Ever Distant Thunder

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This was surely impossible.

Y/n: "Y- You are Imperator Somnium? But... that can't be. You were destroyed!"

Imperator Somnium: "I remember. It hurt when I was torn apart. But... I found myself here after a while."

Y/n: "So you suffered the same fate as we did."

Imperator Somnium: "I believe it was my lord who saved me. He must have sent me through the immaterium so that I may be reborn."

Y/n: "Perhaps. But why would I then be sent?"

Imperator Somnium: "Our lord works in mysterious ways. How that may relate to the fact that he's kind of a dick is unknown to me. But perhaps... He saw promise in you."

The conversation between the two lasted for a few minutes longer before their signal started to distort. The last thing Imperator Somnium told Y/n was that she would arrive within three weeks.

Y/n: "Imperator Somnium... We will welcome you home."

Y/n smiled before getting up to stretch his legs for a bit.

As he walked through the base, he saw Imperial Flame speaking with the four he had asked to see. As such, he wandered over to them.

Y/n: "Flame."

Imperial Flame: "Lord High Admiral. Why are you out of your office?"

Y/n: "Need to stretch my legs. Besides, it's a rather nice day out."

Imperial Flame: "With that, I cannot disagree."

Laffey: "Admiral, you wanted to see us?"

Y/n: "Yes. Ayanami. Z23. I assume you have found your stay here to be different from what you expected?"

Z23: "... Everyone's weirdly nice to me."

Ayanami: "Yeah, it's strange."

Y/n: "They recognise that this was the decision of your leaders and you yourself are not to blame for your faction's position. In a sense, I feel the same. But to a far lesser extent. However that is neither here nor there."

The four looked to their new Admiral as he adjusted the Aquila on his blazer.

Y/n: "I want the four of you to be ambassadors for Azur Lane as an alliance."

Imperial Flame: "If that is the case, won't we need an imperial ambassador. And one from the dragon empery?"

Y/n: "I can act as the ambassador of the imperium since I'm the acting Lord High Admiral. As for the Dragon Empery. I'll talk to Ning Hai and Ping Hai and see if they can recommend anyone.

Imperial Flame: "Very well."

Y/n: "Also. I was able to contact our friend from before. The one who tried to reach out to us, but couldn't."

Imperial Flame: "You were!? Who is she?"

Y/n: "I won't spoil it, but know that she is more important than any of us know."

Imperial Flame nodded before Y/n headed to the dorms and up to his room.

Upon entering, he discarded his blazer and shirt. His skin shone in the sunlight coming through the window. However he closed the blinds. Something that was likely to piss off Belfast if she found out.

He unholstered his weapons before laying them gently on the floor. Following that, he sat cross-legged between the weapons and laid out a small, lidded metal dish.

He lifted the lid and flattened the powder within before holding a small plate with a pattern cut out of it over the flattened powder. He then filled the pattern with incense to be burned.

After he finished setting everything up, he lit candles around the room and then set the incense alight, allowing it to fill the room as he closed his eyes and entered into a meditative state.

A few hours later, Belfast knocked on the door of the Admiral's office to find no response.

Belfast: "Hm. Perhaps he has gone to the canteen."

Belfast walked with someone new at her side to the canteen. When they arrived, they found Sword of Sacrilege, but the Lord High Admiral was nowhere to be seen.

Belfast: "Sword."

Sword of Sacrilege: "Yo."

Belfast: "Do you perhaps know where the Lord High Admiral is?"

Sword of Sacrilege looked at the clock and shrugged.

Sword of Sacrilege: "It's about that time anyway. Go check his room. He's probably meditatin'."

Belfast thanked the Chaos ship and walked to the dorms with her companion. They found Y/n's room and could smell something from the other side of the door.

Belfast: "That scent... it's strange."

Belfast knocked on the door. No response again.

As such, she merely opened the door, finding the room to be lit only by a few candles.

Y/n was deep in meditation in the middle of the floor. His firearms lay at either side of him while an incense burner lay in front of him.

Belfast: "That explains the smell. Admiral. Can you hear me?"

Y/n opened one eye and looked at the slowly fading smoke of the incense burner. His time of meditation was up it seemed.

Belfast: "... Admiral?"

Y/n: "Yes, I hear you. Give me a moment to clear this up."

Belfast: "Allow me."

Belfast went to pick up one of the candles when something unseen pushed her back.

Y/n himself then picked up the incense burner before placing it on the drawers in front of him. He then snuffed the candles one by one with his thumb and index finger before placing them on his desk.

Finally, he holstered his weapons again.

