The Wings

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Above is a drawing of Severus's mythical Animagus form, a Hebridean Black. This was drawn by Ruchiel and posted on Deviant Art, and I am merely using it as a basis. I don't own it.

Percy's P.O.V.

Uncle Severus glances behind him, appraising his new wings. They are identical to those of his magical Animagus form, large and leathery. Each wing is about ten feet long, with wicked talons extruding from the spines. 

"Well, this could turn out to be problematic." he muttered.

"Can you retract them?" I questioned.

"I'm not sure. Dragons can't retract their wings completely. Besides, unless there is some sort of magical storage space in my back, there's no way I'll be able to fit the damn things." my uncle huffed.

"You can't just go walking around with wings on your back." I say, and he glances at me tiredly.

"Obviously." He closes his eyes, concentrating, and the wings fold up, although they are still very conspicious. Severus opens his eyes.

"Let's go back inside." We do so, and Severus collapses awkwardly on the couch with a sigh, shifting to readjust his wings so that he isn't sitting on them.

"We could probably cast a glamour over them." I suggest.

"But then, if someone ever casts Finite Incantem at me, they will become visible again." he points out.

"Then what about a cloak that covers them?" I ask.

"And I suppose that no one will notice a cloak that seems to be draped over two gigantic bulges that extend over my head. Not to mention how awkward it would be to unfold them if I ever have need of them." Severus retorts.

"Hmm." I fold my arms, and start thinking. Suddenly, I have an idea.

"What about collapsible armor that fits over your wings that has camouflage abilities? And when you spread your wings, it forms into black armor that covers your body?" Severus looks over at me.

"How would I even do that?" he wonders. I grin.

"I know a really good blacksmith." I reply.

"Can he be trusted?" Severus questions.

"Of course! He's my half-brother." I respond, smirking. Severus blinks slowly.

"How quickly can you contact him?" he asks, warming to the idea.

"It would take me about 5 minutes. But you'll have to trust me." Severus studies me, weighing his options. Then, he sighs.

"You and your mother may have secrets of your own, but neither of you have ever given me a reason to doubt you. Go ahead." he acquiesces.

I run to my room, pull out a drachma, and run back, using some water to create mist. Then I use Lumos and a nearby glass to create the rainbow, tossing the coin in while thinking the prayer to Iris. Tyson appears in the rainbow.

"Brother!!" Tyson yells. Severus stares at the mist.

"Hey Tyson! This is my Uncle Severus." I greet. Tyson grins.

"Can you do me a favor?" I ask my little brother. I explain what I'd like the collapsible armor to do, pointing at Severus's wings and detailing the design. Tyson nods seriously.

"Brother, it will be ready in a couple of days. I will have it delivered to you by the Messenger Express." he responds. I beam at him.

"Thank you, Tyson." I say sincerely.

"You're welcome." he replies. I hear a female voice in the background, and immediately realize that it must be Ella.

"I have to go." Tyson says, blushing slightly. I smirk.

"Bye Tyson. Say hi to Ella for me." I tease as I cut the connection.

As promised, the package arrives two days later. Severus unfolds his wings and I carefully attach the armor to them. He folds them, and there's a flash of light. He tries unfolding them again, and immediately, black flexible armor spreads over his body. He raises an approving eyebrow at them and folds his wings again. The armor immediately disappears. I turn to Severus and clap my hands together.

"Alright. Now, can you tell me what's going on in the Wizarding World right now? You've barely said anything about it, but you've been disappearing every single day for hours at a time." I say, crossing my arms. Severus glares slightly. I glare back. We stare at each other for a while, neither of us giving in.

"Tell me so I can help." I demand.

"And how do you plan to do that, exactly?" Severus hisses, and I am taken aback. He'd been very good to me over the past month, and I was a little shocked. 

"I'm not a child. Not anymore, anyways. I know that I can make a difference in this war." I insist, narrowing my eyes.

"Do not be arrogant." he snarls.

"I am not being arrogant. The Death Eaters won't know what to do against my abilities. They don't even know I exist. So how exactly would they know to be wary of me?" I shoot back. Severus's glare softens.

"I cannot lose you to this war. I'm not sure I would be able to bear it." he admits, glancing at the ground. I sigh.

"Uncle, I'm not here to play hero. I just want to help." I plead. Severus meets my eyes, his expression searching. Finally, he relents.

"Alright. The reason I've been disappearing so often is because the Hogwarts school year has begun, and I'm the headmaster. The problem is, the Death Eaters are in control of the school." he reveals. I gasp.

"You're got to be joking. What are you doing here, then? You need to be out there, helping the students! Give me a second." I exclaim, running out of the room and dashing into my bedroom. I quickly pack everything into my bag and sling it over my shoulders, rushing back to the living room.

"Come on! We need to get to the school!" I urge. Severus frowns.

"You want to enroll in Hogwarts?" he asks, rubbing his left arm awkwardly. I catch sight of the snake coiling through the skull.

"No. I'm going to spy on people." I reply, and Severus freezes.

"What did you say?" he asks.

"I said, I'm going to spy on people." I repeat. He stares at me oddly.

"You spoke in a hiss." he explains. I stare back.

"You mean, I hissed like a snake? Or do you mean like a harsh whisper?" I question.

"The serpentine variant." he clarifies. I gape at him.

"I can speak Snake? Why can I speak Snake? I was fine just speaking Horse, Fish, Dolphin, and Bull." I'd discovered I could speak the latter by complete accident, but that's a story for another time. Severus tilts his head to the side.

"Generally, being able to 'speak snake' is referred to as being a Parselmouth, or one who can speak Parseltongue. While I am curious to find out why exactly you can speak to equine, bovine, and piscine creatures, I do believe that that is unimportant at the moment. However, your ability has given me an idea as to how you will be able to spy within the school." Severus replies.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Percy, there is a place within the school that is known as the Chamber of Secrets. It is rumored to be the secret chamber of Salazar Slytherin himself. Mr. Potter has actually been down there. I imagine that it will be quite comfortable for you, being rather private, although I imagine that the carcass of the basilisk he apparently killed would still be sitting there." Severus muses.

"Um, I know those things are wicked fast, but they aren't very big." I say. Severus blinks, startled.

"Basilisks? They can grow up to fifty feet in length, and kill you with a single glance. The cry of a rooster can kill them, although in Mr. Potter's case, I suppose Goblin steel works just as well." he responds, confused. I frown.

"In America, they're only the size of a garden snake, and absolutely freak out at the sight of  weasels. I'd know, my friends and I had to deal with a ton of them once." Severus raises his eyebrows, but moves on from the subject.

"Regardless, the Chamber will allow you to spy on the school and slip in and out easily, as the basilisk had quite a lot of access to the pipes. Now the only problem would be getting you into the school." Severus says. I smirk.

"Oh, that won't be a problem. I'll stay completely out of sight, don't worry. I just need to know how to get into the Chamber." I reply, thinking of Annabeth's invisibility cap. Severus accepts my words, and tells me about the location of the entrance to the Chamber. Upon hearing it, I choke.

"You're telling me that Salazar Slytherin put his secret chamber's entrance in a girls' bathroom? And that bathroom is currently inhabited by a ghost named Moaning Myrtle?" I sputter.

"Yes. Try not to offend her. She tends to get rather...emotional." Severus responds. I nod.

"Alright. Let's go later tonight. But first, you need some closure." I say decisively, looking at Severus. I grab him by the arm and drag him outside. If I do this right, Severus will be a lot less burdened then he is now.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Make sure to leave a comment!!! - Spathi.

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