The Jewel of Ultramar

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Y/n: "Macragge's Honour. I'm glad you made it here safely."

Macragge's Honour looked down at Y/n as she dismissed her rigging and returned it to low orbit. She spoke no words, however she saw the look in Y/n's eyes and knew it well.

Macragge's Honour: "So you are our Lord High Admiral?"

Y/n: "Acting Lord High Admiral, but yes."

Macragge's Honour sighed before placing a hand on Y/n's shoulder.

Macragge's Honour: "I know that look. I see it often in the higher ranks of the navy. You, young admiral, have not rested nearly as much as you should."

Y/n: "... Eh?"

Belfast took the opportunity to speak up in response.

Belfast: "I've been able to confirm he has rested since arriving."

Macragge's Honour: "How many hours?"

Belfast: "Hm. Well usually he retires to his room at about eight at night and wakes around the same time in the morning."

Macragge's Honour: "So no more than twelve hours per night. Considering you've been here for several days then that is..."

Belfast looked confused at Macragge's Honour as she paused.


Macragge's Honour grabbed Y/n by the wrist and ordered Imperial Flame to lead her to the Admiral's quarters, where she then proceeded to drag Y/n by the wrist.

Upon their arrival, Macragge's Honour opened the door and pushed Y/n inside.

Macragge's Honour: "In order for you to be at full operational capacity, I request that you continue to rest. I shall carry out your duties in your stead. I expect you to rest for no less than six days."


Macragge's Honour: "I shall have someone bring you food at mealtimes. You have your vox caster there as well. If you require a snack, then use it to contact me and I shall bring you something if I am not busy."

Y/n: "We don't have any corpse-starch left. Belfast got rid of it."

Macragge's Honour: "Good. That stuff is no good for you. As you are still of your early twenties, I will bring you Amino-Porridge in the mornings."

Y/n: "FUCKIN' SPACE MARINE FOOD!? Are you sure that's not gonna fuckin' kill me!?"

Macragge's Honour: "It will provide you with proteins that will be essential for your continued health. I believe I also have Triglyceride Gel, so I shall have you eat that as well."

Y/n: "Is that even safe for unaugmented human consumption?"

Macragge's Honour: "I have no idea. However we shall find out soon. For now though, Admiral. Rest. You have already been through much these past months."

Y/n sighed in defeat as Macragge's Honour closed the door behind him. Resigning himself to following her instructions, he removed his uniform and stood looking in the mirror in naught but his underwear.

He looked over every scar on his body. Small burn marks, slashes, shrapnel. He was just lucky he didn't have to get any prosthesis.

With a sigh, he got ready to settle himself into his bed.

For once, he decided he'd actually try and get comfortable. Feeling the soft, springy mattress beneath his hands, he realised just how lucky he was as a Lord Captain. High ranking officers in the navy usually had lavish rooms and Divine Right's captain had a harem of fifty women aboard at one point.

Y/n had been content with a more moderately decorated room, so even this modest comfort was enough for him. As such, he pulled the soft, heavy covers over himself, leaving half of his upper body exposed. He rolled onto his side and felt the pillow beneath his head, so soft compared to the one he had before.

Feeling this comfort helped him to drift off to sleep.

But his sleep was not one full of dreams. No. He found himself within the warp once more.

This time however, a voice echoed around him.

"You yet live. You, who was not of my design."

That voice was so crushing in its presence that Y/n felt almost suffocated by it. But somehow, Y/n knew who was speaking to him.

Y/n: "M- My Emperor. You... You would speak to a mere Lord Captain?"

"I speak to a Lord High Admiral. Not a Lord Captain."

Y/n: "I am just in an acting position, my lord."

"Not anymore."

Y/n felt a strange sensation and saw a golden Imperial Aquila in his hand.

Y/n: "My lord..."

"Remember the Imperial Truth. My Imperial Truth."

With those words spoken, something seared itself into Y/n's mind.

