The Decision

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I look at Mom in alarm.
"I'm going to help him." I say determinedly. My mother looks shocked.

"Percy, you can't -" I cut her off.

"No, mom. I have to. He's family. And family doesn't ever turn their back on family." I stand up, grabbing my backpack.

"Besides, I need to learn how to use my magic anyways. What better way is there then to go to London?" I continue. Mom sighs.

"I know I can't stop you. So, just promise me you'll be careful, and I'll tell you what I know." I promise, and Mom starts talking. It turns out that she knows a lot about the wizarding world. She tells me about Voldemort and his Death Eaters. She tells me about Harry Potter and his adventures, as well as Severus's role in the war. She explains magic a bit more. And she concludes by telling me about the Horcruxes. And by the end of it, I think I have some ideas. The dagger Tyson gave me, the one made of Stygian Iron and silver, could probably destroy Horcruxes. The Stygian Iron absorbs souls, whether they are mortal, immortal, or from a monster. The dagger will also be useful against werewolves and creepy things called dementors, a lot of which are apparently on Voldemort's side. Riptide won't be too helpful against the Death Eaters, which is alright because I can't let anyone learn about the mythological world. I'll just bring it just in case a monster pops up. I make sure I have my Lotus Card and Annabeth's Yankees cap. I also pack lots of ambrosia and nectar, some clothes, a thermos, some drachmas, and a coil of strong rope. I open Mom and Paul's presents as well. Mom got me a paracord bracelet and a sturdy pair of blue running shoes. Paul got me a Swiss Army knife. I put the bracelet and the shoes on, put the Swiss Army knife in my backpack, and hug my mom tightly. She writes down the address of the Leaky Cauldron on a piece of paper, and tucks it into my backpack. I kiss her on the cheek.

"I love you, Mom! Tell Paul I love him too! ", I say. Mom nods in assent, and hugs me tightly again. Once she releases me, I shoulder my backpack, and walk out the door. As I start moving down the hallway, a flash of light startles me. I see a long, thin, box lying on the ground. I open the box, and find a beautiful wand inside, along with a note. I bind the wand to the ring I got from Leo and Calypso, and pick up the note. It reads: Happy Birthday, Perseus Jackson. Congratulations! You are a wizard. There are four things I'd like to tell you.

1. This wand is 12 inches long, made of palm wood and with a core of threstral hair. Unyielding.

2. If you show your wand to the goblins in Gringotts, they'll take you to your vault.

3. You should try vapor traveling to London. Close your eyes, and imagine yourself turning into water, and reforming in London.

4. The incantation Verbus Clarus should cure your dyslexia. Do this with a little flick of your wrist.

For future reference... you are allowed to travel in the air now. Zeus is fine with it. Good luck in my little pet world!!!

- Hecate

I shrug, and decide to try the vapor traveling thing she mentioned. I do exactly as she says. On the first try, I break apart into water molecules, but come back together immediately. On the second try, I manage to move myself 10 feet. On the third try, I put everything I've got into it. I feel a tug in my gut, and it feels like I'm in a very tight water slide. And then, it's all over. I find myself standing next to the Thames river in London, near Cleopatra's Needle. I am extremely tired for a second, but then, I stick my hand in the water. I regain all my strength in seconds, and grin. Now, I just need to get to the Leaky Cauldron, get into Diagon Alley, and head to Gringotts. I decide to try vapor traveling again. I focus on the address Mom gave me until I feel the tug in my gut, and the water slide sensation. When I land, I am standing in front of a small pub. I look up, and realize the sign is a jumble of letters. I bring out my wand to do the incantation Hecate gave me.

"Verbus Clarus." A light green glow surrounds me, and I look up at the sign again. It reads: The Leaky Cauldron. Perfect. I walk in, and ask the bartender, Tom, how to get into Diagon Alley. I explain that I am from America and had no idea of my magical abilities until recently. He tells me that I have to tap a certain brick with a particular rhythym, which he demonstrates for me. I thank Tom, and approach the wall. I tap the brick with my wand, and the wall disappears. I step through the opening, and survey my surroundings. There aren't many people around. I walk until I see a building with a large sign that reads: Gringotts. I smile, and enter the building. I show the goblin teller my wand, and he nods.

"Follow me this way, Mr. Jackson" he says, hobbling over to a door. Behind the door is a mine cart on some tracks. He beckons me forward, gesturing to the cart. I climb in, confused, and the goblin climbs in after me. He pulls the lever, and we shoot off down the tracks. I am pleasantly surprised to find that the entire experience is a lot like a roller coaster. Finally, we stop at a vault with an omega symbol on the door. This must be an Olympian vault. The goblin places his palm on the door, and has me put my palm above his. The door swings open silently, much like Bunker 9 does, and I step inside. I see piles and piles of gold, silver, and bronze coins. My mouth drops open in shock. There are tons of coins in here. The goblin explains the money system to me. Then, he hands me a bag, and I stuff the bag full of Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts. I see several books, written in Greek. One book is called A Complete List of Spells of the Wizarding World. Another one is called Potions: The Subtle Art. The last one that catches my eye is one entitled Animagi: Finding Your Inner Beast. I grab these three books, and put them in my bag. Then, I turn and walk out of the vault. The goblin takes me back to the lobby, and I start exploring the rest of Diagon Alley. I buy myself an ice cream at Florian Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor. I go to Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes, and buy myself something called Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder, which creates a giant cloud of impenetrable darkness, as well as some Decoy Detonators, which run off and cause distractions. I wander around for a while, not really paying much attention to anything. Eventually, I return to the Leaky Cauldron, where I book a room to stay in for the night. Once I am settled inside my room, I pull A Complete List of Spells of the Wizarding World out of my backpack. I start with the basics, practicing each spell until I've got it down. Wingardium Leviosa! Expelliarmus! Alohomora! Locomotor Mortis! Petrificus Totalus! I continue working my way through the book. I stay in the Leaky Cauldron for an entire week, only coming out of my room to buy food. I sleep for about three hours a night, spending the other 21 hours of each day learning spells. By the end of the week, I have learned the most common spells used in the Wizarding World. I then decide that it's time I found my uncle.

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