Belfast then walked over and opened the curtains. When she turned to the admiral, she gasped in shock.

Y/n's chest was covered in scars and he had the imperial aquila seared onto his left shoulder as well as the imperial navy's sigil on his right pectoral.

Y/n: "Is there something on my face, Belfast?"

Belfast: "N- No, it's just... those scars."

Y/n: "Reminders of previous battles. Anyway, you wanted to see me?"

Belfast: "Indeed. As I am going to be preoccupied with Enterprise, I have assigned you a personal maid. Allow me to introduce HMS Sirius."

Sirius: "It is an honour to be of service, Lord High Admiral."

The rather buxom woman next to Belfast curtseyed to the Lord High Admiral, earning a nod from him.

Y/n: "I see. What is the purpose of this?"

Belfast: "We cannot have you being unattended at any time, Lord High Admiral. As such, I think it best that Sirius be at your side at all times."

Y/n: "I assume I don't have a say in this?"

Belfast: "You assume correctly."

Y/n deadpanned before pulling his shirt and blazer on.

Y/n: "Very well. You may go, Belfast."

Belfast nodded and left the two while she went to find Enterprise.

Y/n: "Alright then, Sirius. For the moment, I have some work to attend to regarding the coming imperial ships and construction of better defence weaponry."

Sirius: "Understood. Do let me know if you need anything at all."

Y/n nodded as the two headed to his office.

Meanwhile in the Sakura Empire, two new fleets of ships had just arrived.

At the helm of the first fleet was IJN Mikasa. A powerful battleship and excellent strategist, just don't mention her age. The one at the head of the second feet was IJN Musashi. A revered battleship even amongst the Sakura Empire's elite. She was wise beyond words and fiercely protective of the Sakura Empire.

The two flagships entered the shrine where Nagato was waiting with Akagi and Kaga.

Mikasa: "We came as fast as we could."

Musashi: "There is a sense of fear in the air. I trust nobody is hurt?"

Nagato: "Takao took a bit of a beating, but she is otherwise fine. Akagi and Kaga sustained some damage as well, but as you can see, they're still alright."

Musashi: "Good. Then their intentions were not to destroy us."

Mikasa: "You say that with such confidence. Do you know something we do not, Musashi?"

Musashi: "Who knows? Perhaps I do. Perhaps I do not."

Oh yeah, Musashi was also known for being very cryptic with her wording on purpose. Nobody knew if it was to encourage her fellow ships to figure things out for themselves, or if she was messing with them.

Nagato: "What do you suggest we do against such an enemy?"

Mikasa: "We must fight cautiously. They are powerful, of that, there is no doubt in my mind."

Musashi: "From what I gather, their power is undeniable. However, fighting them is not the only way. We have options."

Mikasa: "Musashi?"

Musashi: "Allow me some days that I may engage them in diplomacy."

Akagi: "There is nothing to gain from that. Those ships are... I don't even know how such power can be possible."

Musashi: "Fufu... It is in a songbird's nature to chirp. If it does not, then one must simply wait until it does. Do you understand my meaning, Akagi?"

Akagi was confused, however Musashi likely knew what she was doing.

After a few more minutes of debate, Musashi departed. She and a few of the ships that accompanied her headed for Azur Lane's base. It would likely take some time, but they were undeterred.


Two days later, Imperial Flame sensed something approaching the base as she stood in Y/n's office.

Imperial Flame: "Lord High Admiral. You may want to look at this."

Y/n had a look at the scanner screen on his desk and saw the small fleet of four ships making its way slowly towards them.

Y/n: "Friend or foe?"

Imperial Flame: "From what my scans are telling me, they are from the Sakura Empire. Not anyone we've encountered yet though."

Y/n: "I see. Then we shall see for ourselves what they do."

Y/n got to his feet and walked out with Sirius close behind him. He headed to the port where a group of ships were watching with nervousness. He could sense their apprehension as he raised his arm.

Y/n: "Let them in. They would have brought more firepower had they wished to mount an assault. Not that it'd do much in al honesty though."

Sirius: "You're sure of this, Admiral?"

Y/n: "I am. Sword of Sacrilege is positioned above them. If they try anything, she will destroy them."

Sirius nodded as the Sakura Empire ships got closer and eventually docked in the port. Y/n noted Musashi's regal appearance and demeanour as she descended from her ship.

The Yamato class battleship saw him standing with his arms crossed behind his back and smiled.

Musashi: "I see. They have a human leader."

Musashi walked over and stood before Y/n with a serene look about her.

