Angel of Khorne.

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