The Beginning

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Hi everyone! So this is my first attempt at a crossover (and writing stories on Wattpad). An idea popped into my head that I'd never seen done before, so I decided to try it out! Some things about the story's timeline we'll need to establish:

1. The Harry Potter Timeline will need to be shifted 13 years forward. Meaning: Percy Jackson is born on August 18, 1993. Harry Potter is born almost a year later on July 31, 1994. The Giant War ends in August in the year 2010. The Wizarding War should end a year later, in May of 2011.

2. Sally Jackson is younger than Severus Snape by 11 months. Severus's birthday will be January 9th, 1973. Sally's birthday will be November 20th, 1973.  At the time that the story starts (August 2010), she will be 36, turning in a couple of months. This means that she would have given birth to Percy at the age of 19 (According to the PJO books, she had dropped out of college and was working odd jobs shortly before she met Poseidon). Severus will be 37 years old. By the way, in this story, Jim and Laura Jackson are Sally's adoptive parents.

Don't forget to review!!


August 18, 2010

Sally Jackson's POV

I check the time anxiously. 3:00 PM. It's Percy's birthday today, and he had spent the day with his friends from camp. He told me that he'd be home around now, so I spent the afternoon baking him a blue cake, as well as some blue cookies. Paul went to work earlier today, leaving his present for Percy on the kitchen table. Oh gods. I can't believe my baby boy's already turning 17! My present to him, wrapped up in blue plastic, sits next to Paul's. I glance around again, making sure everything's in place, when I hear the tapping on the window. Tap. Tap tap. Tap. I cautiously make my way over to it to investigate, and find a familiar jet black owl sitting outside. Tied to the owl's leg is a letter addressed to me. I open the window, and carefully untie the letter. Then, I open a nearby drawer, in which a jar full of bronze coins can be found. I put two of the coins into the owl's pouch, and watch as it nods, and flies away. I close the window, and pick up the letter.

Percy Jackson's POV

My birthday is going swimmingly. I get a couple of gifts from my friends, which was really great of them. Leo and Calypso (who returned together a week after the war) worked together to make a beautiful ring, which I could link to anything I wanted, causing it to appear in my hand with a simple thought. Tyson forged me a dagger, which was also enchanted to be summoned back to me with my mind. The dagger was made of silver and Stygian Iron, capable of hurting both monsters and mortals. Nico gives me a Lotus Casino Card. He had apparently taken two of them when he was in the casino. Jason and Piper give me a backpack that had a lot more space inside of it than it appeared to have. And it would always stay light, which was really useful. The main pocket had the same enchantment on it that my new ring and dagger did. If I was ever looking through the backpack and I wanted something specific, I could just think about it, and the item would rise to the opening. Also, it had a self-updating inventory sheet in one of the side pockets. The sheet would automatically return to the same pocket when I was done with it, so I couldn't even lose it. Frank and Hazel give me a very comfortable saddle for Blackjack, which allowed me to fall on his back from greater distances without having a very painful landing. I thank them all profusely, which they all waved off. Annabeth then drags me to the beach.
"Hey Wise Girl", I say, giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

"Seaweed Brain.", she smirks back. Then, her face turned serious.

"What's wrong?" I ask, concerned.

"A little while ago, I had the idea to create something similar to New Rome for Greek demigods. A  safe haven where we can build a community and live out our lives. So, I prayed to the gods about it, and they summoned me to explain my idea more. And eventually, they decided to put me in charge of designing and constructing it. So I have to go to Olympus for a while to work with the builders and architects there so that we can make the perfect city. Not only do we have to make it safe from monsters and hidden from mortal eyes, we'd need to figure out the architectural details of each building, come up with a strategic layout, determine the sources of energy, effectively mesh mortal technology with our own, maybe think about how the economy would work, possibly establish a government... gods, there's so much that we need to plan. I'd probably be busy for the next year, Percy. I might not be able to even contact you." Annabeth looks very torn at this, and I try to cheer her up.

"It's your dream, Annabeth! You said it yourself: you want to build something permanent. A monument that will last a thousand years. This is an entire city that will last for millennia! I can handle being alone for a year, if it will help you achieve something that important to you!" I say firmly.  Annabeth starts to protest, but I pull her into a tight hug. 

"Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me that you don't want to take this opportunity so badly that you literally cannot even. Come on, I can see it in your eyes. You literally cannot even." I joke. Annabeth sighs.

"I do. You're right, I can't even, to use the teenage vernacular. It's just such an amazing opportunity. And you know, after our unplanned vacation, we'll need some time apart to come to terms with everything that's happened. We've become a little too dependent on each other. I need to be my own person for a while." She's right, as always. After our trip to the pit, Annabeth and I have been practically inseparable. Wherever one goes, the other follows immediately. And we can't live our lives like this. Annabeth and I continue talking about the city she's going to plan, and I watch with an affectionate grin as she lights up completely. The shadows fade from her eyes, and everything about her is alive. If it made her this happy, I'd spend decades away from her. Because she's beautiful when she blazes with passion. And it's one of the many things that I love about her.

After a couple of hours, we stand. It's time to go.

"I love you.", I say. She wraps her arms around me, and kisses me. After we break apart, she smiles at me.

"I know." she replies, winking. I pouts, and she laughs.

"I'm kidding, I love you too, Percy." I smile, and she pecks me on the cheek.

"Nerd." I tease, and she raises an eyebrow.

"You know it." she says proudly. We start walking to the borders of camp, where Argus is waiting to take me to my mom's apartment. On the way there, Annabeth suddenly runs to her cabin. She returns a minute later with a medium sized box. I open it to find her Yankees cap, as well as an owl pendant. She clips the latter onto my camp necklace as I stare at her hat in confusion. Annabeth sees me looking and smiles slightly.

"I won't have any use for it for the next year, so I want you to have it. As a reminder. Same thing with the owl pendant." I smile at her, touched that she's giving it to me. I knew that she trusted me, but it's still a large gesture, especially because the hat is so important to her. I take the hat, and put it into my new backpack. I say goodbye to all of my friends, and we step across the boundary, where Argus is waiting for me.

"I'll miss you, Wise Girl." I say, looking back at Annabeth.

"Ditto, Seaweed Brain.", she replies. I kiss her goodbye, and step into the car. I wave, and shut the door. Argus hits the gas, and I watch Annabeth get smaller and smaller as more distance is put between us. The ride is short, and soon, I find myself standing in front of my apartment. I fish out my spare key, unlock the door, and step inside. I am hit with the amazing scent of my mother's blue cookies. I smile, and quicken my pace, eager to have one.
"Hi, mom!" I yell, walking into the kitchen. There, I see my mother, sitting at the table, reading a letter. She looks rather worried, and I rush to her side, cookies forgotten.

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