The Hunt

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August 25, 2010

Percy's POV

Mom had told me that Severus Snape was well known in the Wizarding World. She was right. All I had to do was ask Tom the bartender about what was happening with the Wizarding War, (giving the excuse that I was from America) and I soon had a pretty good grasp on the events going on all around me. I start reading Wizarding newspapers, like the Daily Prophet, looking for my uncle's name. I find articles like Severus Snape: Double Agent for You-Know-Who and The Man Who Killed Dumbledore. These articles tell me exactly how complicated a position my uncle is in. I have no doubts that my uncle is on the light side, but his actions do come across as the opposite. I keep on reading about my uncle. I learn that he is an expert duelist, and a master potioneer. I also learn that as a teacher, he is biased towards the Slytherin house. Students of his report him to be unfair and a terrible teacher, derogatory towards them in literally every way possible. He apparently is the most discriminate towards Harry Potter, the foretold savior of the Wizarding World.

I might not be the smartest demigod to ever exist, but it is clear to me that it's a facade. The people on the dark side, or Death Eaters (what an idiotic name) have children in the Slytherin house. My uncle must be forced to act biased towards them as well as hateful towards Harry for this reason. This intentionally furthers the idea that my uncle is a Death Eater himself.

I grab my stuff, put on some wizarding clothes, and set out towards Slug and Jiggers Apothecary. Seeing as my uncle is a potioneer, the owner might know more about him, especially if the owner sells him ingredients for his potions. I step through the doors and immediately make a beeline for the aged man standing behind the counter.

"Hello, young man. I am Arsenius Jigger, and I am the owner of this shop. How may help you today?", the man says, in a rather strong British accent.

"I'm wondering whether you know where I can find my uncle, as I've heard that he is a well known Potion-Maker?" I reply politely.

"I'm sure I can help. What's his name, young man?", Arsenius asks. I smile at him widely.

"Thank you Mr. Jigger. His name is Severus Snape." At my words, Arsenius's face darkens.

"I know where he lives, but I don't know whether to believe that he's your uncle or not.", he says, peering at me suspiciously. I look down, defeated. Then, an idea hits me.

"You can use the truth serum on me! But only if you tell me what the questions you will ask me are beforehand." I say, looking at him excitedly. He looks at me with more suspicion.

"Some can resist its effects." I shake my head at him.

"You won't understand this, but it's a magical oath. Listen for thunder, and you'll know it's valid. I swear on the River Styx that I'm not lying to you. And that oath, if broken, will cause me to die painfully. It's a magical thing from where I come from." Thunder booms loudly, causing some jars to rattle on the shelves. Arsenius looks at me again, much more closely. I feel something brush against my mind, much like the eidolons. But this presence doesn't feel invasive.

"I believe you. Your thoughts show that you aren't lying. And yes, I'm reading your thoughts. Ask your uncle to teach you Occlumency. You'll want to learn how to shield your mind. So, the address to Snape Manor is 1213 Korrakas Way. It's got anti-apparition boundaries on it, so the only way to get there is floo powder. But Snape blocks off his fireplace unless he wants ingredients from me." Arsenius says. I thank him profusely.

"That won't be a problem. I've never learned apparition, but I do know how to teleport. I owe you a favor. Just remember the name Percy Jackson." And with that, I focus on the address and vapor travel out of the shop, leaving a very surprised Arsenius Jigger behind me.

I appear on a grassy lawn, with a gigantic manor looming over me. It's almost nighttime, and the dim light makes the manor look more foreboding. It's very impressive, and I have a feeling that Annabeth would love this place. I cautiously take a step forward, and immediately, a figure rushes out of the manor. The figure is pretty tall, although not as tall as I am, and their cloak billows around them impressively. They walk like a cat, and I watch in interest as the figure (who reminds me of Nico) stalks up to me. As they come closer, I see that the figure is male. I decide not to do anything. The man pulls out a wand, and points it at me.

"Who are you, and how did you bypass my wards?" he says. The voice is deep and smooth, and I am reminded of Hades, whose voice sounded similar. As I catch a glimpse of his face, I decide that this must be my uncle. The resemblance to Hades and Nico is uncanny.

"I am Perseus Jackson, son of Sally Jackson, and I am looking for my uncle, Severus Snape.", I say carefully, electing to give my full name. My uncle freezes.

"Come with me." He turns and walks back towards the manor, and I follow him. The entrance hall of the manor is beautiful, but I don't really have a chance to admire it. Instead, I trail after my uncle. He doesn't stop walking until we reach what seems to be an office. There is a fire crackling merrily in the fireplace, and two armchairs on either side of a table near the fireplace. A chessboard lies on top of the table. The walls are covered with bookshelves. There is a table near the back of the room, on which several papers lie. My uncle sits in one of the armchairs. I sit in the other. I study my uncle carefully. He seems extremely worn out, as if he is carrying a great burden on his shoulders, which I suppose he is. I notice a tattoo on his left forearm, which must be the Dark Mark. It looks almost alive, and I am thankful that the SPQR tattoo doesn't look like that. What strikes me the most are his eyes. His eyes remind me of many of the demigods at camp during the Titan War. They hold anger, despair, defiance, and a small spark of hope. But I can see that the hope won't last long. My uncle sighs.

"Explain, Perseus.", he orders. And I do the best I can. I explain that my mother had met my father when she was 19. I leave out the godly world, because I don't want him to have to worry about that as well. So I say that my father was a magical being with great elemental control over earth and water, and that I ended up getting his elemental control as well as wizarding magic. I don't tell him about his father, because he needs to trust me first. I explain that I've gone through two wars, and lost many friends. And I conclude my tale with my wish to learn how to control my wizarding magic, and my desire to help him in this war. He doesn't seem to believe me at first. So I press my palm to the ground, and start a small earthquake. Then, I hold my hand out, and summon a small ball of water from within myself, which I shape into a horse and freeze. My uncle sits back in his chair, and rubs his forehead.

"Perseus, if you are going to stay here, I'll expect you to follow several rules. One, do not leave the house without my express permission. Two, do not enter my potions lab. Three, if anyone visits, you must hide. And four, do not tell anyone about those powers of yours." I nod my agreement.

"Two things. First, can you call me Percy? Perseus is usually used by people who are out to get me. And two, what do I call you?" I say. My uncle sighs.

"Percy, you may refer to me as Uncle, or Severus. Now, let's get you a room."

"Okay, Uncle."

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