Musashi: "I am Musashi, the existence that was supposed to turn the tides in the Sakura Empire's favour during the war... But there is no point lamenting the past. It is simply not in my nature. For the moment I am here, not for war, but for negotiations."

Y/n: "Negotiatons? Shall I assume your leader is afraid of us?"

Musashi: "Considering the size of the ship that has been hanging over our heads this whole time, I would assume yes."

Y/n: "Precautions had to be taken. I'm sure you understand."

Musashi: "More than you know. For now however, shall we meet somewhere more confidential?"

Y/n narrowed his eyes, but motioned for Musashi to follow him. She and her entourage walked after him as he lead them to his office. He asked Sirius to go find Queen Elizabeth and Enterprise while he spoke with Musashi in his office.

When she had left, Musashi took a seat across from Y/n's desk while the other three ships stood behind her. Imperial Flame stood at the window by Y/n's side.

Musashi: "Why don't you three take a seat as well? We are not here for hostilities after all."

The others looked at one another before taking a seat on the couch.

Musashi: "I assume talks can begin when the others arrive?"

Y/n: "Officially, yes. However I can assume you have questions about me."

Musashi: "You're certainly rather observant, Admiral. I will be blunt then, I have never laid eyes upon such a human in my life. One so young, yet one clearly so experienced in war. Surely you cannot be any more than-"

Y/n: "My age is of no concern. It does not hinder or enhance my abilities, therefore it is irrelevant to me."

Musashi raised an eyebrow at this but chose not to address it. The door was then opened and Queen Elizabeth walked in with Sirius, Hood, Warspite, Cleveland, Belfast, and Enterprise.

Enterprise: "Sorry we're late."

Y/n: "Think nothing of it. Take a seat and we can actually begin."

The two obliged and took a seat on the couch opposite Musashi's entourage as Y/n began.

Y/n: "From what I understand, the Sakura Empire has been engaging in some rather lucrative deals."

Musashi: "Oh? This is the first I'm hearing of it."

Y/n: "We have intel taken directly from the Sakura Empire suggesting that the carriers, Akagi and Kaga were in direct contact with a Siren."

Musashi's tone lowered slightly upon learning this.

Musashi: "Hoh? They were, were they? I shall speak with them upon my return to the Sakura Empire."

One of Musashi's entourage stood from her seat with an annoyed frown.

???: "Where is your proof of this, if I may ask?"

Musashi: "Wakatsuki."

Y/n: "It's understandable that she's suspicious of us. However I can provide proof."

Y/n motioned to Sirius, who nodded before placing the box containing the black wisdom cube on the table and opening it for the Sakura Empire ships to see.

Sirius: "This was recovered by Divine Right from an intercepted meeting between a Siren, Akagi and Kaga."

Musashi looked at it with an unreadable expression. When next she spoke, her voice had taken on a new tone. If Musashi was angry, then she was VERY good at hiding it.

Musashi: "... I shall have words with them later. For the moment however, we must focus on the task at hand. Mikasa and Akagi believe we must fight. Nagato is of a conflicted mind, so it has fallen to me to be the voice of diplomacy."

Y/n: "I see. So the others want war while you wish for a more amicable solution."

Musashi: "None of us want war. Merely to defend our home."

Y/n: "Then what do you suggest? Surely this was ill-advised by your peers."

Musashi laughed lightly. Despite the fact that she hadn't opened fire once, Y/n could tell she was a dangerous one. Words could be equally as effective as weapons in war after all. Primarch Guilliman was a good example of that. He was fierce as a warrior, but his skills with diplomacy had allowed him to unite the five hundred worlds of Ultramar under his empire before the Emperor found him.

Musashi: "You are correct. However I believe that one must always be ready for the tide to change. The crimson axis has already made their intentions clear, however I see things differently. We are all ultimately against the sirens, so what does it matter if we work together? It should not be frowned upon, rather it should be encouraged."

Y/n: "I see the merit in an alliance. However there is more complexities to be looked at. From the research I have conducted, there are more nations than just the ones present in this base."

Musashi: "Indeed. Northern Parliament. Sardegna Empire. Iris Libre. Vichya Dominion and... Those ones."

Queen Elizabeth: "Those ones? What are you talking about?"

Musashi: "Sakawa. Explain to them what you encountered."

Sakawa: "Alright. I was out on patrol at one point and started coming across a whole bunch of destroyed mass-produced siren ships."

Y/n: "One of the other nations?"

Sakawa: "That's what I thought as well. But that's when I saw someone in the middle of the destroyed ships. She looked like Hiryuu, but... there was something off about her."

