The Change

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Surprise! - Spathi

True to his word, Severus starts teaching me how to make potions. Every morning, after an early breakfast, I'm in the lab from 7 AM to around noon, memorizing different potions. I have a sneaking suspicion that being the son of the sea has some effect on my potion making skills, as I pick it up rather easily. My ADHD actually works in my favor, allowing me to notice multiple things at once. After a quick lunch, I learn wizarding magic from 1 to 5. My life as a demigod makes me quick and agile, with a strong stamina. Dueling is easy because of this. I dodge past beams of light easily, sending spells back every once in a while. I do everything I can not to get hit, including a bit of parkour, showing off my surprising flexibility, and simply diving behind things. I rarely get hit, and I am extremely proud of myself for that. After 5, I eat some dinner, and then am free to do what I wish. For me, that means do a little training of my own. I practice with my powers and weapons for a while. I also open up my book, Animagi: Finding Your Inner Beast, and start studying. Ever since meeting Frank, I'd wanted to be able to change my shape as well. I don't make much progress though.

One day, Severus is teaching me the spell Expecto Patronum. It's literally Latin for I expect a shield. These can be used to drive away dark creatures and to send messages. Severus tells me to focus on my happiest memories. I think for a while. Then, I finally decide on a memory to focus on. I think of the day I returned to Mom and Paul after the Giant War. Annabeth was at my side, and Mom had baked blue cookies. I was extremely happy that day. I think about that memory, flick my wand, and yell, "Expecto Patronum!". A silvery shape bursts forth. It's a manta ray. I watch in amazement as it swims through the air, moving gracefully. I chuckle a little as I realize that it's a sea creature, which I should have expected. Severus looks slightly surprised.

"Nobody's ever had a manta ray Patronus before. But they are supposed to symbolize a lot of things. It's suspected that a person with a manta ray Patronus would be gentle and loyal, able to adapt well to any environment. They would also have a type of charisma that draws people in, causing the person to be well liked. The person would be very trustworthy as well. Generally, the person would have very good instincts, able to sense danger before it comes. And they'd be very optimistic, able to move forward with confidence, no matter what might stand in their way. From what I've seen of you, the manta ray fits you very well.", my uncle says. I blush and glance at the ground, fidgeting. My uncle smiles slightly, and says nothing more on the subject. Instead, he teaches me how to send messages with it.

I keep on trying to achieve my Animagus transformation. I can't seem to figure it out. I've memorized the steps, but I can't actually change. But one evening, I get some information. A note flashes on to my desk. Percy. I can sense you learning how to transform yourself into an animal. The reason why you are finding this so hard is because you have two forms. According to Hecate, demigod wizards have two Animagi forms. One is a normal animal, and the other is a mythological or magical animal. The thing is, there have only been six recorded demigod wizards: the four founders of Hogwarts, Severus, and you. Gryffindor had a hippogriff, Ravenclaw had a thunderbird, Hufflepuff had a unicorn, and Slytherin had a basilisk. Your mythological animal is most likely rather large so I wouldn't advise trying to learn it while in your uncle's house. I would go outside, and try to think about water. Water is fluid, and that's the state you want to be in. Brace Yourself. - Poseidon.

I stare at the note for a few more seconds, then run to Severus to tell him that I'm going to be outside all night. Severus looks at me strangely, but nods his head anyways. I find a nice place to sit in view of the moon, and think about becoming water. I visualize being fluid, able to change directions at will, and having no physical restrictions. The sea does not like to be restrained. At the same time, I imagine changing forms, going from human to something else. Around me, water starts to materialize from the air, swirling around me slowly. More and more appears, until suddenly, I shift.

I become as long as a subway train, coiling around myself. I look down, finding that I have four scaly legs attached to clawed feet. My skin is tough, hardened, and an extremely dark greenish blue. I will the water I summoned from the air to freeze into a mirror, and am surprised at what I see. I am the Maeonian drakon. The drakon Annabeth, Bob, and I encountered in Tartarus, the one that Damasen tamed. My eyes are the same sea-green, and I gaze around in interest. After a couple of minutes, I turn back to human. The book said that I would keep some characteristics from my form, so I check my reflection in the mirror. I notice that my eyes look a bit scarier than normal. They also glow softly. I realize that the Maeonian drakon was able to paralyze people with a look. Its eyes also glowed a bit. I guess that I inherited those characteristics. I quickly realize that I am also faster than I was before, as well as more flexible. Probably from being part snake. As long as I don't start spitting poison, I'm fine with the changes.

I decide to try the other transformation. I sit back down, and start the entire circulating water meditation again. This time, when I change, I look down to find light gray paws. I look into the mirror, and see a coyote, with pale green eyes, almost a hazel color. I'm not very large, seeing that my shoulder is only two feet off the ground. I kind of understand the coyote form, though. Coyotes are supposed to be playful, but loyal, and they are pretty social as well. I change back, and check my reflection again. I'm leaner now, with a natural mischievous glint in my eye. My hair is even messier than before, and my teeth are slightly pointed. I also find that I can jump a lot higher than before, and my senses of hearing and smell are a lot better. Strangely, I can also run on all fours. At the top speed of a coyote. And then pounce on things. I look at my reflection again, and decide I like the changes. I walk back into the house. Severus looks at me strangely.

"Why do you suddenly have serpentine and canine features?" he questions.

"Apparently all members of my family who are also wizards have two animagus forms. You should too, by the way." I reply bluntly. Severus sputters.

"What do you mean, I should have two animagus forms?" he asks.

"Well, my father sent me a letter telling me that apparently, you're related to me on his side too. There are only four other wizards that are related to my father's family, and those were the founders of Hogwarts." I explain.

"I do not find this joke remotely funny." Severus deadpans.

"I'm not joking. All you have to do is try it." I coax. Severus sighs.

"Show me." So we head outside, and I turn into the coyote first. Then, I turn into the Maeonian drakon. Severus is slightly paler than he normally is upon seeing this. Upon turning back into a human, my uncle hold a hand out for the book.

"I'll try it." For the next several weeks, my schedule remains the same, except instead of reading the Animagus book, I continue training physically, honing my new athletic abilities as best as I can.

A month later, I am running laps around the house when I hear a growling noise coming from near the house. I warily move towards the noise to investigate, and I am very surprised when a panther stalks out of the shadows. I take a step backwards, before realizing that I recognize the intelligent glint of the panther's eyes.

"Uncle Severus?" I question. A second later, the panther transforms back into my uncle, and I blow out a relieved breath. Severus chuckles, and then transforms again. I stumble back as a dragon I recognize to be a Hebridean Black appears. It was thirty feet in length, with rough black scales, ridges along its back, a spiked tail, and bright purple eyes.

"Whoa." I say. Severus turns back into a human, and I take the opportunity to catalogue his changes. One of the main ones was the fangs. Otherwise, he looked pretty normal.

But then, something strange happened.

A pair of black wings sprouted from his back.

"Holy Styx!" I yell in surprise.

Shorter, but it's another chapter!

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