Great actions have shaped our society, the greatest of which, intellectually, has been our casting off of that heavy mantle called religion. Religion damned our species for thousands of years, from the lowest superstition to the highest conclaves of spiritual faith. It drove us to madness, to war, to murder; it hung upon us like a disease. Faith, belief in demons, spirits and an afterlife were simple tools for simple minds to which the vastness of the cosmos was beyond comprehension. It is all ignorance and lies. We have since realised that there are no gods, and no need for gods.

With his piece said, the lord high admiral was sent back and awakened with a start. As he looked outside, he saw that night had fallen.

Y/n: "... Have I truly been asleep for so long that it has gotten dark?"

He looked to his desk, upon which was a silver cloche. He lifted it and saw that there was a piping hot meal waiting for him. He pulled his chair out and sat down before tucking in. The food itself was a peculiar dish he had never tasted before. Some manner of brown, savoury pudding with a rather unique taste. It was served with mashed potatoes and mashed turnip. The unknown food had a rich, meaty, warm, peppery flavour with a texture reminiscent of oats. The potatoes were mashed to have a smooth texture and a rather pleasant, buttery taste to them while the turnips had a similar texture to the potatoes, but a more fresh, earthy taste.

All in all, it was a pleasant meal.

Y/n spotted a note underneath the plate and picked it up to read it.

"Lord High Admiral Y/n. Macragge's Honour has departed with IJN Musashi and her entourage. With her is Divine Right, Enterprise, and HMS Belfast, as well as the four ambassadors you appointed. As such, HMS Sirius will be predominantly taking care of you whilst HMS Edinburgh and HMS Glasgow assist her in this task."

Y/n sighed, at least Macragge's Honour was going to be preoccupied with dealing with the Sakura Empire.

For the moment however, he needed to get some more rest.


Y/n smirked before pulling his shirt and trousers on. He didn't bother with the blazer since he wasn't on official business.

After pulling his shoes on, he wandered into the hall.

As he walked through the dorms, he could hear some of the ships snoring rather loudly. Ark Royal was especially bad for it.

However he paid it no mind as he walked into the night air.

He saw that there were still some places open, mostly restaurants, however he saw the shop that Ning Hai and Ping Hai had set up and decided to see what they were selling.

The two didn't see him approach and were quite startled when he seemingly materialised in front of their stall.

Ning Hai: "A- Admiral!"

Ping Hai: "We're not doing anything bad, I swear!"

Y/n: "Think nothing of it. I was merely curious and decided to sate that curiosity. With that in mind however, what are these?"

Ping Hai: "Oh! T- They're rice cakes."

Y/n: "Would you mind if I tried one?"

Ping Hai's eyes lit up and she eagerly handed one to him, insisting he didn't need to pay since he was letting them stay on the base.

Y/n saw no use in arguing with her and took a bite. The rice was soft and fluffy. Y/n could feel his mouth filling with steam as he bit into it. He enjoyed the taste, rice was something he seldom ate in the imperium. Mostly he lived off of rations and, while still disgusted by the taste, was still very much used to eating corpse-starch.

Ning Hai: "H- How is it?"

Y/n: "Hm... I like it. It's different from what I've eaten before. Saying that, my diet wasn't the greatest back in the Imperium."

Ping Hai: "What did you eat back home?"

Y/n: "You don't want to know. It's probably something that isn't fit for human consumption here."

Y/n gave a slight smile before leaving some money as he walked to a secluded spot elsewhere on the base.

From what he could guess; Ayanami, Z23, Laffey and Javelin had likely accompanied Macragge's Honour to the Sakura Empire. A good move. Having those four would allow the Crimson Axis to see the futility of their actions.

Eventually Y/n wandered to the edge of a cliff that looked out over the ocean. Sword of Sacrilege was still hanging in the sky above him, so there was likely about to be an attempt to kill or capture him.

Thankfully, he had grabbed his plasma pistol before leaving. He placed a hand on it as a figure loomed over him, casting his frame in shadow.

