The Potion

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Uncle Severus leads me to a bedroom, which is pretty spacious, and has walls colored a deep blue. A desk is tucked in the corner, and I see several books stacked on top of it, as well as some strange paper, an ink pot, and some quills. I put my backpack down next to the desk, and turn to my uncle. There is a window overlooking the front yard of the mansion. Just as I open my mouth to thank him, he hisses, and clutches his left arm in pain. The dark mark is completely black, the snake writhing and twisting through the skull tattooed on his forearm.

"Severus, are you okay? " I say, concerned.

"I am fine, Percy. Get settled in. I will be back in a while." he responds resolutely, avoiding my eyes.

"But your arm! You should -" I try to protest, but Severus glares at me with a startling intensity. His eyes are filled with anger, and I am reminded again of Hades. I half expect them to burst into black flames.

"Do not tell me what I should and shouldn't do." Severus turns and stalks away. Confused, I watch him go. I know that he's heading to a Death Eater meeting, but what's with the arm? I think about these things for a couple minutes, staring out of the window. I break out of my thoughts when I see Severus exit the mansion, and walk quickly into the night. I watch him until he is swallowed by darkness, and then turn away from the window. I sit at the desk, and grab a quill. I decide to make a list of what I know about Voldemort. I write it in Ancient Greek, because I might not have dyslexia anymore, but I don't want anybody finding out what I'm writing. I would have used Latin, but seeing as the wizards use spells that seem heavily based off of the language, it didn't seem like a good idea. Once I'm done, it occurs to me that Voldemort seems to be short-tempered and sadistic, which is a very dangerous combination. I slip the parchment into my backpack, and think about what that might mean. I realize that Severus might get tortured in some way by Voldemort, either out of anger, or for some fun. So he could be injured when he gets back. I can't use my water powers to heal him, because that's something that shouldn't be possible with water. I could use ambrosia and nectar to help him, but he might be suspicious, especially if it doesn't work on other wizards. I quickly pray to Hecate. Lady Hecate, can wizards be healed by ambrosia and nectar? I am relieved when I quickly receive a reply. Actually, yes. In fact, it would take less ambrosia and nectar to heal them then it would to heal a demigod. Of course, they can't consume too much of it. I sigh in relief. Thank you, Lady Hecate. There's still a problem. Ambrosia and nectar can't heal all wounds.

I take the inventory paper out of my backpack to see whether I have anything else that might help. I spot some things that I'm sure weren't there before. There's a jar of powdered unicorn horn. There's also all the ingredients needed to make unicorn draught, the potion that the Romans use for healing. A list of instructions is attached. I pull the jar out, confused. It's a really large jar, and there's a tag attached. On one side of the tag is a picture of a staff with a snake wrapped around it. On the other, there is a sun with an arrow below it. I smile. Apollo must have given these things to me. Although I'm not entirely sure why he's helping. I decide to think about it later, and jump into action. I run through the house, looking around for the kitchen. Once I find it, I grab a large bowl, a knife, a ladle, and a couple of glasses that look like they are for shots. Once I'm back in my room, I make the unicorn draught, using my water powers and the bowl as a cauldron of sorts. Brewing seems to come naturally to me, and I wonder if it's because of godly influence or whether it's just in my blood.

After it's made, I pour a bit of nectar in the bowl. I take a bit of ambrosia, cut it up into small pieces, and add that in as well. I continue stirring my concoction, checking to make sure that the ambrosia has dissolved completely. Finally, I let the mixture cool. After a couple of minutes, the potion goes from a bright red color to a silvery one, glowing slightly. I look at the potion, and take a deep breath. I have to test the concoction out. This was an experiment, after all.

I ladle a tiny amount of potion into a shot glass, filling barely a fourth of the glass. Then, I take out my wand and cast Diffindo on my left hand. A deep cut appears. Ignoring the pain, I brace myself, and dislocate my left shoulder. Hades, that hurt. I've dislocated many bones over the years as a demigod, but it still hurts a lot. Now, it's time to see how well this potion works. Ambrosia, nectar, and unicorn draughts can't heal dislocated bones by themselves. I'm hoping that this will. I cautiously take a small sip. The taste still reminds me of my mother's cookies, but the effects are even better. My shoulder pops back into place, and the cut on my hand vanishes. I am buzzing with energy. In fact, I almost feel invulnerable. Invulnerable... An interesting thought strikes me. I cast Diffindo on my hand again. Just as I had thought, I don't even feel the pain. In fact, I watch as the cut closes up on its own. After three minutes, the feeling of invulnerability fades, although I still have a lot of energy. I immediately grab my thermos from my bag. I pour as much of the potion into it as possible. Then, I pour what's left into a shot glass. The glass is filled about halfway. The potion worked better than I thought it would.

