The Revelation

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"Mom?", I ask, feeling nervous. She sighs, and turns to me.

"I never told you much about my family." she says out of the blue. I look at her questioningly.

"I was born in London, to Tobias and Eileen Snape on November 20th, 1973. My older brother, Severus, was born 11 months before I was. We lived together peacefully until I was three. Eileen revealed that she was in fact, a witch. By the way, witches and wizards are magical beings whose world mainly exists in Europe. They are born with magic, which allows them to do many incredible things. Most witches and wizards use wands to channel their magic because magic is incredibly hard to control without some way of channeling it. So when I was three, a man tried to rob the house. Eileen used magic to render him unconscious, and Tobias saw. He didn't like the idea of magic, at all. On top of that, Severus, who I later learned was Eileen's son from a previous relationship, was starting to display strange abilities as well. Tobias didn't want his precious daughter to develop any freaky abilities of her own, so he put me in an orphanage. He didn't want to risk me being exposed to magic and developing my own. Severus and I had been very close, and I was very sad to leave him behind. I was lucky enough to be adopted by an American couple living in London within a month. Two years later, the couple, Laura and Jim Jackson, wanted to move back to America. They flew ahead to make sure that their new house was in order. As you know, the plane crashed. And the story remains the same from there. But there is still another layer to the story." she explains. I stare at her, shocked. Then, I realize that my life is already pretty strange, so it doesn't bother me for long. Mom continues her story.

"When I got kidnapped by Hades on your first quest, Hades looked through my family tree because he wanted to see who you might be descended from. When he saw Severus's name, he was very surprised. It turned out that Severus was his son. Much like Nico, Eileen had been hidden in the Lotus Casino since the 1940s. She somehow got out in 1972. She had been pregnant with Severus when she went in, and she gave birth to Severus on January 9th, 1973. Eileen met Tobias soon after, and I was the product of their relationship. The thing is, Severus doesn't know that he's the son of Hades. He was never claimed, and because he was in London, he developed his wizarding powers, but not his godly ones. My case is similar. I never did get any exposure to magic, so it lay dormant inside of me. However, meeting Poseidon awakened it because of his godly magic, so the magic was passed down to you." I look at her, confused.

"I have magic?" I say. Mom smiles.

"When you were a lot younger, you'd sometimes do some things that sons of Poseidon shouldn't be able to do. It's happened less and less since you discovered the mythological world. The last incident was right before your first quest. When you made the three fingered claw and pushed? You actually controlled the air and shoved Gabe." My mouth drops open.

"Seriously? Wait, you saw that?" I ask, my eyes wide. Mom nods in confirmation.

"After I learned that Hades is Severus's father, I got in contact with Severus again. He doesn't know about you or the gods, though. He's been telling me about the events in the wizarding world after I told him I'd been seeing some 'magical' things. Apparently, there's a war going on over there, with a kid about a year younger than you at the center of it. He's the subject of a prophecy, and Severus doesn't like him very much. The thing is, Severus has a dangerous job, and I'm worried about him. It sounds like he's in a lot of trouble. I'll read the letter I got from him today out loud."


I sincerely hope all has been going well for you. My role in the wizarding war has gotten much more complicated, as acting as a double agent is getting tougher and tougher. Two months ago, I was forced to kill Albus Dumbledore per his instructions. There is a very complicated plot afoot that involves the delicacies of wand ownership and appearances. As nobody but myself and Dumbledore was aware of the plot, the light side has concluded that I have been a traitor all along. I have also raised my standing in the Dark Lord's eyes. Dumbledore expects me to remain in the good graces of the Dark Lord, while also aiding Potter and his friends in their little soul hunting quest. I am being forced to do many hard tasks at once, and Dumbledore is being cryptic, as usual. The Dark Lord plans on making me Headmaster of Hogwarts. This adds to my difficulties. I can't trust anyone, so I am alone in this task. If I fail, it is unlikely that the light side will prevail. In any case, if the Dark Lord wins, and tries to take over the world, at least United States has those explosive weapons. I believe they are called missiles? The Dark Lord is much too arrogant to even consider Muggle weapons. I hope that I will be able to write you again.

- Your brother, Severus Snape

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