Y/n: "Your rigging looks similar to Eugen. I'll guess you're from Iron Blood then?"

The figure giggled as she was illuminated by the moonlight. Y/n took note of her pale skin and long, jet black hair.

???: "So you are the one in charge here? Fufufu~ It's rather bold of you to be out here on your own."

Y/n: "Two things. One: I'm armed with a weapon that can put a sizeable hole in your hull. Second: look up."

The figure looked up and, sure enough, Sword of Sacrilege was now hovering in her human form with her rigging out above her.

Sword of Sacrilege: "Yo."

The woman backed up slightly as Sword landed next to Y/n.

Y/n: "I trust you saw Macragge's Honour leaving earlier? She's on her way to a summit with the Sakura Empire. If we can get something sorted out there, then I imagine that a summit with Iron Blood won't be far behind. So think about this. Will you attempt to capture me knowing that your home will be reduced to ashes blowing in the wind?"

???: "... I suppose you have me there. Very well. I shall return home for now."

Y/n: "No need. It's likely a long journey back. I will allow you to remain here... under Imperial Flame's supervision of course. Can't be too trusting."

???: "... What are you planning, boy?"

Y/n: "For the moment. I'm planning what I want for breakfast tomorrow. Amino-Porridge doesn't sound bad, but I want to try more of this world's food."

Sword of Sacrilege: "Ha! Macragge's Honour's gonna force-feed you Amino-Porridge!? Bahahaha!"

Y/n: "Laugh it up, traitor tits."

Sword of Sacrilege smirked before catching Y/n in a headlock and roughly rubbing his head with her knuckles. To which Y/n simply grabbed one of her breasts and twisted it, causing her to let out a moan which both she and Y/n blinked in astonishment at.

The Iron Blood ship watched before breaking out into laughter. From what observations had told her, the Imperium ships had no personality outside of their duty, but she now knew that that intel was false though Sword wasn't exactly an Imperium ship.

Back at the Sakura Empire, Musashi finally arrived home. Destroyers gathered around as she and her entourage stepped onto the docks. Enterprise, Belfast, Laffey, Javelin, Z23 and Ayanami were just behind her.

There were several people crowding around the four until Macragge's Honour descended from on high and stepped onto the stone pavement.

Macragge's Honour took a second to look around at the ships and the general environment. The destroyers backed up in fear as she regarded them all with even looks. There was another Iron Blood ship amongst them with blonde hair. Z23 seemed to recognise her, but that could wait until later.

Macragge's Honour: "... How beautiful."

Musashi: "I am glad you think so. This is what I wish to protect. Come, all of you. We shall meet with Nagato immediately."

The others nodded as Musashi lead them to the inner shrine where Nagato waited nervously. Mikasa and Akagi sat at either side of her as they entered.

Nagato immediately felt insignificant compared to the Gloriana-class battleship as she walked in.

Musashi: "Please, take a seat."

Akagi: "Ayanami. You're safe."

Ayanami: "Mhm. Lord High Admiral Y/n made sure we weren't treated badly."

Z23: "Sword still scares me..."

Laffey: "That's just how she is..."

Javelin: "Yeah. She's definitely more laid back than everyone else though."

Macragge's Honour: "That is because Lord High Admiral Y/n is able to keep her in check."

Nagato: "I- I don't believe we have met before. I am IJN Nagato. Leader of the Sakura Empire."

Macragge's Honour: "I see. I am Gloriana-Class Battleship Macragge's Honour. Flagship of the Ultramarines Primarch and Lord Commander of the Imperium, Roboute Guilliman."

Musashi: "You two introduce yourselves as well."

Laffey: "USS Laffey... Eagle Union."

Javelin: "HMS Javelin. Royal Navy."

Akagi: "You were sent as ambassadors for Azur Lane, eh?"

Musashi: "I suggest you quiet yourself, Akagi. I have words for you."