Musashi: "We've been receiving multiple reports of similar happenings. Descriptions matching Hiryuu, Souryuu, Fusou, Yamashiro, Hiyou, Takao, and Junyou."

Y/n: "Hm. A new foe perhaps?"

Musashi: "It's unclear. However we have dubbed them as Ashes."

Y/n hummed and rested his chin on his hand before turning to Imperial Flame.

Y/n: "Imperial Flame. Prepare a planetwide scan. See if you can find one of these ships."

Imperial Flame: "As you command."

The last of Musashi's entourage spoke up. She was a more reserved girl from the sounds of things, however while that may have been the case, Y/n knew that she was still a warship at heart.

???: "Are you planning to meet one?"

Y/n: "If I wish to gain more information then the best way to do so is to gain a reliable source."

Musashi smiled at Y/n's answer. So far she was more than satisfied that the man in charge of leading the Azur Lane alliance was competent.

Sirius: "Oh, honourable master. I believe it is close to your usual meditation time."

Y/n: "As much as I hate to admit as much, this is more important. It can wait."

Sirius: "Very well."

Hood: "I didn't know you meditated."

Y/n: "I do so at the same time every day. It's been part of my routine since the day I was first inducted into the Imperial Navy."

Imperial Flame: "He's right. My hull contains a cathedral where the crew would go to pray."

Musashi was impressed that a cathedral could be built into a ship. But then again, she had seen how large Sword of Sacrilege was.

Musashi: "Our meeting here has been rather amicable thus far. But allow me to be blunt once again. Should I offer an alliance with the Sakura Empire... Conditions would need to be met."

Y/n: "You would arrange for the return of the ships we captured."

Musashi: "Is that an issue?"

Y/n: "Not on this end. Though you would need to convince your peers that we can be trusted."

Musashi: "That shall prove to be of little issue. Though having one of your ships with me would perhaps help to convey the situation."

Y/n: "Hm. Divine Right is better at commanding than any form of diplomacy. Imperial Flame is good at strategy but has all the diplomatic skills of a bomb squig."

Imperial Flame's eye twitched before she swiftly slapped Y/n upside the head. There was a moment of stunned silence from the others in the room before Y/n spun in his chair round to Imperial Flame.

Y/n: "... How rude."

Imperial Flame: "But not undeserved."

Y/n: "Don't care. Still rude."

The air between the two seemed tense on the outside, but this was merely a bout of banter between them.

Y/n: "... Anyway, I wouldn't trust Sword of Sacrilege anywhere near a discussion since she's more battle-horny than most Black Templars, or Emperor forbid, Carcharodons."

Imperial Flame: "That's an achievement and a half considering she's a chaos ship."

The others were stunned by how quickly the two could switch from banter to serious discussion.

Musashi: "So is there nobody who can aid in discussions?"

Y/n: "We have a proverb that I've come to use quite frequently in the Imperium, Musashi."

Musashi: "Hm? What might that be?"

Just as she spoke, the air began to rumble violently.

Y/n: "Speak of a daemon and one of the bastards shall appear. Flame, who is it?"

Imperial Flame: "Only one way to find out."

Y/n and Imperial Flame both stood and walked out to the port. Musashi, Enterprise and Queen Elizabeth followed them with Belfast and Sirius close behind.

As the group exited the building, they looked up as a hole in reality was torn open high in the clouds.

Looking up, they saw something emerge from the warp. Y/n recognised the ceramite hull and massive omega symbol.

Y/n: "Well. You wanted a diplomat. I think one has just arrived, especially if she's anything like her Primarch."

Imperial Flame: "I will go to her."

Y/n nodded as Imperial Flame summoned her rigging and ascended to meet the Gloriana-Class ship.

A few minutes later, a flash came from overhead and two figured descended. One of which was Imperial Flame. Y/n's eyes shot wide open when he saw the form that the other ship had taken.

Ultramar's Capitol ship. Their pride and joy. A behemoth of a ship that had served for more than ten thousand years. One would think she would take on the form of a young Macragge woman. Perhaps even the late Lady Tarasha Euten herself. But no. Instead she had taken a form that Y/n honestly found to be quite hilarious. Long, blonde hair was expected, as were her piercing green eyes and blue attire. However the difference was that her height was far greater than everyone else present and her pointed, elongated ears.

Y/n knew this species well. He had more recently come into frequent contact with them as they buzzed around the imperium with the Ultramarines.

Which made it all the more hilarious seeing an Eldar stepping onto the base with a laurel crown on her head and an Iron Halo hovering just above her.

End of Chapter.

Next Time: The Jewel of Ultramar.

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