Based on my experience, I guess that the potion gave me an adrenaline rush as well as healed my injuries. Even if the injury still caused me pain, I wouldn't have been able to feel it for the next five minutes. And it was a small amount of potion, too. Not even close to the maximum amount of nectar a demigod can have. Taking more might have even better effects. I look at the clock, and realize that it's been several hours since Severus left. I quickly clean up, putting the thermos full of potion into my backpack, and putting back the things I got from the kitchen. I keep the glass halfway filled with potion near me as I sit in my room. I'm going to give it to Uncle Severus if he needs it. And I have a feeling he will. Meanwhile, I decide to come up with a name for the potion. I think about it for a while. As I decide on the Stygian Potion, after the curse of Achilles, I glance out the window. The sun is starting to rise, and Severus isn't back yet. I continue to wait in my room, when I hear a commotion somewhere in the mansion. It sounds like it's coming from the office. I grab Annabeth's Yankee cap, and my dagger. I also grab the shot glass of potion, just in case it's Severus. I silently move down the hallway. As I get closer to the office, I hear a voice coming from inside the room. It doesn't sound like Severus at all. The door is open just wide enough for me to slip through, so I do. Inside, I find a rather aristocratic looking blond man kneeling by my uncle, who is slumped in one of the chairs, extremely injured. He's bleeding from dozens of cuts, and seems to have a broken arm. He also keeps twitching every couple of seconds, as if he had been electrocuted. His eyes are glazed with pain. I clench my fist, angry at whoever did this to him. The man looks worried.

"Severus, those injuries look bad. Thank you for covering for my son and his failure to kill Dumbledore, but I'm not sure that you'll be able to pull through. I can't help you, and your healing potions aren't making a dent. I've slowed the bleeding, but that's all I can do." My uncle groans in agony.

"Thank you, Lucius, for stating the obvious. Go back home. I can take care of this myself.", he gasps. Lucius looks hesitant to leave.

"Go home." Severus repeats, and Lucius steps into the fire, which turns green. He then disappears. I take off the cap and put my dagger away.

"Severus, what happened?" I say.

"The Dark Lord was not pleased with me." he responds sardonically.

"Try this. It's a healing potion I invented about two hours ago." I say, handing him the shot glass. I realize belatedly that my words are not very reassuring. Two hours ago? Yeah, not very reassuring at all. But my uncle decides that he's got nothing to lose, and downs the potion. It works like a charm. Better than one, actually. The cuts heal, and his arm straightens up. His muscles relax as he stops twitching, and his eyes are focused again. He still looks bone tired, but he looks loads better than a minute ago. Severus looks at me impassively, although I think I can see some shock in his eyes as well.

"What was that?" he asks. I smile happily.

"I'll give you the recipe later. Oh, and watch this." My dagger appears in my hand again, causing Severus to raise an eyebrow in surprise. I make a small cut on his hand, and it closes up immediately.

"This effect only lasts for three minutes, though." I comment.

"You said you invented that potion two hours ago? I'd like to see how. It was an extremely potent potion. I'd also like to see what you made it with, seeing as you didn't go into my potions lab to make it. I would have been alerted that you had entered it upon my arrival here." he says. I nod my head, smiling.

"The ingredients are in my room.", I say. I lead Severus back to my room, and I start laying out the ingredients, and explaining them.

"You have a large amount of powdered unicorn horn. That's extremely expensive here, as unicorns are rarely sighted. And these two ingredients; nectar and ambrosia. I understand that they heal minor cuts and bruises, but what exactly are they made of? And how did you make that potion?" Severus asks. I can see a gleam of curiosity in his eyes.

"Back home, my father's family has two magical camps. At one of the camps, we have unicorn stables. We get the powdered unicorn horn from there. As for nectar and ambrosia, I don't really know. We just have a lot of the magical food, and we use it for healing. But we can't have too much of them at a time. Apparently, people have been incinerated because they had too much. What I did is make unicorn draught, which is a healing potion we use when when the injury is really severe. The instructions for that are right here. I used a kitchen ladle, knife, and bowl to make it, using my water powers to heat the bowl. Then, I added some nectar. After that, I cut the ambrosia into the smallest pieces I could, and added them to the mixture. Finally, I let it cool. It worked better than expected. I still have some left." I explain. Severus appears to think something over. Then, he turns to me.

"Percy, I believe it might be interesting for me to teach you how to brew as well as learning to control your wizarding magic. You seem to have a natural talent for it. The unicorn draught alone looks rather complicated. I am sure that most people would have difficulty brewing it correctly on the first try. Yet you brewed it in a mixing bowl. We can start tomorrow. For now, get some rest. I am sure that you'll need it." Severus smirks, and I gape at him. Did he really just offer to teach me how to make potions? Severus? Also known as the youngest Potion Master in Britain? I watch as Severus sweeps out of the room, and walk slowly over to my bed. I change into a T-shirt and some sweatpants, and go to sleep.

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