Akagi did NOT like that tone. Musashi was soft spoken, but there was an underlying anger in her tone.

Nagato: "So. Why have you come to us?"

Macragge's Honour: "I have come to negotiate the dissolution of the Crimson Axis and reinstatement of the Sakura Empire into the Azur Lane alliance."

Mikasa: "Oh? And how do you plan to do that?"

Macragge's Honour: "We have Zuikaku and Shoukaku back at our base. We would be willing to negotiate their safe return. There is also the issue of being an enemy of the imperium."

Nagato: "W- Which involves?"

Macragge's Honour: "Put quite bluntly. This nation would either be subjugated by force... Or annihilated completely."

Nagato audibly gulped out of nervousness. The firepower the imperium's ships had displayed was far greater than anything they had access to. Likely even project Orochi paled in comparison.

Mikasa: "How do we know this isn't a ploy to have us turn against Iron Blood?"

Divine Right: "Because one of the Iron Blood ships was in our port when we left. She has likely already been apprehended by Imperial Flame."

Macragge's Honour: "We also have KMS Prinz Eugen captive back at base. We shall use them as bargaining chips to use against Iron Blood. Not to mention, we have Z23 here acting as Azur Lane's Iron Blood ambassador."

Z23 flinched as Macragge's Honour gently placed her hand upon her head.

Akagi: "So why isn't your Admiral here?"

Macragge's Honour: "He has seen much combat in the past few months. Rest has been the furthest thing from his mind, even since arriving here. As such he has been instructed to remain at base and rest whilst I carry out his duties in his stead."

Mikasa: "So you are acting as the leader of Azur Lane?"

Macragge's Honour: "I suppose it can be seen that way. Before anyone gets any ideas though, I am the flagship of Ultramar. Meaning I have led the might of five hundred worlds. Do not think my abilities as a leader are lesser than the Lord High Admiral."

Mikasa was clearly trying to formulate strategies to possibly mount an attack. However she was seeing nothing that would allow the Sakura Empire to defeat them.

Nagato: "So you would return our fifth carrier division if we dissolve the crimson axis?"

Macragge's Honour: "That is part of it. Musashi. I believe you also wish to add a clause to this?"

Musashi: "Indeed. I have been informed about your dealings with the Sirens."

Akagi's eyes widened as Nagato shuddered. Mikasa's eyes narrowed as Macragge's Honour held up the black wisdom cube.

Musashi: "Making deals with our common enemy. I could go on a full rant about how absurdly idiotic this plan is. However I shall not do so. Whatever deal you have made with the Sirens. I want it abandoned. If the Siren returns, you are to destroy it."

Nagato: "... I have no objections. Project Orochi will be sealed away and subsequently destroyed."

Akagi said nothing, but clearly there was something bothering her. Macragge's Honour was able to discern that she was the one directly involved with the Siren.

Macragge's Honour: "... What did it promise you?"

Akagi: "Huh?"

Macragge's Honour: "What did the Siren promise to give you? Clearly there was an incentive."

Akagi stayed silent. However Musashi was able to put two and two together.

Musashi: "... Amagi. That Siren promised to bring Amagi back from the dead, didn't she?"

Mikasa: "That's impossible!"

Divine Right scoffed. She knew of these kinds of deals.

Divine Right: "A monkey's paw."

Macragge's Honour: "I see we have the same idea, Divine Right."

Nagato: "What do you mean by a monkey's paw?"

Divine Right: "This Amagi would be returned, yes. But it would not truly be her. I assume this project Orochi is a ship? Then that would be this so-called resurrected Amagi."

Akagi: "Y- You think so?"

Macragge's Honour: "You would have to be stupid to assume otherwise."

Divine Right: "If you truly wish for this Amagi person to return, then I am afraid you are out of luck."

Macragge's Honour nodded in agreement. There was the chance that they could pray to the Emperor and see if he could help. But knowing him, he wouldn't. Macragge's Honour knew what the Emperor was truly like. The carrion lord of the imperium was a bit of a dick when he wanted to be, which was disturbingly often.

Meanwhile, back at the Azur Lane base. Y/n was sat at a restaurant table with Sword of Sacrilege and the Iron Blood ship that had appeared. He had called for Prinz Eugen to be brought to them so she could help identify the other ship.

When she approached, she froze up as she saw Iron Blood's designated mother.

Prinz Eugen: "Crap... it's Friedrich."

Y/n: "Ah, you made it. Good."

Prinz Eugen: "H- Hey, Friedrich..."

Friedrich: "Haven't I told you hundreds of times by now, Eugen? Just call me Mutter."

Sword of Sacrilege: "Friedrich, eh? Weird name for a ship."

Friedrich: "Well, my full name is Friedrich der Große. I'm like Iron Blood's maternal figure. As such, I always want to make sure my comrades are safe."

Sword of Sacrilege: "I only got to scare 'em. Wasn't allowed to actually put the hurt on 'em".

Y/n: "Because I don't want an uprising of Chaos here, Sword."

Eugen took a seat as Sirius, who had lead her to them, did the same.

Eugen: "So, where's the big bitch?"

Friedrich: "Eugen, sprache."

Eugen: "Deutsch, Mutter."

Sirius gave a slight chuckle at the interaction. She had learned some German in her time in service to the Royal Navy.

Y/n: "Macragge's Honour has gone to the Sakura Empire. Z23 is with her."

Friedrich: "Z23? Why her?"

Y/n: "I appointed her as one of Azur Lane's ambassadors."

Friedrich didn't seem impressed by this. However Y/n kept his composure.

Sword of Sacrilege: "She'll be fine. Divine Right's there so she'll likely keep her safe. Not to mention that blueberry bitch is kinda the same as Friedrich here."

Friedrich's expression lightened slightly.

Friedrich: "Well. That does alleviate some of my worries."

After a further hour of talking, Y/n decided to retire back to his quarters. Eugen and Friedrich were both escorted to their dorm while Sword headed to her own dorm.

As Y/n laid himself back down, he remembered he had not meditated yet. As such, he prepared everything and was about to light the incense when Sirius walked in.

Sirius: "Lord High Admiral."

Y/n: "Oh, Sirius. Did you need something?"

Sirius: "Indeed. Macragge's Honour has tasked me with ensuring you do not meditate."

Y/n: "... Why?"

Sirius: "Something to do with what's in the incense. She wasn't very specific."

Y/n: "Huh. Welp, guess I can't argue. She'd kick my ass if she found out."

Sirius smiled as Y/n snuffed the candles out with his index finger and thumb.

Sirius: "Does that not burn?"

Y/n: "Nah, not really."

Sirius watched as Y/n put everything back.

Y/n: "Well I should try and get some more sleep. I'll see you in the morning, Sirius."

Sirius smiled and curtseyed before leaving.

The lord high admiral sighed before flopping onto his bed.

Y/n: "... By the throne this is boring."

Before long, Y/n had crashed out and fallen asleep. This time, there was no visions of the warp, just a peaceful slumber.

However eventually he opened his eyes as light began to creep into the room. Looking up in mild annoyance, he noticed that the bulge where his body was under the covers was larger than usual. As such, he turned to look at whoever had snuck into bed with him.

He adopted a deadpan stare as he found Friedrich Der Große asleep at his side.

Y/n: "I thought you were supposed to be under surveillance?"

Friedrich stirred before sitting up, revealing that she was wearing nothing whatsoever, causing Y/n's deadpan to grow.

Friedrich looked down and smiled at him.

Friedrich: "Good morning."

Y/n: "Where is Imperial Flame?"

Friedrich: "Likely standing outside the room."

Imperial Flame (muffled): "I'm here, Lord High Admiral."

Y/n: "Flame. The fuck?"

Imperial Flame (muffled): "I got bored and Friedrich said it'd be funny. So far, I'd say she was right."

Y/n: "... Why am I not even remotely surprised?"

Friedrich giggled before standing up and pulling her black dress back on.

Friedrich: "For what it's worth, you're quite good as a body-pillow. I may have to come back."

Y/n sighed before pulling his uniform on and seeing Friedrich off as she headed back to Iron Blood's HQ.

When he turned to head to his office, Sirius grabbed him by the wrist and lead him to the mess hall.

He rolled his eyes before being presented with a plate of what seemed like normal porridge. However Y/n knew what this was. This was Amino-Porridge.

Y/n: "Welp. If I start growing rapidly, then we can blame Macragge's Honour."

Taking a spoonful of the substance, he found it to have an incredibly fibrous texture. The flavour wasn't exactly very palatable either. Y/n preferred his food to be obscenely well seasoned, but this was very bland and difficult to eat.

Y/n: "Eugh. Not good."

Sirius: "Macragge's Honour said this was an everyday meal for her crew?"

Y/n: "That's cuz her crew consists of eight foot tall giga-humans clad in ceramite armour! They probably have stomachs that could fight most warp entities and win!"

Y/n sighed in annoyance when someone poked his shoulder. He turned and found a girl with long black hair standing behind him.

Y/n: "Can I help you?"

???: "O- Oh! You can see me?"

Y/n: "Should I not be able to?"

Sirius: "Ah, don't mind her. This is USS Long Island. An Aircraft Carrier from the Eagle Union."

Long Island: "Hello!"

Y/n: "Oh, you must be one of the reinforcements from the Eagle Union. I assume you've been settling in well?"

Long Island: "Mhm! I heard one of the other girls say you're from space. Is that true?"

Y/n: "Ah... I suppose so. I wasn't born on Terra after all."

Sirius: "Hm. Honourable master, perhaps it would be a good idea to tell us of some of your journeys through the stars."

Y/n: "Why?"

Sirius: "Well if you are to be our commander, then would it not be best to know more about you?"

Y/n: "Hm. I suppose so. Very well. Give me an idea of what you'd like to hear about."

Long Island: "Aliens! Tell me about aliens!"

Y/n had a brief flashback to when he and Imperial Flame had to provide backup to a fleet out in the Gothic sector with a Tyranid hive fleet that was attempting to devour an imperial world.

He decided against telling that story since he lost many friends that day.

Y/n: "Hmmm... Well there was my most enjoyable battle."

Long Island: "Ooh! Tell me!"

Y/n: "Imperial Flame and I were en route to a drop-off point for some Guardsmen that needed to provide backup for their brothers and sisters in the segmentum obscurus. All was going fairly well... Then we heard it."

Long Island: "...?"

Y/n chuckled as he remembered. Despite the vacuum of space, he remembered hearing the merry singing of a group of very large, very dangerous, EXTREMELY stupid creatures.

Y/n: "The sheer power of their concentrated belief overcame the vacuum of space. We heard them yelling and singing as their ship came into view. By no means should this thing have worked. However it did by their combined belief that it did."

Long Island: "What were they?"

Y/n: "... Orks."

Y/n remembered the battle fondly. He had been hailed by the Ork boss who kept hurling insults at him as they fought. But Y/n clapped back with just as much bite. The majority of the fight was spent with both sides howling in laughter as the Ork ship was pelted with shots from Flame's lance batteries.

Y/n: "Orks collectively have a psychic ability to manifest their belief. Had they been intelligent, they'd be the single biggest threat to humanity in the galaxy. Buuuut they're really dumb."

Long Island: "... Huh?"

Y/n: "Put it this way. Most of their gear is made of scrap metal. In fact, where is Flame?"

Imperial Flame approached and sat down with an object wrapped in cloth.

Imperial Flame: "I heard you starting this story, so I brought something from my hull."

Y/n smiled as Flame placed the object on the table. She unwrapped it, revealing what looked like hunks of scrap metal that were haphazardly slapped together.

Y/n: "These are Ork weapons. I doubt any of us can use them since it relies on the Ork's psychic powers."

Imperial Flame: "Wasn't Yarrick able to use an Ork power klaw though?"

Y/n: "Yes. Yes he was. Rest in peace to the old bastard as well."

Flame nodded solemnly before Y/n continued. A few others listened in as he talked about his battle against the Orks. Clearly he enjoyed remembering that fight since he spent the majority of his time engaged in a back and forth yelling contest against the Ork boss.

As he spoke, another woman sat down across from him and laughed. She had hair similar to Enterprise, though hers was shorter and she seemed to be far more tomboyish in nature.

???: "So surely these things have ranks, right?"

Y/n: "As far as I know, Orks go by a size based hierarchy. The biggest Ork is known as the boss. But if you're talking about infantry, then they refer to their basic foot-soldiers as Boyz. Bigger Boyz are known as Nobs."

???: "Boyz? The fuck? How does that work?"

Y/n: "Usually the nobs just point in a direction and scream WAAAAAAGH! Then a phenomenon that we refer to as the green tide surges forth."

Long Island: "Green... Tide?"

Imperial Flame: "It's no understatement. From afar, it looks like a literal tidal wave of Greenskins."

Y/n: "Not something you'd want to be standing in front of, lemme tell ya."

???: "Heh. Alright. What was your worst mission?"

Y/n went silent as he tried to think. He quickly remembered his answer though.

Y/n: "... Before I became a Lord Captain. I was stationed as an ensign aboard the Oberon-class battleship, Might of Thousands. We had a mission to help reinforce a fleet of trade-ships that were coming under attack from Xenos. When we arrived, the battle was already well underway."

The girls noticed Y/n's expression becoming darker.

Y/n: "We engaged. We fought... Fourteen thousand men and women aboard the ship... Five made it out alive."

There was a collective stunned silence from the girls.

Y/n: "I was picked up in the medical wing by a relief flotilla sent by the imperium. That was where I met Shield Captain Piotr."

Imperial Flame: "The aquilan shield Custodian that basically raised you as a lord Captain."

Y/n nodded in response. He remembered looking up from being crushed under a steel beam and seeing the massive form of one of the emperor's golden talons reaching out to him.

???: "Damn. So your worst mission was a total disaster, huh?"

Y/n: "Yep. We got utterly decimated. I heard one of the crew of one of the rescue ships saying he was surprised that one of the chaos gods didn't show up with how hard we got fucked."

Imperial Flame nodded before Y/n continued to tell more stories of his travels through the cold, uncaring void of space.

Eventually he finished the Amino-porridge he was given and immediately moved on to eat something infinitely more palatable.


Before he could however, one of the Eagle Union aircraft carriers, Shangri-la, ran into the room and began yelling.

Shangri-La: "Admiral! We have a situation!"

Y/n: "What is it?"

Shangri-La: "Three fleets of ships are inbound to the base. I have no idea if they're hostile or not though."

Y/n: "Hm. Right, pancakes can wait. Flame, get your rigging ready. Sword, same with you."

Sword of Sacrilege sighed in annoyance before getting up from her seat. The three then walked out to the main docks of the base.

Y/n's eyes narrowed when he saw the flags of the unknown ships. One of them featured a large bear. Another was a shield surrounded by laurel leaves. He recognised Dragon Empery's flag from Ning Hai and Ping Hai as well.

Y/n: "Well now. This just got complicated."

The woman who had sat next to Imperial Flame in the mess hall stepped forward and frowned.

???: "Northern Parliament and Sardegna Empire? The hell are they doing here?"

Imperial Flame: "I assume Dragon Empery are here for Ning Hai and Ping Hai?"

???: "Probably. Tch, damn. Guess I gotta step up then."

???2: "No need, Washington. I have this."

Y/n turned and saw someone walking towards them. She seemed sickly and Washington was shocked to see her.

Washington: "Y- Yorktown!? You should be in bed!"

Yorktown: "N- No. I can handle this much."

Y/n frowned. He recognised this ship as being Enterprise's sister. One who was crippled and bedridden following a battle in a place called Midway.

Yorktown: "Admiral. Allow me to assist."

Y/n was unsure. Yorktown was likely still frail. He sighed and turned to Imperial Flame as he was about to ask her to escort Yorktown back to her room.

However he was cut off from doing so as the air rumbled and Macragge's Honour hovered overhead.

Y/n: "Ah, Terra's tits..."

Macragge's Honour's Gargantuan hull descended slowly before her apparent passengers alighted from her and landed safely on the base grounds.

Y/n frowned as he saw Akagi and Kaga, who froze under the intense glare from Imperial Flame.

Nagato gulped in nervousness before Musashi placed a hand on her shoulder. Divine Right dropped down with her rigging on full display. Enterprise followed closely behind and her eyes widened as she saw Yorktown.

Enterprise: "Sister!"

Yorktown: "Oh, hello Enterprise."

Yorktown smiled kindly as Enterprise rushed over to her.

Belfast frowned as she saw the other nations gathering.

Belfast: "It seems we're about to have a rather grand meeting. We spotted Iris Libre and Vichya Dominion ships on the way here as well."

Y/n: "Hm. What of Iron Blood?"

Laffey: "There's a fleet not far out. One of their number was heading from this direction."

Y/n: "Friedrich. So she had allies waiting for her."

Imperial Flame: "Shall we take this as an act of aggression?"

Macragge's Honour finally descended in her human form and motioned for Divine Right to dismiss her rigging.

Macragge's Honour: "No. Let us invite them in."

Y/n nodded. Macragge's Honour was far more experienced than he was, so having her assisting him would be nothing but beneficial.

One of the Northern Parliament ships formed her rigging and made her way to the base. Y/n noticed that she was rather similar to quite a lot of Valhallan women he had met.

???: "Greetings, Azur Lane. I am Kronshtadt. May we come in?"

Macragge's Honour: "Tell your allies to ensure they behave and you are more than welcome to."

Already the air was tense as Kronshtadt gave Macragge's Honour a level gaze.

Y/n, however, was already bored and fired a single shot from his plasma pistol. Startling most of the ships present. As if that wasn't enough, when Y/n lost his patience, his demeanour changed from that of a member of the Imperial Navy... To a resident of Necromunda's lower hives.

Y/n: "Ya fuckin' done?"

Macragge's Honour was caught off guard by the switch in attitude.

Y/n: "You. Kronshtadt, right?"

Kronshtadt: "Yes."

Y/n: "Cool. Tell your pals to hurry up and fuckin' dock already. When you're all settled in then I'll be in my office."

Y/n turned on his heel and spun his plasma pistol in his hand as he walked back into the base.

Y/n: "Fuckin' need to miss an actual breakfast cuz of this shit."

Everyone was stunned minus Imperial Flame.

Imperial Flame: "Huh. So that still happens."

Sword of Sacrilege: "... Why was that kinda hot?"

Enterprise: "What was that?"

Imperial Flame: "That, Enterprise, is what happens when the Lord High Admiral loses his patience or becomes too stressed. He normally has it under control, but it seems that he can't keep a lid on it forever."

Y/n sighed as he gently pushed the door to his office open. Once he entered, he went to take a seat on his chair, only to find it occupied.

???: "So this is Azur Lane's HQ? How quaint."

Y/n's eyes narrowed as the person spun around in the chair, revealing a relatively young looking girl with marble white hair and piercing yellow eyes.

Y/n: "A Siren, I assume?"

The siren giggled as she hovered just over him.

Siren: "Mhm! Nice to meet you, Lord High Admiral."

This... Had turned into a difficult situation...

... For the Siren anyway.

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Siren's Folly

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